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Fury kac-17

Page 45

by Robert K. Tanenbaum

  Back at the mouth of the tunnel, Marlene and Tran hunkered down as the wall behind them was hit by another spray of bullets from the men twenty-five yards beyond them. They knew where the men were because they received regular reports from Lucy, whom Grale had taken to the viewing area above the tunnel.

  Before launching their attack, Jojola had asked Grale, "Is there a way to come at them from behind?"

  "The leader's escape tunnel," Grale said. "It comes out in the basement of the Red Sea Lebanese restaurant on Sixty-fifth. But it is well guarded, and not just by the terrorists."

  "Who else?" Jojola asked.

  "The only way to come at the escape route other than from the restaurant is to swim through a flooded sewer and beneath an iron grate," Grale said.

  "That doesn't sound pleasant but I've done worse," Jojola said.

  "Yes, but it passes through what we call an unsecured tunnel," Grale said.

  "What's not secure?" Tran asked impatiently.

  "The others…my people refer to them as morlocks…or rajim, the cursed ones, as our Muslim friends like to call them. For some reasons known only to them, they seem to guard certain areas in down-world more than others, and that is one of them. We know about the sewer and grate, but no one can go there."

  "I did it once," a small man in a hooded robe said, stepping forward.

  "Roger, I'm glad they didn't kill you," Jojola said.

  "I am too tough though I've had a headache ever since."

  "No more than you gave me."

  "Call it even," Roger said. "Back to this, I've been to that end before. It was some time ago, when the others weren't as numerous, but I know the way."

  Jojola smiled. "Are you willing to be my guide again?"

  "Six of one, half a dozen of another," Roger said and shrugged. "There are going to be a lot of ways to die down here tonight. It's pick one, and this is as bad as any."

  "Take one of my men," Tran said. "In case you have to fight your way through."

  Jojola shook his head. "You're going to need all of them if you're going to have any chance. The Mole People may be brave, but they're going to be up against well-trained fighters and a superior force. You'll have to at least keep them occupied long enough for Roger and me to get through."

  "I'll go," Ned said. "I'm not going to be any more good here than I would be there, and besides, us cowboys and Indians need to stick together."

  "I'm going, too," Lucy had said.

  "No, you're not!" Tran, Jojola, Ned, and Grale shouted.

  "Then what am I supposed to do?"

  Five minutes later, Lucy found herself lying on top of Beach's tunnel peering down as the terrorists made their preparations. Jojola patted her on the arm and left. "Hasta la vista," he said.

  "Hasta luego," she replied. "Until we meet again."

  Jojola left her alone with Ned. "I love you, Ned Blanchet," she said. "You be careful."

  "I love you, too, Lucy Karp. See you a little ways down the trail."

  Lucy let herself sigh loudly. "You're such a cowboy."

  "Vaya con dios."

  "Yes, go with God."

  For some reason there'd been no word from Jojola shortly after he and Ned left. Now things were looking bleak. Tran's men were dead, as were the Mole People who hadn't already faded away. Even Gilgamesh, who'd accounted for several terrorists, lay bleeding from a gunshot wound in his side.

  The terrorists apparently had a side entrance to their tunnel and had used it to come around behind Marlene, Tran, and the remaining Mole People. Grale crawled over to Marlene and Tran. "There's still time to flee. We can get Lucy and retreat to our cavern where we can wait for the end."

  Marlene shook her head. "We have to hold out here as long as possible and give John a chance to get to the bomb."

  "He may already be dead," Grale said.

  "I know, but as long as there's a chance, I have to remain."

  Just then Lucy's voice came over the radio. "I see the leader; he's got Zak with him. He's almost right below me."

  Marlene looked at Grale, who answered the look. "I'm going. If I can save Zak, I will." Then he was gone.

  Tran popped up to give him cover, shooting until his clip was empty. He dropped down again. "I have one clip left."

  "I have most of one," Marlene replied.

  "Well then, I guess this is it, my friend," Tran said. "The end for you and me."

  Marlene smiled and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "I could not wish for better company to take this path with."

  Tran nodded. "There is one good thing. As a Buddhist, I believe we will be reborn in forty-nine days, and since we will die at the same time, we will be reborn together. I can only hope that this time you return as a Vietnamese woman."

  "I think you'd make a pretty cute Italian," Marlene laughed.

  "Well, shall we do this," Tran said.

  "Ready when you are."

  On the far end of the tunnel, John Jojola, Ned Blanchet, and Roger were also fighting for their lives. At first their trip through various tunnels large and small had progressed without incident. But as they neared the end where Roger said they would come to the sewer, they'd suddenly been attacked by the others.

  The first warning had been the sound of scurrying in side tunnels and the occasional glimpse of luminous eyes through holes in the walls and thin white arms that reached out for them as they passed. They'd conserved their ammunition until a large group suddenly blocked the tunnel in front of them, charging them with spears and clubs.

  Jojola's Mac-10 had killed the first three with a sound like corn popping, and Ned's.45 had accounted for two more, by comparison blasting away like a cannon. The others had melted away, but the sound of scurrying and the shrieking of insane voices grew behind.

  They rounded another corner only to find the way blocked by more. Spears jabbed at them from the sides. Looking behind, they saw a large crowd-some of them gamboling forward on all fours, others sort of hopping. Jojola shot those in front, and Ned two more who reached at them from a side entrance, but it was clear that those coming from behind were gaining.

  "Go on," shouted Roger. "The sewer is just ahead. Jump in and dive down about five feet until you reach the end of the grate. There is just enough room to get under. I'll hold them off."

  Jojola looked at the small man and noticed that part of a spear protruded from his side. "I'm finished," Roger said. "But don't worry, I'm going to meet my God."

  "Take the gun," Jojola said. "I will see you on the other side someday."

  Roger smiled and took the machine gun. "I've always wanted to shoot one of these," he said. "Now go."

  Jojola and Ned ran forward and had just reached the edge of the sewer when they heard the gun go off behind them. It fired over and over again until it fell silent.

  "Go," Jojola shouted to Ned who plunged into the water and disappeared beneath its fetid surface. He waited a moment and jumped in after. Feeling along the grate, Jojola squeezed beneath the bottom when he felt a pair of hands and then another grab him from behind and start to pull him back. He felt himself running out of air and suddenly he saw his body floating in dark, filthy water…away from the sun.

  "Come on, Jojola, are you going to let some half-wit morons finish you after all we went through," Charlie Many Horses said. "I believe you have a son waiting for you to come home."

  Well, how about a hand, Jojola thought back. He extended his arm and felt a strong grip take his hand and pull him beyond the grasp of his would-be killers.

  He came up on the other side, held firm by Ned Blanchet, gasping for air. "I thought you'd decided to go back and help Roger," the young man said.

  "Roger's beyond our help," Jojola said, standing and drawing his knife. "But I believe he's at peace. Now, let's finish this."

  Lucy jumped when Grale touched her leg. "Just your friendly local madman," he said with a smile. "They still below?"

  She nodded and moved aside to let him look. He peeked through. Almost
directly below him was one of the terrorists, and behind that one were three more, one of whom was holding Zak by the arm.

  Grale carefully slid the rest of the cover back, revealing a three-foot-square hole. "What are you doing?" Lucy whispered.

  Grale looked at her and put a finger to his lips. "Going to make like Batman, my little Robin."

  "What…?" Lucy began to ask but there wasn't time to finish her question as Grale looked down once more, then leaped through the hole.

  Lucy scooted back to the hole just in time to see Grale stand and lift the man he'd landed on to his feet. The other surprised terrorists had jumped back and looked on in terror as Grale spun the man around and, with a vicious slash of his long, curved knife, decapitated the hapless man, who stumbled forward before collapsing into a puddle of water.

  The remaining terrorists-including the one leading the way, who pulled Zak-retreated. She could hear them beseeching Allah for protection.

  Lucy scrambled up and crawled as fast as she could to the next viewing spot. She looked down as a terrorist turned and tried to shoot Grale, screaming, "Shaitan!" But he panicked and his shots went wide. He had no time to shoot again.

  In a fury Grale closed, his knife arced through the area, and the man's head rolled from his body. "Hurry, he's coming," shouted the leader to the last man behind him.

  However, the third man stumbled and fell against an opening in the tunnel that gave way to a dark space. Suddenly, thin white arms reached out and grabbed him. "Help me, the rajim have me!" Then the man was pulled back into the dark space where he screamed again. There was the sound of scurrying and a whispering, excited voice; then the screaming stopped.

  The man with Zak retreated back to the end of the tunnel and turned to face Grale. "Stay were you are, Iblis," the man shouted.

  Lucy could see the muscles of the man's pitted face twitching with fear; his eyes, as wide and luminous as twin full moons, were almost insane with hatred and terror. He pulled Zak's head back with one hand and with the other pulled a knife from his belt.

  Lucy screamed. "Zak!" But no one heard her.

  Grale advanced toward the man, his knife held loosely in his hand. He tensed to pounce, but a shot rang out and instead he fell to his knees.

  To Lucy's horror, several more terrorists ran up and surrounded Grale.

  Down on the tunnel floor, Al-Sistani smiled and shoved the boy down to the ground. "Good work, men," he said, recovering from his own fear of the dark-robed man. He walked up to Grale and kicked him in the head, sending him sprawling, unconscious.

  "What news from the tunnel entrance?" he asked the men surrounding the wounded man.

  "Allah be praised, only two still lived when we left," one man said with a grin. "They are warriors, and fighting fiercely, but our men were preparing to rush their position. We heard firing just before we arrived. They must be dead by now."

  "Excellent. Now see how the enemies of Allah die," he shouted and turned to shoot Zak, but the boy was nowhere to be seen. Then he looked over to where the basketball player knelt facing him. Al-Sistani could see the boy hiding behind him.

  "Murderer," Khalif spat. "You shouted for Iblis. Well, he waits for you in the eternal fires."

  Al-Sistani laughed and raised his gun. But suddenly there was the sound of a dozen angry bees and his men crumpled to the ground. Al-Sistani looked up and immediately knew that his chances of escaping had evaporated.

  Advancing in short runs up the tunnel, black-clothed men wearing bulletproof vests came toward him. "Hands up," shouted their leader, a middle-aged man with short gray hair. "Get your fucking hands where I can see them."

  Al-Sistani whirled toward the man with the fuse. I hope it's true there are seventy-two virgins in paradise for every martyr, he thought, then shouted, "Light the fuse!"

  Then to his shock, the man beneath the scaffolding pulled the mask off his face. "Sorry, pendejo," the man said, "no can do." He held up a man's head. "You looking for this guy, maybe?"

  Another, younger man walked out from behind the scaffolding. Al-Sistani couldn't believe what he was seeing. The young man wore his handgun slung low like a stupid American cowboy.

  "My friend John just called you an asshole, you asshole," the cowboy said.

  "Yep, looks like it's over…asshole," a tall man said, coming out from behind the line of federal agents.

  A wild cheering and the sound of explosions came from above the tunnel. Karp looked up and smiled. "Sounds like the ball just dropped."

  A short woman with dark hair also pushed through the federal agents. "Hey, Butch, how about my New Year's Eve kiss," she said and embraced the tall man. "Even if you lied."

  "Only a little," Karp said. "I waited a good half hour before I called Jaxon."

  "Good thing you did," Jaxon said. "Marlene and her pal were just about toast, not to mention the rest of the city. By the way, where is the Vietnamese guy? Man, he could teach us a few things about guerilla warfare."

  "He's gone," Marlene said. "And you're right, he could. Now, don't you think someone should disarm that creep?"

  Al-Sistani still stood with the gun at his side. He considered, for a moment, surrendering; then he thought of a lifetime spent in a federal penitentiary. Kill the Karp boy. Make his Jew parents suffer, he decided and quick as a snake turned to where Khalif was shielding the boy and lifted his gun.

  A shot rang out, but it wasn't from Al-Sistani's weapon. So fast that the federal agents and others who saw it later said there was no discernible moment between when Ned Blanchet's gun was in its holster and when it blew a hole the size of an orange in the terrorist's head.

  "Holy shit, nice shooting, cowboy," Jaxon said.

  A small voice came down from the ceiling. "My hero." The group looked up and began to laugh at the adoring face of Lucy Karp as she looked down on the group like one of the angels in the Sistine Chapel.


  Monday, January 24

  By the time Karp saw Stupenagel moving toward him through the lobby of the U.S. District Court building, it was too late to give her the slip.

  "Good morning, Butch," she said cheerfully, clip-clopping quickly across the granite floors in her high heels to get a pace in front of him. "Want to tell me what you and Special Agent in Charge Jaxon were talking about yesterday? Along with the two other suits who smelled like more feds, only different?"

  Karp knew better than to issue a flat denial. Stupenagel's sources were too good. So he dissembled. "You can smell the difference between feds?" he said, making a feint to one side, then dodging to the other to get ahead as he moved toward the elevator.

  Stupenagel recognized the ploy as she cursed herself for wearing too tight a skirt this day for good maneuvering and had to fall in behind. "Yeah, they use different kinds of soap," she replied sarcastically. "I once slept with Jaxon way back when he was just a junior agent, though still pretty damn special, if I remember right-and don't you ever tell Murrow I said that or I'll rip your balls off. He was a Lifebuoy type; those other two, I don't know, maybe Dial, which makes them…you tell me…spooks?"

  Although their relationship had improved over the past year or so, Karp knew not to trust the reporter entirely, especially when there was a big story she wanted. Still, he was always impressed by her deductive reasoning, which ranked right up there with the best detectives he knew.

  "So you going to tell me what's up?" she asked.

  Karp shrugged. "Just a post-New Year's Eve briefing about the heightened alert status. But it turned into a pretty quiet night, so just a courtesy call…that's all."

  Stupenagel rolled her eyes. "Only one problem with being the most honest man in this city, Karp, and it's that you couldn't lie your way out of a paper bag."

  "Well, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it," he replied as he reached the elevator door and punched the up button.

  "I don't suppose it had anything to do with those three heads?" she asked as the door opened and they got on with a small Chinese wo
man. "Little bird told me that a couple of them were on the most wanted list of terrorists… Another little bird told me that a whole gang of feds rushed into a Broadway theater under renovation over on Forty-fifth Street an hour or so before midnight on New Year's Eve and that certain members of the Karp family were seen being led out and whisked away. That entire block was shut down for two weeks after that."

  The Chinese woman gasped at the word terrorists and punched the button that would let her off on the next floor. A bored-looking lawyer and his client, a thin white teenager with tattoos on his neck and hands, got on. "She told me she was fifteen," the teen said. "How was I to know she was twelve?"

  Stupenagel started to say something but Karp grabbed her by the arm. "Ow, that hurts," she complained as he led her off the elevator when they reached the fifth floor.

  "So does the truth, and half-truths can hurt even more," Karp growled. "Hasn't anybody ever told you that your mouth runs nonstop?"

  "All the time." Stupenagel grinned. "In fact, you do. But look, it's my job to ask questions. Can I help it if people like to tell me things even if they shouldn't? So I get the word that these three heads belonged to Islamic terrorists. Good. Somebody's doing the world a favor. But who? And what were these guys up to? Then there's the feds in your office…things are adding up, Karp, but I'm still missing a few numbers. Come on, help a lady out here."

  "I might if I could find a lady," he retorted, saw the hurt look on her face, and softened. "Sorry. Look, Ariadne, you are the best there is at what you do-and I hate to admit this but I'm impressed with your integrity as much as your talent-but this isn't something I can tell people about, and maybe you shouldn't either." He was surprised to see Stupenagel's eyes get wet.

  "Did you know that was one of maybe three times you've ever called me by my first name or said anything nice to me about me and my work? So okay, for now anyway, I'm going to quit pestering you and Jaxon. But I won't stop digging; it's my job. And I know you know that and respect me for it."


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