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The Sexy Tattooist

Page 48

by Joey Bush

  I tugged my bottom lips between my teeth and turned to face him as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “God you are beautiful,” he breathed.

  He began kissing my neck, moving his hands tenderly up and down my sides and my back, caressing me with gentle, yet eager, touches.

  As he did, I ran the fingers of my left hand through his hair, slowly but surely easing his head down, directing it lower and lower. With my right, I unbuttoned his pants and reached inside, wrapping my fingers around the substantial girth of his hardening cock, and then slowly began moving my hand up and down along its length.

  His caresses were moving down my body, and soon he slipped his fingers into the waistband of my panties and pulled them down with a firm, but gentle tug. They dropped to my ankles, and I stepped out of them.

  Now he was kissing me around my lower belly, on my hips and thighs, while running his hands up and down my legs. I knew where his head was aiming to reach, and I parted my legs to accommodate him, but remained standing, running both of my hands now through his thick, luscious hair as he started to kiss me at the meeting of my thighs.

  I was ready — very ready. He slipped a finger inside me, just to tease. I gasped and shuddered involuntarily and he chuckled as he slid it back out.

  My knees went weak as a wave of pleasure moved through me.

  “Not yet,” he whispered as he leaned in, moving his face between my legs.

  He started teasing me with his tongue — gentle licks and ever so slight touches. I could feel my inner thighs becoming slick. Emerson started kissing me, using his lips in an alternately gentle and then more forceful manner. My nerve endings were all tingling, and I really was starting to question whether I'd be able to maintain my balance for much longer.

  Then he started licking, with the tip of his tongue, on my clit. He used just enough pressure to send wave after wave of pleasure rippling through my body, and he kept the strokes of his tongue rhythmic and the pressure consistent.

  The first pulsing of an orgasm began to build within me as he kept going.

  “Don't stop, Emerson,” I managed to gasp. “Please, for the love of God, don't-”

  He kept his pace steady and the orgasm started to grow within me, building like a balloon inflated with too much air until, in a release from this glorious pressure, it finally exploded, shooting hot shrapnel shards of pure pleasure through my entire nervous system.

  I cried out as the waves of joy boosted through my veins, and gripped Emerson's hair with more force than I probably should have. I pushed his head away from me, my body shivering and trembling from the force of the orgasm. He tried to move back in, but I stopped him.

  “Wait,” I managed to gasp. “Not yet. It's…it’s… I can’t take anymore right now.” I fell onto the edge of the bed beside him and regained my breath. With a mischievous sideways glance, I smiled at him. “My turn. Or should I say, your turn.”

  I instructed him to stand and face me, running my hands lightly over his beautifully-sculpted body as I did. The smooth, solid hardness of his muscles made me even wetter than I already was.

  When my hands reached his pants, I yanked them down, and his hard, throbbing cock emerged. I opened my mouth and guided it in slowly. His knees buckled a little with pleasure as I started to gently stroke the underside with my tongue. He started to run his fingers through my hair as I licked and teased, stroking the shaft with my hands as I did.

  When I increased the momentum, moving my head back and forth, he moaned and gasped, and his fingers gripped my hair in tight handfuls. He took over, moving my head back and forth at an ever-increasing pace.

  “Oh my God, Brooke,” he moaned.

  He slowed the movements and eased his cock out of my mouth, and dropped down to his knees before me and kissed me slowly and deeply, moving his tongue around my mouth with gentle pressure. Then he slipped his fingers through mine and pushed me back onto his bed, positioning himself over me.

  “I need to be as close to you as possible,” he whispered as he trailed hot kisses down my shoulder and pressed his body against mine. The solidity of his excitement pushed against the moistness between my legs. In one slow stroke, we connected. When he had filled me completely, he began to thrust unhurriedly. Each thrust sent a shock of pleasure through me. His smooth muscles slid against my stomach and he gazed down at me. All I could see was the blue of his eyes. All I could feel was the heat of him moving within me and his body grinding against my clit. All of my apprehensions disappeared, and for the first time in my life, I knew what freedom felt like.

  I slid my hands over his back and felt his muscles move under my fingertips. I bit my lip to avoid moaning, but he covered my lips with his and the moan slipped into his mouth. I held onto him tighter, wanting him closer to me than he ever could be. Tension built in my body. Every nerve was on fire. For a moment, the world seemed to stop.

  Pleasure exploded inside me, blazing through my body as Emerson released his own ecstasy. He took a few deep, sharp breaths as I trembled around him. After a couple of minutes had passed, I was still lost within my euphoria. He rolled over beside me, wrapped his strong, muscular arms around me, and pulled me close to him.

  “That was amazing,” he whispered.

  “It was,” I replied.

  “And do you know what the best thing about it was?”

  “What's that?” I replied.

  “That was just the warm-up round.”

  I giggled as he moved in, kissing me again.

  It was going to be a long night.

  A long and glorious night.



  I looked up from my book and eased my feet off the footstool, listening as the sound grew in volume. Tossing my book onto the couch beside me, I hurried to the front door just in time to watch Emerson pull into the driveway and slip his slick Kawasaki past my BMW and park it in the garage. He removed his helmet and saw me standing in the doorway. A huge smile spread across his handsome face.

  He hurried toward the door I held open for him and wrapped me tightly in his arms the moment he’d bound up the porch steps. A long, languid kiss got my nerves tingling and made my knees weak. Even after so many years, he still had that effect on me.

  “How was work, love?” I asked.

  “Good. We're making progress on the solar power compound. I'm pretty sure this product is gonna be on the market within two years, and it's gonna revolutionize everything! A solar panel powerful enough to charge a laptop in three hours, and it's only the size of a dollar bill. How cool is that?” Emerson beamed. “How about you, beautiful? How was your day?” He planted a sweet kiss on my forehead.

  “Actually, work was interesting. Remember that new bicycle concept I was telling you about?”

  “Oh yeah, the one that charges all of your devices at home while you ride?”

  “Yes! Well, we're very close to making a breakthrough,” I said. “Like, literally right on the edge.”

  “That’s awesome, babe. I can’t wait until you get to bring it home for us to try out,” he smiled.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You just want to play with my gadgets,” I flashed him a smirky grin.

  “Oh, I definitely want to do that,” he said with a wink. “Oh. Almost forgot. I got a call from Chris today.”

  “Oh, yeah? How's he doing?”

  “He's good. Still sober. That makes eight months. And he's starting his first semester of a new college degree.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. He was stuck in a real rough patch for a few years after dropping out. I know you’re happy to see him like this.”

  “Yeah. I was beginning to think he wasn't gonna get through it. I'm glad he's turned his life around and proved me wrong. It’s nice to hear my old friend’s voice when I talk to him now.”

  “Speaking of old friends,” I added. “Don’t forget we've got an appointment in front of the TV at eight tonight!”

  “Oh yeah, Leslie's big break! I'm super ex
cited to see it.”

  “She always did want a role in a sitcom, and I think she's gonna be great!”

  “Old friends,” he said with a smile, “it's great to see them doing well.”

  “It really is,” I agreed.

  “But then, we can't just focus on the old. There's also the new…” He took my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the diamond engagement ring on my finger.

  “I'm counting the days until you are my wife. You can’t get rid of me then and I can’t wait!”

  Tears stung the corners of my eyes. I kissed him gently on his forehead, and then on his lips.

  “I can't wait, either,” I said.

  “How about we crack open a bottle of wine, light some candles, and watch the sunset from the back deck.”

  “That sounds like a splendid idea. We'd better hurry though, the sun will be setting in a few minutes.”

  “Right. Meet you out there.”

  Emerson headed to the cellar to pick out a decent bottle of wine while I went out onto the deck. The air was still warm, with just the slightest nip of cold threatening to take over once the sun disappeared. Spring had always been my favorite season. The scent of new blossoms and flowers floated sweetly on the warm breeze, and the first evening star had appeared in the darkening sky.

  Emerson strolled onto the deck carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. We took a seat on our outdoor sofa and he filled up a glass for each of us as I lit some candles. I took my glass and clinked it against his.

  “To chemistry,” I said with a smile.

  “To chemistry,” he replied, the last golden rays of the day's sun glinting in his eyes.

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  By Claire Adams

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 Claire Adams

  PART 1



  His face on the magazine cover kept eclipsing my textbook. I recognized him from high school, junior high school actually, and the thrill of seeing him again was more exciting than gross anatomy. I tried to tell myself it was the magazine that was grabbing my attention. I had obsessed over the new hit multi-player online game Dark Flag since it came out. Owen Redd was rising to dominance as the game's first clan leader. He was a star in the gamer community.

  And my sister's boyfriend, I reminded myself.

  I never understood how he put up with Sienna. She had wanted to change him from the moment they met. My perfect sister, with her stellar G.P.A. and her driving ambition to be a surgeon, wanted her boyfriend to be more than a gamer. I always suspected she started dating him as a challenge. Sienna was always trying to improve, perfect, and control the world around her. Owen struck me as another project she took on – change the school's most popular rebel into the prom king. She kept a framed picture of their prom court on the desk in her dorm. Owen's crown was crooked, but he and Sienna were still together.

  I wondered if she knew he was on the cover of a magazine. Sienna would not be impressed, but it really was a big deal. I reached for my phone.

  "The studying going well?" my roommate asked.

  "Can you believe the professor gives us a quiz at the start of every class? Seems cruel," I said.

  Darla shook her head and laughed. "I heard he charts the quiz scores on a board."

  I groaned. My sister's name was on the top of that board and I could not help but look at it every time I sat down to struggle through another quiz.

  Darla gave my long hair a sympathetic tug. "Have you ever considered changing your major? I know nursing is a noble profession, but as far as I can see, you don't like anything about it."

  "I like it," I said. "It’s just a lot of memorizing and papers and sitting around studying new research. There's not a lot of, I don't know, action to it."

  "Well, if you're looking for action, I heard there's a Dark Flag party over in the basement of the Mathematics lab," Darla said.

  My roommate was the opposite of me in many ways – an art major with a concentration in textiles – but she was also a gamer. I stood up to lead the way out the door.

  "Wait, you forgot your phone," Darla stopped me. "Ugh, I think your advisor is calling."

  I looked at the caller ID and bit my lip. Alice Bonton had a sixth sense about when I was going to do something fun instead of study. There was no reason I couldn’t let the call go to voicemail, except my father's nagging motto: never put off for tomorrow what you can deal with right now.

  "Ms. Alice, how is your evening?" I asked. Darla shrugged her shoulders and left without me.

  "Quinn, I'm glad I caught you. I mean, I'm not glad, I'm just grateful you answered your phone," my advisor said.

  "If this is about skipping class last week, its sounds much worse than it was. I was actually volunteering my time down at the blood drive. I just forgot to get a volunteer form signed," I said.

  "Skipping class again? That's the fourth time this month. That's once a week. Quinn, I'm concerned. I know this isn't the time to discuss it, but–" her voice cracked. "I'm not sure how to do this."

  "I can make up all the work, I promise. I'm studying right now. Literally, the book is open in front of me. I love nursing, I really do. I've just been distracted lately." I stopped myself before I started talking about the new game. My college advisor would not be impressed to hear how dedicated I was to a new online game.

  "When was the last time you went home? Spent any time with your family?"

  "I don't know, fall break? So, well, I guess about a month," I said. "But I'm going home for Thanksgiving. Sienna wants to stay on campus, but I agreed to go home. I'm in charge of making the gravy. Sienna makes the best stuffing, but she's only staying on campus to get a head start on studying for finals. She's pre-med and wants to be a surgeon."

  There was silence on the other end of the line. Finally, when I had held my breath long enough to see a few stars creeping around the edges of my vision, my advisor said, "I know you look up to your sister, but I hope you have considered finding your own path."

  I could feel dread hanging over the conversation. Ms. Alice's words were heavy and she struggled to speak. The same weight settled over me. "Am I getting kicked out of the nursing program?"

  "What?" my advisor asked. "No. I mean, I don't know, the skipping class is getting out of hand. I just think now is a good time for you to consider what you really want to do. You shouldn't stick with a major just because of family expectations. Instead of following in your sister's footsteps–"

  "Ms. Alice, are you alright? Maybe I should make an appointment during your office hours," I said. "I'm going online right now to put in the request. I don't want to take up any more of your time this evening."

  "Wait, Quinn, I'm calling late for a reason," my advisor said. She cleared her throat and paused again.

  "Oh no! You're right. I didn't know how late it was! I promised a friend I would cover his shift at the front desk of our dorm. I gotta go, Ms. Alice. I'm sorry. Thanks for your concern. We'll talk soon!" I hung up the phone and put it down as if it burned my hand.

  I was never rude and I never lied, but I had been both to Ms. Alice for no discernible reason. Something in her heavy tone and her pauses made me nervous. I looked at the clock. It was past ten o'clock on a weeknight. My stomach twisted. Why would my college advisor be calling so late?

  I stood up and brushed my hair back, doing my best impression of my sister's hair flip. Sienna never let other people bother her. My sister would have cut the strange phone call short twenty seconds after it started. On the other han
d, I was wracked with guilt. I felt as if Ms. Alice was trying to tell me something and I had not done a good job of helping her spit it out.

  Despite the guilt, I brushed my hair and got ready to join Darla at the gamer party. I moved quickly and was out the door before I could even shut my abandoned textbook.

  "Oh, sorry. Excuse me," I said.

  The taller of the campus security guards held up both hands. "Whoa, slow down. Are you Quinn Thomas?"

  My stomach turned sour. "Yes?"

  "Your advisor is Alice Bonton?" he asked.

  "Yes. Wait, what's going on?" I asked.

  His rotund partner shoved his hands in his pockets and scowled. "Your advisor needs you to meet her at Alton Tower. We're here to give you a lift. That's all we know."

  "Please come with us, Ms. Thomas." The taller guard stepped aside and ushered me past.

  I took a step before I saw the sharp look pass between the two men. "What is this all about? Has something happened?"

  Neither said a single word more. I fought the urge to run and instead walked downstairs and out the front doors. The fat guard waved a thick hand towards the campus vehicle. My feet froze and an angry buzzing started in my ears. The taller guard stepped around me and opened the passenger side door, relegating his partner to the backseat.

  "Where are we going?" I asked.

  The lanky man folded himself into the driver's seat. Instead of answering, he turned the key in the ignition. I tried to close my eyes and take a calming breath, but an incessant flashing of lights stopped me. An ambulance drove past and joined the whirling lights of a police car not far away.

  Alton Tower. That's where the guard said my advisor was waiting. I knew it because it was my sister's dorm.

  The campus vehicle bucked the curb and drove right onto the lawn outside Alton Tower. Another campus security Jeep, the police car, and the ambulance blocked the front door of the dorm. I sat in the car, not sure where I was supposed to go.


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