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The Marriage Pact: A Baby Romance

Page 63

by Tia Siren

  “Little Scotty, you look so upset.” He laughed, stumbling forward. “You gonna hit me with those big fists? Maybe you should just imagine that pretty little Cassie sitting in my lap, taking my dick.”

  I didn’t know what happened, but everything coming out of his mouth was muffled. I felt like the entire world had slowed down around me, and I could feel myself walking forward with no ability to stop myself. I walked straight up to him, watching his smug smirk get bigger as he laughed loudly. I pulled my fist back, knowing I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help myself anymore. Life had come to a huge turn in the road, and this asshole had been at the root of the whole thing. As soon as my fist moved forward, everything sped back up and I punched him square in the jaw. He looked at me for a moment in shock before falling to the ground.

  I looked down at him in anger, shaking my bloodied fist. That was going to hurt later, but at that moment it felt really good. I shook my head and smirked as he looked up at me.

  “I told you not to fuck with me,” I said. “If I even hear that you are whispering Cassie’s name, I’ll come after you. And you don’t want me to come after you.”

  Chapter 24


  I propped my feet up on the bed in the spare bedroom of Whitney’s parents’ house. I had decided that staying there was much better than getting up at the crack of dawn every day to try to avoid my father at all costs. I knew I couldn’t avoid him forever, but I was not in the right frame of mind to talk to him yet. I knew it would be a fight, a screaming match even, and I didn’t think I could take any more, not after what had happened the last time I saw Scott. I wanted life to settle down, but I knew it was only getting started. Sure, Whitney was right. After my father had time to let things sink in he would come to terms and maybe even be happy, but it was the initial reaction I was dreading. He was a hard man, a man who wanted things to go his way, and when they didn’t, he let everyone know how upset he was. I didn’t want to hear that he was upset anymore.

  Whitney had her own thoughts about everything, and in general, I agreed, but what she was suggested was hard to swallow. She thought I should forgive Scott because he was the father of my child and I needed to make a fresh start with the baby on the way. She had a point. It was important that I didn’t carry all this over to when the baby was born, but it was all so complicated. He had said some terrible things to me, things that I would normally turn and run the other direction from, not looking back. This was different though. I wasn’t sure he meant anything that he had said. I knew he was hurt, and Whitney agreed. In fact, she was the one who had pointed it out. She also had a hard time believing he meant the things that had come out of his mouth.

  Whitney thought that I should let all of that go, that I should be free to feel however I wanted about him. It was a fight, nothing more, and people said things to each other during arguments that they didn’t always mean. If I really wanted to get down to the details, I said some pretty nasty things to him in return, things I knew weren’t true. I knew he was good enough for me, but I’d been looking for the thing that got to him the most. He was insecure and angry about how everyone looked down on him because of how he grew up and how he lived, and I knew by saying that, it would hit him in the core. I had always been sassy, always stuck up for myself, but I had never said things that would purposely hurt someone I loved. I felt bad about it, but at the moment I’d felt backed into a corner.

  I was drawn from my thoughts by the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “Hey, sweetie,” Whitney said. “I was calling to check on you.”

  “I’m okay,” I said and sighed. “Just thinking about Scott and the baby. That’s all.”

  “Call him,” Whitney said. “Just call him and talk to him about everything that happened.”

  “Maybe,” I said. “I don’t want to fight.”

  “Then don’t fight,” she said. “Just talk to him, and if it feels right, then ask him to meet you so you can talk about the baby.”

  “I don’t know, Whit,” I said. “It’s so confusing right now. I don’t even know what I would say.”

  “Well, start thinking about it because you can’t sit around forever wondering,” she replied. “But anyway, I just wanted to call and check up on you. I’m going to be back late so I won’t wake you. If you need anything, anything at all, call me immediately. And if you talk to him, call me and tell me how it went.”

  I chuckled. “I will. Have a good night.”

  “You too,” she said.

  I hung the phone up and sat back against the headboard, shaking my head. She really was a good friend, and I knew she was right. I needed to call him, but I had no idea what I would even say to him. I wasn’t ready yet. I needed to be in a place where I was okay with everything that had happened and prepared to move forward. I had to be in a mindset where if he was still angry, it didn’t completely kill me inside like the last conversation, or screaming match, had. It had to be on my clock.

  I looked out the window and realized the sun had gone down—and probably quite a while ago. Crickets chirped outside, and a breeze blew the tree limbs back and forth ever so gently. It was one of those summer nights I loved, where the ground was cool beneath your feet but the air was warm as it blew over you. It was the kind of night I would have loved to spend with Scott, lazily lying around, talking about anything and everything. But that was impossible at this point, and that thought alone made my heart tremble.

  I loved Scott. There was no way around that, and because I loved him, I couldn’t get him off my mind. The way his eyes sparkled when he saw me, the charming grin he gave me, and how he would wink at me when no one was looking were all running through my mind. We’d had some of the best conversations, some of the best laugh sessions, and some of the best sex I’d had in my entire life. When it came down to it, I missed him. I missed everything about the man from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. I missed the way he made me laugh, the way he protected me at every turn, and how he would watch me when he thought I wasn’t looking. He made me feel safe in ways I didn’t know were possible, and I was okay, for the first time ever, with leaning on him.

  The words he spoke to me when things were good were words that had changed who I was as a person, and they had changed how I saw the world around me. And the sex, holy hell, it was out of this world. It was like our bodies were made for each other. He knew exactly what to do to pleasure me, like he could read my mind and knew all my innermost desires. I not only missed Scott as a person, but I also missed his huge dick. And at the moment, that was something I missed more than anything else. The hormones inside me were churning and growing, and I had never been this horny in my entire life.

  I flipped off the lamp by the bed and scooted down under the covers, trying to occupy my mind, but it was no use. I wanted Scott like I had never wanted anyone else in my life. Slowly, I slid my hands under the covers and rubbed them over my pajama shorts. I was wet, very wet, and I needed some sort of release. I bit my lip and pulled my shorts and my panties down to my ankles. I pulled my knees back in either direction and laid my head on the pillows behind me. My hand moved down through my folds, and my fingers slid through my juices. My heart beat quickly, and I gasped as my fingertips barely touched my clit. It was hard, pulsing, and wanting so much more than a few strokes of my hand. It wanted Scott, and it wanted Scott’s big, pounding cock.

  I closed my eyes and pictured him standing in front of me, rubbing his fingers up and down my mound. I moaned softly as he pushed two fingers inside me and looked deep into my eyes. The same passion that was there in person erupted in my fantasy, and I grabbed onto his neck and jumped into his arms. We pressed our mouths together furiously as I reached between his legs, unable to control my urges. I grabbed his big, hard shaft and pulled it upward, pushing my hips forward and sliding it deep inside me. I moaned, throwing my head back as he filled me up and took a few steps to the side, pressing me up
against the wall.

  He thrust his hips forward, slamming into me with force, mischief rising on his face. Over and over again, his big dick slid in and out of my wetness, his body rubbing against my clit. I gripped tightly to his shoulders as he fucked me against the wall, everything around us misty and gray. He gripped my ass as he thrust, his eyes still trained on mine, arousing me even more than I already was. He leaned in next to my ear and whispered to me.

  “You needed my big dick, didn’t you?”

  I shook my head yes and cried out in pleasure as he pumped his hips faster and faster. He turned me around and walked forward to the bed that appeared in my fantasy. He laid me down and climbed on top of me, running his lips up my stomach and over my breasts. I groaned, pulling my legs up to his sides and watching as he wrapped his hand around his pulsing shaft and guided it into my juices. Slowly, he pushed deep inside me, pulling my hands up over my head and locking his fingers in mine. He pressed his toes into the footboard and moved his body up mine, his cock lingering deep inside me before sliding back out. He pressed his stomach down as he moved, creating friction on my clit that shot electricity through my chest.

  The heat built up inside me, and I dug my nails into Scott’s back, wanting more, wanting so much more. He pulled his hands down and hooked my legs over his shoulders, looking down at me as he pushed in and out, over and over. I grabbed my bouncing tits and tilted my head back, breathing deeply. He smiled, putting my legs back down and grabbing me behind the back. He rolled to the side, pulling me with him until I was upright, straddling his big dick. I smiled and slowly lowered myself, swirling my hips around in circles. It felt so fucking good, and the way he looked at me made it even hotter.

  His hands glided over my skin and grabbed my tits, massaging them as I ground down on his cock. I cried out in pleasure as my hips rocked back and forth, pushing him in as deep inside as I possibly could. I leaned back, putting my hands on his thighs, and began to bounce as he trailed his fingers down to my clit. He started to rub, sending even more heat blazing through me. I closed my eyes and swirled my body round and round, the pressure of his hand on my pussy growing more intense. As he picked up the pace rubbing my nub, I thrust my chest forward and my head back, screaming loudly at the waves of pleasure bursting from my climax. My body shook hard, his fingers still going until, finally, I began to relax.

  I lay there breathing heavily for several moments before opening my eyes and looking around. I was still in the guest room at Whitney’s house, and I was still alone. I pulled up my panties and shorts and turned over in bed, thinking about how much I really did miss that man.

  Chapter 25


  I stood outside my car looking at the construction site in front of me. I was at a job interview with the company from the paper. I had sent in my resume, and they called me back the same day, scheduling an interview for that Monday morning. Nerves bubbled over in my stomach as I approached the office trailer door. Inside was a middle-aged man, round in the belly, with a sincere smile on his face.

  “You must be Scott,” he said. “Welcome. Come sit down. Would you like some coffee?”

  “No, thank you, though,” I said, shaking his hand and handing him a paper copy of my resume.

  “Wonderful,” he said, looking it over. “You worked for your last company for a long time. What happened?”

  “Honestly? I fell in love.” I chuckled. “She just happened to be the boss’s daughter.”

  “I see.” He chuckled. “Thank you for being honest. And ouch, that sounds like a bad time.”

  “It wasn’t at first, but seeing as I’m here now…”

  “Well, I talked to your foreman, Bill, and he gave you a glowing recommendation,” the man said. “He told me you were fired wrongfully and that they missed you.”

  I smiled. “That was nice of him.”

  “So, tell me why you want to work here.”

  “I know the work,” I said. “It’s almost muscle memory at this point. I know the regulations, and quite honestly, the work pays well. I just want to come in, keep my head down, work hard, and bring in the money.”

  “That is a good answer,” he said. “I get tired of the same old ‘I’m the best man for the job’ answers. I like your honesty. How about overtime? Are you opposed to weekend work from time to time?”

  “Opposed? No.” I chuckled. “I welcome it. In fact, I’m motivated to be chosen for it. I have dreams for the future, and whatever money I can make, I’m on board for.”

  “Excellent,” he said, taking notes.

  As we went through several technical questions I could have answered in my sleep, I felt this weight lift off my shoulders. At first I thought it was the idea of having a job, having something to get up for in the morning. I hadn’t been out of work for long, but I was starting to go stir crazy not having something constructive to do with my hands. I was more motivated than ever to get the money saved up that I would need to open my first hardware store. It was my dream, and no matter what the business plan said, no matter how daunting it looked, I was determined to make it happen. But even with all that weighing on my mind, I realized it wasn’t the prospect of a new job that was motivating me; it was that I felt better. I felt better after punching Carl straight in the jaw.

  I’d had so much pent-up anger, so much aggression, that I hadn’t known what to do with it, and letting it out on that asshole was like a sweet release. As I had stood in the parking lot looking down at him, I’d realized something. It was his fault I was in the position I was. He took information that was none of his business and ran with it, spilling the beans before they were ready to be spilled. It wasn’t that Cassie’s father was told. It was that we didn’t have the chance to do it together in an adult setting with calm minds. Carl took advantage of the shock value behind it all. Everything fell on his shoulders. All the fault and blame were his and his alone.

  My mind had gone back and forth, over and over, blaming myself, then blaming Cassie, then going back to blaming myself. It wasn’t my fault though. I had done nothing wrong. It wasn’t Cassie’s fault either. She was in the same boat I was. Cassie wanted to be with me. She wanted a life with me, no matter what the consequences, and instead of seeing that as a beautiful thing, I had pegged her for being selfish. It wasn’t, though. It was kind and loving that she wanted to be there to support me through all the trials and tribulations of life. She wanted to be there for me, not for herself, and she was willing to risk her entire beautiful life for that. Selfish was as far off the rails as her choice could have been.

  As for me, I had known exactly what I was doing from the beginning. I was acting like I did everything on a whim, and maybe the first night I did, but after that, every choice I made was calculated, thought out, and purposeful. I knew what the risks were. I had known them before Cassie ever even showed her face. But I’d weighed them against the idea of not having her in my life, and the risk was worth it to me. I spent so much time kicking myself because the repercussions of my actions were so negative that I hadn’t stopped to think about the fact that I had already known there was a good chance it would happen and I’d made the choice to be with Cassie anyway. Why? Because she did something to me I had never felt because of anyone in my life. She made me want to be a better man, to drive for my dreams and never let anything stand in my way. With her by my side, I knew things would work out in the end, even though it looked like they hadn’t.

  From the first moment that I saw Cassie on that job site, I knew there was something between us. The way her eyes sparkled when she looked at me, how her demeanor changed every time I walked past, and how interested she was in knowing all about me had made me think she felt that connection too. It was like we were being drawn together by some outside force that didn’t want us to stay apart. I knew the night I got into the Uber with her that things were going to change forever, but I couldn’t stop myself. I felt like I needed her. I needed to be as close to her as possible. The sex was hot, sur
e, but there was more to it than that. It was like being with someone I had known my entire life.

  “Well, Scott,” the man interviewing me said. “I don’t think I need to know any more. I’d love to have you on the team.”

  “Really?” I said. “No second interview?”

  “I’ve been in this game long enough to know that when you have someone with your experience and dedication, you don’t pass them by,” he said. “I’m sorry about what happened to you at the last place. That is a huge chunk of time to lose, but I think you will find that you like it here. There is always drama with crews, but we keep a tight leash on things, and generally, most of my guys are people I would consider friends.”

  “Excellent, sir. Thank you so much.”

  “No problem,” he said. “I’ll call you tomorrow with all the details.”

  “Perfect,” I said, standing up and shaking his hand. “I look forward to working for you.”

  I left the job interview feeling even better than before. My goals were within reach. I saw that when I had created my new business plan. With this job, I could continue forward—and at the same pace as before—and before I knew it, I would have my own company. I wasn’t a nobody, and I had to stop letting Cassie’s father make me feel that way. In fact, I needed to stop allowing anyone to dictate how I felt about myself and whether I thought I was good enough. I was an upstanding guy, someone who cared about others, who worked hard for his dreams, who never took anything from anyone I didn’t earn. I was trustworthy, loyal, and when I loved, I loved with my whole heart. Mark was wrong. Any girl would be lucky to be with me, and I knew I would be lucky to be with Cassie. We complimented each other, and no matter what my bank account balance was or what car I drove or didn’t drive, that didn’t define my worth. Nothing but how I felt about myself defined who I was on the inside.


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