His Skittish Sub

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His Skittish Sub Page 5

by Kelex


  “Maybe a little physics, too,” Damien answered.

  Lucas’ eyes grew darker. “Physics, hmm?”

  “Magnetic force… that’s physics, right?” Damien asked, feeling the desire to pull Lucas closer and test out that chemistry between them. “I was attracted to you from the moment I laid eyes on you at the wedding, but you skipped out on me before I could learn more. I searched for you all night.”

  Lucas looked away. “I’m sorry.”

  One more spank. Heat flooded Damien’s blood. His hand itched to caress Lucas’ bare backside. “And then when I saw you at the house this morning, I figured fate had stepped in and I wasn’t missing my chance again. Not before you ran away and left me empty-handed again.”

  Lucas stared at his plate.

  “Look at me, Lucas.”

  Lucas lifted his stare, and Damien captured it. “I am drawn to you and when you look at me, I think I see the same desire in your eyes. Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll leave you be. We part as friends and I only run into you at the supermarket from time to time.”

  “You don’t cook,” Lucas said, his voice low.

  Damien shook his head. “I don’t. But we all need to have our hungers fed.”

  Lucas looked away.

  “We’re up to five now.”

  Lucas’ gaze returned.

  “That is, if you want me to touch you tonight,” Damien said slowly. He ached all over, needing Lucas’ touch. If the man denied him, he wasn’t sure he’d survive it. “Do you want me to touch you tonight?”

  Lucas’ lips worked, opening and closing over and over. But he didn’t say anything.

  Damien leaned back in his seat, realizing he was making a complete fool of himself. Maybe he’d only seen what he’d wanted to see in Lucas’ stare. He pulled out his wallet and tossed a few bills on the table. “I’m sorry I wasted both our time tonight and made you feel uncomfortable. I’m glad to have met you. Have a nice evening.”

  Damien left his half-eaten plate. His appetite was gone. He only hungered for the man he was leaving behind. One who apparently didn’t want him at all.

  How could he have gotten it so wrong?

  Chapter Six

  Lucas watched as Damien left the restaurant, too stunned to say a word. Inside, he was screaming no, but the word wouldn’t come out. Here was a man he wanted, the man he’d been lusting over, walking away because he was too damned scared to fess up to his own desires. When Damien had made up the little game at the beginning, Lucas had wanted to bow down on all fours then and there and have the man spank him.

  Rules made sense to Lucas. They helped him force himself to do the things he needed to do and overcome his shyness. Damien’s proclamation set boundaries Lucas needed.

  And he was letting that man get away.

  Forcing himself from the seat, he rushed through the crowd and hit the front door. Night had fallen and the streetlights didn’t give off enough light. He didn’t see Damien on the street, so he rushed toward his office, hoping he could stop Damien before he left. He’d made it half a block when a hand reached out from a narrow alley and dragged him inside. A strong body pinned him up against a brick wall, the alluring scent of cologne swirling about.

  A swath of light spread from a commercial bulb overhead. Fear subsided as he realized the strong body holding him was Damien’s.

  “Where were you going in such a rush?”

  Lucas released the breath he was holding. “To stop you.”

  Damien relaxed a little against him, although part of him wasn’t relaxed at all. Lucas could feel the hot, hard stamp of the man’s cock against his belly.

  He lowered his head, his lips inches from Lucas’. “Why did you want to stop me?”

  Lucas could barely breathe from want. “To tell you…”

  When he struggled to put his thoughts into words, Damien pushed. “To tell me what?”

  “That I want… I want you. I want you to touch me. To spank me, like you promised.”

  Damien shuddered against him. “I want to touch you, too.” He lowered his mouth and captured Lucas’ in a breath-robbing kiss.

  Lucas clutched Damien’s jacket with both hands, crumbling the fabric in his grip. He held the man close for those kisses, needing Damien even closer, without the barrier of clothing between them.

  “I want you to take me to your room,” Lucas said, pulling away from Damien’s drugging mouth. “Five spanks.”

  “I should punish you for not answering me at the table, too,” Damien whispered against Lucas’ mouth, eliciting a spine-tingling shiver from Lucas.

  “Yes,” Lucas said before kissing Damien. “You should. I was wrong not to answer. You might’ve left.”

  “Five more spanks for not answering. Ten sounds like a nice round number to start out with.”

  Lucas nodded, still clutching Damien close.

  Damien stepped back and offered a hand to Lucas. “Ready?”

  Lucas took the hand and let Damien drag him out of the alley and onto the sidewalk. Dazed and needy, Lucas barely remembered the walk to Damien’s sports car and even less about the ride to the hotel.

  * * * *

  Damien closed the room’s door behind them, the clink of the lock engaging reverberating through him. The sound was ten times louder in his ears, as was the racing beat of his heart and the short, panting breaths his lungs made. His eyesight seemed keener, too. He could see the same quick rise and fall coming from Lucas’ chest, and the sweat beading on the man’s brow. The evening was balmy, but likely not the cause for Lucas to overheat.

  If the man was as excited as Damien, it was the fire boiling in his veins.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Lucas shook his head, silent. A little bit of the same nervousness seemed to creep back into the man, and Damien needed to put a stop to it immediately.

  “Take off your jacket and lay it over the chair.”

  Lucas did as he was instructed and the flames grew in Damien’s belly. He walked over to the bar and poured himself a bottle from the mini-fridge, more to give him a moment to calm down than for the drink itself. He kept his back to Lucas as he announced a new order. “Take off your shoes.”

  He took a drink and turned, watching Lucas pull off his dress oxfords. “Now your pants.”

  Lucas hesitated, but slowly reached for his buckle and undid his belt and the closure on his pants. The material came off quickly and was folded over the discarded jacket.

  Damien looked down Lucas’ strong, hairy legs. He was well-muscled, just as Damien had suspected. He rounded the small wing chair across from his bed and stared at the handsome man. “Now the shirt.”

  Lucas lifted his hands to his tie.

  “No, leave on the tie.”

  Lucas met Damien’s gaze, as he continued to loosen the tie. He left it on as he removed his dress shirt and hung it over the back of the chair with the rest of his garments. Damien let his gaze roam over Lucas’ beautiful body. He was muscled, but not from hard labor. Lucas had the long, lean, muscled look of a swimmer. His abs were firm; and a narrow trail of blond hair a little darker than his head trailed from around his belly button and disappeared into the waistband of his bright blue briefs, the single bit of color hidden behind a bland suit.

  Briefs that were tented before him, his cock hard and ready. Damien was sure that was what Lucas was. A vibrant man hidden behind his shyness. Damien only had to peel back the layers to find him.

  Damien licked his suddenly dry lips. He wanted to savor this moment, enjoy it, but he needed Lucas so badly, he wasn’t sure he could retain his control.

  “Now the briefs.”

  Lucas looked up, indecision in his gaze, but it was gone an instant later. Lucas stepped out of his briefs and let them fall to the floor. He stood before Damien, naked and unashamed. The proud look on Lucas’ face made Damien smile.

  “What’s funny?” Lucas asked.

  “Nothing,” Damien
said, letting his smile fade some. “You’re gorgeous.”

  Lucas’ face reddened, and he looked down.

  “Look at me, Lucas.”

  When the man obeyed, Damien rose to his feet and walked over to him, holding that gaze the entire time. He stopped inches from Lucas and lifted the man’s chin. “You’re gorgeous and I can’t wait to touch you everywhere you want to be touched.”

  Lucas’ lids lowered and he sighed, swaying slightly on his feet.

  “But before we can enjoy one another, there’s discipline to administer.”

  Lucas’ eyes reopened, and he nodded. “Yes, there is.”

  Damien released his hold on Lucas and walked over to the bed. He sat on the edge of the mattress and looked at Lucas, barely able to contain his desire. “Over my knee.”

  Lucas hesitantly walked over before he crawled over Damien’s lap.

  Before he laid the first strike, Damien spread one palm along one of Lucas’ cheeks. The skin was soft there, the fine hairs tickling his hand. “I’m going to punish you now. Are you ready?”

  The question was Lucas’ last chance out. After this, they were both done for.

  “Yes,” Lucas answered quietly.

  Time felt like it stood still as Damien raised his hand. He felt the whoosh of air sliding along his arm as he brought his hand down. When he made contact, the strike shook them both and reverberated through his hand and arm. Lucas cried out, the sound filling the room. That cry was filled with pain and pleasure. The man began to writhe on his lap, rubbing his own hard cock along Damien’s. Damien closed his eyes, the lust firing within almost too much to bear.

  Teeth clenched, he lifted his hand, only to see the pink imprint now marking Lucas’ ass. He nearly shuddered upon seeing it. It was a thing of beauty. “Ready for another?”

  Lucas hadn’t stopped wriggling until Damien spoke. He seemed to calm at Damien’s voice. “Yes. Please give me another.”

  Damien’s lids fell closed at the sweet sound of Lucas’ request. When he reopened them, he saw Lucas looking over his shoulder. Their stares met and locked. Damien lifted his hand into the air while holding that stare.

  Lucas tensed under him, but did not look away. When Damien brought his hand down again, Lucas moaned, loudly, all while he stared at his punisher.

  Lips parted, Lucas breathed roughly. Sweat sparkled on his forehead and the back of his neck. Damien wanted to grab the back of the man’s head and kiss those firm lips, but he had a punishment to complete. They still had eight more to go.

  He would not rush, no matter how much he wanted to. He would savor this experience, one his partner seemed to be a more than willing participant in. Lust glistened in Lucas’ desire-darkened eyes, enough to bewitch Damien completely.

  “Ready for another?” Damien said, not even recognizing his own voice.

  “Yes,” Lucas whispered, turning away.

  Chapter Seven

  Lucas turned his head, the lust he saw in Damien’s eyes almost too much to witness. The man was gloriously sexy before the spanking had started. Now he’d turned into a sex god incarnate. His dark looks, coupled with the control he struggled to hold on to etched into every line of his face… it was a sight to behold.

  Damien brought down his hand for a third strike against Lucas’ flesh and the sensation rang through Lucas’ entire body. The pain was almost too much to bear, but his body cried out and demanded more with each one. His bottom throbbed with pain, but the ache was also pure pleasure.

  He couldn’t remember ever feeling more alive.

  “Please, another,” he breathlessly begged Damien.

  Drawing air into his lungs was becoming harder and harder to do. With each strike to his flesh, the more excited he became. His cock was hard as stone. It pressed into Damien’s hard thigh, so the man had to know just how aroused he was.

  He looked over his shoulder and saw the same signs of arousal reflected back to him. The man’s breaths were shorter, his muscled chest rising and falling quickly. His lips were parted, and he licked them with the same tongue that had swept into Lucas’ mouth earlier that night and would hopefully do so again soon. Sweat beaded on his brow. When he turned to capture Lucas’ stare, his eyes were alight with lust and dark with desire.

  And Damien was hard.

  Lucas could feel the thick staff under his belly. He continued to move, rubbing his own hard cock against the bulk, tempting the beast.

  Damien finally gave him another hit and he moaned, fire swelling through him from that spot and radiating out through his entire body. Once the pain ebbed, the pleasure took over once more. He ached for Damien’s touch.

  They were barely halfway through the punishment and Lucas wasn’t sure he could make it to The End without begging the man to fuck him.

  “Please, sir, another,” he said, not sure where the word sir had come from.

  Damien spanked him again, finally bringing the count to five. After the strike, Damien ran a loving hand over the abraded skin, gently caressing the spots he’d marked.

  “Your ass is bright red. It’s beautiful,” Damien said, with almost a reverence to his voice. He ran his hand over it again, the heat of his hand adding to the fire burning in Lucas’ flesh.

  “Five more,” Lucas said. “We’re only halfway.”

  Damien’s stare turned to his, holding Lucas’. “Can you bear more of my punishment?”

  Lucas writhed in Damien’s lap. “Please, another.”

  Damien’s firm lips twisted into a wicked smile. “Your wish is my command.”

  Another strike singed Lucas’ flesh, and he cried out in pain. Closing his eyes, he breathed briskly until it passed, the golden throb returning.

  Damien’s hand came down again, striking him hard. And then another came on its heels… and he could barely breathe. His body tensed, his balls tightening up close to his body. The third hit…

  And he came.

  A cry tore from his lips as he felt cum pulse from his shaft. He reached below himself and gripped the shaft, urging the next explosion from him, his spunk landing on the carpet below. Lucas milked his cock, coming harder than he could ever recall.

  As he calmed, the realization that his punishment was finished came over him. He didn’t want it to end. He needed more.

  “More, please,” Lucas begged, looking at Damien over his shoulder.

  Damien looked down at Lucas, a minor frown on his face. “Lucas… you’ve endured enough. And we agreed to ten. You’ve handled your punishment, and well.”

  Lucas lay there, not wanting to get up and move away from Damien, but he did so anyway. He rose on shaking legs and stood before the man who’d just rocked his entire world. He’d never considered spanking all that sexy, nor the idea of punishment. But from the first moment Damien had uttered the idea, it had been the only thing on Lucas’ mind.

  “Let me see you,” Damien said, his hand on Lucas’ hip. Damien spun him around and stared at the marks he’d left.

  Lucas wished he could see it as well. He surely felt it, throbbing with every beat of his heart.

  Damien ran a gentle hand over his work before pressing his lips against Lucas’ ass. Lucas had been unprepared and jumped at the feel of Damien’s soft lips on him. The man trailed more kisses over Lucas’ abraded flesh, his tongue coming out to swipe over some of the skin here and there.

  Lucas moaned at the feel. He’d wanted to feel that tongue kissing him again, but this was almost better. Damien kissed every inch he’d struck, not missing a single mark. When he was done, he rose to his feet and turned Lucas to face him. He grabbed both sides of Lucas’ face and kissed him, that wicked tongue coming out to wreck Lucas completely.

  Damien feasted on Lucas’ mouth, tasting every inch. Lucas pressed his own tongue against Damien’s, warring with it. Finally he conceded, surrendering to the aggressive man’s demands. Once Damien pulled back, they were both breathing roughly, the scent of Damien’s spicy meal and beer rushing over his face.

nbsp; Damien stepped back. “Get your clothes on and I’ll take you home.”

  Home? “Why? Did I do something wrong?”

  Damien captured Lucas’ tie is a strong fist and dragged him close for another tantalizing kiss. “You did absolutely nothing wrong. So get dressed before I lose all control.”

  Lucas wanted Damien to lose control. He pressed his body closer, lowering a hand to cup the hard shaft still covered by clothing. “You haven’t come. Let me help you.”

  Damien pulled from Lucas’ embrace. “We’ve already taken things too far tonight. Get dressed.”

  Lucas wasn’t sure what to think. He stood naked in the middle of the man’s hotel room, yet was being sent home in the middle, before they’d finished? Lucas wasn’t one to screw on a first date, but this was a first date unlike any other he’d ever had in his life. He felt connected to Damien, that magnetic pull the man had spoken about at dinner—he felt the same. He was drawn like a moth to the flame, and he was already burning so brightly for Damien.

  “I don’t want to go home,” Lucas whispered. “I want you to finish this.”

  “Put your clothes on, Lucas. That’s not a request.”

  Lucas narrowed his eyes, annoyance filling him. He grabbed his briefs and thrust his legs into the holes angrily. Once he was dressed, he moved to the door, ready to go. He’d get a cab. He didn’t need Damien to get him home.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home. Goodbye, Damien.”

  As Lucas opened the door, Damien’s hand reached out and slammed it shut. Damien pushed Lucas into the door, his hard cock jutting against Lucas’ ass. Lucas’ forehead rested on the cooler wood as he tried to get control over his emotions.

  “Tonight has gone too far. Punishing you has pushed me past my own limits, and I don’t know that I could be gentle with you. I won’t take you when I can’t ensure you’d be okay when it was over.”

  Lucas sucked in a shuddering breath. “Maybe I don’t want you to have control. Maybe I want to see you lose it… with me.”

  Damien pressed his forehead against the back of Lucas’ head. “I can be rough as it is. Without control… I won’t hurt you, Lucas. I don’t ever want to hurt you.”


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