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Dramatic Affairs

Page 12

by Fredrica Alleyn

  Because the sex between them was so good she was quite upset that Damon seemed able to take it or leave it. Today, as was always the case with her when the adrenalin was flowing after work, she was quite desperate for him. When he’d allowed her to sit next to him at the end of the day, and to rest her head on his shoulder, she’d guessed that she was going to be lucky. On a bad day he was more than capable of ignoring her in front of the rest of the company, or even going off on his own to have a drink, like the time she’d found him in the pub with Esther. That had annoyed her because she had a sneaking suspicion that Damon was attracted to Esther, although she had no real grounds to support this theory. Just the same she was sure that she was right – a woman’s intuition was usually the best guide.

  Once they were in her flat, Ellie immediately put the kettle on. She’d have liked something stronger but Damon rarely drank unless he was out. Again this was not like most actors she knew and she wondered if for some reason he was continually watching himself, making sure that he had himself fully under control. It was as though there was a side of him that he was determined to keep from her and from everyone else.

  The only time that he really let himself go was in bed and Ellie supposed that this was the only time that should matter to her. If she was honest, she was quite surprised that he’d bothered with her. He was considered one of the best-looking actors in the country and could have had his choice of almost any of the women in the company. Of course, the same could be said of Christopher, but it was accepted that Christopher and Rebecca were already an item which rather counted him out. Damon, though, had approached Ellie within the first two days and as far as she could tell had made no advances towards anyone else. She had twice tried to get him to confess that he liked Esther but he’d become so annoyed the second time that she’d realised it was a subject she’d better leave alone.

  Damon sat down in an armchair, stretching his long legs out in front of him and crossing his ankles. ‘Only one more day to go in that godforsaken rehearsal room,’ he grumbled.

  ‘Do you think we’re really ready to open?’ queried Ellie, handing him a mug of strong sweet tea.

  ‘As ready as we’re ever going to be,’ said Damon.

  ‘Esther and Theresa are the weak links, aren’t they?’

  ‘You can say that again,’ said Damon with feeling. ‘It isn’t really their fault though. I can’t think what Christopher was doing when he cast them the way he did. Casting Theresa as Madge is a total joke. As for Esther, well she was born to play Hazel.’

  ‘He must have had his reasons,’ said Ellie. ‘He’s very experienced.’

  ‘I can’t work them out,’ said Damon. ‘It isn’t as though they’re making him look good; in fact, quite the contrary. I’ve got a feeling he gave Esther the part of Kay because he thought she wanted it. From what I’ve heard he did mention it to her at her audition and she, stupid girl, didn’t like to say that she didn’t feel right for the part. As for Theresa, perhaps it was a bribe.’

  ‘A bribe?’ asked Ellie. ‘Why does he need to offer her a bribe?’

  ‘You’ll have to ask her,’ said Damon.

  ‘Well, OK, but why would he want to please Esther then?’ queried Ellie.

  ‘Because he wants to show Marcus what a fool he was going off to America and leaving Esther behind. Surely you know that Christopher’s as jealous as hell of Marcus. Think what a coup it would be for him if he showed the world that Marcus had been preventing Esther from showing her true talent.’

  ‘I’d have thought he’d have been better off just sleeping with her,’ said Ellie.

  ‘No doubt he’s got that in mind as well,’ said Damon. ‘He’ll probably succeed too. She’s been making cow eyes at him most days.’

  ‘Well, you know where I think her affections lie,’ giggled Ellie.

  Damon stared coldly at her. ‘If you talk about that one more time,’ he said quietly, ‘then you and I are finished. Is that understood?’

  Ellie’s eyes widened in mock innocence. ‘I’m really sorry, Damon,’ she said. ‘Why do you get so annoyed if you don’t think there’s any truth in it?’

  ‘Just shut up,’ Damon said wearily. ‘It’s been a bad enough day already. I came back here for some relaxation not an argument.’

  ‘I never argue,’ said Ellie, ‘it’s a waste of time. Are you hungry?’

  Damon put his head on one side and eyed her thoughtfully. ‘For what?’ he asked seductively.

  ‘Anything,’ said Ellie, standing provocatively in front of him with her hands on her hips.

  ‘I could do with a toasted sandwich,’ he said at last.

  Ellie was furious but she didn’t dare show it. She hated anything connected with domesticity, and must have made Damon more toasted sandwiches in this rehearsal period than she’d made in the rest of her life prior to their meeting. Despite this, she still managed to burn it.

  ‘I shall quite miss these singed sandwiches when we get on the road,’ drawled Damon. ‘You’re going to make somebody a dreadful wife, Ellie.’

  ‘I’m not going to be anyone’s wife,’ said Ellie. ‘I’m going to be a superstar.’

  Damon laughed, but not unkindly. ‘You don’t mean that, do you?’ he asked.

  ‘Why not?’ asked Ellie, pouting a little.

  ‘You’re a competent actress,’ Damon assured her, ‘but hardly star material. You’re not another one who’s aiming for Hollywood, surely?’

  ‘Of course not,’ said Ellie, her annoyance beginning to show in her voice. ‘That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to get on here, though. You might be surprised to learn that there’s quite an important director in the West End who’s very interested in me.’

  ‘I’m not surprised,’ said Damon. ‘I hope he’s got enough energy to cope.’

  ‘He’s big in musicals,’ said Ellie. This was something she’d intended to keep secret but Damon’s words had goaded her so much she found it impossible not to tell him.

  ‘Big in what way?’ asked Damon with a smile.

  ‘He’s got a lot of influence. He’s said that he can put me up for a part in Phantom of the Opera.’

  ‘I didn’t know you could sing,’ said Damon. ‘Isn’t that a necessity?’ He hesitated for a moment. ‘Maybe not, though,’ he continued. ‘Many an actress has succeeded despite a lack of proficiency.’

  ‘You can be really vile sometimes,’ said Ellie. ‘I sing very well. Actually, I think singing and dancing are my two strongest assets.’

  ‘Then what the hell are you doing touring with Christopher Wheldon and his People’s Theatre Company?’ asked Damon.

  ‘It’s good stage experience,’ said Ellie. ‘I haven’t done much stage work before and my friend, this man I’ve just been telling you about, wanted me to have some stage work on my CV. He said that would make it easier for him to put me forward.’

  ‘I see,’ said Damon. ‘Is there anything else you have to do, not necessarily something that goes on a CV, before he puts you forward?’

  Ellie shrugged. ‘There might be, but he hasn’t mentioned it yet. I don’t care. Plenty of girls have got on that way and I know I’ve got talent. It might not be the kind of talent that you’re interested in, Damon, but it’s got popular appeal and, contrary to what you may think, there’s nothing wrong with popular appeal. Do you know who makes the most money these days?’

  ‘No idea,’ said Damon in a bored voice.

  ‘It’s the stars of soaps, sit-coms, TV presenters, personalities,’ said Ellie.

  Damon thought for a moment. ‘I’ve no doubt you’re right, but that’s an indictment of society in general not a commendation for you personally.’

  ‘You’re an artistic snob aren’t you?’ said Ellie.

  Damon frowned. ‘I don’t think so, I just happen to have a love of great acting.’

  ‘Do you mean you think you’re a great actor?’

  ‘No, of course not,’ said Damon quickly. ‘What I meant was, I like to watch grea
t acting and I like to aspire to it. It’s no different from you aspiring to be in Phantom of the Opera; we’re just going in different directions.’

  ‘I hope we’re going in the same direction tonight,’ said Ellie, suddenly losing interest in the discussion and wanting to feel his hands on her.

  ‘Well, at least we’re in the same room,’ said Damon.

  ‘Why do you like me?’ asked Ellie.

  Damon laughed. ‘That’s a strange question! I’d have thought you knew the answer by now.’

  ‘But I’m not your type, am I?’ persisted Ellie.

  ‘I don’t have a type,’ said Damon.

  ‘Have you ever had a serious relationship with anyone?’ Ellie asked him.

  ‘No,’ said Damon. He put his plate down on the carpet and glanced at Ellie. Her clothes were different today. Usually she wore traditional rehearsal clothes but, because it had been such an important run-through, she’d decided to dress in a younger way, to help her feel more like the sixteen-year-old Carol. She was wearing a blue and stone gingham checked dress. It was shirt styled and came down to her ankles, although the last button ended just above her knees. On her feet she had a pair of canvas lace-up deck shoes and the overall effect was certainly one of a much younger girl. It also meant that she’d be far easier to undress than normal and she saw, from the look in Damon’s eyes, that he was just beginning to realise this.

  When he stood up Ellie turned to go towards the bedroom but Damon caught hold of her arm and held her back. ‘Let’s stay here,’ he said, his voice deeper than usual.

  Ellie felt a surge of desire for him. At times like this she was putty in his hands, and she only wished that they were going to be in London a little longer because once they were on the road it would be far more difficult for them to carry on their affair discreetly.

  ‘What have you got on under that?’ he asked her.

  The corners of Ellie’s mouth turned up in a mischievous smile. ‘Not a lot,’ she said, ‘and what there is is fairly easy to get rid of.’

  ‘I’m very pleased to hear it,’ said Damon, reaching out and running his hands through her short, light-brown hair. She let her head fall back a little and his fingers continued to move over her scalp, massaging it firmly until she closed her eyes at the sheer sensual pleasure. As soon as she closed them his mouth descended and she felt his lips hard against hers.

  His hands were moving across her shoulders, down her arms, and then over her breasts until at last he was able to start undoing some of the buttons. Now that her head had been freed Ellie was able to look up at him. Because he was so much taller than her she always felt wonderfully small and feminine when he was making love to her, despite the fact that she was as sexually voracious as he was.

  Damon’s fingers were now busy unfastening her bra. She’d deliberately worn one which had a clasp at the front and this made it much easier to undo. He uttered a sound of delight as the material parted and his hands were able to cup her small tight breasts. As usual his fingers were firm and she pressed her upper body against them. She liked intense stimulation of her breasts and Damon had quickly grasped this. For a few moments they stood there, Damon’s mouth moving over her lips and neck while his hands continued to knead and arouse her breasts. Then, as he felt her nipples start to swell, he sat back in the chair, pulling her down with him so that she was sitting astride his left thigh. His right hand moved up her legs and encountered the crotchless panties that she had put on in the hope they would be having some sex. He gave a tiny chuckle. ‘My word, we are well prepared, aren’t we?’

  ‘Don’t you think Carol would dress like this?’ asked Ellie teasingly and then she gave a gasp as he swiftly thrust two fingers inside her vagina before starting to move them vigorously in and out.

  ‘I think Carol would have been in serious trouble if she’d behaved like this at sixteen, particularly in 1919,’ said Damon between heavy breaths.

  ‘It’s lucky I’m not really Carol then, isn’t it?’ teased Ellie.

  ‘Can’t you stop talking for five minutes?’ gasped Damon, sliding his thumb between her outer sex lips until he located her clitoris and began to massage that too. At last Ellie was silenced and she began to tremble. Suddenly Damon withdrew his hand, leaving her feeling utterly bereft.

  ‘Grip your thighs round mine,’ he suggested. ‘I want to see you make yourself come.’

  Ellie reached forward with her hands until they were resting on his shoulders and then she moved her lower body frantically along his well-muscled thigh, gripping tightly with her own leg muscles and jerking her hips backwards and forwards until, at last, she felt the first tremors of an orgasm. Damon’s dark eyes were fixed on her face and as she shuddered she looked straight into them and saw the expression of delight there.

  ‘I love watching you come,’ he said.

  ‘I want to come again,’ said Ellie swiftly.

  ‘I’m sure you will,’ said Damon, and then she felt his fingers returning to the place where they’d been earlier. Once more his two fingers were inside her while his thumb played unceasingly around the tight bud of her clitoris. She always came quickly and fiercely when he did this, and within seconds she was climaxing once more and again she saw him watching her with an expression of utter contentment.

  When she’d finished, he helped her off his knee and then pushed her down on to the floor as he slowly unzipped his chinos. Ellie reverently removed his straining penis from the confines of his tight underpants and then, lowering her head, she drew the tip into her mouth and slid her tongue over the soft silky flesh. Damon let his head fall backwards against the top of the chair. Ellie knew better than to let him come this way: he always liked to come inside her, but she was now expert at judging exactly how far she could go. Just as his hips began to twitch she drew her mouth away and then very lightly ran a finger round the underside of the ridge of flesh at the base of the glans, causing him to draw his breath in sharply.

  ‘I want you now,’ said Damon suddenly and Ellie knew from past experience that he meant that quite literally. That was one of the most exciting things about their lovemaking – the swift urgency that seemed to come over him, resulting in some of the most exciting couplings she’d ever had.

  For some reason the fact that both of them were fully clothed added an extra piquancy to the whole scenario. When Damon stood up, Ellie reached out and led him across the room until she was standing with her back against the wall. Then, she put her hands out flat on either side of her as she moved her hips seductively against the hard surface. It didn’t take Damon more than a few seconds to work out what she wanted and, with a look of excitement in his eyes, he gripped her round the waist and lifted her up, taking care to make sure that her back was still supported against the wall. He lifted her slightly above his waist level at first and then lowered her down on to his massive erection. She felt the pressure of the wall behind her and Damon positioned her carefully so that her shoulderblades were fully supported, which meant that she was free to move her buttocks as much as she wanted.

  Damon’s hands were gripping her beneath the tops of her thighs and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she began to bounce slowly up and down on his straining erection. Damon’s mouth fastened on to the sensitive flesh at the base of her throat and she felt the tip of his tongue licking lightly, flicking here and there as he nuzzled her, his breath hot against the side of her neck.

  Somehow, he managed to move so close to her that as she bounced her breasts rubbed against the roughness of his white cotton T-shirt, which meant that she was being stimulated in all the areas she needed in order to come once more.

  ‘I can’t wait much longer,’ gasped Damon suddenly as she continued to thrust her hips vigorously up and down.

  ‘It’s all right,’ gasped Ellie, ‘I’m nearly there too.’

  She sensed that Damon was right on the brink but, as usual, his self-control was incredible and veins stood out in his arms and neck as he strained to wait fo
r her to catch up with him. Suddenly she felt her whole body pulling in on itself and the dreadful tension that always preceded the wonderful warmth of release descended on her. Her movements grew frantic and she heard herself gasping and shouting. Damon’s fingers dug hard into the flesh of her upper thighs and this proved the trigger which precipitated her third orgasm. With a shout of triumph she toppled over the edge of the abyss and felt the gorgeous contractions flood through her. As she cried out she heard Damon utter a strange gutteral sound and he threw his head back and shuddered violently with the force of his own release.

  Although it had been quick it had been incredibly exciting and when Damon released Ellie, allowing her to slide slowly to the ground, she felt totally sated. She half expected him to pick her up, carry her over to the sofa and sit with her for a little while, possibly even bringing her to further climaxes later in the evening. However, it was quickly clear that this was not going to happen. Once he’d helped her to her feet and pulled her dress down again, Damon readjusted his own clothing and then turned to pick up his script.

  ‘Are you going already?’ asked Ellie, wondering what it was about him that meant that no matter how much he satisfied her she still longed for even more.

  ‘I think I’d better,’ said Damon. ‘After all, we meet the press tomorrow. I don’t want to look as though I’ve been up all night, do I?’ And he laughed.

  Ellie hid her vexation. Instead, she went over to him and wrapped her arms round his waist, resting her head against his chest. This time though, Damon clearly didn’t want her to do it. Gently but firmly he pushed her away from him. ‘Sorry, Ellie, that’s it for tonight,’ he said. ‘It was great, as usual.’

  ‘It certainly was,’ agreed Ellie with a bright smile.


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