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The Marriage Pact: A Baby Romance

Page 51

by Tia Siren

  “Bill handles it, because if I did, we would constantly be hiring,” my father said, walking behind his desk.

  “Speaking of the crew,” I said. “It’s no secret I am going to be the only woman out there on the site. I know these roughneck boys. I remember them growing up. Can you give me some pointers on how to handle them? How to talk to them and get them to understand that I am not just a skirt in a sea of work boots?”

  “That’s a good question.” Bill chuckled and glanced at my father. “These boys don’t have filters, and not just in the workplace. They talk like that, act like that, and think like that everywhere in their life. They grew up in the slums. Their fathers worked here, and their grandfathers worked construction too. They spent their whole lives waiting to be out on those sites, swinging hammers and talkin’ shit—excuse my language. They have no filters, and they won’t want to treat you any different than anyone else who walks onto their turf.”

  “They know me,” my father said. “They know if they mess with my daughter, they will find themselves off the schedule.”

  “I appreciate the protective detail, Dad, but if I am going to be working for this company in the future, and possibly owning it one day, I need to learn to deal with these boys on my own,” I said.

  “She’s right,” Bill said, nodding his head. “She has to learn how the place works without the protection of her father. My advice, Cassie, is to build a wall between you and them. Do as much talking as you need to but don’t get too friendly. You have a mark on you, and not just because you are a woman but because you are the boss’s daughter. You have to show them who is in charge and that you won’t take shit from any of them. It’s a dominance thing, and I hate that it’s like that, but those are the cards you are being dealt.”

  “The three of us are going to head over to the site,” my father said. “I want you to get a feel for the place, see how it’s run, see who oversees what, and so on. You need a base to start from so you know which way the work is headed and who you go to when there is an issue.”

  “You are going to the site?”

  “Yes,” my father said. “It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve been by, and I find it helps kick their asses into gear when I am there looking over their shoulders for a day or so. They may give Bill here a tough time but that’s because he doesn’t sign their paychecks. They will see I am serious about not getting any further behind.”

  We headed over to the site in my father’s truck, and I grabbed my hard hat and clipboard before jumping out. We started with a tour of the place and an overview of the project. As we walked through, I noticed some of the guys ogling me and whispering to each other as I walked past. I ignored it, figuring in time that would end and they would start to look at me like I was my father. I was a woman in a predominantly male world, and though that didn’t give them the right to harass me, I knew I was walking into the snake pit with my tight jeans, boots, and women’s collared work shirt. I purposely hadn’t put any makeup on this morning and had pulled my hair into a low ponytail. It wasn’t the kind of place I would get all dolled up for.

  I knew the kind of shit those boys talked about when they didn’t think anyone was listening. They probably had some pool running to see who I would sleep with first. I had no intention of sleeping with any of them, both because it was my father’s company and because they were of no interest to me. I found it comical that any of them thought I would be interested in them. They weren’t typically my kind of guy. I had a job to do, and just because I was a woman didn’t make me loose or a pushover. I received my fair share of attention from the boys at college, and there was too much going on in my life to be worrying about dating anyone, much less sleeping with the guys at my father’s company. I was here for a purpose, and I was going to let them know that.

  “Cassie, this is Rodger,” Bill said, introducing us. “Rodger is the forklift supervisor. He is in charge of every piece of machinery on this site. Rodger, this is Cassie. She is interning on site with us for the summer. You can think of her as an extension of me, so if you need something and can’t get me, you can go to her.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he said. “If any of these guys give you a rough time, you let me know. I’ll take care of ’em.”

  “Thanks,” I replied. “I think I can handle this, though.”

  They introduced me to a couple other supervisors who all gave me the same spiel. I tried not to take offense that they all wanted to offer their protection because I had tits and a vagina. They would soon find out I didn’t need their protection. I had thick skin for a rich girl.

  We didn’t get to meet everyone; the project was huge, and there were hundreds of people on site at any given time. If I had been introduced to every crew member and supervisor, it would have taken me all summer. I received the need-to-know kind of tour and would have to figure the rest of it out on my own. I had no problem with that. I was assertive enough to introduce myself to the rest if it was ever necessary while I was here.

  “We’re going to head over to one of the building sites in progress and you can see a routine work schedule for the crew,” Bill said, walking ahead. “It’s primarily what we will be focusing on this summer, trying to push these knuckleheads to get the work done on time.”

  “Got it,” I said, nodding my head and stepping over a pile of debris and trash.

  “So, this is unit forty-three,” Bill said, looking up at the half-built house. “It is scheduled to be done in a few weeks if I can keep them focused. Teams are assigned to work on different areas. This area is for the structure. These guys are either my most experienced in the company or they got their experience from outside.

  “Scott,” Bill said, shaking a guy’s hand. “Looks good, brother. Looks really good.”

  “Thanks,” he said, glancing over at me.

  “Scott, this is Cassie. She’s my intern this summer,” Bill said. “Cassie, Scott has been with the crew since he was sixteen. He is the best structural guy I got.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said. I shook his hand and couldn’t help but notice how his large, strong grip enveloped my tiny palm. I suddenly felt so delicate in the presence of this big, burly man.

  The handshake lasted for a little longer than usual but long enough to realize he didn’t want to let go. I glanced up into his striking blue eyes and caught myself staring into them for a fleeting moment until he looked away. So my eyes wandered, me not knowing what to do to them, and my gaze landed on his arm muscles, glorious underneath his short sleeves. All the men out here were strong, but there was something about him that made me a little weak in the knees. He must have guessed what I was thinking because he shifted his stance and nodded his head, looking back and forth between Bill and me. I got the sensation he didn’t really know where to look either.

  “Good to meet you too,” he said finally, scratching his head and glancing out to some faraway place. Was he definitely avoiding my eyes?

  “Hey,” I said, turning to Bill. “Give me two seconds. I have to use the restroom.”

  “Sure,” he said. “Porta-potty is right over there.”

  I smiled and nodded my head at Scott before walking away to the back of the building. The smell from the potty was overwhelming, but I was used to using them from when I was a kid. When I was done, I walked out and almost straight into a big rugged man standing there waiting.

  “Well hello,” he said. “You must be the new intern. I’m Carl, and I am here for anything—and I mean anything—you might need.”

  I furrowed my brow, knowing what he was getting at.

  “Thanks, Carl,” I said. “But I can assure you there is nothing you have that I will ever need. If you’ll excuse me, I have work to get done.”

  Chapter 3


  It was Wednesday night and my ass was planted where it usually was: at McHarden’s Pub, at the bar, next to my best friend, Landon. We had known each other since we were five years old and had a lot in common. We had g
one to the same daycare, our fathers had worked together on the same crew, we both grew up poor as dirt, and when we were around the same age, both of our fathers died, his from cancer, mine from an accident on the site. We had been through the thick of it together and always stayed friends.

  “The bar is busier than usual,” Landon said, looking around.

  “It’s all the extra hours on this project’s payroll,” I replied. “The guys are living the good life with so many extra hours.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Landon said. “That’s right. You’re on the crew for that new neighborhood going up, right?”

  “Yep,” I said, sipping my beer. “Building houses we will never be able to afford to live in.”

  “That’s the way, man,” he said and chuckled. “The rich enjoying the luxuries the poor can provide.”

  “I hear ya,” I said, shaking my head. “So, what’s up with you?”

  “Not much,” he said. “I have these three chicks I have been seeing simultaneously. None of them know about the others yet, and I know it’s bad karma, but I can’t get any of them off my mind. The redhead, she’s a fiery one, always bustin’ my balls, both in good ways and bad ones. The blonde is just hotter than hell, and the brunette—man, she has me hooked.”

  I tried to pay attention to him, but Cassie kept rolling around in my mind. The guys had been right. She was hotter than hell with her petite little body covered in perfect curves, those green eyes, and that beautiful brown hair. She smelled good too. She had messed up my brain when she’d walked past me earlier that week. She was spicy, not the demure little lady I had expected to be the boss’s daughter. It was obvious she knew who she was working with, and she didn’t take shit from anyone, not even the supervisors who all were trying to act like her protector.

  I was not the kind of guy that wasted my time thinking about women. I barely paid them any mind, so having one stuck in my brain was something I was not familiar with. This girl, though, there was something about her, something that stuck out to me that I couldn’t shake. I had never had a girl on my mind like this before, but she was there, and she was torturing me every time I turned around. Don’t get me wrong. I had my romps in the hay, but the girls I was used to were roughneck girls looking for a husband who spat the same kind of crap the guys did, only in a sweeter way and with a smile. None of them had any ambition except to be the next in line as a construction wife, bearing the kids and taking care of the family.

  I could tell Cassie was different from the first moment I met her, but not different like I had thought she would be. Instead of being a fragile, scared rich girl, she had a confidence about her that was sexy. She reminded me of my mother in some ways: secure in who she was, realistic in her expectations of everything around her. She knew she was walking into the fire being the boss’s daughter, but she wasn’t taking any shit. I had seen her be approached by Carl at the porta-potty on Monday. She hadn’t taken any shit from him, and in fact, she gave it back to him right away, letting him know exactly where he stood. I thought it was hilarious since Carl deserved that and way worse.

  “Hey,” Landon said, snapping his fingers in front of me. “You still in there?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Redhead, super vicious, three girls, don’t know what to do. I don’t understand why you do that to yourself.”

  “You okay, man?” Landon said. “Your mind is off in la-la land, and you seem more bitter about women than you usually are. I have always had more than one chick at a time. I don’t know why this surprises you.”

  “And you always get bit in the ass over it.” I chuckled, drinking my beer. “Every single time you end up with a black eye and a new member of the Landon-hater club.”

  “It’s fun, man,” he said. “And I get more sex than I can handle at once.”

  I laughed. “You are hopeless.”

  He went on about the girls, telling me every intimate detail he could think of. I tried to pay attention to him. I knew he was just talking, but I found his conversation to be mind-numbing almost. I felt like we had the same conversation every time we hung out, only about different girls and fresh drama. I wanted to have discussions about the future, about the news, about anything other than the girls Landon was banging. But that had never been his specialty. He wasn’t Carl, but he was still rough around the edges like his father had been. He only knew one thing to talk about, so he went with it, and there I was just trying to get through it.

  I had never been the guy that focused on going from girl to girl. Hell, I rarely had one girl at one time, much less had them stacked up like Landon did. I had bigger things on my mind, like continuing to bust my ass and make as much money as I could. I wanted something different for myself and for my future kids. I didn’t want to produce the next generation of construction workers. That had been my family, like the rest in town, just repeating the cycle over and over. I wanted to do something my family had never done before, break out and own something, have something I could call my own instead of slaving away for the man, making the rich richer.

  “So, how’s work?” Landon said, finally changing the subject.

  “Oh, same old, same old,” I said. “Due dates coming and going, Carl and the gang being complete assholes all the time, and the temperature rising steadily, making me dread the heat of the summer when we will be putting the roofs on the houses. I grind through it though. Nothing really exciting.”

  “A buddy of mine told me he started at your company,” he said. “Said he’s on the same job you are. His name is Carter. He is apparently doing the pick-up jobs on site right now, being used wherever is needed.”

  “We need a lot of those guys, but I don’t see them often since I work in structural. We tend not to take on the newbies,” I said. “There is too much importance placed on our part of the job for something to get screwed up. You put a board in the wrong place and the whole thing can tumble down on you and whoever is underneath it.”

  “Yeah,” Landon said, looking down at his beer. “That’s how your old man died, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah,” I said, taking a sip. “Some new kid right out of training put a support beam in the wrong place. My pops climbed up to add the next layer and down the whole thing went, burying him under all the lumber. Didn’t kill him right away, and we thought he was going to make it, but he had internal bleeding or some shit like that.”

  “Whew,” Landon said, shaking his head. “That’s the kind of shit that will make you want to work at the grocery store.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Except the grocery store doesn’t pay like construction does. When the hours are good, the paychecks are really good.”

  “But when the hours are bad, you find a line out the door at the food stamp building,” Landon replied, still shaking his head. “It’s like this crazy cycle and you hope you are the generation that misses the weak hours.”

  “It’s a cycle I don’t want my kids to go through. I know that for damn sure,” I said, finishing my beer and ordering another.

  “Yeah.” Landon scoffed. “So, you still driving for Uber in your spare time? I haven’t seen you out there much, and obviously you are here with me tonight.”

  “It’s a touch-and-go business,” I said. “I learned that not every night will put you in the green between the gas and the fees you pay the company. Right now I am sticking to Thursdays and Saturdays because I can stay close to the area and get a bunch of fares on those nights. They’re really the only nights right now that are worth it. Friday is too wishy-washy for me, and I don’t want to drive out to the city. It takes too much gas, and the prices are off the charts out there.”

  “But there has to be a bunch of work,” Landon said.

  “If you’re in the right spot at the right time,” I said. “And driving out of the city to gas up and then going back is a pain and a money waster.”

  “So I’m assuming you are still chasing down that dream of owning your own place,” Landon said. “A hardware shop out here, right?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “The only one that’s ever been out here is that chain one, and everyone complains about the customer service. I figure if I can start my own, people will come to me. We support each other out here, you know? Give the little guy a chance.”

  “You think you can compete with the prices?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. But one thing I learned growing up with these roughnecks is they will pay a little extra to feel comfortable where they shop,” I said. “They also take a lot of pride in homegrown and would gladly put their money with a boy from the town than some corporate schmuck that has never even been to the town before.”

  “Yeah, that’s definitely true,” he said. “I don’t know though. It seems like such a risk to take. I’m happy putting my money in the bank, buying some brews, taking out some girls, and one day buying one of those houses on Emery that all got renovated. Take my kid to baseball down the street, you know?”

  “I know.” I smiled. “But this is my dream, and I am hell-bent on making it happen. What’s the worst that could come out of it? I fail and go back to construction? Wouldn’t be the first time that happened in this town and wouldn’t be the last either. I just want more for my kids than the life I had.”

  “I feel you, brother,” he said, lifting his beer. “And I’m behind you. I’ll definitely get my tools and such from your shop.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Landon always talked like he was in full support of my dreams, but deep down, I knew he thought I was full of it. We heard lots of guys talking about breaking the cycle, but they always ended up retired from the union, collecting a pension, and wasting away on their run-down porches, watching their kids follow in their footsteps. There was nothing wrong with labor jobs. Hell, we needed them to make the world go around. But I wasn’t the guy who could imagine spending the rest of my life working one.

  Chapter 4


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