Electing Love (The Collins Brothers Book Three)

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Electing Love (The Collins Brothers Book Three) Page 9

by Pinder, Victoria

  She never looked out for them anyhow. But she remembered Sebastian’s beady eyes. “I never spent much time with their family and have no intention to now.”

  “If you see any of them, we need to call for help.”

  “Help?” She crossed her legs. “I need an explanation. Why the Boronis, of all people?”

  He turned onto the street where his parents lived. They were close.

  “I doubt their corruption would filter to you, but that family is bad news.”

  “I understand and agree, but we’ll continue this discussion later, Gerard.” She stared at the huge mansion ahead of them. She had never been inside any of the fine homes in Hyannisport. She gulped and tapped Gerard’s shoulder. “Will you stop me from making a fool of myself tonight?”

  “That’s impossible. You’re perfect, Nicole.” His eyes twinkled as he glanced at her. Then he parked the car. From the driveway they could hear music from inside. “Relax and have fun. Dad will be happy you’re Irish.”

  “My half blood means I’m acceptable?” She laughed.

  He ran around the car and opened the door for her. “I’d be the first Collins to bring one home.”

  She took his free hand. “Gigi was here all her life.”

  Gerard shrugged. “She’s French and English, but we don’t hold that against her.”

  He walked arm in arm with her up the front porch, and then the door swung open. An older woman with reddish-brown hair lunged at Gerard into a hug. Nicole watched as his mother said, “Welcome home, Nicole. I’m Margaret, but if you’re feeling comfortable, you can call me Maggie. Please come in—we’re discussing your wedding.”

  Then his mother turned to Gerard. “Welcome. It’s just family tonight.”

  Lightness surged through Nicole. Gerard squeezed her hand and they crossed the threshold.

  His mother led them inside the living area as a young boy raced across the room and zipped past her. No one introduced him, and his mother came to stand next to her. “Three generations of Collins married in the church, and then all my sons so far have disappointed that small dream.”

  His mother clearly had designs. Nicole glanced around the room to the other people. “Sean and Gigi were high school sweethearts. You must have insisted with them.”

  “He was in a rush once she said yes. Then Daniel and Kate chose a cruise ship, but you’re right here. This wedding will be perfect.”

  Nicole’s face heated. “I never thought I’d marry at all, to be truthful. It feels like we’re rushing.”

  Gerard stopped and reached for his head. Then he froze halfway. “You changing your mind?”

  She retook his hand. “No, but we’re on a whirlwind.”

  He nodded.

  Her gaze wandered around the multimillion-dollar estate. The paintings on the wall were likely all original.

  One of Gerard’s brothers called from the next room. “Liam, Gigi, and Sean are all missing.”

  Gerard led her to the man. “Daniel, the oldest.”

  His mother grabbed Gerard to speak to him. Nicole nodded. “Nice to meet you, Daniel.”

  Daniel pointed to the door she’d just come in, and a tall blonde with a baby monitor entered. She walked right over, kissed Daniel’s cheek, and then offered her hand to Nicole. “I’m Kate Collins.”

  “Nicole Burns.” Kate Sparrow’s face had once been tabloid fodder. Nicole’s face felt cold. “You are the former Kate Sparrow that was listed in all the papers?”

  “Don’t believe everything you read.” Kate crossed her arms. “I was being set up.”

  Nicole’s cheeks tingled. She was probably blushing. She stared at Gerard, who spoke to his mother. “I didn’t make the connection that you were the Kate Sparrow Gerard mentioned.” She raised her eyebrows. “The media plays stories all the time without checking the facts. Despite the stories, I’ve not dated any of my coworkers.”

  “Disappointing. That guy who played the billionaire underling bodyguard was sexy.” Kate pointed to a sofa. “And I’ve always thought that Jake was hot. You made two movies with him.” Nicole sat next to her and Kate placed her hand on her arm. “So how did you meet Gerard?”

  “I came back to Boston and I wanted to see him again. I went to interrupt his date, actually.” Gerard and his mother both stared at her. “Then, after about two minutes of conversation, and I knew wanted to help him.”

  His mother took her hand. “Love only takes a moment to realize.”

  It was like she saw what she was supposed to do next. This was all about living her life. Her wrinkled hands on Nicole’s sent an energy through Nicole that she couldn’t describe. “I hoped you liked me.”

  “Why wouldn’t we?”

  Nicole closed her eyes. “My sister. My biggest fear coming into this house was that people would assume I was like Stella.”

  “The Collins family doesn’t judge because of who someone’s family is.” Kate spoke fast as she stood and walked toward Daniel. “Mine needs to stay in jail and away from us.”

  “Jail?” Nicole covered her mouth.

  “Yes.” Kate stayed at Daniel’s arm but turned toward Nicole. “Because of the Collins, I’m a big believer in true love curing all.”

  Nicole massaged her temples. “Kate, my sister isn’t well. She is diagnosed schizophrenic now, but before she was diagnosed she went on drugs, and it made everything worse. I certainly meant no disrespect to you. Drugs, delusions, and secrets I’ll never know destroyed her. This has nothing to do with love conquering all.”

  The door opened and Gerard stood. Nicole followed his example. An elderly man walked in as Gerard and Daniel both said, “Dad.”

  Nicole smiled at him. The old man nodded. “I’ll be right back, boys.”

  Gerard shook his head. “Dad don’t forget to say hello to Nicole.”

  His father called from the stairs. “I want to meet my future daughter-in-law in a proper suit. I’ll be right in.”

  Gerard blushed as he popped his head into the living room. “I’m going with my dad, Nicole.”

  He was cute with his family. She waved. “Okay. See you in a minute.”

  Kate spoke as they all sat. “Is that from our new collection, Nicole?”

  Nicole stared at her dress for a second and then nodded. “It’s much prettier than the designs of the past few years.”

  “I hired Madison. She’s amazing.” Kate brushed the material on Nicole’s sleeve and gazed at how the dress clung. “A true up-and-coming designer.”

  His father returned and they all stood again. Gerard stepped closer to her. “Dad, this is Nicole.”

  His father came and took both of her hands in hers. “I’m Conall. You’ve met my Maggie. It’s nice to meet you, Nicole.”

  No once since her father had called her “my” anything. The door opened again, and another family walked inside. All the men in the family had similar looks. Gerard smiled as Sean and Gigi entered the room. Nicole assessed Gigi. She was just as beautiful as Nicole remembered her from childhood. Gigi nodded. “Hello, Nicole.”

  “Gigi. It’s good to see you again.”

  Gigi blushed and lowered her gaze. Nicole glanced at Gerard, but held her tongue. Gigi’s shyness seemed odd. His mother than stepped forward. “I’ll go set the table.”

  Gigi kissed Sean and followed Margaret.

  Nicole gulped. “Can I help you with anything?”

  His mother stopped, handed a calendar from the table to her, and said, “Stay here. That’s the calendar for St. Francis. Father O’Reilly said he’ll fit us in anywhere he can, and since this wedding will be soon, due to the election, we don’t have a lot of time. Your premarital classes start on Tuesday.”

  “Mom. You were not this pushy with the others.” Gerard’s hand brushed against her back. “Nicole and I haven’t discussed anything.”

  “She’s wearing your ring.” His mother shrugged and walked away. “And I want another daughter in this family.”

  A new mother like Margar
et might be wonderful. Part of Nicole had always wondered what it would be like to have one that cared. She played with her necklace and flipped through the calendar, staring at the dates that were circled. “We’ll need to find a dress fast.”

  “I’ll rush any design you want through production,” Kate offered. “If you want an original.”

  “Stop,” Gerard told everyone. “Nicole and I will decide on our own, after the election.”

  Nicole turned to face him. “You need to be married before the election, Gerard. Barnie explained it to us.”

  She twirled the pen in her hand and then she circled the first, second, and third on the calendar. She waited to see if Gerard said anything else. He didn’t. “I’m going into the kitchen to give this to your mom.”

  Gigi stood with oven mitts and the chicken. She placed it on the counter and took off the gloves. Then she smiled and said, “Nicole, we didn’t expect you in here.”

  Nicole swallowed. Perhaps Stella had caused this. “I’m sorry if my sister did anything to you.”

  “She followed Gerry to college. He’s always been a brother to me.”

  Margaret coughed. “That’s enough.”

  Nicole nodded. “Stella never treated me like much of a sister. I’m not like her.”

  Margaret called from her station on the counter, “Nicole, come take a plate to bring to the table. You too, Gigi. And don’t drop anything, or I’ll send you to go sit with the men and Kate. She’d break all my dishes if I let her help.”

  “This is a big step for Margaret.” Gigi picked up a plate. Nicole did the same. As they reached the door, Gigi finished, “In the Collins clan we don’t judge people based on relatives. If they did, I wouldn’t be here, and Gerry likes you.”

  “Gerard is a much nicer name.” Nicole followed her to the formal dining table, and they placed the plates there.

  The front door opened, and Nicole tilted her head to see. Then she rushed into the other room and threw her arms open. “Liam Collins.”

  “Nicole Burns.” Liam hugged her, and she jumped up and down.

  “Hey now, little brother,” Gerard said.

  Nicole let Liam go and saw how Gerard stood with his arms crossed. “We were in the same grade.” Nicole walked over to Gerard and picked up his arm to circle her. “Don’t be jealous. Liam was desperately in love with my friend Sherry. Whatever happened to her?”

  Liam shrugged. “Lost touch.”

  Gerard winked. “Liam was in love? So he was like Sean.”

  “Stop.” Liam’s face reddened.

  Gerard laughed and shook his head.

  Liam stared hard at Gerard, which only made all the men laugh more.

  Nicole tugged on Gerard’s arm. “Can we talk?”

  He led her to the next room, where they were alone. She crossed her arms. “Don’t laugh when I’m making friends.”

  “That’s not what was funny.”

  “I don’t know why I’m following my heart with you.”

  He closed his eyes. Her heartbeat grew in her ears. Then he opened his eyes and said, “Nicole, I have to sort out the details of my life, but marrying you is one of the things I want more than anything else in the world.”

  Her skin electrified. “I’ve had easy, frivolous relationships, and I can’t stand how false it feels. Postcard moments are not life.” She traced his arm and then cupped his chin. “Part of me wishes you were uglier, handsome, but for now let’s blame my feelings to your pretty face.”

  He cracked a smile. “My face?”

  “Yes, Gerard. After dinner, don’t be nervous about your first debate. You’ll do great.”

  His voice deepened. “If I don’t do well or I don’t win, will you stay?”

  “Don’t be dramatic.” His nerves must be on high for his first ever debate in a few hours. She traced down his shoulder and then took his hand in hers. “Relax, Gerard. Marrying you has nothing to do with your election. It’s speeding up the inevitable.”

  “You think we’re inevitable?”

  Heat rushed through her, and she nodded. With him, she had no filter. “Yeah. I’m basing this on my feelings and my heart.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Marrying you is right for me, too.”

  Someone knocked on the door.

  Nicole stepped out of his arms. “We’re out of time, Gerard.”

  “Nicole, I need to explain something to you.”

  “In the car?”

  She kissed his cheek. His face turned red. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “You’re a lucky man.”

  Another knock on the door. “Get in here, you two,” his mother called through the door.

  Nicole stuck her hand at his side as he held her waist. Then they walked into the living room.

  No one stood there. Gerard placed his hand on her back and turned them into the dining room.

  Everyone stopped speaking. Nicole pasted a smile on her face as Gerard led them to their seats.

  The moment they sat, everyone folded their hands, and Conall led them in prayer.

  Nicole fumbled and folded her hands as fast she could then lowered her head. The moment Conall ended, they all said, “Amen.”

  Nicole inhaled and said to Gerard, “I spent years in Santa Monica and no one in my circle mentioned religion in my little circle. It’s nice to hear.”

  “Is that where you lived?” his mother asked as she passed the bread rolls. “Santa Monica? I assumed Beverly Hills.”

  “Santa Monica has a calmer outlook…” Nicole stared into her blue eyes. Gerard scooted closer. “I have a view of the ocean. You can take me off the Cape, but I need the ocean near me.”

  His mother snapped her fingers. “Good. Now that you’re marrying my Gerard, I’ve found three possible houses that have a view of the ocean, and you can walk to see us any time you like.”

  She passed over a list.

  Gerard shook his head. “Mom, I’m quite sure the Chans aren’t moving.” He turned to Nicole as she began to pick up the piece of paper. “Don’t listen to her. She’ll run the neighbors out of town if we show any interest in what she’s saying.” Nicole folded it in her lap. Gerard passed the corn to her as he said, “Our neighbors have been good to us for the past ten years, Ma.”

  “We have time,” Nicole added. “I’m happy you were gracious enough to go through all the trouble you have already. If we do move here, then we’ll work with a realtor.”

  His mother shrugged.

  Gigi said, “Sean and I wanted to tell everyone we’re having a baby.”

  Nicole stood as everyone else screamed and hugged Gigi.


  An hour later, the limo parked in the driveway. Gerard spoke to his brothers as Nicole worked with his mother on the last set of dishes in the wash. Done, she took off the apron, wiped her forehead, and checked her dress in the mirror.

  Gerard stood straighter the moment she joined him. She placed her hand on his back and asked, “You ready for your big night?”

  He brushed nonexistent lint off his jacket. She stopped him and took his hand. He stared at her.

  Liam called out from his corner of the room, “It’s nice to see my brother with that smile. He’s usually so busy.”

  “Says my partner in crime.” Gerard squeezed her hand. “We’re off. See you after the debacle.”

  “Just breathe. Hold it in for eight seconds. Count it out. Then release.” She picked up her pocketbook. “And don’t let negativity get in your way, Gerard. You can and will win this.”

  “I’m calling you Sunshine from now on, Nicole.” He offered his arm. She accepted and they walked out the door. He patted her hand. “You’re always happy and trying to inspire me. I’ve been thinking that since this morning, and you haven’t stopped.”

  She winked as he waited with her for the driver to open the door. She stood on her tiptoes and whispered, “You make me happy.” She squeezed his hand as she brushed past him to get into the limo. “More important, though
, is that I’m looking forward to our marriage. I think it will be good for both of us.”

  “I’ve not had you yet, Sunshine.” He slid in next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Though I definitely want to.”

  “Flirting is good, and perhaps… after the debate. First, though, let’s win this thing.” She winked at him. “I can help you run your lines, if you wish.”

  He scooted back in his seat. “I don’t need practice. Just remember your promise to stay close and smile, no matter how badly I screw up.”

  She took off her heel and flexed her ankle. “I don’t think I said that.”

  He turned toward her. “You should have.”

  She curled into his side and rested her head against his shoulder. “Relax. You’ll be amazing during the debate. You have my vote.”

  He closed his eyes and held her close. “One down, a few million to go.”

  She was home next to him.



  Gerard tilted his head to the side and stared at Nicole. She watched the scenery change out the window. He rubbed his temples. She had to know about his plans.

  Liam was almost done. With luck, Liam finished his case tonight, and no one would be in danger. Gerard could stop imagining the worst and focus on his campaign.

  His shoulders were still tight. For a moment, Gerard imagined himself as he sat in an office near the capitol building and ordered some interns to speak with others to garner support on a bill. This daydream could be real, if he let it. He heard the echoes of feet that echoed through the halls.

  He shook his head. That dream wasn’t reality.

  Nicole’s hair shone in the moonlight.

  He flipped through his note cards and pretended to read. His opponent in the race, Thomas Cecchi, had no qualifications to be the next senator. Gerard’s spine tingled as he thought of Thomas. He spoke for everything Gerard didn’t believe.

  He tugged at his collar, and told himself this didn’t matter. He’d win.

  “Did you say something, Gerard?” Nicole offered him a bottle of water as the limo stopped.

  He took the bottle from her. “Thank you.”


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