The Healer and the Warrior

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The Healer and the Warrior Page 11

by Bekah Clark

  “You’re right, but I’ve met the type before. Where I was from, I dealt with many women who hated me for many reasons that I didn’t understand. After she came to my workroom demanding that I choose her over Kayla, I let her know that I was going to talk to you. My reason was that I wanted to make sure that once I left, Kayla was able to stay in the healing hall as the herbalist. I’m going to give her all the training I can while I’m here. After I complete the mission Torric has for me, I intend to come back here and finish Kayla’s training. It would be a terrible shame if I came back and found her slaving away in the kitchens having forgotten what I taught her. People in my line of work have to have a giving spirit. Ahn does not.”

  Keig responded, “I hear you. I’ll keep her in this new position.”

  I nodded and turned to go. Before I moved he asked, “Can I talk to you later tonight?”

  Turning, I smiled. “Sure.”

  He nodded, and I headed in to help Kayla finish sorting. Although she was working, she was fidgeting anxiously when I got to the room.

  With delight sparkling in my voice, I said, “You’re the new herbalist here. We need to get all these formulas and what they’re for written down. You’re going to have to work with the medic. Let him diagnose, you give him things that will help. When I come back, I’ll finish training you.”

  She let out a little cry and hugged me tightly. I smiled and returned the gesture. I liked the girl. And now that her skin was clearing up, she stood a little straighter, had a little more confidence. She was going to need that.

  The other thing that I was happy about was that I was right. She was intelligent. She was dedicated, and I found that she memorized recipes easily.

  Later that night, after dinner, I met Keig in his office. One of the guards showed me in, but he wasn’t there yet. While I waited, I poked around the office and found on the wall huge map. As I studied it, I realized not only was it of Glane but all of Renth as well. There was also the part of the land that they were at war with. I shook my head. I still couldn’t understand the written word of Glane.

  “Moritzan. That’s what you wanted to know, right?”

  I turned and smiled. “Yes. Torric doesn’t talk too much about it. I have a feeling he’s trying not to scare me.”

  “Probably. Any thoughts?”

  Walking over to a chair in front of his desk, I laughed. An eyebrow darted up as he stared at me. Finally, I said, “After my speech today, do you really think I have any thoughts about a war that I know nothing about?”

  Sitting down behind his desk, he smiled at me before nodding. He replied, “Just testing.”

  He watched me for a long moment until I started fidgeting uncomfortably. I glanced over at the map and then back to him. It was interesting that when Torric stared at me, I felt excited. This just made me feel nervous because I felt like a bug under scrutiny. I wondered what it was he wanted. Finally, he grinned and grabbed a carafe and a couple of glasses. “Drink?”

  I smiled. “No, thank you. I don’t normally drink much.”

  He poured himself a drink and studied me as he sipped it.

  I asked, “Is this when you ask me to tell you about the warriors of Renth?”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Do you want to tell me about them?”

  I laughed. “Well, I don’t know anything. But if I did, honestly, I would feel like I was a terrible person to tell you.”

  “Why is that?”

  I looked over at the map. My eyes wandered over what the Glaneans knew of the world, and it was so much vaster than I had ever known. My eyes traced my way back to where I knew Vella was. The details of the locations of our villages were impressive. Yet as I gazed at Vella on that map, it was so very small and insignificant. “Renth is my home. Even if it was a lousy one. If I ever go back, I’ll not tell them one thing I know of Glane.”

  He tilted his head. “Why is that?”

  “Because of everyone in this fort and because of Torric. Glane is his home. If I betrayed Glane, I’d be betraying him. Besides, in a way, I’m a citizen of Glane, too.”

  Taking another sip of his amber liquid, he stared at me until I was fidgeting once again. I felt he was building to something, but I didn’t know what it was. Finally, he asked, “What do you think of Torric?”

  My eyes went wide. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that. He stared at me with a steady gaze and I let out a sigh. “That’s a very personal question.”

  “I know. But Torric is an old friend, and I’ve seen a lot of women pursue him.”

  I inhaled sharply through my nose in displeasure. “Define a lot of women.”

  He laughed. “That looks like a bit of jealousy.”

  I turned aside. “That has nothing to do with you.”

  “As I said, a lot of women have pursued him. They all wanted his title, his power.”

  “I didn’t even know he had any sort of title until I got here. When we first met, he was gravely injured and I healed him. I woke up having found myself kidnapped for my trouble.”

  He chuckled. “Is that how he got you?”

  “Yes,”—and now, I found I had to chuckle at the memory, too—“He didn’t even give me a chance to say yes. I woke up in his arms on a horse.”

  “Yes," Keig laughed louder. “That sounds like Torric. So how did you two end up together?”

  I squirmed uncomfortably. “What do you mean?”

  “Are you telling me he’s sharing a room with you to keep you from running?”

  “Yes—well, no. You’re making me feel like I’m having a talk about what happens between a man and a woman with my father. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my father, but I had that talk with my mother. When I was fourteen. I didn’t like it then, and I don’t like it now.”

  Keig smiled and downed the last of his drink. “You’re right. I’m stepping where I shouldn’t. But Torric is like my younger brother and I need to know what you want with him.”

  Sighing, I leaned forward and stared right into his eyes. “All I want is him. I didn’t know about the title when I started this with him, and now that I know, I don’t care about the title still.”

  Keig nodded. “Well, then. He should be back tomorrow. I don’t think we need to tell him this.”

  I rose from my chair and pursed my lips. The whole conversation had left me a little uneasy. “Honestly, I don’t know if I will or won’t tell him.”

  He frowned. “Well, I suppose that’s your right. I just wouldn’t want to upset him.”

  “But it’s fine to upset me?”

  He smirked. “You seem like a good woman. But I’ve seen plenty of good women become greedy when Torric is involved.”

  “Has he ever fallen for them?”

  Keig paused. “No.”

  I smiled at him. “You should have more faith in your friend. I do.”

  With that, I left and made my way back to our quarters. I walked slow and steady. However, when I got to the room, I closed the door and glared at the wall. It took everything for me not to throw the glass pitcher from the table at it. Anger wouldn’t get me anywhere. It was a useless emotion, and one I tried not to feel. So often, back in Vella, I had dealt with so many things that could upset me. It amazed me that in the short time I had been with Torric, I had grown accustomed to respect. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that Keig was just looking out for his friend.

  After a long hot bath, I curled up into bed and fell asleep. I awoke to a caress across my belly. I stiffened and turned to find Torric having slipped into bed with me. I flipped onto my back to look up at him and then I kissed him softly, briefly. Letting my eyes roam his face, I found he was dirty…and was that blood? I opened my mouth to ask, but he covered my lips with his kiss. It was slow and warm, like his rich, honeyed laugh, and I sank into it. He pulled away and gently stroked my cheek.

  “You’re going to have to get us clean sheets in the morning,” I told him with a smile. “You’re a mess.”

p; He snorted quietly. “I will.”

  “Want to talk about what happened?” I asked as my eyes searched his face.

  “Not now. Right now, I just want to sleep curled up to your warm body. I’ve missed you while I was gone.”

  I kissed him tenderly and cuddled into his chest. “I missed you, too. It’s only been five days, why does it feel like it was longer?”

  He squeezed me to him, and I reveled in his warmth. Burrowing into his chest, I found it easier to relax than I had in days. His cinnamon and woodsy fragrance filled my senses, and my heart felt complete again. I nuzzled into him and he clutched me tightly. For the first time since he’d left, I fell into a deep and restful sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  My eyes fluttered open and I reached for him. The bed was cold, and I frowned. Had I dreamed it? I leaned into his pillow and inhaled. It carried his scent, woodsy and cinnamon.

  I heard a splashing in the bathing chamber. Grinning, I got out of bed and opened the door. He stood, there naked, with his back to me and I let my eyes peruse his body. His back was wide and well defined with corded muscles; his hips narrow, with a strong backside. Turning to me, he gave me a cocky smile.

  “I got a bath going for us. I was just going to come get you,”— his eyes roved over me in my chemise and twinkled with mischief—“unless you plan to bathe with me like that.”

  I stuck out my tongue at him and he laughed. Walking over to me, he untied the ribbon, which hovered just over my breasts. He stretched the fabric and pulled it slowly down my body, causing me to gasp as the cool air hit my skin and hardened my nipples. I leaned forward, reaching for him, but he scooped me up into his arms and got into the water, settling me before him. I leaned back into his chest and sighed in the hot water.

  “Kayla came by earlier. She was a little worried because you weren’t in your work area. I told her that you were taking the morning off and would see her in the afternoon. She told me she was going to gather plants alone.”

  I tilted my head to look up at him. “I missed all of that?”

  He kissed my brow. “You were sleeping so sweetly.”

  “Honestly, I’ve not slept well without you.”

  His hand softly ran over my belly and I trembled. “Oh?” he whispered in my ear.

  “I’m used to being close to you. It felt…lonely.”

  He pulled me tightly to him. “I know what you mean.”

  For a moment, I pondered telling him about Keig. Yet, as I thought about it, I decided it didn’t matter. Keig was taking care of his friend. And if I were worried about what someone wanted from Torric, I may have done the same thing. So instead, I settled into the water and closed my eyes, just soaking in the heat and his closeness. After a little time, I asked, “So tell me about where you’ve been?”

  He started to sing in my ear, and I sighed. I’d forgotten how much I loved his voice. When he sang, his voice was low, mellow, and full of rich warmth. I leaned back again and let the melody roll over me. When the song finished, I let out a soft breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. I tilted my head back and kissed him softly, tenderly, and my heart swelled with so much feeling. I was lost.

  When he pulled away, he smiled down at me. I turned back and tucked into his chest. One of his hands splayed across my belly and the other just gently ran his fingers up and down the length of my forearm. I always found strength when he held me, and this time was no different. I reveled in our closeness. In my heart, something yearned to come out, but I couldn’t quite make it out yet.

  After a time, I asked, “So, about your trip, what did you find out?”

  He kissed my temple. “You don’t want to hear about that.”

  “Yes, I…ah.” My eyes went wide as his hand left my stomach and ran along my inner thigh. He then lifted my leg and set it on the edge of the tub. Gradually, he ran his fingers up the inside my thigh, tracing lazy circles as he did. Then his fingers swept into the center of me, starting a slow, aching torment. I arched back and let out a soft cry. Heat pooled low in my abdomen and his heartfelt laugh was deep and husky in my ear. The water splashed as my body twitched and quaked under his touch.

  When at last I tossed my head back and let out a sharp squeak of release, his other arm wrapped around me and held me tight to him. Tenderly, he whispered, “I’ve missed that sound.”

  I flushed, and he laughed as he stood up, lifting me out of the tub and setting me on my feet on the gray-tiled floor. He stood before me, the water running down his body in rivulets that emphasized each corded abdominal muscle. Gasping, my eyes ran over the hard planes of his body, settling on the trail of hair just below his navel. A possessive feeling wove through my heart as he got out of the tub, grabbed a bath sheet, and proceeded to dry me with great care. He paid special attention to certain areas, and I was breathless when he scooped me up into his arms and brought me to bed. Before I even had time to think or beg, we were one. Rocking into me with wild abandon, he stared into my eyes, fire churning in his possessive emerald gaze.

  After our joint release had thundered through us, I curled next to his side and tucked my head to rest on his chest. The truth of what I felt hit me hard—I loved him. But I didn’t feel ready to tell him that. Glancing up at him, I felt nervous about what his feelings were for me. I knew he cared. I knew he wanted me. But when it came to love, I had no idea.

  Eventually, he got up and started getting ready. I watched him pull on his leathers and tie them up. Taking a breath, I said, “Is there a reason why every time I ask you about your mission you distract me?”

  He stopped and looked at me before pulling on a brown cotton jerkin. His eyes met mine and I could see that he was torn. Finally, he said, “I promised Keig I’d report to him first. I came to your bed because I needed you. But I should talk to him before I talk to you about this.”

  I laughed softly. “You know, that’s all you had to say. I understand.” He prowled over to me, pressing me onto my back before he kissed me on the brow and stood back up. I sat up, met his eyes, and grinned up at him. Before I could think about it, I said, “But the distraction was delightful.”

  He laughed and heat flushed through my cheeks. No one could make me as bold or, for that matter, as embarrassed as he could. I smiled up at him as he leaned back over me. His body filled my vision. With a waggle of his brows, he gently pushed me back onto the bed and then kissed me. His lips devoured mine. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck as my legs wrapped around his hips, and pulled his hard length to me. Then—there was a knock on the door, and he growled out an oath as disappointment danced through my blood.

  Biting my lip to suppress a laugh, I noticed him adjusting himself while walking to the door. I couldn’t see who was there, but it must have been someone sent from Keig because Torric suddenly said, “I’ll come right along.”

  He closed the door and gazed at me. “I’ll come by your workroom when I’m done.” I pouted as cutely as I could manage and he laughed. “That isn’t going to work.”

  “Oh well, it was worth a shot. Try to have a good afternoon.”

  “Don’t worry, if it gets boring at any point, I’ll just think about this morning.” I laughed and rose from the bed. His eyes wandered over my naked body, desire igniting his emerald gaze. A flush went through every part of me as a tingle shot up my thighs.

  He drawled, “Or maybe I’ll just remember this.”

  With a wink, he left. Flopping back onto the bed, I bit my lip to hold back a groan. How had he gotten me so worked up with just a gaze? Shaking my head, I rose to get dressed in a dark green blouse and a reddish-brown skirt. After that, I headed out to my workroom.

  When I arrived, I found Kayla hard at work, hanging bundles of herbs and flowers. One of the interesting things I found in Glane was that women would wear either a skirt or pants. Kayla had on a pair of black leather pants and a gray shirt. Back in Vella, if a woman wore pants, she had a bad reputation. I pondered getting a few pairs myself; my reputa
tion in Vella no longer mattered.

  “Afternoon, Kayla.”

  She turned her newly fresh face to me and then with red cheeks, her eyes flashed everywhere but at me as she started fidgeting. She suddenly nodded and returned to sorting. It took me a minute to realize she was mortified about knowing what Torric and I were up to that very morning. At least I wasn’t the only shy one in Glane. Embarrassment washed over me, and I turned to start my work. Everyone else rather ignored the fact that Torric and I were having sex, even if they acknowledged we were together. Still, to suddenly have someone embarrassed caused me to feel that same discomfiture.

  I took a deep breath and tried to sound nonchalant. “Kayla, I’m sorry about this morning.”

  She dropped the bunch she was hanging and scooted down the step stool to pick it up. Her little voice held a note of chagrin. “That’s fine. Are you… well?”

  I coughed at her deflection and smiled as I bunched some flowers. “I’m very well, actually.”

  She giggled, and I sighed. “Kayla, can you handle the fact that Torric and I are together?”

  She choked out, “Yes. It’s just he was…well, he was bleary-eyed and naked.”

  I froze for a second and then barked out a laugh. Looking over at her, I found her staring at me, her cheeks a deep red. Then, after a moment, she started laughing, too. Eventually, we settled down.

  “I’ll talk to him about that.”

  “Please do. I thought you were sick, and then he opened the door like that. I thought my heart stopped.”

  I sighed. “Every time I see him like that, my heart stops, too.”

  We laughed again and got down to work. After hanging the flowers and plants, we started grinding benna root for a salve that helped contusions to heal faster. When we had ground it into a fine powder, I dictated the recipe, which she meticulously wrote down. Once she repeated the recipe back to me and I was sure it was correct, I watched over her while she made the salve.

  Her hands were steady and sure as she measured out each ingredient. Kayla’s mixing technique was flawless, and when she finished, I knew that it would work perfectly.


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