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Bad Boy: You Are Not Alone

Page 27

by Kelli Walker

  “It’s been-- how long has it been now?” Theresa asked.

  “Nineteen years,” Peter said.

  “Nineteen years since what?” Maddie asked.

  “Since my wife died,” Peter said. “I couldn’t come around because Theresa here looks so much like her. Still does, in many respects.”

  “I miss him,” Theresa whispered.

  “I know you do,” Peter said. “And you will. For a long time. But, if you would let me apologize for the years I spent absent from this family, I would like to help you walk through this. I made mistakes coping along the way that I’d rather not watch you go through.”

  “Like what?” Theresa asked.

  “My drinking got out of hand. It’s easy to slip into a habit like that when you’re heartbroken and alone. I slept a great deal, my grooming habits suffered. My appetite fell to the wayside and I lost a great deal of weight. That’s what happens when you isolate yourself the way I did,” Peter said.

  They stared at each other for a long time and my eyes drifted over to Tina. She was absolutely entranced with what was going on and was hanging onto every word he said. It was like she was watching a movie unfold and she knew she was about to hit the punchline.

  She was scared that if she blinked, she would miss it.

  “You know what I miss the most about him?” Theresa asked.

  “What’s that?” Peter asked.

  “I miss the way his eyes twinkled in the morning. He was always such a better morning person than I was. He would lay in bed until I would wake up, and he would greet my sleepy eyes with ones that twinkled with the rising of the morning sun. My god, I miss those eyes of his.”

  In that very moment, I watched Theresa throw her arms around Peter. The two of them held-- no, clung to-- one another while the both of them released their emotions. Peter shed a tear or two for the family he’d pulled away from in his grief while Theresa cried for the family she had lost. They comforted one another, surrounded by friends and family who wanted nothing more than to take their grief away.

  I looked back over to Tina and saw tears trickling down her skin, but the frown I figured would accompany it was nowhere to be found.

  Instead, a small smile graced the upturn of her cheeks, and I reached over and took her hand within mine before I brought it to my lips to kiss.

  “Would you like me to stay in town with you a little while longer?” I asked.

  “I would love nothing more,” she said.

  Chapter 43


  We spent the evening reminiscing while drinking my father’s favorite bottle of wine. He always purchased it around the holidays and always had a glass with Mom on Christmas Eve. It was a tradition of theirs-- something the two of them shared to bring a little bit of romance back to their holidays after I was born. I used to resent it. It made me feel like they were somehow trying to erase me from their own personal holidays.

  It wasn’t until I got older that I realized just how special those moments are between two people who love one another.

  After the conversation about my father came to a screeching halt, Brady suggested we all go into town to eat a slice of my father’s favorite pie. Everyone was on board-- save for my mother and Peter-- so we all left while the two of them stayed behind.

  “You think your Mom’ll hook up with ol’ Peter in there?” Spencer asked.

  “I would. Did you see that salt-and-pepper? I’d call him ‘Daddy’ any day of the week,” Brit said.

  “Guys,” Kevin warned.

  “I’m definitely not ready for something like that,” I said, groaning.

  “Hopefully it’ll be nice for her to have someone around that understands what she’s going through,” Maddie said. “I couldn’t imagine losing Spencer here.”

  “And you’ll never have to,” Spencer said before he kissed the side of her head.

  We all dipped into the bakery by Central Park and each bought a slice of their chocolate-cherry pie. My father used to bring me here all the time to watch the leaves change in the park. I was always petrified of going into it as a child, so we compromised by sitting across the street and watching it.

  “This pie’s outstanding,” Brady said. “It would’ve gone well with the wine we just had.”

  “I’m getting another slice before we leave,” Brit said.

  “Another slice? Try the entire pie,” Maddie said.

  “Can I eat it off you?” Spencer asked.

  “You’re such a dog,” I said, grinning.

  “He gets his when he wants. I can respect that,” Kevin said.

  “You whining and moaning because I haven’t laid you lately?” I asked.

  “Nope. Not one bit,” Kevin said, smiling.

  “So, Tina. What happens now?” Brit asked.

  “Honestly? I don’t know. I’m really not ready to leave here yet. Not because of my father’s business or anything, but I just-”

  I had to stop eating for a second and gather my thoughts. I felt their eyes on me and I knew they were worried, but I just wasn’t sure how to communicate what I was feeling. What I was experiencing.

  What I was wanting.

  “It’s alright. I can go back and run things without you,” Maddie said. “And if something pops up, I can always call you and ask a few questions.”

  “That’s very nice of you to offer, Maddie. But, I was honestly thinking of shutting things down for a bit. Giving both of us a rest. We’ve been going hard since I hired you and-”

  “It’s election time, Tee. Everyone’s gonna be screwing the pooch-- literally and metaphorically. And we’ll have to be there to clean up the mess,” Maddie said.

  “Then, I guess I should go back,” I said, sighing.

  “Not a chance. If this is where you need to be, then take the time,” Spencer said. “It’s the best thing you’ll do for yourself.”

  “Is that what you did?” I asked.

  “I stayed in my mentor’s home for three weeks after he passed. I sorted through his things and donated some of this stuff to charities he supported. It helped me to grieve and cope before I left him behind. That’s how you feel, right? Like you’re somehow abandoning your father?”

  I felt tears rise to my eyes just before Kevin’s arm slipped around my back. We ate our pies in silence for awhile, then it was me who finally broke it.

  “If I leave, then every time I come back will be a reminder that he won’t be here to greet me. And that makes me angry. Is that a bad thing?” I asked.

  “Not even slightly,” Spencer said. “It’ll take time. Let Maddie go back and run things, and if something massive happens you can always fly out for a day or two. You’re a fucking millionaire, Tina. Take advantage of it when you need to.”

  “Kevin?” I asked.


  “Would it be possible for you to stay a little while longer? With me?” I asked.

  “I can spend all the time I need to here,” he said.

  We all finished our pies before we each grabbed another one to-go, then we all went our separate ways. Maddie was heading back to D.C. in the morning in a rental car with Spencer while Brit and Brady were flying back out to Los Angeles in the evening. Kevin took me home in his car while silence blanketed our bodies, and it wasn’t until he escorted me up to his room that a massive realization hit me.

  I didn’t want him to leave.

  “Kevin?” I asked.


  “Would you like to come lay down for a little bit?”

  He looked at me with those dark eyes of his, and for a split second I wanted to kiss him. I felt this tug towards him in ways I couldn’t explain. My heart ached for the loss of my father, but my body wanted to celebrate the life I still had. It was as if every atom of my cell was trying to remind me of all the pleasures I still had yet to experience while I was alive and thriving, and I could see the thoughts spinning in the back of Kevin’s mind.

  “Are you sure you want me to stay?�
� he asked.

  “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to I just…”

  Without another word, he took me by the hand and led me to my bed. We kicked off our shoes before we slowly peeled our clothes off for one another. By the time we were done, we were clad in nothing but our underwear and the skin pulled taut around our bodies, then we slipped underneath the covers and I felt his arms snake around my waist.

  His eyes searched my face, no doubt trying to read my every mood and expression. I could feel his dick slowly growing against my leg, begging to be let out so it could run free. My hand raised to cup his cheek while my thumb slowly swiped across his skin, and in that very moment I knew exactly what I wanted.

  I wanted Kevin to remind me of the joy life could still bring.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?” His voice was low and gravelly, like a truck with its wheels rolling up an uncemented driveway. I could hear the winter wind whistling by my window, boasting of a cold-snap that would send the whole of New York City into a snow-flurried frenzy.

  But here, in my bed-- wrapped in the arms of the man I cared for the most-- I could honestly answer his question with a ‘yes’.

  And the nod of my head was all he needed.

  His face slowly closed the distance before his lips encompassed mine. All of a sudden, the icy chill that had frozen my soul and clenched my heart melted away and I could feel all of that liquid spilling into my panties. He rolled me over, his arms cloaking my body, and all at once my limbs wrapped around him. I opened my body to him as I rolled my hips into his raging cock while the chiseled muscles of his back twitched at the warmth of my body.

  “Holy hell, I’ve missed you,” he said into my neck. He peppered kisses down my skin before his arms unhooked my bra, and in an instant the fabric was discarded onto the floor. He cupped my breasts in his hands, pinching my nipples between his fingers as I raked my fingers through his hair. His tongue danced around my body, shooting jolts of electricity through my system, and I couldn’t help but push him to where I needed him to be.

  His tongue drew faceless pictures down my stomach as he quickly moved between my legs. Neither of us felt that a time of denial was upon us. We had too much built up between the two of us that needed to be released. Stress, emotions, love, and respect. All of it building since that night back on the island.

  The night I got that fucking phone call.

  Kevin ripped my panties off my body and tossed the wet, tattered remains to the floor. I reached down, intertwining our fingers while my legs were tossed over his shoulders. I could feel his nose dancing on my glistening folds, teasing my pussy just before he decided to make a meal of it.

  And when he did, my body sang out for the heavens.

  His tongue licked up my slit as I tugged at his hands. My hips rolled deeply into his face, coating his cheeks in my essence while he devoured my pussy. I could hear the wet sounds of him lapping at me while his spit dripped down my ass crack, and my body jumped every single time he flicked my swollen clit. My body darted and shook while his hands tightly gripped mine, and I knew the moment my back began to arch that I was slowly approaching my end.

  He pressed his tongue deep into my clit, slowly rolling it side to side while muffled moans fell from my lips. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as that slow burn quickly fanned itself into a burning flame, and soon my legs were quaking around his head while his lips sucked my clit between his teeth

  “Kevin. Shit. Oh, holy fu-... I’m coming. I’m coming. I’m com-”

  The force of my orgasm burst stars behind my eyes and robbed me of the words I longed to say to him. My tits shook and my body writhed, and his hands tugged desperately at my arms so he could pull me in closer. His stubble felt electric against my sensitive pussy folds, and just as my back collapsed to the bed he rushed up my body and connected his lips with mine.

  For a split second, all time was lost. Kevin pinned my hands above my head and looked down upon me, and for a moment it was just the two of us. Two people who were navigating this world who always seemed to find their way back to one another.

  And the words slipped from my lips as effortlessly as my father had slipped from this earth.

  “I love you, Kevin.”

  I saw his eyes widen before they began to water. My sweet, beautiful, dominant man was about to weep at the words I’d just said. I raised my head up and planted a small kiss onto his nose, then he nuzzled it into the shell of my ear before he repeated them back to me.

  “I love you so much, Tina.”

  Then, without any effort or guidance, he slid his thick cock slowly into my pussy. I leaned my cheek into lips, trembling with every inch my pussy gobbled down. His hands kept mine pinned above my head, driving me wild as I tried to buck underneath him. But, when he bottomed out inside me, he stopped and caught my stare again.

  “I really do love you, Tina,” he said.

  “And I really do love you, Kevin. I’m just so… sorry it took me so long to get there.”

  “I think you’ve been there for awhile. You’ve just been afraid,” he said.

  “I think you might be onto something there, sir,” I said.

  He growled at my name for him before he slowly pulled out of my depths. I could feel his dick coated with my juices as he slid out from between my legs, but he plunged back in before I had a chance to catch my breath. My jaw unhinged while his cock filled me to the brim, and soon the sounds of wet skin slapping wet skin could be heard throughout the entity of my room.

  His balls kept snapping against my ass while Kevin’s teeth attacked my tits. He sucked them black and blue while his cock assaulted my pussy. My headboard was banging against the wall while my body lurched closer towards it, and all the while his name fell from my lips like a breathless whisper.

  “Kevin. Kevin. Oh, holy hell, Kevin. Yes. Yes. Don’t stop. Please, sir. Please don’t stop.”

  I finally released my hands while he slammed into my body at a furious pace. I wrapped my arms around his back, raking my fingernails down his rippling muscles while I wrapped my legs around his waist. I peppered his strong shoulders with kisses, feeling his body trembling with its own exertion before my pussy walls began to massage his cock. I felt his electricity flooding my veins, swelling my walls against his throbbing cock as my juices poured down his balls.

  “Not until I say so,” he growled.

  I clung to him just as his hips began to stutter. His balls pulled up into his body, threatening to spill everything he had inside of me. I was teetering on the edge, trying desperately not to cum on his cock like I wanted until he told me I could. I wanted his guidance. I wanted him to have what he craved. I wanted him to have control of my body as we soared over the edge together.

  I wanted a glimpse of what we were before all this happened.

  Then, like the angel from the heavens that he was, his lips found my ear once more and uttered the one word my body was screaming to hear.


  I collapsed onto the bed and moaned his name while my pussy milked his dick for all it was worth. It drew him closer and closer while his cock painted me with its thick streams of cum, our sweat dripping onto the bed as our orgams rendered us breathless. My head was swimming and the room was tilting. I closed my eyes before my body finally collapsed, and I felt Kevin cover me in his body while our mingled juices dripped from between my legs.

  We heaved and panted for air, desperate to quell our shaking bodies in the darkness of my room.

  It was then I realized the next thing I would need.

  “Kevin?” I asked.


  “Would you stay with me tonight?”

  He somehow found the energy to raise his head. His wet hair was sticking to his forehead while a bead of sweat dripped from the tip of his nose to mine, and it was then I realized tears were dripping down my cheeks. He leaned in and kissed them away before he planted a kiss on top of each of my reddened eyes, then he captured my
lips before he nodded.

  “Whatever you need,” he whispered.

  Chapter 44


  “Happy New Year, guys!”

  “Happy New Year, Spencer,” I said.

  “Hey guys, sorry we’re late,” Brit said.

  “‘We’re’? Who’s the other party?” Spencer asked.

  “I am. Sorry guys,” Brady said.

  “Brady! What’re you doing at Brit’s?” Spencer asked.

  “Are they all on the screen yet?” Maddie called out.

  “We still don’t have Tina yet,” Spencer called back. “You’ve got a few more minutes, honey.”

  “Hey guys, I’m here. Sorry. I’ve been with Kevin the past few days,” Tina said.

  “I see the two of you are doing well,” Brit said.

  “You never answered my question. Why’s Brady out there in L.A. with you?” Spencer asked.

  “Probably for the same reason Maddie’s with you,” Brit said, smiling.

  “Oh, shit. You two hooking up now?” Spencer asked.

  “Spence. They’ve always been hooking up,” Tina said.

  “Yeah. When they’re drunk and at the parties, sure. But this is like… the shit you two pulled,” Spencer said.

  “I resent the word ‘shit’. What we do is very erotic,” Kevin said.

  “You got that shit right,” Brady said, smirking.

  “Alright, Maddie. You’re officially the last one. Wanna get out here, sweetheart?” Spencer called out.

  “Unless people wanna see my tits, give me ten minutes,” she said.

  “I don’t mind seeing her tits,” Brit said.

  “I’ve already seen them,” Tina said.

  “Wait, what?” Kevin asked.

  “Story time!” Brady exclaimed.

  “No, no, no. We gotta get the vacations for this year on the calendar,” Spencer said. “We can do storytime after that.”

  “Tina saw my tits because she barged into my apartment one morning when I was late for work. My alarm clock didn’t go off and I was topless when she crashed on in,” Maddie said as she entered the screen. “Hi guys. Tee. Oh! Tina, listen. We have a new client. Don’t worry, I went ahead and did the meeting. But, this shit’s gonna be a doozy. One of the senators has been accused of-- get this-- ‘tickling the male staffers’.”


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