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Caught in the Billionaire's Bedroom (BWWM interracial alpha male romance)

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by Neesa Baker


  © 2015 Neesa Baker

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

  Kindle Edition

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  Wow, this place is huge. Did he buy up the entire valley or something? I just drove down a long winding drive, thinking that I was lost when my car came up against a two-story wrought iron fence that seemed to stretch on forever in both directions. I couldn’t even see the house from where I was at.

  I double-checked the address I had gotten on my phone again in case I had gone to the wrong place. Nope, I hadn’t gotten it wrong. Slowly I turned off the ignition and got out of the car. As I approached the left side of the big gate, I noticed an intercom. A small video camera pointed at me above it. I pressed a button, leaning in close so I could be heard.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “Hello,” a voice crackled back. “Ms. Rachel Martin?”

  “That’s right. I’m supposed to meet Fitzgerald Langston for an interview today?”

  “Yes, that is correct. Come on through.”

  The gate creaked open slowly, opening inward to let me through. I ran back into the car and started it up again. Slowly, I inched my beat up sedan through the stately gates and drove off down the long driveway. It was flanked by many old trees, close enough together to obscure most of the property. Even though I knew that the rich and famous had bought up tons of land in the valley to turn into vacation homes in the wintertime, this was the first that they had called upon my services. I mean, don’t they usually have private music tutors and such?

  To be honest, despite living in such close proximity to such wealth, us town folk seldom mixed with those who have recently moved into all the mansions up on the mountain. As far as we were concerned, they did little to help the local economy, and a lot to drive up the cost of living. When my dad heard that I had gotten an interview with one of these people, he had spat on the ground. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be too choosy. The bar I worked at was slowly dying, and I had supplemented it with tutoring in any and all subjects, including piano lessons. This was the first time I had actually been called up to teach it though.

  And I had to admit that I was a little curious about them. I couldn’t imagine why people would need so much money. I mean, surely they’d run out of things to buy at some point. My best friend Mona had told me that the rich paved their driveways with gold, and had over a hundred cars so that they could always be driving the newest ones. They even imported cars especially by plane to drive here, even though there was nothing to do in this town.

  I had done a little googling on Fitzgerald Langston too. The scion of the Langston family, he wasn’t content with his family’s millions. No, he made them into billions, investing, buying, and who knows what else. There wasn’t very much in the way of family though. He was an intensely private man, and never gave interviews.

  I made a turn in the driveway and finally saw the house, I mean mansion. It was a huge Versailles monstrosity. It had two wings on either side, flanking a large fountain and pool in the center, which the driveway encircled. It took me a few seconds to understand why it was so big- for all the limos which inevitably showed up for the owner’s lavish dinner parties. There were statues everywhere, propped high on the façade of the building. I could feel their disapproval as I drove my shoddy car to the front door.

  I stepped out and looked around, staggered by the gaudy display of wealth. It was baffling to me why anyone would want to buy such a place. I walked up the twenty- twenty!- steps to the front door and knocked.

  The door opened immediately, a uniformed butler gesturing me to step inside. It was even grander inside than out. There was a large curving staircase that led up to the second floor, and everything just looked expensive. I didn’t know where to stand, uncomfortably aware that I was tracking dirt from my boots.

  “This way please, miss. Last door on your left,” the butler said, in a posh English accent. Did they take import him all the way from England? I wondered.

  I walked down the hallway slowly, taking in the art along the walls. The plush carpeting made my footsteps silent, and the air felt stuffy and choked. I longed to open each door, to see what lay behind it. Everything looked very fragile and clean, and I couldn’t imagine any kids living in here.

  Finally, I came upon the last door. I knocked carefully.

  “Come in,” said someone. His voice was smooth, like silk. I pushed opened the doors and stepped through. It was an office of some kind, decorated in mahogany and leather. There was a fire crackling to one side, and row upon row of books. But my eyes were drawn to the man behind the desk.

  Mr. Langston.

  He was handsome, even for an older guy. His wavy, chestnut hair was carefully combed off to one side, and his charcoal suit was impeccably tailored to his body. It showed off broad shoulders well. I could feel myself blushing under his intimidating gaze. I could see why people said he ran a tight ship at his company. It looked as though he could see right through me. The hardness in his eyes melted when he smiled though, which made me foolishly smile back.

  I had worn my best outfit for the job interview today. It was very difficult to find clothes that fitted my curvy body, and yet remained modest. It was tough; Anything that fit looked salacious with my generous breasts, no matter how much I slouched. So I’d opted for a loose blouse and dark pants, but now I wished I had dressed up a little more.

  “Hello Mr. Langston,” I said stepping forward and extending my hand. “I’m Rachel Martin.”

  “Thank you for coming on such short notice Rachel,” he said, extending his hand. It was large and warm, enveloping my little one. He held onto my hands for a moment, then let go. My hand tingled slightly, as if he was still holding on. I could see his muscular frame shifting under his suit as he moved. I wish I could see him without his shirt, flitted through my head before I realized just how inappropriate it was to fantasize about my future boss.

  “Please.” Mr. Langston gestured at the buttery brown chair in front of him.

  I fell into the leather chair, letting it keep me up. His touch had sent my heart into overdrive, and the beating in my ears made it hard to focus. I didn’t understand what was going on, only that I wanted to stare longer into his hazel eyes.

  “Now, I do need some documents signed, here, and here. The terms of your employment are this: You are to take over for my son’s music lessons until a more suitable teacher can be found. His last one was, shall we say? Neglectful? I will not tolerate that. This is a formative time for a child, and he must play more if he is to develop the proper skills to succeed.” He gestured to a second page. “Please take this home and study it. You will be expected to know all the protocol by the next shift.”

  All I could do was nod. My mouth was parched and dry. I’d tutored for many kids over the years, but none had such a rigorous set of material to follow. I was glad that I had forgotten the music books I had planned to show him, because they definitely wouldn’t be up to par.

  “Any questions?”

  I swallowed b
ack my criticism and shook my head. I was being paid nearly $50 an hour, and I couldn’t afford to lose my job. Not to mention the fact that it would mean I’d no longer see Mr. Langston again. My heart squeezed tightly at the thought.

  “Very well. See you on Friday.”

  He gave my hand another shake, and with that I was dismissed. I gathered up my papers, turned and left. As I got to the door, I took one last look at Mr. Langston, and left. He didn’t look up as I said goodbye. Clearly, I hadn’t made quite as much of an impression on him.

  That night, as I lay in my little twin bed, I thought of Mr. Langston. He was so calm and controlled, unlike the boys around the town. They would try and outboast one another, each one insecure in his own skin. Nothing like Mr. Langston at all.

  My hand travelled up my thigh slowly, tracing curly letter W’s across my large thighs. I rolled onto my back, spreading my legs apart for my imagination. I’d never been with anyone before, but I knew how it worked. My fingers moved ever higher, until I reached my silky folds. Delicately, I began to tease myself open, reaching forward for the little nub that waited for my hand.

  I let my mind wander as I fiddled with myself, delving deeper into my virginal slit. I could see Mr. Langston in my mind’s eye, looming over me. Instead of dismissing me after shaking my hand like this afternoon, he’d pull me forward in his grip, crushing his lips against mine with the force of his lust.

  My hand quickened its pace, my body no longer content with a gentle press. I rubbed myself furiously, imagining it was Mr. Langston’s large one instead, readying me for his cock. I could see it already, red and long, hard with desire. He’d move quickly to get what he want, ripping my shirt apart and pulling at my jeans.

  He’d sprawl me across that big desk of his, letting his papers fly off the top. It wouldn’t matter if we made a mess, he just couldn’t wait longer to plunge himself into me and finally fill me up. I could feel my needy ache grow stronger, unable to be satiated with my fingers any more. My fantasy was so vivid I could almost feel the movement of his body against me, slapping against me as my hips rose to meet his. I thrashed on my bed, hoping, wishing, begging…

  I moaned and came, my fingers moving so quickly that it was almost a blur. My eyes flew open, shocked by the intensity of my orgasm. It tore through me like a storm, leaving me quivering in its wake. I gasped for breath. It had never been so strong in my whole life.

  It took minutes before I was able to stop shaking. Each time I pressed my hand deeper, I triggered another mind numbing orgasm, until I was so spent that I had to curl up, drifting into an exhausted sleep.

  My first day at work went surprisingly well. I drove up to the mansion, once again awestruck by its grandiose size and scale. This time, the butler gestured for me to go to my right, and soon I heard the definite sounds of a small boy. It must be Joshua, I thought.

  I opened up a door where the laughter came from, and came face to face with a floor to ceiling aquarium, stuffed full of vibrant fish, stingrays, and what looked like a hammerhead shark. A small boy raced back and forth, following the animals back and forth in front of the enormous tank. A beautiful, slim woman stood to the side, trying to explain to him how the food chain worked.

  I stepped forward, and both of them looked up. Evan became shy immediately, running behind the woman’s legs. She must be the au pair. She was even more beautiful up close, and I could see why Mr. Langston had hired her.

  “Hi, I’m Rachel the music tutor,” I said, extending my hand.

  “Greta. Pleased to meet you,” she said, smiling.

  “So I guess I’m supposed to take over?”

  “That’s right. Here is a folder with Mr. Langston’s requests for his lesson today as well.”

  She handed me a fat folder that seemed to contain his entire curriculum. The information was absolutely overwhelming. Some of the stuff in there I hadn’t learned yet. I looked down at Evan, who regarded me solemnly.

  “Alright, you can leave it to me,” I said. She smiled at me warmly, then turned to the little boy at her side. Bending down, she said told him that he would have a quiz tomorrow on the anima names, and left us to it. So much for trying to give the boy a break, I thought.

  We spent most of our afternoon practising various scales and techniques before starting off with some Mozart. Then it was dinnertime, in a cavernous dining room that could seat twenty. And that wasn’t even the biggest one, Evan told me. Apparently, there were at least 3 more. The dizzying display of wealth didn’t end there. His room was the size of my house, filled with every conceivable, educational toy in existence. And then there was another practise before bedtime.

  After I dropped him back off with his au pair, I was free to go. Unfortunately however, I got lost on my way back to the front door. Really lost. I opened doors to kitchens, another dining room, a bar, a bowling alley, and at least two pools (why indoors, I don’t know).

  Finally I came upon a bedroom in a far wing of the house. There was a bookshelf in this one, and I spent some time reading the covers. Most of them were in a different language, and I became bored very quickly. I wondered who this bedroom could belong to. It was spacious, and tastefully designed, but there were no pictures at all. Perhaps it was a guest bedroom. There were two doors as well, and having come so far, I decided it couldn’t hurt to look. It wasn’t like anybody knew I was there.

  I peeked into the first door to the left. It led into a giant closet. Slowly I stepped inside, awestruck. It was as big as my bedroom, maybe even bigger. There was a giant vanity, with enough counter space for my sister and me both to do our makeup. Shelves specifically designed to hold jewelry, purses and shoes laid out their goods behind glass doors. It was absolutely beautiful. My hands ran over the clothes, marvelling at the softness of the furs and silks. Display cases stood in the center, showing off more accessories than I’d own in a lifetime.

  Slowly, I pulled out an emerald green gown. It was beautiful, with crystal studded straps and a mermaid train. I’d love to wear something like this, though there wasn’t an event to wear it to. My hands ran over the slinky material. Did I dare?

  Well, Evan was definitely asleep by now, and I hadn’t passed a soul on my way here. I’d wandered into a little used wing of the mansion, so it was unlikely that anyone would catch me or hear me even. Briefly I wondered why there would even be a wardrobe like this full of clothing, but put the thought out of my head. I wanted to try the stuff on!

  I quickly pulled off my boots before I could change my mind. Wow! The carpet was so thick and soft it felt like I was stepping onto a cloud. I couldn’t believe the expense Mr. Langston had gone to for his house. I had to admit that it was nice though. I stripped of the rest of my clothes, discarding even my bra. The black straps would ruin the effect of the dress if I didn’t. I zipped myself up in the green dress.

  Suddenly I heard the door open and close. I spun around. It was Mr. Langston! I immediately tried to cover myself up, but I only had my hands. I was completely exposed.

  “Ms. Thompson.” His voice was low, and undecipherable. “You’re in my bedroom.”

  “Your bedroom?” I echoed stupidly, stumbling back against the side of the closet. Of course I’d pick the one room that I shouldn’t have in this maze of a mansion.

  “Yes, my bedroom. I see you have been snooping around.” His gaze was unnerving. It roamed slowly up and down my body, assessing the parts of me that I failed to cover up. Each and every curve was taken in greedily by the billionaire in front of me.

  “I, no it’s not that…”

  “Then can you tell me why you still haven’t left the premises? And why you are wearing my ex-wife’s dress?” he asked, almost amused. I couldn’t tell if he was angry or not, and it made me tense up tightly. Still, a little part of me revelled that he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from my body.

  “I was lost an-“ I stopped as I saw Mr. Langston start to unbutton his shirt. Now it was my turn to look. His body was like a Greek god�
�s! He was in just as great a shape as she had fantasized, his muscles clearly defined on his athletic frame. As he worked off his belt, my mind snapped back into the moment.

  “Mr. Langston, what are you doing?!”

  “I am taking off my clothes.” He said it so matter-of-factly as he pulled down his elegant trousers, revealing black silk boxers that were most definitely tenting outwards.

  “What? You can’t!” I protested, though secretly I could feel my body heating up, and not just from the water anymore. I’d never had anything like this happen to me. It felt almost surreal. But there was something wrong about it too. He was a dad for crying out loud, and her employer!

  “It’s my house, Ms. Martin, and I will do whatever I want in it.”

  The lump in my throat grew bigger. There was a part of me that wanted to run. I’d never had sex before, and I couldn’t imagine that this would be my first time. But I knew I wouldn’t make it. He was directly in front of me, and his strong arms would bring me back for sure. And I couldn’t deny the fact that I had been fantasizing about him ever since my interview.

  “I… I’ve never…”

  “You’ve never seen a man naked? Never seen a real man’s cock?”

  My mouth grew parched as I struggled to understand what was happening. I’d never really had a boyfriend before. The guys at school usually went for the skinny cheerleaders, not me. It was strangely arousing to have this handsome billionaire in front of me, desiring my body. It was clear that he wanted me, and Mr. Langston was a man who was used to getting his way.

  I turned away to the back of the closet, overcome with shyness. The knowledge of how taboo this was tempered by a giddy sense of excitement. Surely at any moment now, Mr. Langston would come to his senses and leave me alone?

  But no, he was stepping closer. I could feel it. My nipples hardened, the dark tips becoming puffy with arousal. I had never even seen a man naked, and now one was close enough to touch.

  I felt his cock first, pressing hard between my ass cheeks. Then the rest of his hard body moved against my soft back. My whole body tensed as his arms wrapped around me, exploring me with his large hands. They circled my soft belly, before moving over my childbearing hips and cupping my ass. He gave them a playful slap.


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