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Love Takes Hold: The Helena's Grove Series Book 3

Page 9

by Ivy Alexander

  Bianca’s mouth dropped when she saw Jen and Annie flat out squealed. Aunt Gabby just smiled like she knew something no one else did. Jen stood on the platform and looked at herself. The gown was sweetheart style with one strap of embroidered material stretched perfectly over her left shoulder. It hugged her waist and gathered to her left side in a sweeping motion down her hip but was loose enough at the bottom she knew she wouldn’t have a hard time walking in the grass. Tracy added a veil over Jen’s pinned up hair and that sealed the deal. She had found her dress! She felt an amazing weight lift off her as she turned to the three women watching her from their seats. “I think this is it!” she announced.

  “Praise!” Bianca shouted as she shot to her feet and gave Jen a hug. The others followed suit as they gushed and complimented Jen and the dress. Aunt Gabby gave her a long lingering hug.

  “Thank you,” Jen whispered.

  Aunt Gabby smiled at her. “No need to thank me child. That’s what I’m here for. By the way,” she whispered. “I picked this one.”

  Jen grinned and laughed. “How did you know? How did you know what to look for?”

  She shrugged. “I looked for the dress I felt would match your beauty without taking away from it. You want to wear the dress not have the dress wear you.”

  “Is there anything you don’t know?” Jen asked, shaking her head.

  “Not that I am aware of.” Aunt Gabby mocked seriousness.

  They laughed and hugged as measurements were taken. The consultants seemed a bit flustered at having to get the dress done by the end of September but luckily it fit so nicely they had few alterations.

  Jen slept soundly that night for the first time in weeks. Her dreams were filled with visions of her wedding day when she would walk down a beautiful pathway, in her beautiful dress, towards her best friend. She’d wished earlier she had more time but in that moment, she couldn’t wait until she could say “I do.”

  Chapter 14

  With the dress situation taken care of, it was on to the next steps in preparation for the big day. With RSVP’s from their guests, the food arranged, justice of the peace booked and the reception venue taken care of, the last week before the wedding should have been one of relaxation. Instead, Jen and Zack were running around like a pair of chickens with their heads cut off. Zack had picked up as many shifts as possible in order to get a week off for their wedding and honeymoon. Jen had started a new job with another law firm only one month prior and was still getting used to it. She felt she saw less of Zack every day and looked forward to their honeymoon when they could have a few days to themselves.

  It was Wednesday, two days until the wedding. She and Zack were heading to Ohio the next morning in an attempt to make sure everything was ready. Zack had made some calls to some old buddies who had taken care of Helena’s Grove. According to them, it was trimmed and cleaned up so those in their wedding attire could walk around without ruining their outfits.

  Annie had graciously agreed to take over the decorations at the Christmas farm barn, where their reception was to take place. Jen wasn’t sure about the barn idea at first but after looking through it and settling on a price she felt it was the best option. Everything was going as planned and Jen was excited, except for one tiny thing: her bachelorette party. Annie had insisted she throw one for Jen the night before her wedding. She had been so busy with all the details that Jen had almost forgotten about the traditional girl bash. She was thrilled at first but now, as the day grew nearer she began to have second thoughts. She had no idea who was going to be there besides Annie and Aunt Gabby since Bianca was flying out the morning of the wedding. Jen had invited a few more of her old school friends but none were able to make it until the wedding day.

  “You all packed?” Zack asked coming into the living room and falling on the couch. He propped his feet up on the coffee table and rubbed his eyes.

  “I think so.” Jen looked at the bags that were stacked by the door, ready for the early morning flight. She sat down next to Zack and lifted his arm so that it rested around her shoulders. “I’m so tired,” she commented as she leaned into him.

  “So am I. I was thinking that maybe, for our honeymoon we could take the first day and just sleep.” He smiled at her.

  “Just sleep?” she asked raising one eyebrow.

  He suppressed a grin as he leaned in and kissed her.

  “I’m looking so forward to having a few days to ourselves! It’s going to be so nice.”

  “It sure will be. After the pre-wedding parties, the wedding itself and the reception we are going to be beat.”

  Jen looked up at him. “What are you going to do during my bachelorette party?”

  He looked puzzled. “You mean I can’t come?”

  Jen laughed. “I guess you could if you wanted to, but I doubt Annie will let you.”

  “Oh yeah, my sister, I forgot about her.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “To be honest, I’ll probably use that time for myself. Maybe go on a drive or a ride or something.”

  “If you go horseback riding you have to take me with you,” Jen reminded him.

  “You have to go to the party. Annie would never forgive me if I stole you away to spend the evening with me.”

  Why aren’t you having a bachelor party anyway? What’s with your old friends – don’t they know how to throw their buddy a party?” Jen asked.

  “I told them I’d rather not,” Zack answered. “All that ruckus to have a last hurray just isn’t my thing. I don’t need a last hurray – I’ve got you.” He smiled at her. “Besides, I’d rather just be by myself the night before.”

  Jen groaned. “Well, I’d rather spend the evening with you than with a bunch of girls I don’t really know.”

  “You know Annie and Aunt Gabby. Who else is going to be there?”

  “I don’t know. Annie did the inviting. I asked Bianca, Kelly and MacKay to come but the three of them are flying in Friday morning.”

  “I see,” Zack mused. “I could be the male stripper.”

  Jen laughed out loud and rolled onto her back on the couch. “I would be okay with that.”

  Zack stood up and pulled off his shirt in one fluid motion. He flexed several times. “See, I could be great!”

  Jen continued to shake with laughter. “Would you really want to do that in front of your sister and Aunt Gabby?” she asked between breaths.

  Zack thought about that a moment. “You’re right. That would be weird. I guess you’ll just have to get a private show after the wedding.” He leaned over her and kissed her gently.

  “Mmm, I’ll look forward to it,” she whispered.


  Dylan sat in his office, hunched over the documents and folders that had piled up on his desk. He squinted at the screen; his eyebrows pulled down in a form of concentration. His pulse was beating fast as he read the dates again, then the names. He checked the file and read the terms, the ages, and the location. Everything added up. He sat stunned, after so many months of searching, could this be her? Could he have finally found her? He leaned back in shock; unable to contain the laugh that escaped him and feeling a great weight lift off his shoulders. With a broad smile spread across his face he bounded up the stairs to his bedroom where Courtney sat reading in a big overstuffed chair. She looked up at him as he stood in the doorway.

  “I found her,” he said quietly, hardly believing it himself.

  Courtney’s eyes widened. “You did? Are you sure?” She closed her book and met him half way across the room where he wrapped her in his arms.

  “I can’t believe it,” he breathed. “I can’t believe it’s actually her!”

  “But are you sure?” Courtney cautioned, “I mean, you’re one hundred percent sure?”

  Dylan nodded, “Everything adds up, the dates, the numbers, the names…” He looked at his wife and put his hand on her face, barely able to contain his excitement. “I have to go. I have to go meet her.”

  “When?” she asked i
n surprise.

  “This weekend. But I’ll be back by Sunday.”

  “Do you want me to go with you?”

  “No, I think this is something I need to do on my own. Not to mention, I have no idea what to expect.”

  Courtney nodded. “I’m sure everything will be fine. Oh babe I’m so excited for you!”

  Dylan grinned and kissed her. “Thank you for being so supportive. I could never have done this without you.”

  She smiled. “So, where are you going?”

  Dylan went to the closet to grab his suitcase. As he lifted it to the bed he turned to her. “Ohio.”


  Jen sat in Aunt Gabby’s kitchen decked out in bride-to-be attire, including a crown, sash, and a mystery box that she wasn’t supposed to open until the end of the night. She felt stupid in the getup but smiled for Annie’s sake; who had clearly gone to a lot of work to make the bachelorette party nice, which was due to start as soon as the first guest arrived.

  Aunt Gabby sat in the chair next to Jen and the two of them watched Annie buzz about the kitchen like a honey bee.

  “Are you sure I can’t help you with something honey?” Aunt Gabby asked when Annie burned her finger pulling some wonderful smelling cheesey things from the oven.

  “No, no I’m fine. I have this all planned out, I’m just running a little bit behind schedule. But don’t worry, everything will be great!”

  Jen and Aunt Gabby shared a look but let Annie continue on.

  The doorbell rang three times in the next ten minutes and the room was soon full of ten extra girls. Jen knew some just from Annie’s association, but others she had only met a couple times. Either way, it felt strange to have her bachelorette party with a bunch of women she barely knew.

  It took some time but eventually Jen began to relax and even have fun! Annie had gone all out with games and prizes, ways to keep up conversation and a ton of food, which was Jen’s favorite part. She had heard that most brides weren’t able to eat before their wedding, but that was a problem she apparently didn’t have. It seemed since she and Zack had gotten engaged she couldn’t eat enough! The night went on and by the time Jen looked at her phone it was already after midnight. Her eyebrows furrowed, she hadn’t heard from Zack for a while. She shrugged it off, thinking he was probably asleep somewhere.

  “Where is Zack tonight?” a girl named Audrey asked as if on cue.

  “He said he was going on a drive – wanted some time for himself. He’s been so busy the last few months that he’s been looking forward to having some down time,” Jen told her.

  “I thought he was going out with Chris and the guys tonight,” another woman named Clarissa chimed in.

  “Yeah, Matt said they were going to the bar,” said Audrey.

  Jen glanced at Annie for an explanation but she seemed as clueless as Jen was. “I don’t know but maybe he did decide to go out with the guys.”

  Aunt Gabby leaned in close to Jen so only she could hear. “If he went out with Chris and Matt Harris you can be sure they’re up to no good.”

  Jen shook her head. “Zack’s a big boy, I’m sure they’re fine…”

  “SURPRISE!!!” The sound of men’s voices from the front door echoed through the house. Every woman’s head snapped up as Zack and two other men stumbled into the house.

  One man had Zack around the waist and practically dragged him into the living room. Jen was up and by his side instantly. “Zack! What’s wrong?”

  He smiled up at her, eyes half closed, alcohol strong on his breath. Jen shook her head. “You’re drunk? Really?”

  He shook his head. “Nope, just a lil’ tipsy,” he slurred.

  “Uh huh.” She stood and faced the two men that were now talking with some of the other women in the room. She recognized Chris Harris, who was one of Zack’s oldest friends but she had only ever heard of his brother Matt. The pair seemed every bit as intoxicated as her fiancé. She marched over to Chris. “I have you to thank for the state of my soon to be husband?” Jen asked, not hiding her annoyance.

  Chris put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry but when Zack told me he had no plans for a bachelor party I knew I had to take him out for one final night of partying! After all, I’m the best man!” His grin was wide.

  Jen took a deep breath, trying to hide the smile on her face. Zack hadn’t picked a best man as of that morning, and she assumed it would be one of the guys from his home town. She was glad he’d decided on Chris. Instead of making a big deal over the situation Jen decided to just get Zack to bed before he fell over. “Thanks for bringing him home safe and sound. I trust I’ll see you at the wedding, in the appropriate attire and sober?”

  “Ma’am, yes ma’am!” Chris nodded.

  Jen and Annie helped Zack to his feet. “Come on babe, it’s time for bed,” Jen told him.

  Jen thanked Annie for the nice night and the guests began to dissipate. As Jen walked up the stairs she could hear Aunt Gabby giving the Harris boys a lecture about how they got there – they’d better not be drinking and driving! She didn’t hear the rest as she opened the door to the bedroom at the end of the hall and laid Zack on the bed. She glanced at the clock on the dresser, almost one thirty. She shook her head again as she removed his shoes.

  Zack reached up and grabbed her arm when she walked past him. “Do we get to party now?”

  Jen touched his newly trimmed hair. “No sweetheart, it’s time for bed.” She kissed him and made her way to the bathroom.

  “Oh yeah! Because we are getting married tomorrow!” he exclaimed from the bed.

  Jen laughed. “Not tomorrow babe, today. We’re getting married in just over twelve hours.”

  Chapter 15

  Jen awoke, the sun was shining through the window and the room was quiet. I’m getting married today. After weeks of planning and stressing it was finally here! She lay on her side, facing the closet and not moving; she was so comfortable and relaxed that she didn’t want to interrupt the moment. She listened intently to see if she could hear Zack’s steady breathing. After last night she wasn’t sure he’d even be ready in time for the wedding. If he had a killer hangover, it would serve him right. Despite the craziness of the night before she was surprisingly calm. She sat up slowly and let her legs hang over the side of the bed, her toes barely grazing the rug below her. She glanced behind her and found the bed to be empty. Zack was obviously up and going. She smiled, glad that he was. She breathed in steadily as her mind ran away with her thoughts.

  This is it; Zack and I are finally getting married! How much is really going to change? Other than my last name on some legal documents, there isn’t much, I’m sure. I am committed to him, one hundred percent! That will never change... I hope marriage doesn’t make me fat – oh don’t be ridiculous Jennifer, it’s not like the instant you get married you just gain ten pounds. Would Zack still love me if I gained weight? What if Aunt Gabby is right and the next time I pull out my wedding dress I’ll only be able to marvel at how thin I once was! Jen pinched her eyes shut. Don’t be ridiculous! Don’t be ridiculous!

  She exhaled slowly and stood to walk into the bathroom. She checked her phone on the way, 7:48. There was a text from Zack and Jen read it quickly.

  Good morning beautiful! Today is our day! I went to get some last minute things figured out and then I’ll go to Chris’s to get ready. So you can have the room to yourself without worrying about me seeing you… which is all I want to do at this point. I can’t wait to see you walk down that aisle. I love you


  Jen smiled as she read through the text a second time. A sigh escaped her as she realized once again how much she loved Zack LaFaye. The wedding was at two, so she had plenty of time to spend getting ready. She glanced at the closet where her beautiful dress hung. She had had to sneak it in, covered with a garment bag so Zack wouldn’t see it. He had sworn he wouldn’t peek but she knew him too well for that. Even if it was an accident, she didn’t want to take any chances. It w
asn’t that she was superstitious about it. She just wanted him to be surprised when he saw her walking down the aisle. She wanted that moment to be the first time he’d see the dress.

  There was a knock on the door. Jen leaned out of the bathroom. “Come in!”

  Annie came bounding into the room with Bianca close behind, each carrying their purple bridesmaid dresses. “We’re here!” Annie announced in an excited voice as she hugged Jen.

  Jen laughed. “I can see that, and full of life to boot.”

  “At least one of us is,” Bianca muttered as she hung the dresses in the closet.

  Jen watched her with a smirk. “You probably haven’t been up this early since the last time you were up this late, huh B?”

  “Shut up,” Bianca said through a yawn. “I get up early some days, just not usually on a Friday. And especially not when I got in late the night before.”

  “I thought you were flying in this morning?” Jen asked.

  “I was, but I decided to get the red eye so I could sleep a little and not be rushed.” She shot a dirty look in Annie’s direction. “I think I should have just come this morning.”

  Annie giggled. “We were just so excited we had to come right over. Plus I knew you’d need help getting ready and since Bianca is a makeup artist I knew you’d need her here. And I know you must be nervous so I stopped and got a few sprigs of lavender just to have in the room while you’re getting ready so you can breathe in its relaxing aroma.” She beamed and Jen smiled at her enthusiasm.

  “That’s great! Thanks Ann.”

  “You didn’t need to bring that flowery stuff,” Bianca told Annie. “I told you, I stopped and got a full bottle of tequila – it’s in the back of my rental.” She turned to Jen. “Girl, if you’re feeling nervous just take a couple shots.”

  Annie shook her head. “She doesn’t want to be hazy or tipsy on her wedding day!”

  “Two shots is just enough to take the edge off. I’m not trying to get her drunk,” Bianca said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.


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