Little Savage

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Little Savage Page 12

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  He stared at her for several seconds, coming down from his own sexual high. “What a lazy slut you are,” he bit off brusquely, “time you got to work.”

  “Hummm, yes sir,” came her dreamy reply.

  She lingered a moment longer, apparently content to remain in her blissful reverie on his kitchen floor. Though when he reached down to help her up she willingly grabbed his hand and stood.

  “Whew! What a way to begin the day!” she exclaimed, as she swiped her clothes from the floor. She turned to Daniel before heading off to the bathroom, “You going to keep her in there long?” she asked, pointing to the broom closet.

  “For a while,” he said then he walked out saying, “Come see me once you’re dressed.”

  On Daniel’s instructions, Alice released Lisle from the broom closet a half hour later and sent her into his office. He was on the phone, on hold and annoyed by the long wait. Like a nervous Nelly, the girl tiptoed with her apprehensions preceding her, but she stopped immediately, sensing Daniel’s irritation as he restlessly waited for the caller to come on the line. While she hung back quiet as a mouse, he poured through a sensitive document, his attention fixated on the twelve pages of nonsense he was attempting to decipher. He was only barely aware that Lisle was in the room. He suddenly glanced up seeing her movements from the corner of his eye. Her hands were still tied behind her back, but she seemed to be in no distress. Other than some slight apprehension, she was quite docile, perhaps as calm and surrendered as he’d ever seen her, her face innocently sweet and yearning. He’d seen this look too often on a sub female to trust that the emotion behind it matched what that lovely expression implied. But on Lisle the sweetness and yearning were real.

  When Daniel’s contact came on the line, the two bluntly exchanged a few pertinent facts about their investigation then the phone call ended. Daniel made several notes in the document in front of him then pushed it into a file folder and looked up. He could be thankful that Alice was so needy and so accommodating, otherwise he imagined his desire to screw the waif would have taken over, which would have been completely contrary to what their testy relationship needed at that hour.

  “So, did you enjoy your time in the closet?”

  She didn’t know how to answer. “Um, not really, sir. It wasn’t very comfortable.”

  “So now I have to make punishment comfortable for you?”

  “Oh, no, sir, I didn’t mean that. I was just being honest.”

  “Come here.” He motioned her his way, then turned her around and with his pocket knife cut through the plastic tie and discarded it in the wastebasket at his side. He turned her so she faced him and inspected her wrists. The bondage had been tighter than he’d planned and had left red depressions in the skin. In one spot it looked as if it had rubbed her raw.

  “There’s some antiseptic ointment in the downstairs bath you can use for this when we’re done here. And you’d better bandage that spot.”

  “Yes sir.” Her mood seemed pleasant and untroubled, a good sign. If she’d been upset listening to the sounds of his scene with Alice it certainly didn’t show. In fact, she seemed mildly aroused, maybe more than mildly aroused, though she kept her feelings guarded.

  “You horny?”

  “Hum, yes sir.”

  “Good. Be horny while you work, but no coming until I give you permission.” She winced just long enough for him to notice and immediately his brows narrowed. “Violating that order will put your position in this house in jeopardy. I don’t care how horny you get you’ll obey that rule—and expect to be asked if you’ve disobeyed me. And don’t think I won’t know if you try to pull one over on me. I wouldn’t give the idea a moment’s thought. I’ve spent a lifetime dealing with submissive females of all stripes and you, my dear, are as obvious to me as any woman I’ve mastered. I’ll know if you lie.” He watched her face and all the subtle nuances that played out across her delicate features. She understood what he wanted; she could accept it as a submissive female; but every nervous twitch, every grimace, every momentary flinch, every gulped down objection suggested that the ‘no coming without permission’ order would be a hard one for her to follow.

  “This a problem for you?”

  “I get very horny, sir.”

  “I’m sure you do. You been masturbating a lot?’

  The rosy glow on her cheeks deepened to a shamefaced blush. “Yes, sir,” she admitted. “I have worn chastity belts before, sir.” She looked at him as if she were eager for him to lock her sex away.

  “I don’t have the patience for chastity belts; they’re far too much trouble when I want to fuck. Your job is to obey me. So deal with it. If you can’t follow my orders, you know the consequences. Perhaps those will inspire your good behavior. Any questions?”

  “No, sir.” She trembled almost violently, as if the conversation on its own had her ramped up and ready to come. Her current dilemma almost caused him to smile.

  “You’re about to explode, aren’t you?”

  She nodded then closed her eyes, and brought her clenched fists to her face. Every muscle in her body seemed to be compressed.

  “Stop it!” Daniel lashed out.

  For an instant she froze, then her eyes fluttered open and her body relaxed. She took a deep breath.

  “You looked like a two year old about to launch into a tantrum. Don’t do that again.”

  Her eyes were wide and focused keenly on him as they observed his every move. She was getting feedback she wasn’t used to, Daniel silently observed and this was good. So far, his life with Lisle had been a guessing game, and though he just swore to her that he understood her ploys, he wasn’t sure he understood her at all. He needed a few tricks of his own to keep her off guard.

  “Answer me, girl!” he raised his voice a decibel or two, nothing all that severe, but he saw a shudder of … of what? Excitement? Fear? Lust? The shudder passed quickly through her body raising the sexual energy in the room another degree higher.

  “Yes, sir. I understand, sir!” she practically jumped on the words.

  “That’s good. Now, since you’re so horny, you can come for me right where you stand.”

  “Now?” she cocked her head.

  “Yes, now! In front of me, or you don’t do come at all. And you’d better be quick about it, I have work to do.”

  Her distress showed plainly. Why would she balk, when she’d been on the brink of a spontaneous eruption since she walked in the room, had him intrigued. But for several seconds she merely stared at him with an ashen face.

  “Not horny?”

  “Oh, but I am.”

  “Then get off now or quit wasting my time.” He waited another several seconds and when she didn’t make a move, he gave her explicit directions. “Lift your skirt, put your hand on your pussy and rub yourself until you get off.”

  Her lips were parted and her breathing shallow; her essence so tormented in that moment that she seemed on the verge of detaching from the planet and drifting away like a ghostly phantom.

  “Lisle.” His voice dropped deeper still; her name was all he needed to say. She suddenly came back to planet earth and quickly raised her skirt and began to play with herself. She couldn’t look him in the face—if he’d been a real asshole he would have demanded that too. However, that would wait for another time and another confrontation when the Dom sub imperative in their relationship was more secure and he could trust that a challenging order such as this would be carried out and she wouldn’t go fleeing in fear.

  Her eyes were closed and her body shuddering with spasms almost as soon as she laid her hand on her pink wet pubes. She came beautifully, with her head tossed back and her body seeming to float unsupported by any earthly means. Her moaning gasps were almost musical. All the flinching and grimaces had been wiped from her face; it was now overrun with a look of profound bliss. The climax came on her in waves, jerking her from left to right and causing her body to seize up for a moment then relax into the pleasurable feeli
ngs as she let out another glorious groan. When Daniel could see that the she was finally coming down from the incredible high, he abruptly announced, “That’s enough!”

  It took a few seconds to draw her back and when she opened her eyes, he was greeted with the same shamefaced blush he’d seen earlier. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I just can’t stop,” she rushed in to explain.

  “No shame in that. But you’re done for now. Go on. See Alice. Tell her you need something productive to do.” He turned back to his work and left the flustered girl to follow his orders.

  “May I ask you something, sir,” she said before she turned to leave.

  He looked up briefly. “No. I’m busy. We’ll talk later if we need to.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said, almost looking relieved, then she darted out through the rear door, her pretty behind stirring up another hornet’s nest of desire inside his crotch. He would have loved to fuck her on the spot; been a banner morning with two horny sluts masturbating to his orders. Performance art couldn’t get any better. Even after Alice’s blowjob, Lisle managed to rouse his erection to a righteous hard-on, but he’d be content to wait for later.

  Leaning back in his chair, he allowed his mind to play back all that had happened that morning. His thoughts zeroed in on the girl. He wasn’t certain what she needed – a lover, father, master or friend. Trying to be all of the above didn’t suit him. He’d stick with master, a role he knew far better than the others, and there he was on safe ground. He’d toss the other roles in from time to time, love her, befriend her and play the stern or kind parent if she needed that, but until she left his house, he’d remain in charge of her. She’d follow the rules and obey him or she’d be gone. He was banking on what he believed was a genuine desire by the girl to live with him—if nothing else than the submissive role he asked of her now was one she was accustomed to. What she wanted long term—which he was sure she didn’t know herself—would be decided over the next few months.

  This was exactly what he knew she needed, and exactly what the sly Marcus had successfully arranged, even if it had happened half by accident, half by the intervention of some benevolent deity. He could grumble all he wanted about the outcome, how Marcus and the girl had triumphed over his objections, but the fact remained that he found Lisle a test of a new way of life, a stimulating one as well. For the first time in a number of years, stretching far back to his slave trader days, he felt his blood rush and a passionate yearning ramp up a bit of genuine desire. She was as easy as any woman he’d conquered in the old days and twice as hard to master. He had no real hold on her; she could split any moment and he’d have no clout to bring her back. In essence she was a free woman. Rather than making their situation a perilous one he could not trust—and he knew not to trust this girl at all—her ability to choose had the opposite effect he expected. He was aroused by the unique circumstances, and aroused by the girl herself. He’d have never chosen her as a submissive lover; he would have never picked her out of a crowd of willing women. But she held more fascination for him than a hundred wannabe subs, most of whom barely understood what the word submission meant. Lisle understood submission. She might fight it, but the real fight was in cleaving to the life she knew, loved and seemed desperate to recreate.

  That evening as they were finishing dinner, she caught him with a question before he could leave the kitchen table. Their silent meals were often uncomfortable, and throughout this one, she seemed restless. Timidity had precluded her speaking, and he’d done nothing to help her out. He thought he’d escaped dealing with whatever put her in this state, but just as he was pushing away from the table and about to rise, she finally flung her nagging question into the agitated air.

  “Why’d she call you Colonel?”



  “When did she say that?”

  She shrugged. “Today, maybe. I heard her, I know I did.”

  He grabbed for his glass of Coke and took a gulp, “She called me Colonel because I was a Colonel in the US military.”

  “Oh. And you’re not one now?”

  “Technically, I still am. Officers don’t get to quit. But that career path ended for me just shortly after my last promotion.”

  “Why was that?”

  Instead of answering directly, he thought a moment then settled back down in his chair. Leaning forward and eyeballing her closely he let go with the condemning facts about his past life. “I suppose it’s fair that you know these things as long as you’re living in my house. Just after my last promotion—in fact, the seeds of this started quite a while before that promotion. At any rate, I found myself drawn to some shady business dealings in the godforsaken part of the world where I’d been stationed. Initially, my activities were just a titillating diversion to stave off long days of utter boredom. I’ve always been a bastard at heart. I found out what a sadist I was as well. One thing led to another and I was soon an active player in the Middle East black market, buying, selling and trading a slew of illegal commodities. For a number of years I helped run a slave trading operation that kidnapped pretty girls and forced them to perform demeaning sex acts then sold them into slavery. I trained female slaves.”

  Lisle’s eyes seemed to double in size and her entire body trembled as she listened to the astounding revelations. She seemed unsure what to think.

  “Frightening, isn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  He studied her reaction a moment. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it?” As much as it scared her, he knew she was aroused, and although he didn’t need to ask to know the truth, he wanted to hear it from her own lips. “Tell me, Lisle.”

  Her frightened face turned into a sheepish one. “I’ve dreamt of worlds like that.” Her admission seemed simple enough, but where she’d been reasonably comfortable in his presence, she seemed uncertain now. What did he expect considering what he’d just confessed?

  “Despite the obvious draw for you, you would have perished in that world, Lisle. It wasn’t pretty. Slavery wasn’t pretty. And it certainly was not romantic. It was mean, ugly and brutal, a life proscribed by brutal men forced on women against their will. Despite what you might fantasize in your private thoughts, it was no place for any woman, let alone one as young and naturally submissive as you. The business was run by ruthless thugs who didn’t give a shit whether their slave properties lived or died. I was one of those thugs.” He hadn’t intended to spit out the facts so ruthlessly but he couldn’t stop once he got started. She might as well know the truth as to nurse some dreamy illusion that he was a good man and a good master. Her eyes widened further with every damning fact he disclosed. “I gave up that life two years ago and managed to escape that situation unscathed—there was no one capable of prosecuting crimes like mine. Who I was and what I did falls into the unmentionable category. ‘Pretend it never happened’, as if the circumstances and that location of the world could excuse what I’d systematically done for twenty years as collateral damage to be swept under the rug. I’m useful to the government now because of where I’ve been and who I’ve known. Sort of like a Russian computer hacker who’s paid big money by big business to work for the ‘good’ side, stopping Internet theft and mayhem—not making it. I’m treated like a novelty in DC—which has tended to make me even more cynical. But my expertise and my contacts have become extremely valuable to the government. My experience with women in unusual circumstances was why Marcus called on me in the first place. He knew he needed someone big, strong, and enough of a bastard to do what it took to remove a headstrong female from circumstances in which she was no longer welcome. You were that headstrong female.”

  Lisle jerked back.

  “You’d be right to conclude that I’m not a nice man. However, the man I was those twenty years no longer pleases me. I decided to try a normal American life, as much as it can be normal. As much as I can adapt to society’s demands. I won’t mistreat you; I don’t have the stomach for that kind of sadism now. A
nd I will protect you from the kind of riffraff that passes themselves off as legitimate masters.” He chuckled darkly. “Rather ironic, though—Marcus assumed that given my experience I’d have more sensitivity for your situation than most domesticated masters would have. I don’t know whether that’s true or not. But I do know that as long as you’re willing to live under this roof, you will be subject to me as a sexual master. That seems to be what you want and what will work best for the both of us under these circumstances.

  “However, if anything I’ve said has caused you to fear me, or change your mind about staying here, you let me know. Other arrangements with less unsavory people can still be made—and I’m not talking about Lady M. You’re free to leave. You made no mistake in questioning me. You have every right to know.” She still looked a tad shell-shocked when he finished, though she seemed to have settled some from that first shocking revelation. “You have any other questions you’d like to ask?”

  She shook her head, and he let her get off without offering a verbal reply.

  “So you’ll tell me if you have any misgivings?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “All right then, why don’t you stew on that a while and if you need to discuss this further, you let me know.” Seeing the messy kitchen table, he added, not that he needed to, “When you’re finished eating, clean this up.”

  He got up from the table and moved directly to his office.


  Nearly midnight, Daniel went up to bed, being fully aware of the aching feeling in his crotch, which had been there since dinner and the candid discussion with Lisle about his past. After he’d left the kitchen, she tidied up; he could hear running water, and the clatter of pans as she stuffed them into the cabinet. She peeked her head in the office door when she was finished. “There’s a story I’d like to watch on TV if it’s okay?”

  “Fine. I need to catch up on some reading.”


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