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Strip Teaser (Naked Night's)

Page 8

by Ava Manello

  As soon as I enter I throw my bags to the floor, switch the shower on and tear my clothes off. It’s only now the delayed shock hits me and I fall to a heap in the bottom of the shower, huge sobs racking my body. The water rains down on me, slowly warming the chill from my body.

  Well, one thing I can say for this particular assignment. It’s never boring!

  Chapter Seventeen


  Sally shot off like a rocket once she’d got her room key. I know the experience on the bus must have scared her, but I don’t think any of us realized quite how badly.

  Eric is still giving Jackal a hard time over it. It was a stupid move to make, especially as he’s not too fond of snakes himself. He’s a good bloke but sometimes he just doesn’t think.

  I took note of Sally’s room number; my room is only a few doors away from her. I unpack a few items, not much as again we’re only here for the one night, and decide to go see if she’s okay.

  Her door isn’t properly latched, anyone walking past wouldn’t have noticed, but as I knock it slowly edges open. I can hear the shower running. I don’t want to disturb her and am about to walk away when I hear the sobs. Christ, they sound awful.

  “Sally?” I call out. She doesn’t seem able to hear me over the sound of her crying and the heavy jet of water coming from the showerhead. I’m not sure how long she’s been in there but the small bathroom is full of steam. I call again, a little louder. She must hear me as her sobs stop with a stutter.

  “Who’s there?” I’ve scared her, there’s a fearful tremble in her voice.

  “It’s just Alex, I wanted to make sure you were okay after what happened on the minibus. The door wasn’t shut properly.”

  The steam is slowly fading as she’s shut the shower off to hear me. I can’t see much through the misted up glass, but what I can see causes an erection to tent my workout pants. Sally’s got curves in all the right places.

  “I, I’m fine.” She stutters out. “Please leave.” There’s still a tremble in her voice. I just want to draw her into my arms and hold her there safe.

  “Why don’t I just wait out in the bedroom, give you a moment. I need to make sure you’re okay. You scared me just now with all that crying.” I suggest.

  “You’re not going to go away are you?” I hear a little bit of Sally’s stubborn attitude in that question. I smile.


  “Fine.” She huffs. “Give me a minute.”

  I walk back out to the bedroom to wait for her. Her clothes she was wearing are strewn all over the floor. Unless she took some fresh ones into the bathroom with her that means she’s only going to be wearing a towel. Shit. No way I can talk my erection away if that happens. I sit on the bed against the headboard, pulling a pillow over my lap to hide my predicament.

  Moments later Sally emerges from the bathroom, a slightly less than adequate towel wrapped around her. She has great legs. I follow the view up, pausing on the rise and fall of her breasts as they peep out over the top of the towel, slightly more than a handful there, and reluctantly move my eyes higher to her face.

  Her dark hair hangs in wet strands around her face. She shrugs her shoulders at me in defeat as I gesture for her to come sit beside me on the bed. She moves towards me though.

  She leaves a large gap between us until she sees the look I give her. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and she moves over to lean into me. She fits perfectly, like she was made for me. She lowers her head to my shoulder and I gently stroke her damp hair.

  “Was it that bad?” I ask. Her only reply is a small movement of her head. She’s crying again, this time silently. A tear rolls from her face, dampening my white t-shirt. I can’t stand to see her hurting like this.

  “You’re that afraid of snakes?” A small nod again. I lift her chin with my finger, bringing her eyes level with mine and wipe away the tear that’s forming. “Then you are the bravest person I know.” I smile at her. “Look at how Jonny reacted. Like a big girls blouse.” I chuckle. She tries to smile, but she’s still struggling. I look over to the dressing table where the obligatory tiny kettle and coffee sachets sit. “You want a coffee?” I gesture. She looks over to follow my eye line and shakes her head.

  “Don’t go.” She whispers. She’s not really holding me, more leaning on me, but as she utters the words the space between us diminishes. I tighten my arm around her shoulder a little more and I’m sure I hear her sigh.

  We must sit like that for a good hour, no words being spoken. Slowly Sally comes back to herself, until she realizes that she’s laid on a bed with me in just a towel. A towel that has risen to only just cover the magnificence that is her arse; and is revealing a hell of a lot of toned thigh right now. She moves suddenly, too suddenly for her as the towel falls and exposes her breasts. Fuck. I almost come in my pants at the view before me. I want to reach out, to touch, and to caress. I can’t. She’s not aware of how I feel about her. I don’t want to scare her, especially after what she’s just been through.

  Sally grabs the towel and hurries from the bed like a startled rabbit. She grabs one of her bags and runs for the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind her this time. No words are spoken, but her face was bright red.

  To say the moment was lost is a bit of an understatement.

  Lying on that bed, holding Sally in my arms, felt so comfortable and right. Despite my dick constantly distracting me, I was happy just to lie there. I don’t know how I’m going to do it but I want Sally. Not in the one night stand way most of the guys want a woman. I want her as a friend, a companion and fuck yes as a lover.

  “You okay?” I shout through the thick wooden door.

  “I, I’m fine.” She doesn’t quite sound it, but I’m not going to push it right now.

  “I’ll let you get dressed, give you some space.” I offer. “Why don’t you come down to the bar when you’re done and I’ll buy you a stiff drink. I think you’ve earned it don’t you?”

  “Thanks.” I hear through the door, I’m pretty sure I can hear some muttered curse words in the background as well. “I’ll see you down there. Give me half an hour to sort my hair?” She asks.

  “Sure. Take your time.” I leave the room making damned sure the door is locked behind me this time. I sure as hell don’t want anyone else wandering in and seeing her in her underwear.

  Chapter Eighteen


  What the hell just happened? I ask myself. I spent the last hour or so laying on a bed with Alex, he was fully clothed whilst I was wearing a towel that was barely there. The worst part is how good it felt. And it sure didn’t feel like my brother was hugging me. That has to be the most sensual hug I’ve ever had. You know what? That’s the BEST hug I’ve ever had. I realize this is what was missing from my previous relationships. Feeling close with each other; yet no expectations of sex at the end of it.

  My pussy is complaining that there was no sex though. How can he be gay? It’s such a bloody waste. I’m frustrated as hell, but I’m no longer scared. Alex has a way about him that seems to calm me. Perhaps it is just that he’s gay, there’s no pressure there on me. I know I’m not being looked at like a potential bed partner, just as a friend. It’s why I get on so well with Tiny as well. He’s so happily taken with his fiancée that I feel safe with him. They’re both good guys. Hot as hell, but still good guys.

  It’s quite flattering to my ego to be seen walking around with these two. The looks of envy and jealousy cast my way make me laugh. If only these women knew the truth. That said the looks of lust and lasciviousness that I often see get my hackles up. I’m protective of my buddies.

  “Get over yourself Sally Evans.” I tell my reflection in the mirror. “He’s gay. He’s not going to go straight for you, so just get over it.” Besides, what the hell would a hot guy like him see in a girl like me?

  I take stock of my body, there’s no full length mirror in the bathroom but what I can see shows me overfull breasts, a curvaceous arse
and heavy legs. I’m no Barbie doll that’s for sure. I’m not fat, but I’m not thin. I guess I’m more athletic than anything.

  My hair looks like a tangled mess. I plug in the straighteners deciding I can’t go downstairs looking like this. I can’t remember the last time I got them out; I’m not a girly girl at all. I don’t primp and preen. I tend to just throw my hair in a ponytail when it’s wet from the shower. But even a ponytail wouldn’t make this tangle look better.

  I’m wearing my comfy jeans and a loose white shirt that ties at the bottom. It’s become a sort of uniform for me, and it helps put me in work mode. When I’m in my work zone frame of mind nothing gets to me. It’s like a barrier between the rest of the world and me. It helps make me anonymous, and able to blend into the background. Right now I wish I could just disappear into the ground, never mind the background. I’m still pretty humiliated at what happened in front of Alex.

  I shut the straightener off and head out of the room. I just hope that my stupid behavior hasn’t ruined our friendship.


  Alex is sitting with Tiny when I find them. They seem to prefer the comfy sofas and chairs scattered around, whilst the other guys are propping up the bar as usual.

  “You okay Sally?” Tiny asks me. I panic, wondering if Alex has told him about finding me sobbing in the shower. A small flush of embarrassment is making its way up my chest as I look at Alex. He must sense what I’m thinking as he gives me a subtle shake of his head.

  “I’m fine, just spooked me a bit.” I reply. “I’ve got a morbid fear of snakes.” I feel silly now. I’m a grown woman confessing a stupid phobia.

  “Let me get you a drink, what do you want?” Tiny rises from his seat to head to the bar.

  “Can I just have a black coffee please?” Right now I’d kill for a coffee.

  “Sure hun. Take a seat and I’ll bring it straight back. Alex?” He points to Alex’s glass, which is still almost full, and Alex declines. “Back in a minute.” With that he’s gone. I find myself standing there, feeling gawky and awkward.

  “Come on Sally, I don’t bite, remember?” Alex smirks as he pats the seat next to him on the sofa. Cautiously I sit down. I’m careful to keep plenty of space between us. I’m about to ask Alex if he told Tiny when he beats me to it.

  “I didn’t say a word, nor will I. Don’t worry.” He gives me that panty-melting smile of his. My heart breaks a little more. No matter how much I want him, I can’t have him.

  “Thank you. I appreciate that more than you know.” Alex reaches over and pats my knee reassuringly. Too quickly his hand has gone, leaving a burning sensation behind and my pussy yearning for his touch to return.

  I’m screwed.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The theater is packed tonight, this one has capacity for over a thousand I’m told but Eric has asked me to sit out front. He’s saved me a seat on the front row. He wants me to experience this exactly like the audience does. I try and object, letting him know I watched the bike scene the other night from the back of the theater but he ignores me.

  “That doesn’t count Sally. Come on. If you’re going to write about this then you need to experience it properly.” He’s right. I know he’s right. But I’m really not the kind of girl you’d find front and center in the audience at one of these shows. Let’s face it. I’m not the kind of girl you’d find in the audience anywhere.

  The show takes on a different dimension watching from the audience. I understand now why Eric asked me to sit here. From the wings or the back of the auditorium it looks good, but from here it looks amazing.

  The combination of the costumes, lighting and the sheer athletic ability of the guys all work to create an unbelievable tension in the audience. I may not respect these women I’m sitting amongst, but I’ve got to admit they’re totally immersed in the experience.

  I watch the routines with pride. I know how much work goes into each one just choreographing it to get it right. Each shimmy, slither, jerk and thrust is carefully placed in the routine. The hours in the gym as well as rehearsals mean that when I look at the stage I see not just six guys, but six hot as all hell guys.

  I’m still struggling with the crude lust the audience projects. They don’t see what I see. It’s as though where I see six people; they see six slabs of meat or sex toys.

  Sitting in the front row has exposed me to the worst of it. The girls who buy these tickets have one thing on their mind. Getting on the stage and groping and manhandling the talent. They have no interest in the person on stage, just the body and the bragging rights that fucking them would give them. If I last a full performance sat next to them I’ll definitely need to scrub myself clean in the shower. I feel sullied just sitting in close proximity to them.

  It’s time for one of Alex’s solos whilst the guys do a more complicated costume change. I’m amazed at how clinical the whole costume experience is. Each guy has a volunteer dresser backstage, and a rack of clothes arranged in the order of the routines. Despite most of them being Velcro fastenings they often have only moments to swap outfits so it’s timed down to the minute.

  The single chair is brought front and center to the stage and I suddenly wish I wasn’t sitting here. In this routine Alex chooses a member of the audience and pretty much gives her a private lap dance. I don’t want to watch this up close and personal. I realize that this emotion cascading through me is jealousy. I’ve never felt jealous before with my previous partners, so why the hell do I feel it now when Alex isn’t even mine? Alex can’t be mine.

  Before he leaves the stage to come into the audience Alex seeks me out with his eyes. I give him a look of warning. No. He wouldn’t!

  Alex stalks over to me, and offers me his hand. I don’t have a choice other than to accept. Deep down my inner voice is yelling ‘Hell, yeah. You go for it girl.’ I don’t want to be on a stage, publicly humiliated in front of these harpies. But part of me, that deep inner part of me, can’t refuse the opportunity of being this close to Alex. Yes, it’s an act. It’s make-believe. But for five minutes I can pretend that it’s just him and me. I can be selfish and take this experience, file it away in my memory treasure box, and bring it out on nights when I’m cold and lonely.

  The blindfold has altered my senses. I’m especially aware of Alex’s presence. It’s a heightened awareness. Alex doesn’t quite follow his usual routine. Some nights he offers slightly less, it depends on how ‘grabby’ the woman he has picked is. Tonight, he guides my hand to his belt buckle, allowing me to release it. I draw the belt out, slowly as I’ve watched him do in his routines. Now he draws my hand back to the button on his jeans. I draw in a breath. He’s never done this whilst I’ve been watching. He draws one of my hands into his waistband and uses the other to release his zipper. Has the temperature in here suddenly gone up? I’m burning up here.

  I can feel the length of him through his boxers. He uses my hand to caress it. Fuck, this is so erotic. I’m so turned on right now I’m pretty sure my knickers are drenched. All I’m aware of right now is the feel of Alex in my hand. I’ve totally zoned out the noise from the audience. Right now, blinded by the darkness I can believe that this is just he and I. I tighten my grip slightly. I can’t help it.

  Alex moves away quickly, startling me. Shit. I went too far. The noise from the auditorium seeps back into my consciousness, reminding me where I am. I’m ashamed.

  I can feel Alex moving back towards me. I’d swear he’s a whisper away from my lips. I want so much to just move my head slightly forward and caress his hardness with my mouth, but what if I’m wrong. How stupid would I look if he weren’t there? I’d probably fall flat on my bloody face.

  From the sound of the screaming I’m guessing we’ve hit the point where he’s dropped his boxer briefs. Shit, the thought of Alex naked behind that towel has me shifting uncomfortably on my seat. I can feel how drenched my knickers are.

  Oh. My. God. Alex has taken one of my hands and placed i
t on his towel-clad cock. I can’t help it; involuntarily I draw my hand back as if I’ve burned it. The noise in the auditorium is at deafening levels now. Suddenly I can see again. I can’t quite focus though as there’s a spotlight aimed right at me. I look at the view in front of me and can’t help the laughter that bursts out. I know the routine, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to me, but the sight of Alex’s union jack clad cock just a breath away from my face was too much.

  Alex gets a standing ovation. Little does he know he got one from my pussy as well. As he guides me back to the audience the questions from the over eager fans begin, assaulting my senses. I give Alex my best glare. It’s what he’d expect from me after all. Deep down though, I can’t be angry with him. That was the most sensual, erotic experience I’ve ever had. My heart wilts a little at the thought it might be the only one I ever get.


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