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Be All

Page 5

by Marie Wathen

  “Care to elaborate as to why you chose to return to the states and attend graduate college over all the famous universities you have in England?" Sarcasm resonates thick in her tone.

  Risking her leaving now, I don’t answer immediately. Instead, I offer a noncommittal shrug, watching as her eyes veil. I debate how much I want to reveal to her about why I am really home. So far this evening I have reached one conclusion. Whether it is the innocent melancholy in those gray eyes that is drawing me to her or her expert self-control, both emotionally as well as physically, I absolutely must fucking have this goddess. I can’t risk fucking it up.

  “Is there something about the colleges here that are better for your plans than the ones you left behind?” she says sorely.

  Curiosity unquenched, her survival instincts intensify indicating she will engage either fight or flight mechanism. Fearing the latter, I finally respond with a general answer. Breathing rapidly, she jolts up an eyebrow awaiting a response.

  “I have family obligations that required my move. Surely you can appreciate family obligations and understand that just because it may not be something I want, I still must comply."

  Staring silently, she looks intently into my eyes with a substantial heat building her frustration. Her blush is driving me mad. Mired with many emotions, she averts her eyes. Turning her head away from me, she scans the room, allowing me to take in her luscious body again. Watching her beautiful chest rise and fall, I become uncomfortable. I adjust the hardness that she is responsible for creating.

  Seeing the blush deep on her cheeks, I shift in my seat and glance out toward the balcony. Taking a moment to gather my wayward thoughts once again, I find humor in the amount of couples quickly retreating back inside from the cooler temperatures brought on by the night.

  Prior to tonight, I have never even had the slightest desire to get close to any woman upon first meeting. There is a definite chemistry between us that I can’t deny. I don’t understand the power this girl has over me. Wondering where this will lead, I decide on pursuing her and discovering whatever it is that is obviously going on between us.

  I reign in the cad and all that’s left is convincing her that it’s a good idea. Even as the thoughts form in my head, I know that it’s not likely that I can ever love her enough. I’ll never love any woman enough. But what if I could?

  Tristan says she has specific plans for our relationship after tonight, meaning none. It’s fucking driving me insane because women always want me. I need to find a way to change her mind.

  Her eyes say that she is ready for this night to be over, but her body is betraying her as the stain crawls up and around her neck. She seems unable to regain her composure. I'm enchanted by everything about her.

  Before I can compose myself enough to speak, she stands. "Excuse me..."

  I quickly rise, offering my hand to escort her. Her eyes bore into mine and she immediately refuses. I watch her walk toward the front foyer in search of the ladies room or god-forbid an escape route. Approaching the outskirts of the large crowd, she diverts her course straight toward Waverly.

  Shit. No good can come of this. Pausing briefly in front of her, Breesan speaks directly to Waverly. Dammit Waverly, you better be on your best behavior and keep your mouth shut. I stand to join them when Breesan resumes walking. Waverly flashes a searing look at me in what I construe as amusement.

  After several panic stricken moments, I watch Breesan disappear beyond the crowd. Turning around, I notice Tristan and Anna sitting at our table. Needing some answers, I sit back down. They are locked in a very passionate kiss. Polite attempts at getting Tristan's attention fail. After several useless endeavors of clearing my throat, rather loudly, it finally takes a hard nudge in his rib with my elbow before he reluctantly pulls himself away from a full on make out session with his girlfriend.

  “Is she always so damn distant?” I demand.

  Clearly enjoying himself, he straightens his blazer and runs a hand through his hair. Anna pulls out a mirror, checking her makeup.

  Looking completely perplexed he finally turns to me. “What are you talking about?”

  “The Girl! Breesan!” I chomp out. Shaking his head, he shrugs. He pulls Anna’s hand into his and looks pointedly at her.

  Frustrated, I continue speaking before he can respond. “Man, I know that I’m fucked up but I think there’s shit that you aren’t telling me about her. What or who is it that keeps her so closed off? She doesn't even like answering general questions. I can respect her privacy, but when I pressed for more personal details I saw some rather strong emotions in those gorgeous gray eyes.” I smile at that last thought.

  Tristan grunts, acknowledging my remarks are spot on. “She is very private. She isn’t close to anyone except Anna, but only because she hasn’t successfully pushed her away. Plus, Anna refuses to give up.” He smiles at her. “We’ve talked about it and agree that she doesn’t like the idea of putting her heart out there and risk getting hurt. Truth is Morgy, we think she has abandonment issues. Her mom died and her dad is lost, or most likely dead. And you can’t fool me; her creepy ass stepmother holds something over her that is far from motherly love. Morgan, I know you. You have girlfriends all over the world but now you’ve come home and the entertainment on Willow isn’t what you’re used to. Breesan keeping you entertained is not something I want happening. She won’t be your plaything, but she is not girlfriend material either. I don’t know what’s going on in that damn head of yours but whatever it is I expect…." Slamming a hand down on the table, I interrupt his rant.

  I laugh righteously, “Damn Tristan, how about I promise not to ravish her or marry her tonight. Will that help you calm the hell down? I can’t believe how uptight you are right now. And don’t you ever fucking call me Morgy again.”

  Leaning forward he pierces me with a serious glare. “Fuck, Morgan. This isn’t a joke. She’s important to us.”

  Anna enthusiastically adds, “That’s right Morgan. If you want to date her you know that there is some stuff you’re going to have to give up. Trust me, she won’t agree to go out with you anytime soon, but if you promise not to hurt her we’ll help.” Contemplating their advice, I nod. Can I keep Anna’s promise? Protecting a woman has never been important to me before. Is it now?

  Breesan is indeed an interesting woman, and I’m determined to crack that hard shell of hers because I want to know more. No doubt she’s the hottest babe on this island. Obviously there are many interesting layers to Breesan Maxwell. I think I’m ready to peel them back and find the little minx hiding underneath that good girl persona.

  Needing to search out my intriguing date, I decide sitting here while she is alone in the ladies room mulling over bailing on me is a brainless move on my part. Driven by an urge not to let her escape, I walk to the entry way searching.

  Feeling like I’ve been marinating in a bin of alcohol all night, I stumble toward the front exit, accepting a much needed breath of fresh air then checking with the valet to see if she did actually leave.

  “Did you lose that pretty little thing to someone else already?” Spinning around, I see a gleeful Ian stroll out of the castle with his date and his brother, Jack.

  We have been friends since the night I met them at the gothic club a couple of years ago, the same night I met Waverly. They were chatting up a couple of hot vacationers. Waverly showed up and the ladies couldn’t compete with her over-protective-sister personality. She is the Collin’s youngest of seven children and the only girl. Either they’re unaware of what is going on between Waverly and me or they just haven’t let on that they know.

  “Shut the hell up. She went to the ladies room. I came to meet her and escort her back to our table,” I offer, uncertain if she’s even still in the castle. Glancing around, I see the valet is away from his station, apparently retrieving a car for the older gentleman standing there instead.

  “Right! If you say so,” he chuckles, gently rubbing his arm over his date’s shou
lder. “Listen, we’re out of here. It’s been great but I’m taking my date back to my place and well, let’s just say she’s going to have more fun once we get there then in some creepy ass castle.” He snuggles her close under his arm, making her giggle.

  “I like the castle. It’s so romantic here,” she says seductively.

  Disagreeing, he shakes his head then pulls her closer. “Honey, we’ll get you back to my place and I’ll give you all the damn romance your sweet little body can handle,” he breathes into her ear, causing her to swoon.

  Jack and I roll our eyes at his miserable attempt to be sexy. It’s a good thing women throw themselves at his feet simply due to his sex appeal because saying shit like that should have him sleeping alone in his bed tonight rather than giving this cougar a night of bliss.

  Saying goodbye to Jack and me, Ian guides his date out to the parking lot. Jack tells me that he didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary tonight. He likes playing bodyguard when we go out. If he didn’t own his construction company, he’d be in law enforcement.

  Making my way back inside the castle, I walk toward the hallway leading to the ladies room. Approaching the ladies room, I pass the study and from the darkness of the room, a hand reaches out, snatching me by the arm, and drags me deep into it.

  Chapter 4


  Guided by a sweet, stocky server, I locate the restroom off the front lobby. After searching through the crowd, I locate Morgan’s companion on my way to the ladies room. Luckily, the creepy older gentleman left her standing alone at the bar on his way out of the castle. Stopping at the door he stared at me as I spoke with her, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. From the corner of my eye, I notice as he swipes a hand over his face, removing a twisted sneer while a look of contempt flashes in his eyes. His behavior is both mysterious and disturbing.

  Hoping for freedom from Morgan’s seduction and questions, I let the sexy blond know that he is free to dance with whomever he wants. Her occupying him the rest of the night would make my plan perfect. Smiling while thinking about the gift heading Morgan’s way, I stare at myself in the mirror as I stand in the empty ladies room.

  His demeanor is infuriating, but he shouldn’t be able to push my buttons so easily. Attempting to continue calming my nerves, I take several slow gulps of air then splash cool water on my face, careful not to destroy my makeover. I must collect my thoughts prior to going back out there; otherwise, I might say or do something I could regret.

  I feel both scattered about being attracted to him, yet unhinged at the same time. Yes, I admit there is something appealing about Morgan. He is devastatingly handsome. That’s it! It’s merely physical attraction combined with his seduction attempts that’s to blame for my foul mood His seduction skills are decent at best, but I’m not going to fall for him or anyone – especially after watching the blonde’s reaction from telling her that he is available. She was literally giddy. Bless her.

  I’m more affected by his evasiveness. I prefer directness; even if he simply says, “None of your business” or “I’ll get back to you on that,” meaning none of your business, it beats the rudeness of not answering. Strangely, he appears affected by me too. As attractive as Morgan is, he shouldn’t have a problem getting plenty of applicants in the girlfriend roll if that’s what he’s looking for; however, he won’t find one in me. I’m definitely not interested.

  Being in my dream castle, I’m pleased that it is everything I knew it would be and more but this has still been a strange evening. Regarding Morgan, I am fortunate because it's not like I have to worry about the danger of him expecting another date, there won’t be a second date. I'm even more convinced now that I have taken a moment to compartmentalize my feelings and reactions. The other elements of the night aren’t that significant, so I laugh and decide that I will only allow myself to enjoy the rest of the night.

  I touch up my lip-gloss and give a quick check to my hair. Walking out of the ladies room, I spot Morgan lingering at the entrance, staring into one of the other ballrooms. Apparently he turned down my gift, or perhaps the blonde lady didn’t know to look for him out here.

  I sigh. Well, I guess it’s going to be a long night with his incredibly irritating and lame seduction routine.

  He’s harmless, but nothing bothers me more than an egotistical guy. But with Morgan you add elusiveness to the mix, and that equals up to him absolutely striking out.

  I chide my dramatic thoughts. It is only one night and I can handle the likes of Morgan Walker. This will not be complicated with feelings, so it’s possible I’ll end the night only mildly annoyed.

  Gathering all of my strength, I confidently stroll up to him. Busy scanning the noisy ballroom he doesn’t notice my approach. Reaching for his arm, I slide my hand through the bend of his elbow.

  I whisper teasingly, "Waiting for me?" Am I flirting?

  Startled, he turns and quickly grabs me. In a flash he has us deep in the darkened corner of the once busy foyer. Our eyes meet and lock in a stare so intense that I feel my world shift. Unadulterated need envelops me in bottomless pools of emerald green bliss, sparking with promises of untold ecstasy lying dormant in me until this moment. My body trembles at the feel of his warm and somewhat familiar hands grasping my arms; my knees buckle.

  Wow, he looks – damn, magnificent.

  He flashes a sexy smile followed by a promising wink. Buzzing in my head mutes everything but us. My heart cries as lines blur between broken and love.

  Dazed momentarily, I gather my wits as he responds playfully, “My entire life, Baby." His warm breath flutters over my face.

  Without consciously realizing what I’m doing, I softly murmur, "Mm, charming." My words come out husky and my body swoons openly, but he steadies me.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Ohgod, I hope he did not hear that.

  Desperately, I struggle with holding on to some sense of decency. Lifting my eyes, they quickly dart around the open foyer scanning for witnesses. Thankfully, no one can see us in the hidden space and our indecent exchange goes unnoticed. What I feel in his powerful embrace is unexplainable and scares the living shit out of me. I am so wrong about Morgan; whatever is between us is definitely more than me simply finding him attractive.


  Twisting to get away, I stumble and my body falls back into strong arms that wrap possessively around me. I land hard against his firm chest. Warmth from his large body covers my exposed back and breathing becomes a chore. Forcing air into my lungs, another soft murmur escapes from my slightly parted lips. His arms slide around my waist and tighten while he lowers his face into my hair. Hearing a deep breath, I shudder realizing he his smelling my hair.

  What the hell?

  “Mygod Baby, you smell fucking incredible.” His husky voice hot against my prickly flesh mixes with his sexy words making our contact scorning.

  As he says these words, a shiver begins at the spot where his lips lightly graze the edge of my ear and travels through every cell in my body, igniting a new sensation deep within my core. Fiercely holding his arms, an ache for his touch builds in me.

  Reaching his hand up to my hair, he moves loose strands away from my neck. His fingers tenderly brush against my cheek and an unfamiliar need to lean into his hand becomes my obsession. Before he has a chance to lower it from my face, I capture him and place his warm palm against my hot cheek. Closing my eyes I sense, rather than see, him smile against my hair.

  He proudly whispers, “Ah hell, I love putting this pink in you cheeks.” I whimper insatiably. Soft and warm, his caress awakens a burning need to have him touch me more. As if reading my mind, he lowers his hand further so that his palm slides along my chest then wraps around my throat, dominating me. Butterflies flitter lightly in my stomach under his powerful arms squeezing me; he presses harder against my back. Nuzzling against the soft skin behind my ear, he takes a slow steady breath.

  Mygod he smelled me again.

Damn Baby,” he growls and I shiver from the vibrations of his deep timbre as it soothes a profound pain seared on my soul so long ago. I sigh.

  Renewal of life begs for freedom as his scorching hot lips press possessively against my neck. Needing him to claim me, my head rolls back against his shoulder, exposing so much more than my sensitive neck to him. I feel his teeth scrape and nibble. Trembling with desire, my hand raises on its own accord to his hair where my fingers dig into the velvet locks and I roughly tug him to me.

  Still pressing his firmness against my backside, he slowly nuzzles his cheek and nose against my now gooseflesh covered neck. Sliding his nose up, he gently places it on the soft spot under my ear and greedily inhales a third time.


  His sensual action demands a moan, and uncontrollably I comply. He growls satisfied with my response.

  He growls for me. Oh, mygod I’m so fucking lost to him.

  Relishing in his touch, I squeeze my eyes shut. I’ve never felt anything so profound and exquisite. Limbs moving violently together create a friction threatening to destroy the thin material of my dress.

  Tangled chaos that is my mind offers a hope of greedy consumption and wishes of passionate erosion. Unhinged and wanting him to destroy the darkness that my past owns, I abandon the demons that rule me and enjoy his frantic desires. Lustful and needy, one word rushes from my now dry mouth.

  "Please," I beg, panting and raging. With my whole body burning, I need more. Without hesitation, he grasps my hand and leads me through the ballroom out onto the empty balcony.

  Facing me in the tranquil glow of the moonlight, he releases my hand from his firm hold then slides his knuckles up my arm. Grazing over the gooseflesh his touch creates, he rests his calloused thumb over the throbbing pulse in the bend of my arm. Desire unlike anything I’ve ever experienced takes over.

  Damn, this feels so incredible and it’s only his thumb touching me.

  Stifling a lustful moan, I freeze, lost in the amazing feel of this new movement. It’s overwhelming, intoxicating, and peppered with hardy anticipation. Ever so slowly he moves, slow enough to cause my heart rate to pulse up and my blood slams hard through my veins. His gorgeous grin turns wicked with cruel recklessness.


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