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Reye's Gold (Indigo)

Page 8

by Robinson, Ruthie

“You are a good looking guy, but you know that already, don’t you?” she said.

  “Me?” he said smiling that wicked smile of his. “What about me looks good to you?”

  Where to start, she thought. “I really like your eyes, but your smile gives them a run for their money. It’s slightly wicked, cocky even, and after last night, I now know why.” She grinned back at him.

  “Is that so?” he replied slowly.

  “Yep, that’s so.”

  “What else do you like about me?” he asked, slowing drawing out his words again. His mood had changed from playful to sexy. He stood up from the couch and looked over at her lying on her side on the floor, her head resting in the palm of her hand. He stretched his hand above his head, and then lowered them to move to the bottom of his shirt. Reye watched, transfixed. He smiled at her again and began to peel his shirt over his head. He was dangerous, from the top of his black, curly head to the bottom of his feet, and who knew feet could be so stimulating? She turned over on her back to really get a good look at him, unabashed in her admiration, as he walked over to stand at her feet, shirtless, and looked down at her lying on the floor. Long, lean, smooth, sexy, and so open was the way he saw her. They stared at each other for a second and then he bent down, his arms outstretched as he reached toward the floor and placed his hands on either side of her face. He was now posed in the classic push-up position. He held that position for a second, taking his time to examine her body from head to toe. She squirmed under his gaze, her body lifting on its own volition toward his. He slowly lowered himself until he completely covered her.

  “Want me to tell you what I like about you?”


  “Well, I really like your body. It’s sleek, firm, and smooth,” he said. His body rested on her, his weight now on his elbows. He moved his hand to her breast. “I like that you are close to my height, and that all my parts fit yours perfectly. I like that you run off at the mouth when you get nervous, and I like how you challenge me on the soccer fields and in other places. I especially like your sense of humor.” He paused, dragging out each work like it was candy to be savored.

  “However, my two most favorite things about you are, one, your smile, and following in a close second is the way you moan and say please when I touch certain parts of your body. I like how you beg, Reye,” he said softly about a hairsbreadth away from her lips, his eyes hooded now. They both moved in to kiss, a kiss that was tender at first and then became more. Her hands roamed over his back and then lower to cup his ass, firm and strong in her hands. He lifted himself up and pulled her t-shirt over her head. He began to kiss his way down her neck to her breast, capturing one in his mouth. She started to moan and he lifted his head from her breast to catch her eyes and he smiled. “See what I mean,” he said and dipped his head to retake a nipple into his mouth.

  Her hands pulled at the waist of his sweats and he stopped, rolled over, and pushed them and his boxers down his legs and off. She took advantage of the break to rid herself of her remaining clothes. He settled back down on her body and gave her a scorching kiss. Both their hands began to move relentlessly over each other.

  “I need a condom,” he murmured into her mouth. She reached under the couch and pulled out one, a souvenir from last night. He looked up in surprise.

  “I had strategically placed them around the house. You never know,” she said.

  He laughed out loud for a minute, and she joined him. He took the package from her hand, opened it, and put it on. She pulled his body back to hers and pulled his head down for another kiss. His hands moved to the inside of her thighs, pushing them open to settle between them. He cupped her hips to prepare her to receive him and to hold her steady. As he pushed into her, she gasped, more than ready to receive him. He was welcomed into a warm, wet place. Lifting her legs, he wrapped them around his hips and initiated a slow rhythm that she followed, lifting himself with his arms so that he could look down at her as he pushed in and out of her. She didn’t disappoint, all warm, caramel smoothness. His movement forward pulled another moan and a sigh from her. He watched her react to him, and it made him harder and more forceful. His thrusts picked up speed and they both lost control.

  “Please,” she whimpered, but he was beyond smiling at her pleas, as they came together, hard, with mouths entwined and moans pouring forth.

  They lay still while Stephen placed butterfly kisses just below her ear. He then touched his forehead to hers, laying there while their breathing returned to normal. He lifted himself, pulled out of her and pushed to his feet to dispose of the condom. He hadn’t said a word. He returned to stand above her looking down at her lying on the floor. He looked serious.

  “What?” she asked.

  “It’s nothing,” he said. “I like being with you, that’s all. I can’t make you any promises, except that you are where I want to be right now. Can you work with that?” he asked.


  He smiled and so did she. Their smiles turned to grins and then they both started to laugh.

  * * *

  Over the next several weeks, Reye and Stephen spent most of their time together at Reye’s house. They’d meet after school to study followed by long nightly sessions of lovemaking. The Saturday morning before the second scheduled soccer game between their teams, Reye and Stephen awoke after having spent the night together. Her back was snuggled next to his front. He said into her ear, “I am going to spend tonight at my apartment. I need the rest. Between you and school, I can barely keep my eyes open. I especially need my rest if I am going to beat your team’s butt tomorrow.”

  “We’ll see, but I’ll agree to give you the night off. I do realize that I’ve been using you too much, wearing you out.” She turned to face him, putting her arms around his neck as she pushed her body against the front of his. “Be back and ready after Sunday’s loss.”

  He smiled at her and gave her a long tender kiss. “Will do,” he said.

  * * *

  Stephen arrived at his apartment Saturday evening after a long day spent at the library. Henri was sitting on the couch watching a soccer game on TV and turned at the sound of the door opening. He was more than a little surprised to see Stephen.

  “Dude, you look like a guy I knew once. My roommate, in fact, but I’m not sure he lives here anymore,” he said jokingly. “I haven’t seen you in what, two weeks. Where’ve you been?”

  Stephen dropped his book bag by the door and sat down on the chair next to Henri. “Reye,” he said. “You remember her?”

  Henri laughed. “Sure I do.”

  “I’ve been over at her place off and on for the last couple of weeks,” he said.

  “Man, she must be something special, ‘cause that is not your style. Must be love, huh?”

  “Nope, just a serious case of lust.”

  “You think so?”

  “Know so.”

  “Whatever you say, dude.”

  “No, believe me, you know me better than anyone. She is compelling, I’ll give her that, and the sex is amazing. We just connect on that level. Anyway, we’ve agreed to keep it casual.”

  “She agreed, too?”


  “Dude, be careful, women are always thinking long term.”

  “I hear you, and I will.”

  “Are you ready for the game tomorrow?” Stephen asked the question to change the subject to something other than his love life. Henri had caught him off guard and he wasn’t ready to discuss something he hadn’t figured out.

  “Be careful around Joe, dude. You know how he feels about people of color. He’s been talking trash about you around the frat house, so keep your eyes open.”


  Stephen had mostly ignored Joe since the frat party. He played with him on the team, but he didn’t trust him and tried to avoid him.

  * * *

  The second game between The Wizards and The Graduates arrived on another perfect Sunday afternoon. Fall in Austin could
be brutally hot or freezing cold, and those changes could happen in the span of a few hours. Today, however, was perfect, the grass green, the air crisp, the sky clear. Stephen arrived late, making him the last person to take the field. Reye and her teammates were already on the field warming up. He scanned the players and quickly located Reye among the other women. She gave him a wink and a smile. He hadn’t seen her since yesterday morning, and he was looking forward to going by her home after the game. Just looking at her pushed his adrenaline in gear as he remembered the many nights spent wrapped in her embrace. She was kicking the ball around with another team member, wearing the shorts she worn to the last game and her team’s t-shirt. He liked seeing her in her gear and he liked playing against her. It was a little bit sexy the way she would push and shove him around in her quest for a goal. It also gave him a kick to match wits and skill against her; he could take her, of course, but she didn’t cut him any slack. She held her own against him and he respected and admired her for it.

  The referees had arrived, both teams were lined up and in position, and the game started. Reye was once again lined up in the forward position against Stephen as defender. They spent most of the first half pushing and shoving each other, laughing and smiling as she would get by him or he’d stop her. Stephen was able to contain Reye and she wasn’t able to score. But who cared, Reye thought, as she smiled to herself. It was worth it just to have all six feet, two inches of golden male focused on her. That was heady stuff. Oblivious to the stares of those around them, they played like they were the only ones on the field. At the end of the first half, the scored was tied 0-0. In the huddle, Sam thanked Reye for all the special attention she was giving to Stephen, and because of it, he changed their game strategy. They would continue to play like they had in the first half, but during the last ten minutes they would change their alignment and allow him to play as a third forward instead of midfielder. The two forwards, Reye and Jose, would move the ball forward and after both Stephen and the other defender committed to Reye and Jose, they would pass the ball to Sam to score.

  Sam’s strategy for the second half of the game worked like magic. They were able to score not once, but twice, while simultaneously using up the clock. The Graduates won. Because both teams had identical records, including a head-to-head split, they now had to play a final game to determine the division winner. The game would be scheduled for the following weekend.

  Reye’s team began their celebration as soon as the referee blew the whistle to end the game. Her team-high fived each other, patted themselves on the back, and shook hands with Stephen’s team, making jokes and talking trash. The real party would take place at The Garden, where the tasty beer would act as a lubricant to encourage a much more relaxed and boisterous celebration. Reye walked over to Stephen. “We are going over to The Garden for beers, you coming?” she asked as she looked him over from head to toe, taking in his sweaty body.

  He smiled at her boldness. “Sure,” he said. “You know you didn’t play fair during the game today. I’m going to make sure you are properly punished for the bad sportsmanship you displayed.” He winked slyly.

  “Promise?” she asked sassily in response. They started to laugh and he watched her as she sauntered away, exaggerating the swing of her hips as she walked. He laughed again and shook his head.

  Henri and Joe walked over to a grinning Stephen. “Hey, dude, thanks for losing the game for us,” said Joe heatedly.

  “What? What are you talking about? I didn’t lose the game,” Stephen said, taken aback by both the words and the heat with which they were delivered.

  “Who are you kidding? You couldn’t keep your eyes or your hands off of your little girl,” Joe said as he stepped closer to Stephen. “Man, she must have some pretty powerful pussy for you to lose your brain like that.”

  Stephen took a step toward Joe until they were within an inch of each other’s faces.

  “Fuck you, Joe. I played my position, I’m the best one out there. I can’t play the whole damn field. Your sorry-ass game didn’t help!”

  “Well at least I’m not stuck in the jungle with a fever that has fried my brain,” Joe shouted.

  “Come on, calm down,” said Henri as he stepped in between them.

  “Dude, he’s just mad because we really wanted to win today to avoid a playoff. Let it go,” Henri said, turning to Joe.

  “You think I didn’t want to win?” Stephen shouted, pointing his finger into Joe’s chest.

  “You don’t need to speak for me,” Joe said to Henri. “I meant what I said!” Turning to Stephen, he asked, “What got into you, dude? As self-centered as you are, you’d never put winning over some girl!”

  Stephen turned away abruptly and walked to his car to avoid punching Joe in his mouth. “I’m out of here!” Who is he to tell me I didn’t play well, Stephen thought to himself. Asshole! He wouldn’t know what to do with pussy if it hit him in the face. He arrived at his car and stopped. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He looked up to find that Reye had approached him.

  “You okay?” She could read anger in the tense stance of his body and the hard look on his face. She had witnessed the confrontation with Joe.

  “I’m fine.” He was quiet for a second. “Look, I’m not going to The Garden. I’ll see you later. I don’t think you’d appreciate being near me now.” He didn’t wait for a response, but opened his car door and got in. He drove off, leaving Reye standing there.

  * * *

  Joe walked over to his car. He really didn’t like Stephen, never had. He was too good looking, too smart, and, as far as Joe was concerned, he had too easy of a life. Unlike Joe, who had to work above and beyond everyone else to support not just himself, but his family. His sorryassed dad had walked, followed not soon after by his equally sorry-assed mother, leaving him with a sister and a nephew. He was left to take care of them both while trying to get through school. So he resented that Stephen was given so much and didn’t seem to value his good fortune. If he had the looks, money, connections, and smarts that Stephen had, he would be head and shoulders above everyone else in life. Stephen was such a waste. Take today, for example. They could have easily beaten that team. Reye’s team was an average team as far as he was concerned, but Stephen was so busy chasing tail that he couldn’t see straight. It was disgusting! Stephen could have anyone he wanted, probably had, and who did he choose, a black girl. Joe had yet to get his head around that.

  The desertion of his parents had forced him to grow up early, in foster care. He and his sister had always lived in the poorer parts of town, surrounded by blacks and Hispanics. There were a few who had been kind to him, but most hadn’t. It had been a dog-eat-dog world.

  Stephen had lost the game for them today with his laughing and playing around. It really pissed him off. Joe liked pussy as much as the next guy, but it never stood in the way of winning. So, when he and Henri had walked over to Stephen and he was laughing and smiling with that girl, he hadn’t been able to rein in his temper or his mouth. So what the fuck? It had needed to be said.

  Chapter 7

  She didn’t hear from him that evening, much to her discomfort and dismay. She remained at home on the off chance that he would come by, trying to distract herself by pretending to study. She couldn’t focus, so instead she grabbed her work gloves and headed out into her yard. Working in the yard was a more productive use of her time, killing two birds with one stone, reducing her anxiety while getting her yard winter ready. Beds were cleared of leaves and dead flowers, leaves were raked, the grass cut and fertilized for the last time this year. She checked her cell; still no word from Stephen. What had she expected? They had a good time for two weeks, and so what if this casual whatever they had was ending sooner than later. She’d enjoyed it, right? Joe was persona non grata in her book, that was for damn sure!

  Looking around at her yard, she felt satisfied at what she’d accomplished today. Time for a shower maybe she could study. No such luck, she was tired
, not enough to sleep. Instead she laid down on the couch and watched TV. Eventually she dozed off.

  * * *

  Stephen sat in his apartment and nursed a beer while he stared blankly at the soccer game, a rerun on TV. He’d left the game and gone home immediately, not being much company for anyone. What had he done? He’d allowed this infatuation with Reye to come before the game. That had never happened before. Reflecting back, he realized that he’d spent most of the time trying to touch her, to feed a desire for her that he couldn’t shake after two weeks in her bed. He had enjoyed the challenge of keeping her from scoring with the side benefit of being close. He’d forgotten that he was there to help his team win. His teammates depended on him, and he’d let them down.

  This semester was coming to an end. Thanksgiving was two weeks away, and then Christmas. One more semester and he was done. Next, his focus would shift to studying and passing the bar exam. Although he had been raised to pursue law, he really did love it and had aspirations of surpassing his father and grandfather in his law career.

  His cell rang and he reached for it, hoping it was and wasn’t Reye. It was his mother. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hello, Stephen, how are you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You don’t sound fine.” She could always judge his mood by his voice.

  “I’m just a little tired, that’s all. I had a game today.”

  “Oh,” she said. “How is school?”

  “It’s good,” he answered. “How’s Dad?”

  “He’s fine. What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Do you know when you’ll be coming home?”

  “No, not yet.” That was his mom, no fawning stuff for her. It wasn’t that she was cold, she just had her own agenda and marched forward with it.

  “Well, let me know soon. I wanted to finalize our plans. I had hoped to invite Beth and her family over sometime during the holidays. Check your schedule and call me back soon.”

  “Will do, Mom. Bye.”


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