His Skittish Sub

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His Skittish Sub Page 4

by Kelex

  “We’ll find another way,” Linc said.

  “How? Are there investors banging on the door? We got bankers hidden in places I don’t know about? Either we man up and take the chance or we stay exactly where we are, hammering away until we can barely lift our arms. Right now, that’s fine. We’re young. In twenty, thirty years, when our backs are weaker, are we going to be able to do what we do now?” Colt met Jax’s stare and then Linc’s. “We talked about one day hiring on foremen and tradesmen, to end up with a full crew so we just oversaw the day-to-day operations and jumped in here and there. Is that what we still want or not?”

  “Yeah, that’s the dream,” Jax said.

  “Then you two need to reconsider Damien’s offer, because you’re letting our chance to build the company of our dreams go without a second thought,” Colt said before standing up. “And the next time an offer comes to the table, you ask me before you speak for me.” Colt tossed his napkin to the table and glanced at his boyfriend, Ryan. “You ready to go?”

  Jax hadn’t ever seen Colt this upset. At least, not at him. He watched as Ryan and Colt started to leave. “Man, you don’t have to go.”

  “Before I say something I might regret, it’s best if I walk out of here now,” Colt snapped before heading out of the dining room.

  Jax listened as Colt and Ryan exited the back door. Colt only lived next door, but suddenly, his best friend felt a world away. He glanced at Linc, who sat with his hand steepled in front of him, looking lost in thought.

  “I didn’t think he’d get that pissed,” Jax said, to no one in particular.

  “I can say it does irritate me a little that you didn’t ask first,” Linc said before glancing at Jax. “Sometimes you do act like this is your business, not a joint venture.”

  Jax lifted his hands. “I thought you were on my side?”

  Linc threw his napkin on the table and leaned back in his seat, sighing. “I am, I guess. I don’t know. Colt made a good point.”

  “And that was?”

  “We had a dream. We had one hiccup and we turned tail and were ready to give up. That’s bullshit, man.”

  Jax turned to look at Golden. “Can we trust Damien? I mean, really trust him? I liked him when I first met him, but what he did today… it pissed me off more than anything.”

  “When Damien sees something he wants, he goes after it. That’s just the man he is. We aren’t as close as we once were, but the man I knew… that man, I would trust with my life,” Golden answered, his voice firm.

  Jax stared across the table at Linc, Chance at his side.

  “You could do a test run,” Chance threw out.

  Jax frowned. “What?”

  “Have him invest in a project, not the company. You can write up single contracts with him per flip. Do a few projects with him and see how it goes. After two or three flips, you’ll have a better idea what kind of man he is,” Chance said. “And maybe then you could decide if you want him to play a larger role in JLC.”

  “Brilliant,” Golden said with a smile. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

  Linc drew Chance close and gave him a kiss. “Because my Chance is the smartest, sexiest man on the planet, that’s why.”

  “Hey now,” Jax interrupted with a grin.

  Linc brushed his lips across Chance’s one more time before turning back to Jax. “We better let Colt know about Chance’s idea and see what he thinks.”

  “Best let Colt cool down and tell him in the morning. He can have angry sex with Ryan tonight and get it all out of his system,” Golden said, rising to his feet. “Now who’s going to help me clear the table and do dishes?”

  Chapter Five

  Damien slapped aftershave on his cheeks before turning to look at his empty hotel room as he wiped his hands on the hotel’s soft, white cotton towel. He sighed, thankful he was finally alone. Part of him worried that dinner tonight might be a mistake. He was rushing into another situation without taking stock of who this man was.

  His instincts had been wrong about Ansley. Were his instincts about Lucas just as wrong?

  A vision of Lucas staring up at him at the house earlier that morning came into his head and he smiled. The shy man fired his blood unlike any man had before. With Ansley, he’d known from the first moment the man had been a passing distraction. He’d never been able to open up and show his true desires to a fake like Ansley.

  Lucas was something different. Damien felt a dominance coming out in him when he was near Lucas, a desire to claim singing in his blood.

  He picked up his phone from the bed and glanced at the address Lucas had texted him earlier in the day. As soon as he pocketed the phone and pulled on his sports jacket, he left the room and headed to the parking garage. Once he’d keyed in Lucas’ address into his GPS, he roared out of the garage and made his way through the streets of San Alicia.

  Gone was the Los Angeles rush hour nightmare. Traffic was light as he drove down Main Street and noted multiple cafes and restaurants cluttered with people having dinner outdoors. He pulled to a stop in front of the real estate office and realized that was his final destination. A smile played over his lips. Lucas wasn’t one for sharing information. Already Damien had had to pry a name and the yes he’d needed for tonight from the man. Now all he got was his place of employment instead of a house address.

  Lucas seemed a tough nut to crack, yet the desire Damien saw in his eyes made it seem as if he wanted more. What held Lucas back?

  He exited his car and walked across the street. The office was dark, except for one solitary light coming from somewhere in the back. When Damien pulled the door handle, it was locked up tight.

  Have I been stood up?

  With a little hesitation, Damien knocked. He was unused to the feeling lying low in his gut.

  After a few seconds, Lucas’ head popped from behind a partition. He moved quickly to the door and opened it. “Hi there.”


  The two stood there, staring at one another, as Damien waited to either be asked inside, or for Lucas to walk out.

  “Are you ready?”

  Lucas shook his head and laughed tritely. “Yes, sorry. I was just finishing up some work. Let me shut everything down.”

  Damien stood outside the door, watching as Lucas whipped around his workspace, noting he wasn’t asked inside. Crossing his arms over his chest, he narrowed his gaze as it trailed over Lucas’ firm body as the man walked back to the front door. Once outside, Lucas locked the place up and pocketed the key.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m ready.”

  Damien let his hands fall to his sides. “Any suggestions for dinner?”

  Lucas’ gaze ran down Damien’s body before he looked to his own feet. “There are several great restaurants here on Main that are wonderful. I usually grab take-out on my way home.”

  The nervousness was back. The shy, submissive behavior was a match to the fuel inside him. It called out to his dominant side. “Look at me.”

  Lucas’ gaze lifted slightly, but he barely made eye contact.

  “I thought I told you that you didn’t have to be nervous around me.”

  Lucas shrugged. “Sorry. I’m just no good at things like this.”

  “Things like this? You mean a date?”


  “Don’t you date?”

  Lucas shrugged again. “A little. Not much. Not well.”

  Damien stepped closer and gripped Lucas’ chin, lifting it so he could claim the man’s stare. “I like you, Lucas. I want to get to know you better, but I can’t if you can’t relax around me.”

  “Sorry,” Lucas whispered, trembling against Damien’s fingers.

  There was fire in the man’s eyes. Damien felt the need Lucas had when he could get the man to look into his eyes, but he needed Lucas to come out of his shell.

  Or Damien needed to bust through it.

  “Don’t apologize,” Damien said before lowering his lips to Lucas’. He brushe
d his lips gently over Lucas’ and heard a low moan come from the man. How long had it been since Lucas had been touched? Caressed? Driven to the brink? Damien sensed it had been too long. If he could get the man to unwind, he could have a fiery lover on his hands.

  A thought came to mind. It was a risk, but something told him it would work in this particular case.

  “Later tonight, after dinner, I’m going to take you back to my hotel room,” he announced boldly and watched as Lucas’ eyes grew wider. “I’m going to take you over my knee and spank you. Each time you don’t look me in the eyes when we speak to one another during dinner, you’ll get a spank. The count is already at one. How many more you get is up to you.”

  Lucas’ lips parted and his lids lowered slightly, heavily. Heat deepened in his eyes as he stared up at Damien.

  But he spoke no words. He didn’t refuse Damien’s declaration.

  “Do you understand, Lucas?”

  Lucas nodded. “Yes,” he answered in a breathy rush.

  Damien felt his cock begin to harden. The game was afoot. Part of him almost hoped Lucas would disobey him, just to allow him to make the man’s ass bright red. He drew in a shuddering breath, wondering who was more affected by the gauntlet he’d just thrown down. Damien wasn’t sure where the idea had formed. It just had and then shot from his mouth without a second thought.

  And he was glad he hadn’t overthought it. Maybe he wouldn’t have said it if he’d put too much effort into the pros and cons of the idea.

  There was no taking it back now.

  He’d wanted to force the man to relax. Instead he’d managed to key himself up.

  “You choose which restaurant,” Damien said, taking a step away from Lucas and inhaling a calming breath.

  Lucas nodded and pinned Damien with a gaze. “Follow me.”

  A smile played over Damien’s lips at that stare. “Lead on.”

  Damien walked silently alongside the man for a block, casting Lucas a glance here and there. “You can walk and talk, can’t you?”

  Lucas looked over for a moment. “I can’t look at you and walk forward at the same time.”

  Damien laughed. “True. You’re exempt while we walk to and from the restaurant. How about that?”

  Lucas grinned. “Better.”

  Damien wended his way through a group of people coming their way. “Is it always this crowded down here in the evenings?”

  “The restaurant scene really exploded with the new influx of people. Small mom and pop places popped up and then the edgier places moved in, too. There’s a great vibe through Main Street these days.”

  “And business is good for realtors.”

  Lucas chuckled. “That it is. Especially when you get to share a little of a commission that’s fifty K over asking price. I suppose dinner should be on me tonight.”

  Damien wouldn’t have it. “I asked. I pay.” He glanced sideways at Lucas and liked that the man already seemed to be loosening up a bit.

  “Fair enough,” Lucas said before pausing in front of a small Mexican place.

  The low humming sound of mariachi music radiated from the front and grew louder when the front door opened and a woman exited, carrying a plate laden with sizzling fajitas. She passed the pair of them and walked through the filled cast iron and tiled tables out front. The scent was delightful, and his stomach gurgled. He hadn’t had anything to eat since meeting Jax at the coffee shop, and then, it had only been a bagel.

  He’d had too much going on to worry about food. Now, he was famished. “Smells wonderful.”

  “Want to go in?” Lucas asked, turning to stare up at Damien.

  “Sure,” Damien said, putting his hand on Lucas’ upper arm and coaxing him closer to the door.

  Inside, it was a riot for the ears, eyes, and nose. The scents wafting through the air were superb, as was the live music and authentic décor. A Latina greeted them, one who apparently knew Lucas well.

  “Senor Cullen. So nice to see you for dinner tonight,” she said as she lifted two menus, smiling at Lucas. Her friendly glance slanted to Damien. “Just two?”

  “Yes, Angelica. How is your father doing?”

  “Much better,” she said with a softer smile, before leading them to a table. “Papa told me you stopped in to see him. Thank you very much for checking in on him. Our family really appreciates the kindness.”

  “If there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know,” Lucas answered.

  Angelica smiled, touching Lucas’ forearm. “Gracias, but we’re managing okay for now.” She removed her hand and looked at Damien. “Maria will be your server tonight. Is there anything I can get you to drink before she comes for your order?”

  Damien nodded to Lucas, letting him order first.

  “Lucas will get a Dos Equis. Bottle. And a chilled glass,” she answered. “And for you, sir?” the woman asked, a slight challenge in her eyes.

  “I’ll have the same,” Damien answered.

  “I’ll have that right up for you,” Angelica said before moving off to get their drinks ready.

  “What was that all about?” Damien asked, curious about the man across from him.

  “Her father fell out front yesterday and broke his leg in several places. I stopped at the hospital to check in on him.”

  “That was considerate.”

  “I sold him this space a few years ago. I come in for lunch a lot because the food is wonderful and the kitchen is spotless. They treat me like one of the family when I’m here,” Lucas answered, looking Damien squarely in the eye. “That kind of relationship has to go both ways.”

  Angelica returned with two bottles of beer and two glasses, plunking them down before them. “Enjoy your dinner, gentlemen.” She squeezed Lucas’ forearm again before she left.

  Damien watched the pretty, young woman drift away to greet other patrons. “Seems like Angelica would love you to be family.”

  Lucas looked over his shoulder at the woman. “No.” He shook his head and turned back to face Damien. “No, she doesn’t.”

  Damien chuckled, knowing when he saw someone’s interest. “Does she know you prefer outies versus innies?”

  Lucas reddened and looked away. “Who says I prefer them? Maybe I like both.”

  Damien grinned. “So do you? Do you like both?”

  Lucas stared at his bottle of beer. “No. I am firmly entrenched on one side of the fence.”

  “That’s two more, you know?”

  Lucas looked up. “What?”

  “Two times you looked away. That’s two more spanks.”

  The color deepened in Lucas’ face. “I can’t stare at you all night. It would be… weird.”

  “Those are the rules,” Damien said, smiling.

  They were interrupted by Maria, their waitress. After a quick order, Damien returned his focus to the man on the other side of the table. “Rules. We were discussing rules.”

  Lucas stared at Damien. Their gazes locked and Damien was sure the room’s temperature had kicked up a notch. Lucas quickly looked away, staring at whatever it was that caught his attention.

  “Why do I make you so nervous?”

  “You’re too perfect,” Lucas muttered, turning his gaze back to Damien.

  “Perfect? I am nowhere near perfect.”

  “You’re an attorney. From a privileged family. You have money to toss around and overspend on houses. You’re not rough on the eyes.”

  Damien captured Lucas’ stare. “Yes, I’m an attorney, but my ‘privileged’ family is no less terrible than anyone else’s. Yes, my parents sent me to college, but every dime I’ve made since graduating was from my own hard work. I didn’t overspend on that house. I paid fair market value for it and you know it. I also did it to send a message and I think you know that, too.”

  “What was that message?” Lucas asked.

  “That JLC should ask for what they deserve. They’ve helped revitalize this city, and they should get paid for their work. If they did, t
hey could re-invest in their business and hire on more people, putting money in tradesmen’s pockets.”

  “Why do you care so much?” Lucas asked.

  “I like San Alicia. It’s quiet, a lot quieter than L.A. I’m tired of the attention whores and the fakeness there. I can’t deal with it much longer.” He paused as their food was brought to the table. After digging in for a bite or two, he looked over to Lucas. “I see potential with JLC. I met with Jax today and offered to invest in their company.”

  Lucas paused, his fork hanging midway through the air. “And what did he say?”

  “No,” Damien said, shaking his head. A sudden thought occurred him. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d simply talked on a date, without feeling like he had to put on a fake show or discuss Hollywood. Even as keyed as he was, thinking about later tonight, he felt at ease talking to Lucas. “I think I pissed him off more than anything else when all I wanted to do was help build the company up.”

  “Maybe they’re happy doing what they do.”

  “That house today, that wasn’t them being happy doing what they wanted to do. That was them trying to branch out and do something different.”

  “Perhaps,” Lucas said. “But you’ve got to have a softer touch with Jax. He doesn’t like to be bullied. You give him your input and then walk away, letting him digest it. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get a different answer once he and the guys really think it over.”

  “Is that what I am? A bully?” Damien worried he’d taken things too far. He knew he’d pushed, hard, but it had felt right at the time.

  Lucas lifted his head, his stare capturing Damien’s as he finished the bite in his mouth. “No, you’re not a bully. You just have… singular focus… when you want something, it seems.”

  “When I see something I want, I go after it.”

  Lucas stared back, heat in his gaze. “Why me?”

  Damien mulled that question over for a moment. “Chemistry.”


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