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Hayden's Timbre

Page 14

by Thia Finn

  It seemed like it only took a few seconds of exquisite torture on us both before he let out an animal sound and pushed my shoulders back to the bed. He leaned over my body and took my distended nipple in his mouth while he ran his cock over my waiting pussy from top to bottom. As he stopped and mixed our precum together in circular motions, I bowed off the bed, and he bit down on my nipple.

  The feeling was too much stimulation at once, and I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him to me hard. He knew what I needed, so he moved his hand and let himself slide into my tight passage until he met resistance. He pulled back some, but I wasn’t having it. I wanted him. I needed him. “Please, Hayden. Now.”

  I forced him forward again with my feet, and this time I raised to meet the thrust taking him all the way to the hilt.

  “Oh my fucking God, Timbre. Is this heaven?”

  “Yeah, mine, too, Hayden. That feels so damn good.” I stared up into his gorgeous face.

  He pulled out some and pushed slowly back in. On the third time, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I needed more. “Harder, Hayden, please.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, babe. It’s so damn tight in that pussy of yours.”

  “No, I want it, please.” He looked down and lowered his mouth to mine. He pushed in again harder, harder. The thrusts were pushing me across the mattress, so I held onto the blanket to get the strength I needed. God, it felt so damn good.

  He continued pulling out and thrusting with such strength, and I fucking loved it. “Yes, just like that. Please. Again.” He finally put a knee on the bed while he buried inside me and picked me up turning my head to the metal headboard. I grabbed the spokes forming it and held on pushing against him at every lunge. I’d never had sex this good before with the bungling boys and men I’d allowed to take me.

  “I’m not going to last long like this, babe. It feels too fucking good and watching your tits bounce when I bury myself just adds to it.” He pulled up on his knees and lifted my legs under the thighs, spreading me open further as he set a rhythm that rapidly brought us both to the pinnacle we sought.

  “I need you to come, Timbre. I need it now.” He reached around and rubbed across my clit with his thumb and pressed down as he buried himself time after time.

  “Oh God, oh God, Hayden. Just like that. Yes.” My muscles inside convulsed around him as the orgasm ripped through me harder than ever. I still had tremors lingering when he rapidly pumped into me and ground his pelvis against me. I knew he filled me with the most intimate part of himself he had to give.

  “Shit, babe.” He pulled my legs back around his waist and laid his warm body against mine. “Just let me stay here a minute. I need to feel you against me.” His breathing was still erratic as he lay there on me. I loved the feel of his warm body as he slowly softened inside of me.

  I’d never had a man do this to me before. The dumbasses I chose to have sex with usually rolled off and went to sleep.

  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him in close. It felt so right laying here with him.

  “Okay, I’ll move now. I don’t want to hurt you.” He tried to move, but I held on.

  “You’re not hurting me, Hayden. It feels warm and nice.”

  “Nice, huh?” He pulled back and smiled at me.

  “Uh, nothing about what we just did could be described as nice.” I smiled back.

  “No way, babe. That was hot as fuck. Let’s do it again.” He pushed up on his forearms, taking some of the weight off of me. “Maybe not right this second but after we eat. I’m starving.”

  He got off me completely and went into the bathroom coming back with a warm washcloth. I stuck my hand out to take it, but he climbed back on the bed.

  “No, Timbre. I made the mess I’ll take care of it. I guess it’s a little late to be asking about birth control and me of all people should know better.” He looked up at me after throwing the cloth back to the bathroom floor.

  “I’m on the pill. I get those for free, and I’m careful to take them on time daily. I’m clean, too. Had to get tested to get the pills refilled.” I wanted to be honest with him about everything.

  “I’m clean, too. Hell, it’s been a while since I’ve even had an opportunity to have sex. You’d think I’d become a monk.” He laughed when he said it, but the news surprised me. I figured the women would be plentiful in his life.

  “That’s a little interesting tidbit of information. I mean, you being a big rock star and all.”

  He laid back down facing me, and I rolled to face him, both of us with our hands holding our heads up. The comfortable position made it seem like something we did all the time. Just two people having a conversation, naked in bed.

  “I used to have that opportunity when I traveled with the band and the boys were little, but we ran into some problems when Crew was about four and found out he had asthma.”

  “So he’s sick a lot?” Asthma was nothing to mess with.

  “No, he’s allergic to cats. But the thing is, if I’d been gone on the road and couldn’t get to him fast, I’d been crazy. I’m all he has. His mom didn’t want him, and I’m it. I was eighteen when he was born. The Bitch… ” he looked up at me, “… that’s what we all refer to her as, signed over all rights to him. She’s never even called to check on him.”

  “Hayden, that’s terrible. What kind of mother does that? Why did she have him if she didn’t want him?” I thought a lot about that. At least my parents kept me. That woman, the Bitch, just threw her baby away.

  “Yeah, his conception’s not a pretty story, and she thought all along that Ryan was the dad. She wanted to trick Ryan into getting out of the band, which would never happen.” He reached out and twirled the ends of my hair around his finger.

  “Anyway, it’s not a story I’m proud of, but I’ve spent every single day trying to show that boy how much I love and want him.”

  “Does he ask about her?”

  “He did when he was a little guy. Since we lived with Ryan and Peri, he called her momma Peri and ReRe, and there’s Channy, Chandler. She’s like his aunt. He also sees my mom sometimes, but she’s busy living her own life back home.”

  “I’m sorry, Hayden. That must have been a hard time for you, being so young.” He rolled over on his back.

  “Yeah, it changed my life plans for sure, but I don’t regret it at all.”

  “No, you should be proud of yourself. It sounds like you’re a great dad.”

  “Enough of old news, let’s get dressed and get some food.” He stood up and pulled my hand. He didn’t move away as my feet hit the floor and we stood naked against each other.

  I could feel his erection against my stomach and looked down. “I think someone’s got a different idea.”

  “What can you expect? You’re standing there naked looking all sexed up. Damn, I might stay hard for thirty years. Put some damn clothes on, woman.”

  “Don’t woman, me. You’re naked, too. I could reach out and have my way with you.”

  “I think you did that already. Now please put some clothes on, Timbre.”

  “Much better. I’ll get dressed now. I suggest you do the same.” He laughed as he bent over and retrieved his underwear and jeans, dressing as he walked out to the kitchen.

  My phone pinged when I walked past it on the bar. I saw a few messages waiting for me.


  “What’s wrong,” Timbre asked as she came into the kitchen, dressed.

  “I missed messages.” I opened them. “Crew’s messaging me. He just started them, though, thank God.”

  “Does he just want you or is there a problem?”

  “Take a guess. He’s feeling better and is a growing boy.”

  “He’s hungry.” She laughed.

  “Right, oh smart one. He’s always hungry, at least when he’s not feeling like shit.” I put the phone down.

  “So go get him some food. I’ve got plenty to eat right here, and I need to unpack my new house.�
� She waved her hands around like so much needed to be done.

  “I hate to fucking leave you right now. I mean, we just had the best sex ever, and I’ve gotta run.” From the look on her face, it bothered me more than it did her.

  “Hayden. He’s your son, he’s been sick, he’s hungry. Go see him.” I pulled her into me and kissed the top of her head.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  “For what?”

  “For being so understanding. I feel like I took off on you last night after dumping you here. Now we have great sex, and I’m running away again.” I hated this. She may have to meet Crew pretty fast. Her attitude toward me being a dad was better than I hoped for and now she’s pushing me out the door to go see him. “How come I didn’t find you sooner?”

  “Who knows? Now go feed your kiddo.” She pushed me toward the door.

  “I’ll be back later or text if you need something.” I planted a kiss on her still swollen lips and left.

  I made my way inside and asked, “What’s up, dude?” as I walked into his room to find him playing a video game.

  “I’m starving. I wanted to go down to get something, but figured you’d want to bring it to me… me being sick and all.” His eyes cut over to watch my reaction.

  “You, little devil, called me all the way up here so I could serve you?”

  “Pops, I’m sick.” He gave me a fake as hell cough. “Real sick.”

  “Yeah, right.” I ran my hand over his head of hair. He needed a haircut. “What do you want?”

  “I was thinking a Whataburger, onion rings, and a chocolate shake sounds pretty good.”

  “Uh, that would be a big, definite… no.” I laughed. “You’ve been sick, remember?”

  “It was worth a try. What do you think I should have? I don’t want to ralf or anything.”

  “Boy, I love your extended vocabulary. Ralf, huh?”

  “Come on, Pops, you know what I mean.” I smiled at him. I loved this kid more than anything in this world, and I knew he would keep me on my toes for a long time to come.

  “Nanny made some homemade chicken noodle soup. How about that and some crackers?”

  “Yeah, sounds great. Bring a big bowl. I’m starving.”

  “Don’t you want to come down to the kitchen?”

  “Ugh.” He rolled over on the bed. “I’m so sick, Daddy. Please don’t make me.”

  “Whatever, dude. This meal only.” I walked out the door to him laughing.

  “The little shit,” I mumbled down the hallway.

  The whole Powell clan came in from riding bicycles while I heated soup.

  Peri peeked around me to see what I cooked in the pot. “He must be better.”

  “I’ll say. The little sh… devil. He’s too sick to come down, so I told him this one time I’d bring it to him.”

  “Yeah, I bet that’s right,” Tucker said. “He knows how to play you so well, Uncle H.”

  Peri jumped into the conversation. “He’s no worse than you are with your dad.” She mocked a childish whine, “Daddy, please take me… wherever, and your dad jumps at the chance.”

  “That’s just because he feels guilty about being gone all the time,” Tucker piped up. I knew this was going to be a family pow wow when I watched Ryan spin around and level his eyes on Tucker.

  “Just let me get out of here.” Ryan gave me a curt nod and Tucker looked down at the floor knowing he’d overstepped his bounds. He may be twelve going on twenty, but in this house, he would never play his parents. They had no reason to feel guilty. Their entire lives and the lives of the band altered for our children. I could already see their teen years were going to be a trial.

  I took the food up and sat the tray in Crew’s lap shutting the door. What they said to Tucker didn’t need to be heard by us. We always went out of our way to allow each one family time for a matter that needed discussion—this qualified as one.

  “That smells delish, Pops.” He pulled the tray up closer and dove in like a starving man. I let him eat in peace. I wanted to talk to him about meeting Timbre but hadn’t decided if it was too soon. I had no intentions of doing it fast, but this woman got to me. I had a feeling shit between us was going to get close quickly.

  When he finished every drop and every cracker, I moved the tray to the desk and sat back down.

  “We going home shortly? I have some homework to do, and it’s at home.”

  “Sure. We’ll leave in a bit. The Powell family is having some words.”

  “Oh man, what did Tucker do this time?” The kid stayed in trouble here lately. Even Crew noticed it.

  “He let his mouth overload his butt. I have a feeling his dad’s handing it back to him about now.”

  “Shit, let’s go down there.” He threw back the covers.

  “No, and I’d appreciate you keeping the locker room talk in the locker room.”

  “Yes, sir.” He gave me a sheepish grin.

  “Don’t pull that with me. That’s what got Tuck in trouble. He thinks maybe the rules of manners and appreciativeness don’t apply to him anymore.”

  “Sorry, Pops. I didn’t mean anything by it.” He laid his head back against the headboard.

  “I know, and we’ve talked about it. You need to watch your mouth, though, because if you get used to talking that way, it’ll come out at the wrong time, and you’ll pay the price.”

  “Yeah, I get it.” We heard heavy steps on the stair signaling their family time was over.

  “Good.” I stood up. “You about ready to head home?”

  “Sure.” He threw his feet off the side and stood only to lean a little to the side. In one step I had him making sure he didn’t fall.

  “Dude, you okay?” His eyes looked like they were going to roll back in his head. “Dammit, you’re not ready to go anywhere except the hospital. I think you’re worse now than before.” I put his forehead to my cheek. “My God, Crew, your skin’s on fire.”

  “I’m not feeling so good. I think I’m gonna hurl, Dad.” His words barely got out before it all came back up covering us both.

  I ushered him in the bathroom. “Come on, dude. Let’s get us cleaned up a bit, and we’ll get you to the ER. There’s something definitely more wrong than a virus.” I shot Peri a text, and she came running.

  Walking through the doorway, she looked down as Crew started throwing up more in the commode. At least this time we were in the bathroom. She wet a washcloth and put it in my hand.

  “Wipe his forehead down. That fever needs to be lowered.”

  I pulled his nasty t-shirt off and saw a strange rash on his skin. “What the hell?” I turned and looked at Peri as she stared at the red raised skin and shrugged her shoulders. Great, we both were in the dark on this one.

  “I’ll go ask Nanny. She knows all these things about kids.” A flash left out the door.

  “What’s the matter, Dad?”

  “Dude, you’ve got a rash on your back.”

  “Does it looks like this?” He turned to show me his stomach looked the same.

  “Yeah, exactly like that. We’ll get to the bottom of this. I’m gonna call the doctor to meet us at the ER.” His head leaned back against the wall with his eyes closed. I wanted to be scared, but I couldn’t. He’d know it immediately. The kid could read me like a book sometimes.


  “Yeah, Crew?” I turned in time to see him lean back over the commode.

  I helped him stand when he thought he was done, but he seemed so weak. I scooped him up and carried him down the stairs after getting a clean t-shirt on him. Peri tried to hand me a clean one, too.

  “I’ll put it on when I get to the truck.” She and Nanny followed me out. When I got him situated with a garbage bag, I shut the door and turned to the two women. “So, Nanny, what do you think?”

  “I think it might be scarlet fever. Did the doctor do a strep test when you had him there?”

  “Yeah, but it was negative.”

  “That doesn’t
mean a thing. It might have been too soon. Did they tell you that?” She shook her head as though she couldn’t believe what I said.

  “No, they didn’t. Does that really happen?”

  “Yeah, it does,” Peri nodded as she said it.

  “Okay, we’re gone. I’ll call you when I know something. Will you go tell Timbre what’s going on, please?” I didn’t have time to take care of them both, but I knew she would understand. I looked to see if Crew heard what I told her, but his head leaned against the door jam like he was asleep already.

  The drive to the hospital was made in short time and the doctor took one look and ordered another strep test which he already knew would be positive. “Looks like we’ll need some antibiotics this time around, Crew.” He patted his leg lying on the bed.

  Crew nodded in response.

  Turning to me the doctor said, “The test only takes a few minutes. I’ll be back with a prescription.”

  We both stepped out of the ER cubical. “What about the rash? It looks bad.”

  “It would be bad if we didn’t treat it quickly, but he didn’t have it when he was in my office, so I’m sure we caught it in time. You’ll need to watch him, though. Scarlett fever can get worse and become a real problem if not checked.”

  “No problem. We’ll make sure.” I shook his hand and watched him walk away.

  Before we pulled away from the ER heading to pick up his medicine, I shot Peri a text.

  Me: He’s got strep and scarlet fever

  Peri: Strep’s contagious

  Me: Yeah doc said he didn’t need to be around others

  Peri: You going home

  Me: Guess I’ll have to

  Peri: What about the show tonight

  Me: Shit forgot

  Peri: I’d tell you Nanny could stay but she’s leaving with us this afternoon

  Me: I’ll cancel. They’ll have to find someone else

  Peri: That’s a bad plan. Y’all been practicing a long time for this show. It’s a big one


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