Hemingway in Italy
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Cecchin, Giovanni: Con Hemingway e Dos Passos sui campi di battaglia italiani della grande guerra. Mursia, Milan 1980
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Cirino, Mark: Ernest Hemingway: Thought in Action. University of Wisconsin 2012.
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Cohassey, John: Hemingway and Pound: A Most Unlikely Friendship. McFarland and Co, North Carolina 2014.
Cortese, Giandomenico, Fontana, Giovanni Luigi, and Pozzato, Paolo (eds): Hemingway e La Grande Guerra. Fondazione Luca, Bassano del Grappa 2015.
Curnutt, Kirk: Coffee with Hemingway, Foreword by John Updike. Duncan Baird Publishers 2007.
DeFazio, Albert J III (ed): Dear Papa, Dear Hotch: The Correspondence of Ernest Hemingway and AE Hotchner. University of Missouri 2005.
Di Scala, Spencer M: Vittorio Emanuele Orlando. Haus Publishing, London 2010.
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Hemingway, Leicester: My Brother, Ernest Hemingway, Pineapple Press 1996.
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Lorigliola, Davide: Hemingway e Lignano. Societa Filologica Friuliana, Udine 2014.
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Nickel, Matthew: Hemingway’s Dark Night: Catholic Influences and Intertextualities in the Work of Ernest Hemingway. New Street Communications 2013.
Perosa, Sergio (ed): Hemingway e Venezia. LS Olschki, Florence 1988.
Pavan, Camillo: Sile, alla scoperta del fiume, imaggini, storia, itinerari. Treviso 1989.
Pivano, Fernanda: Hemingway. Bompiani 1985.
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Polo, Matteo: Da Qui Non Passeranno. Edizioni del Vento, Jesolo Lido 2008.
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Riall, Lucy: Under the Volcano, Revolution in a Sicilian Town. Oxford University Press 2013.
Sanderson, Rita (ed): Hemingway’s Italy, New Perspectives. Louisiana State University Press 2006.
Sanderson, Rita, Spanier, Sandra and Trogdon, Robert W (eds): The Letters of Ernest Hemingway Volume 1, 1907–1922. Cambridge University Press 2015.
Sanderson, Rita, Spanier, Sandra and Trogdon, Robert W (eds): The Letters of Ernest Hemingway Volume 2, 1923–1925. Cambridge University Press 2015.
Sanderson, Rita, Spanier, Sandra and Trogdon, Robert W (eds): The Letters of Ernest Hemingway Volume 3, 1926–1929. Cambridge University Press 2015.
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Sartor, Ivano: La Grande Guerra nelle Retrovie. Dosson di Treviso 1988. Sartor, Ivano: Il Centro di Roncade tra Storia e Modernita. Piazza Editore, Silea 2011.
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Zorzi, Rosella Mamoli, and Moriani, Gianni: A Venezia e nel Veneto con Ernest Hemingway. Supernova, Venice, 2011.
Selected Articles
‘Nacque a Taormina la prima opera del grande Ernest Hemingway’: Sara Faraci, tempostretto, quotidiano online di Messina e provincia, 18 January 2013.
‘Hemingway Debut in Italy in 1919’: Giancarlo Cortese, L’ItaloEuropeo, 5 February 2013.
‘Enough of a Bad Gamble: correcting the misinformation on Hemingway’s Captain James Gamble’: Gerry Brenner, The Hemingway Review, September 2000.
‘The First Fine Careless Rapture’: Peter Green, New Republic, 25 January 2012.
‘The Forgotten Riviera’: Georgina Gordon-Ham, Rivista, magazine of the British-Italian Society, No 396, 2013/14.
‘La Casa di Hemingway’: Corriere del Veneto, 27 August 2014.
‘Quando Hemingway spiegava “Sono un ragazzo del Basso Piave”’: Corriere della Sera, 26 April 2011.
‘Hemingway Out of The Jungle, Arm Hurt, He Says Luck Holds’: New York Times, 26 January 1954.
‘Hemingway, il cacciatore che non aveva mira’: La Repubblica, 20 July 1999.
‘Ernest Hemingway letters reveal painful years of affection and loss’: The Guardian, 30 March 2012.
Stoneback, HR: ‘Pilgrimage Variations, Hemingway’s Sacred Landscapes’: Religion and Culture, Vol. 35 No2/3, Summer-Autumn 2003, University of Notre Dame.
‘The Nasty Mess, Hemingway, Italian Fascism and the New Review Controversy of 1932’: Mark Ciri
no, The Hemingway Review, March 2014.
‘Il Duce and Papa’. Jennifer Theriault, The American in Italia, December 2011.
‘Letters Home Reveal Another Side of Ernest Hemingway’: Melissa Beattie-Moss, Penn State News, 8 September 2008.
‘The Jilting of Ernest Hemingway’: Scott Donaldson, Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 1989.
‘Hemingway e il Friuli’: Carlo Gaberscek, La Cineteca di Friuli, July 2005.
‘Venezia e Hemingway, sulle orme di un mito letterario’: Massimo Rozin, Altritaliani.net, 13 July 2014.
‘Nel Veneto mio nonno Ernest Hemingway a diventato uomo, sperimentand’: Il Gazzettino, 23 July 2015.
‘Hemingway in Italy, Making It Up’: Robert W Lewis, Journal of Modern Literature, Indiana University, Vol 9 No 2, 1982.
‘Hemingway inedito, inizio un romanzo su D’Annunzio’: La Repubblica 3 April 1996.
‘Quando Hemingway passo di qua’, Roncade.it, 11 September 2013.
‘Ernest Hemingway’s “How Death Sought Out the Town Major of Roncade”, Observations on the Development of a Writer’: Matthew C. Stewart, Literary Imagination, Oxford, Vol 8 No 2, 2006.
‘Cercando la villa dove passo Hemingway’: La Domenica di Vicenza, 16 January 2010.
‘Being Ernest: John Walsh Unravels the Mystery Behind Hemingway’s Suicide’: The Independent, 10 June 2011.
‘Hemingway on War and its Aftermath’: Thomas Putnam, Prologue Magazine, US National Archives and Records Administration, Vol 38 No 1, 2006.
‘Hemingway e mia sorella: la vera storia di un’ amicizia.’ Il Giornale, 23 November 2014.
‘Ernest Hemingway’s Long Ago Crush on a Venetian Girl is Once Again the Talk of Italy’: Olghina di Robilant, People Magazine, 1 December 1980.
‘La Piccola Guerra della Repubblica di San Marino’: Enrico Silvestri, Il Giornale, 2 June 2013.
‘Harry’s Bar in Venice’: Mary Hemingway, Holiday Magazine, June 1968.
‘Hemingway and Guy Hickok in Italy – The Brooklyn Eagle Articles’: Paul Montgomery, The Hemingway Review, 22 September 2005.
‘And I Wasn’t Dead Any More, one story behind A Farewell to Arms’: Rufus F, Ordinary Times, ordinary-gentlemen. com, 30 September 2014.
‘Hemingway in the North East of Italy’: Yourizon, Pordenone, May 2013.
‘Personaggi d’Estate: Mario Berrino’: Alain Elkann, La Stampa, 21 July 1999.
‘“Hemingway e mia sorella”: la vera storia di un’amicizia’: Stefano Lorenzetto, Il Giornale, 23 November 2014.
‘Hemingway: A Final Meeting with Adriana Ivancich at Nervi’, Ann N Doyle and Neal B Houston, The Hemingway Review, Fall 1988.
‘Talk with Mr Hemingway’, Harvey Breit, New York Times, 17 September 1950.
‘Piave, Papadopoli and Peace: The HAC in Italy, 1918’, Justine Taylor, Honourable Artillery Company Journal, Vol 85 No 475, Autumn 2008.
The English Garden by Hans von Trotha, translated by John Brownjohn
Rilke’s Venice by Birgit Haustedt, translated by Stephen Brown
Homer’s Mediterranean – From Troy to Ithaca by Wolfgang Geishövel, translated by Anthea Bell
Greenwood Dark – A Traveller’s Poems by Christopher Somerville
Sailing by Starlight – In Search of Treasure Island by Alex Capus, translated by John Brownjohn
Kafka – A Life in Prague by Klaus Wagenbach, translated by Ewald Oser and Peter Lewis
The Princes’ Islands – Istanbul’s Archipelago by Joachim Sartorius, translated by Stephen Brown
Dickens: London into Kent by Peter Clark
In Byron’s Footsteps by Tesa de Loo, translated by Andy Brown
The Whales Know – A Journey Through Mexican California by Pino Cacucci, translated by Katherine Gregor
Lady Chatterley’s Villa – DH Lawrence on the Italian Riviera by Richard Owen
The Geckos of Bellapais – Memories of Cyprus by Joachim Sartorius, translated by Stephen Brown
Lady Chatterley’s Villa – DH Lawrence on the Italian Riviera
Richard Owen
“Owen agrees with Anthony Burgess and Aldous Huxley that Lawrence served English literature and himself all the better for staying away from England. Gracefully, he portrays the Riviera and warmth of Italian society in which Lawrence was slowly resurrected and enabled to write.”