Electing Love (The Collins Brothers Book Three)

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Electing Love (The Collins Brothers Book Three) Page 8

by Pinder, Victoria

  “Let’s go, Gerard.”

  She stepped behind him and latched on to his arm. Nicole then marched him out the door. As soon as they reached the street, she slowed down.

  He wondered if she’d changed her mind. If he had a successful life and career, he might not give it up like she was willing. No one should have to give up anything.

  She ran toward the office and grabbed her pocketbook. He opened the door, and she waved for the cameras. He held her hand in his.

  Flashes overpowered his ability to see. News cameras lined the busy street. Nicole stepped into his arms as he held her tight.

  One reporter asked, “Are you dating Nicole Wyman?”

  This was it. Lightning had struck in his life. He held her against his chest and ran his hands through her hair. “Nicole said yes. We’re going up the street to buy a ring, but let’s keep that between us until tonight, so I can tell my parents.”

  More cameras flashed, and the lights blinded him for a second time. He listened to his heart, which seemed to control how he acted right now.

  Another reporter called through the blur, “Nicole, are you trading Hollywood movies for your own real-life romance?”

  “Gerard takes far more work than any acting career, but he’s an amazing man who deserves love. His message to help end corruption stirs my heart, as I know he has the power to say no when others are tempted.”

  She smiled for the cameras. His ears rang. She’d said something similar in one of her movies his mother watched, only it hadn’t been about politics. She might be acting, and he’d be a fool if he let himself believe in fairy tales. She wrapped her arms around him, but he froze as she finished, “He has my vote, obviously.”’

  “Ms. Wyman, you said recently that you’ve never been in love. How does it feel now?”

  A huge smile grew on her face. “Amazingly simple and pure. I thought my crush on Gerard was completely one-sided for pretty much my entire movie career. I am so glad to know I was wrong.”

  No. This was so fast. It had to be a lie, and insincerity played no part of his life. She shouldn’t cheapen herself or them.

  “Smile.” She shook him, but he continued to frown.

  “We’re leaving,” he told the reporters, as he wanted to punch anyone who came too close right now. “Do not follow us.”

  A limo waited, and he led her inside and closed the door. As she settled in her seat, he ran his hands through his hair.

  “What’s wrong?” She crossed her legs.

  He told the driver. “Diamond & Jeweler building. I can’t bring her home without a ring.”

  “Her? I have a name. And you better start telling me what’s wrong, Gerard Collins.”

  Coldness raced through him. “Nicole, don’t quote movie lines you’ve said about love with my name, ever.”

  “I didn’t.” Her lips parted. “Ohh. You meant ‘amazingly simple.’ You’re right, I did. I’m sorry. It was an accident. I thought the words sounded right.”

  “I saw that movie with Mom. You promised to love a baseball player.”

  “It was an accident, a slip.” She uncrossed her arms. “I said I was sorry.”

  He took a deep breath. She chewed her lower lip. He reached out for her hand and the tension left his shoulders. “I believe you.”

  She took his hand. “Please trust me from now.”

  “I’ll work on it. Don’t give up on me.” A marriage to her would never be fake. His life was speeding out of his control fast.

  “Good, though I have to say, something changed with you.” She stared at the window. “I’m different too. Until I met you again, I didn’t know I had this temper, but whatever is happening between us has been good for me.”

  He stared at her and she turned toward him. He scooted closer, and the power generating inside her would light up a city. Then she said, “With you I feel more.”

  Another movie reference. It had been her life, but it made his skin crawl. “I am trying not to let you quoting your lines get to me, but there it was.”

  “It happens to actors, all of us. We spend too much time memorizing lines and then they just stick on your lips and don’t go away.”

  “We all have our favorite sayings.”

  His hand on hers wasn’t enough. He needed her fully if he planned on a future with her. With Nicole his life was like a freight train that was coming right for him.

  Then the car stopped in front of a building. Cars honked behind them, and he helped her out. A few press people waited on the street. He led her into the building and then whispered to her, “Why are we getting married?”

  “You needed a wife.” She shrugged. “And we both want to find out if what is between us is love.”

  “Why did you say yes if there is a question in your mind?”

  “I like how I feel alive again. If you don’t want to, don’t buy me a ring and we’ll call the whole plan off now.”

  It wasn’t that simple. He’d do everything to keep her close. They walked further into the building to go upstairs. His father had bought his mother’s ring on the sixth floor, and he’d take Nicole to the same place. “Nicole, I’m not capable of meaningless halves. I know I want you in my life. You’ve been part of my dreams since you left.”

  “I believe you. The same was true for me.” She smiled at him, and he saw a white glow around her. “It’s one of your better characteristics. I know where I stand with you.”

  He sighed as the elevator beeped they were on their floor. “You’re going to have to be the one who leaves me.”

  “Not happening, so stop pushing me away.”

  “I will work on trust.” Tonight, he’d speak to Liam and ensure his marriage would never put her in harm’s way. His brother would have to find another way to get to the Boroni crime family if there was any danger. Nicole changed everything.



  Energy coursed through Nicole. She bumped into Gerard’s shoulder as he stared at a box full of rings.

  She smiled. Then, inside the glass, she spotted a classic peach pink morganite diamond halo engagement ring and stared at it in the light. She had never wanted a pure white diamond. She pointed as Gerard placed his hand on her back and said, “Can I see the pink one? I think my bride wants to try that on.”

  She stood and took his hand in hers. His energy calmed her. The sales clerk handed Gerard the ring. She opened her mouth to say something, but then he slipped it on her finger. The weight of the ring felt like something enveloped her. She showed him the ring on her hand. “Pretty.”

  Gerard said to the sales clerk, “Guess she’s not traditional.”

  “I am. For a wedding band, I expect plain yellow gold. Commitment isn’t fancy and jeweled. It’s simple and pure, similar to a plain, round ring.”

  His eyes widened and she bounced on her feet again, to admire the ring in a new mirror. This meant for once she might believe in the fairy tales she sold to people in her movie roles.

  He kept his silence as he paid the jeweler.

  Finished, he led her down a flight of stairs. “I forgot. Before we go to my parents, can you come to the mayor’s?”

  She clenched and unclenched her hand to ensure the ring stayed on no matter what she did. “The mayor’s what?”

  “Sorry. I lost my words.” He took her hand in his. “Can you go to the debate and meet my family, Nicole?”

  “What debate? I’ve never seen you practice anything.”

  “It’s tonight.”

  “Okay.” If he intended to win, he ought to practice more. She took his arm. “Our lives changed today.”

  He tapped his fingers on his collar. “I’m moving you into my condo until we buy a house in Hyannis, Nicole.”

  She licked her lips as the elevator opened for them and they scooted inside. “I already have a house in Hyannis.”

  The doors closed. He nodded. “Keep it. We’ll need one with better security.”

  “Then I should sell it
and be with you, unless you want me there for now.”

  “Why would I want that?”

  The doors opened and people were in the lobby, everywhere. She shrugged as he led her into the limo. “’Cause I am in danger of falling even deeper in love with you than I already feel.”

  “You love me?”

  “Yes. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” He opened her door, let her in, and then slid next to her. “I need you with me. I can’t protect you if I don’t keep an eye on you.”

  “I’m not in danger.” Personal security could be bought. She checked her ring was still on her hand. “The most dangerous thing in my life is you.”

  “Driver,” he called out, “take us to my home in the Navy Yard.”

  “You have a place in the Navy Yard?”

  “It’s close and secure. The US Navy left Charlestown after World War Two, and they are all converted condos now.”

  “I spent my childhood on the Cape, and the big trip into Boston was spent on the tour. Can I get my picture with the USS Constitution from your place?”

  He didn’t answer. He slid his hands down her body, and every nerve ending tingled.

  “You have no idea what you do to me, Nicole.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and guided him to kiss her.

  Then the heavens shifted inside her. His kiss took control of her every sense. Her fingers roamed his back and ached to explore everything about him.

  The limo stopped short. The jerking motion ended the kiss. He zipped her jacket for her and opened the door. Walking into granite building, she stopped. “Are there people inside?”

  “No. It’s my condo.” He kissed her neck, and her skin electrified. She followed him to a stairwell. His hands roamed her hips. “We only have an hour.”

  This was fast. Every part of him wanted to forget the consequences and go with the flow. She followed a few steps, but then stopped at the first landing. “If we’re going to the debate, I’ll need this time to order something to wear.”

  He’d not have time to do anything else. Good.


  Gerard took off his shirt and headed to his bedroom as she stayed in the living room. Her heart beat so fast in her chest.

  “A tattoo?” Her eyes widened as she stared at his upper arm.

  “I was in the Marines. It’s my unit.”

  “Are you sure you want to marry me?”

  His pupils dilated. This was it. She rubbed her hand against his cheek and let the trace of his five o’clock shadow tickle her skin.

  “I couldn’t imagine saying no to you. The election just sped everything up, but that’s fine.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “Please order and wear a Kate Sparrow dress for tonight, when you meet the family, Nicole.”

  No straight man told her what fashion brand to buy. She gazed at his Spartan bedroom. “Are you seriously telling me what to wear? That’s slightly controlling.”

  “Not what I meant at all.” He shook his head. “My sister-in-law, Kate Sparrow, and my mom have been best friends since the baby was born. I figure we’ll start with flattery.”

  This explained the brand. She brightened and bounced toward the living room. “Of course. Your family’s blessing is important to you?”

  His grimace made no sense to her. “Yes and no. It’s not a deal breaker.”

  She headed toward an open door that had a computer and a desk. “You have a busy day with the campaign. Go and get yourself ready for tonight. I’ll use your computer to order a dress, and have it delivered.”

  He stood and walked halfway toward the bathroom. “We’ll send a driver. It will be faster, and I want to trust everyone you speak to.”

  Her heart whispered that she should trust him. This was better than anything she’d ever done.



  Nicole fixed her earrings. Her heart raced as she stared at herself.

  She fiddled with her gold necklace. Then she flew around his two-bedroom condo one more time to check she hadn’t forgotten anything.

  Gerard finally closed his laptop in his office.

  She was halfway to him as the doorbell rang.

  She tugged down his shorts to cover as much as possible and went to the door. His shirt was way too big for her, but she had needed that shower. She swung open the door, but hid behind it. “Hello.”

  “Package for Ms. Wyman.”

  Her other name. Nicole needed to change her name on her credit cards from her business name. She nodded and reached for the brown box. “Thank you.”

  He held the box back. “Please sign here.”

  Her body grew warmer. Gerard stood behind her now. His presence set her pulse on high. She quickly jotted her name with the stylus and accepted the box.

  Gerard paced the room and practiced a speech, as she spoke on his phone to Barnie. She dashed into his bedroom to change.

  Slipping on the red dress, she looked at herself in the mirror. Kate Sparrow designs had definitely improved since she had last tried them. The red dress was fit for a politician’s fiancée.

  Nicole reset her hair to ensure the pins held her curls. The knock on the door echoed in her chest and woke every cell in her body as she turned around to see Gerard.

  He held out his arm. Her heart beat so loudly that it was all she heard until he said, “You look amazing.”

  She took his arm. Then he escorted her out of the apartment. “Is this Kate Sparrow?”

  “You should know. She’s your family.”

  He locked the door and avoided looking at her then placed his hand on the base of her spine. “I have no idea about women’s clothes.”

  She believed him. The valet had brought his blue Aston Martin around to the front. “And yes, this is from the fall line.”

  They meandered through traffic to get out Boston. As he maneuvered onto the highway, he gripped the wheel tighter. “How do you know the Boroni family?”

  “I don’t.” She played with her gold pendant and stared out the window. The name did ring a bell. She snapped her fingers and nodded. “Wait… sure… Joseph. My sister did small part-time jobs for him.”

  “Joseph Boroni?” Gerard’s lips curled.

  “Yes, Joseph. Why? Is he important?”

  “He doesn’t want me to win the election. What about Sebastian Boroni?”

  “I never liked him. The truth is I avoided him.” No need to mention he was likely Stella’s drug dealer. She let her necklace go. “I think my sister was friends with him, a long time ago.”


  “Her words, not mine. I doubt he had real friends.” She snapped her fingers again as another memory came to her. “I think Joseph Boroni was involved with the financing of one of my movies—not that it should matter. I’ll do whatever I can to help you win, Gerard, and I hope that this history doesn’t matter.”

  “I need you to stay away from Joseph or any of the Boroni family. Find me immediately if you run into any of them.” He stared at the road.

  “That sounds drastic. I’m sure Barnie can help us outthink this and tell us how to handle it.”

  “My brother Liam is in the FBI.”

  “Then he’s even better to call.”

  Gerard’s voice became deeper. “Don’t go near a Boroni without me next to you.”

  Her forehead wrinkled. “Whatever you want. I don’t want to fight with you over this.” She smiled, but he didn’t return the gesture. “On more serious matters, though, I brought my tablet and I’m looking up the news. I need to know if we set your campaign back because we skipped the mayor’s pre-debate party.”

  “Nicole.” His voice was steady. “We shouldn’t let every conversation turn into the election.”

  She picked up her small diamond again and fiddled. He didn’t say anything else. “Relax,” she said. “I’m at your side now. You’ll win because you’re the best man for the job.”


p; “So you can help people.” She squeezed his arm. “Politics is a power game, and you’re your own person, stable and sure. We need people like you in office. You’re free to do what’s right.”

  He took a long, deep breath. “I’m not a saint. I telling you I don’t want to win.”

  “You are in a strange mood today. You’re on the ballot, and I didn’t put you there.” She massaged his shoulder. “Stage fright is normal. I’ll help you. Don’t stress out over your debate.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  She shrugged as the page on her tablet opened. “Wait, I found something online about us.”

  She flashed her screen at him and read the article. “‘Gerard Collins was a no-show at the mayor’s banquet earlier this evening. This journalist assumed the absence was due to his newly engaged status with the beautiful Nicole Wyman. Will the movie star settle down with our favorite Boston boy for a fairytale romance?’”

  “Sounds terrible.” He shook his head. “Put that down. A campaign shouldn’t be about an engagement.”

  She hummed, tapped her cheek, and then scrolled through her news feed. “One moment—the article had been more about me. Let’s find one about you and how you’re the best choice for the job.” He shook his head, but she nodded. “Got it. ‘Is Gerard Collins turning against his values when he marries Nicole Wyman?’” She read the article fast and offered the highlights. “This article says we met years ago at Saint Francis. They have a picture of me with my sister as we sat two rows behind your family. I must have been ten to your brooding thirteen.”

  “Put it away,” he repeated. “I don’t have to win, Nicole. I don’t care what the papers say.”

  She covered her mouth and giggled. “You’re adorably unhappy in this picture. Your eyes here still look intelligent and full of secrets.”

  He clenched his hands. “There is something serious I need to tell you, Nicole.”

  She held one finger in the air as she turned her tablet off and placed it back in her bag. “Okay, I’m ready to listen.”

  He clenched his jaw. “In the next few weeks, I need you to be vigilant and careful. Stay away from the Boroni family.”


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