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Page 12

by Charlie Peart

  Nick felt a surge of semen, starting in the root of his testicles and flowing up his shaft, so intense that it felt like a stream of hot, molten lava. His body nearly threw Amie off the bed as he arched his back and then convulsed, his penis shooting hot, liquid semen all over her legs and vagina. His body totally relaxed and sunk into the mattress. He was spent, and Amie caressed his head for a moment before he fell into a deep sleep.

  Nick was watching Sky Woman fall, tumbling to the earth. The birds caught her just before she hit the water and placed her on the back of a large sea turtle. Then he became the turtle and Amie had replaced Sky Woman and lay there floating on his back. Then the dream shifted again and this time Sky Woman was lying on top of him, gently caressing him, and he was Nick again and he felt safe.

  Chapter 15

  Every morning Amie awoke early, hours before Nick. It was still dark as she showered and then put on her vest and dressed in her t-shirt and jeans. She opened the motel room door and walked outside, staring at the cars parked in the lot. It was so early in the morning that it was still peaceful outside. She sat down on the dusty, plastic chair placed outside their room door and stared up at the stars. Here she meditated for about thirty minutes, grounding herself for the rigors of the day’s drive ahead.

  Their journey had several days left to go before they would reach the Florida destination Nick had discussed with her. After the disappointment of the Sedona roadblock, things seemed to be going well, and Amie was thankful for that. She felt Nick had bonded more closely with her last night. “I hope he has truly thought things through and knows what he is doing,” she mused, because she could almost sense her pursuers closing in. Despite the quietness of the space she currently occupied, on the outskirts of a little town, there was a powerful force arrayed against her bid for freedom. Amie had no doubt that the government would use all the means at its disposal to return her to the prison that, at great expense, they had constructed for her. And Nick was her only ally to prevent this from happening.

  Upon waking, Nick looked around the room for Amy. She sat in a worn chair located by the window and she had opened the blinds. “Please close those, Amie,” he instructed her. “Come over and watch TV. It will only take me a short while to shower and dress.” When he emerged from the bathroom, he sat on the bed facing her. “I don’t know what happened last night? I feel a little bit embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be. What happened was meant to happen, Nick. I feel closer to you now. I hope you feel the same.”

  Nick went to her and hugged her. “Thanks, Amie. I do care about you, but I think you already know that.” He smiled and then released her. “ I guess I need to get us some breakfast. We have a long drive ahead.”

  “How long do you think it will take us to get to that house?”

  “We should be there in about three days from now, depending on how it goes. Why are you asking?”

  “No reason, I just wondered that’s all.” But Amie had been spending several hours that morning wondering who was looking for them and how close behind them that someone might be.

  NSA special agent Williams reviewed with his team all the information they had gathered, up to this point, regarding the alien Amie. It was spread over a large white board with photo’s identifying the various players in the investigation.

  Williams displayed a video as he briefed the room. “The taxi driver was helpful in our investigation. He remembered picking up our subject at the McCarran Airport and driving her to the Excalibur. Along the way she removed the blond wig she was wearing and switched to a long, brown wig. You will notice the cab pulling up to the front of the casino and a small female wearing the brunette hairstyle exiting the cab and then standing for a short while by the doorway. Photos enhanced from various camera angles at the hotel clearly show the face of this woman, and the features are similar to that of the alien being. You will notice that the female eventually enters the casino area and there she is clearly visible in several different video shots. We believe this film footage is positively our alien suspect.

  The last known point of contact is this photo showing a subject we believe to be Amie getting into a blue, Honda Civic at the driveway leading up to the Excalibur entrance. Unfortunately, here the photo is blurred and we haven’t been able to get a better resolution as yet. We can’t identify the exact year, license plate number or the driver, but we know the Honda is somewhere between a 2002 and 2005 model.”

  There was much discussion regarding the cunning of the subject and whether she could have orchestrated her escape without help. Williams had already been briefed by the base commander regarding Amie’s mind control experiments on another human years before, and this information had been passed along to his team.

  Therefore, there was also great concern expressed for the whereabouts of Nick Rossi, who was the only member of the team who had yet to be contacted and interviewed. Although his boss spoke highly of Rossi and seemed to believe he was on some Jack Kerouac-style road trip around the country, the agents were inclined to fear the worst. It was thought he might be helping the suspect or he could be a hostage or unwilling accomplice.

  “We know he has a condo in Maryland and recently purchased a home in Palm City, Florida. Local law enforcement is keeping an eye on both homes for us. He seems to be a prime suspect in my mind,” Williams spoke firmly to the group. “He knew Amie for the past five years, was identified as having frequent contact with her, and left Area 51 on the same flight with her. The fact that he has turned off his cell phone power tells me he might be trying to evade us, although his boss doesn’t agree. We’ve looked at all the rental car agencies in the vicinity of Las Vegas and his name has not turned up as renting a car, nor has he flown from any airport in the U.S. since he left Area 51. We need to canvass the neighbors in both locations, find out what they know about him, who his friends are, talk to his relatives. We need to find him, folks. I believe that if we find Nicholas Rossi, we will find Amie.”

  Nick hit the road after breakfast on what was to be a long, hard day’s drive. It became obvious to Nick that, despite their closeness of the previous night, Amie was never going to open up to him and reveal much about herself. Occasionally she would initiate conversation with him, but would always shut down if he asked too many questions about her world or her race of beings. Nick would have appreciated chatter from his fellow passenger, as it served to keep him awake while he drove through barren stretches of desert with sparse highway traffic. He opted instead for a talk radio station and, when that grew tedious, he switched to the few music CDs he had brought along.

  Amie did not like Nick’s rock, country, or Sinatra music. At first she had asked him to turn the music off, insisting his one CD of baroque classical pieces was all she could tolerate. But he had explained to her that he needed the music to stay alert for his hours of monotonous driving.

  Amie had given in, begrudgingly. She said she had a way to block the sound from entering her mind and she would utilize that technique. It seemed to involve her retreating to a meditative daze. Such behavior made Nick realize that the person he was aiding was far from human-like. She obviously had strange quirks and special abilities, and he had little read on her true motivations. As they drove together for hours, this became a disquieting issue that kept Nick on edge and wondering if what he was doing was really the right thing.

  At one point, toward the end of the day, Nick had expressed driving fatigue suggesting, as they pulled into a rest stop, that he would take a quick nap. To his amazement, Amie told him that she would take over the driving.

  “Absolutely not,” Nick heard himself shouting.

  “I can do it,” Amie stated confidently. “I have watched you for several days. You can sleep and I can drive us on these endless roadways. I will enjoy the diversion.”

  “No way. I’m not getting pulled over by a cop because I have an alien from another world piloting my car through traffic. This isn’t a space ship, Amie!”

  These wo
rds seemed to anger the usually unflappable Amie and she began to reach her arm toward Nick’s wrist.

  “No you don’t,” he cried, springing out of the car. “Don’t think you’re going to pull that mind control stuff on me, Amie. If you knock me out, or whatever it is you do, and then try to drive, I swear, when I wake up I’m dropping you off in the nearest city and then you’re on your own. You can take a bus to Sedona or where ever you want to go.”

  Clearly sensing the emotional fury growing within Nick’s mind, Amie retreated. “Very well. As you wish. I was only trying to be helpful.”

  But, after this exchange, Nick found he could not relax enough to take a nap at the rest stop with Amie sitting beside him. So he asked her for one of her quick palm massages of his eyes that, once again, proved to act as an instant revival for him. They then continued on their journey with little further discussion.

  He pressed on, for a few more hours of driving before calling it a day, but Nick was still feeling upset with Amie. He was risking everything for her and it was important that he remain totally in charge of the operation. Above all, he needed to insure that, if she was captured, he could somehow distance himself as someone who had been involved in helping her. He realized, more than ever, that she was no meek “damsel in distress” but, in fact, an extremely strong and determined personality. He had to convey to her that it was his plan, and he was implementing it, his way. But she had to have faith in him in order for his plan to work.

  One thing was certain. There would be no more bottles of wine at dinnertime until Amie was safely tucked away in the Florida rental. From now on, their relationship would remain platonic. He needed a clear head to think with, not with his “little head.”

  The anger slowly faded from Nick with every mile they traveled closer to Florida, and he plotted out his next action as he drove. He had to assume that Amie’s foray into the casino might have allowed the many cameras inside to capture a clear picture of her face, enough for a positive ID. Then he had driven up and she had climbed into his car, possibly allowing for a photo of his car and tag, as well. The police might, by now, have a BOLO alert out on his car and license plate. He was traveling on major roads. It was imperative that he acquire a different tag for his car. For his convenience Nick had in mind looking for a Florida car, where law required only the rear plate.

  That evening Nick sought out a mom and pop style motel, instead of the national chain motels he had been patronizing. He cruised around the parking lot before registering, checking to see if he could detect any security cameras monitoring the lot. To his relief, there appeared to be none. He had brought a small repair kit with him. That evening before going to bed, he strolled the parking lot, flashlight in hand, checking his neighboring parked cars. Three rooms down he found a Florida car.

  Knowing that she was an early riser, Nick asked Amie to wake him the next morning, and then he had her help him. She held the light while he lifted the tag off the Florida car. She also acted as a lookout should anyone be about at 4:30 in the morning to spot their illegal act. Nick attached the Florida tag, and stowed the Nevada temporary tags in his trunk, and then they packed up and hit the road.

  Chapter 16

  They drove through Louisiana and, when they did a brief toilet stop in one of the small towns, Nick asked Amie to take another local-color photo. This one was of him hugging an old Cajun woman at her voodoo shop. The toothless, old crone gave Amie a curious look and then offered Nick several magical potions to rid himself of spells. Previously, they had taken a picture of some cowboy types in Texas while driving through that state. And when they later passed through Biloxi, Nick asked Amie to photograph him in front of one of the numerous casinos anchored along the Gulf. Nick wanted to have a clear record of his road trip activities, should he be called upon later for documented proof of his whereabouts.

  As they drove on toward Orlando, Nick’s thoughts turned to his son, Tom, and his daughter-in-law, Laura. His son had always shown a great deal of compassion for others. After two years in the Peace Corp, he had finished his college studies at the University of Maryland and taken a teaching job in a low-income area school in DC. The one-year experience had rattled him and caused him to question whether teaching was his forte. However, a year later he had found a job as a special-needs teacher in Columbia, South Carolina, where he had met Laura who was teaching at the same school. Laura was a southern girl from Alabama. There had been an instant attraction between the two and they had now been married for ten years.

  But, as with everyone’s life, things were not going along one hundred percent smoothly for the couple. Laura and Tom seemed unable to conceive a child. They had gone through all the testing procedures and attempts with fertility drugs and programs but were, as yet, unsuccessful in their efforts. Now, with a lean economy, South Carolina schools were cutting back on some of their teaching programs. As an art teacher, Laura had lost her job a year before, and at the end of the summer, Tom had been notified that his special education position had been terminated. Both were currently out of work, collecting unemployment checks, and struggling to make ends meet. Nick planned to give the car he was currently using to his son, whose second car had just given out.

  Upon his retirement, Nick was hoping the couple would come down to Florida and spend a little time with him. It was one of the reasons he had wanted to buy a boat and get experience running it. He envisioned himself captaining his son on deepwater fishing trips in the Atlantic Ocean. In Nick’s imagination, he saw the couple occupying his spare bedroom for at least a month in the upcoming winter. After all, neither worked, and so they now had plenty of time to spend with him. If they had little money, they at least had a lot of spare time, which was normally rare for a young, working couple.

  Now there was something else that made Nick anxious to communicate with his son. In Nick’s briefcase, stowed in the trunk of the car, were notes, hand-written by Nick over the past week while staying at the MGM Grand. The notes concerned the problems of the government’s misuse of aliens and alien labor at Area 51. Inspired by much of what Amie had told him, his document was essentially an expose of the existence of aliens and the contact between them and the government. All that he needed were some pictures of Amie, without her wig, to compliment the notes. If so, he would have a record to use as a tool should any government agents threaten him when he returned to his job in a few days time.

  But if any government agents stopped him, at this point, such information could be used to incriminate him, so Nick realized it would be imperative to hide the notes away somewhere. Giving this much thought, over the hours of driving, Nick had decided to store them in a safe place when he got to the rental house in the White City area.

  When Nick thought about who he could trust to use this information, in the event he was ever placed into permanent custody, he thought about his son Tom. When Tom came down to get the car, he would tell him where to find “it”, but he wouldn’t mention what “it” was. He would only mention that, if something happened to him, Tom should locate it, read it, and then make it public.

  When they reached Orlando, Nick selected an inexpensive motel in Kissimmee, where he paid in cash for a two-night stay. Nick kept the receipt for this hotel and placed it in the glove compartment of his car. If the car was later searched, he wanted this receipt to be found as evidence that he had stayed in Orlando for two nights.

  They would actually only spend one night at this motel. The next day Nick was at Disney World, one of the first in line to buy a ticket to the park. He spent only an hour there, quickly finding someone willing to take a picture of himself with Mickey Mouse, and then snapping a few shots of amusement rides and, of course, the well-known fairytale castle. He then drove over to Universal Studios and took a couple of outside shots, again asking another tourist to take his picture. Returning to the motel to pick up Amie, Nick proceeded on their drive, down the Florida peninsula toward Ft. Pierce.

  The unused, one extra night at the
Kissimmee motel would serve as a cover for the two days Nick planned to spend at the hideout house that he had rented for Amie. He knew it would take a couple of days for them to get the supplies needed to make the place livable for her. But no one would know that Nick and Amie were actually there.

  A few hours later, they drove down the narrow, rutted road to the secluded house. Nick was very relieved to see that the place looked much better from the outside than he had remembered from his previous visit. Doug had done a good job cutting back the bushes that had smothered the house. He had mowed the lawn, dug up the weed-choked flowerbed, and someone had even planted a few flowering plants by the front door.

  “Look at the interesting seahorse motifs on the front of the house,” Nick mentioned, as a way of encouragement for Amie. He did not mention the mold he saw clinging to the stucco walls, the broken pavement of the front door walkway, nor the sagging awning drooping over the side window. Amie gave no response.

  Finding the house key as promised, under the worn doormat, Nick entered the house. A moldy smell permeated the home, a sure sign that the air conditioner had been off for a while. Nick immediately opened the windows to air the place out, before turning the air conditioner system back on.

  The inside of the home, however, also appeared better than Nick had remembered. There was worn vinyl flooring and there were stained carpets, but the kitchen had an electric stove with all burners functioning, a usable and cleaned refrigerator, a washer and dryer, and all the plumbing appeared to be in working order. Amie seemed pleased by the large Florida-room in the back of the house and she commented favorably on the peaceful river view from the backyard, including an enormous old oak tree dripping with Spanish moss.


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