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Fine as Frog Hair

Page 15

by Sean Michael

  The truck was back, sitting behind the barn, so he reckoned Russ must be back from the feed store and he headed over. “Did they have that stuff to doctor the goats’ ears, Yankee?”

  “They did indeed, Cowboy. Now you're not expecting me to do the doctoring, I know because those goats are evil.” Russ shouldered the last bag of feed and gave him a warm grin.

  “They are not! They're sweethearts!” He grinned over, winking. “Man, you can hold a grudge. Just because Belle bit your nipple...”

  “Hey—that hurt for weeks! Besides, it was the bite in the ass from Wheezer that crossed the line.”

  “Hey, I kissed it and made it better, didn't I?” He chuckled softly, shaking his head. That pretty ass had sported a good-sized bruise for days.

  “Yeah, you did.” Russ’ grin turned into something closer to a leer. “Let me get the last of this unloaded. The goop's in the cab on the bench. And I meant it about not doing the doctoring.”

  “Chicken.” He went and fetched the medicine, reading the label. “I'll get them when they come up for the evening feeding. They'll be to busy eating to bite.”

  “Now there's an idea. I hear goat makes a fine meal.” Russ plonked down the last bag of feed and came toward him with an expectant smile.

  “Mmm ... cabrito.” He wrapped one arm around Russ’ waist, making sure they were out of sight in the barn. “How's your day going, Yankee?”

  “On a scale of one to ten? Pretty good. Especially as it's your night to do supper.” Russ gave him a quick, hard kiss. “I won't even hold you to goat.”

  “Nah. Making hamburgers and fries. Got a tub of chocolate ice cream for after.” He took another kiss, this one longer.

  “Chocolate ice cream?” Russ murmured, eyes on his lips. “We celebrating?”

  “Nah, just ... enjoying.” He grinned, taking a step forward so they rubbed together. “Feeling fine.”

  “Oh. Mmm.” Russ’ hands found his ass, squeezing lightly. “Fine as frog hair.”

  “Yeah. You keep that up and we're never going to make it to the house, you know that, right?” He was already hard, already randy as hell.

  “You started it.”

  “I didn't. You started it. I'm a victim.”

  “A victim?” Russ started to laugh. “A victim of cowboyitis maybe.”

  “Cowboy ... Oh, I'm going to have to kick your sweet little butt for that.” He grinned, pouncing Russ and tumbling them into the loose hay, hands tickling Russ’ ribs. Russ’ tried to give as good as he was getting, but Trey had the advantage of surprise and a couple of inches and his Yankee was caught up in laughter and wriggling.

  Oh, yeah. Who's a stud? He chuckled and nuzzled into Russ’ neck, nibbling as he tickled. Soon Russ wasn't trying to get him back at all, was just trying to pull him closer. He pushed down, rubbing a little, rocking some. The laughter faded completely, Russ arching up into him, legs spreading to cradle him. “Trey...”

  “Mmm ... uh-huh?” Fuck, that felt nice.

  “Want you.”

  “Yeah. Same here.” He lifted his head, blinking down into Russ’ eyes. “You make me hard, Yankee.”

  “I can tell.” Russ’ hands were back on his ass, pulling him down. “Same here.”

  He wrapped his hand around Russ’ hip and nodded, bending for a kiss. Russ’ mouth opened, inviting him in, his Yankee's body rocking up against him. God, it was good between them—hot and sweet as honey and he could just do this ‘til the butter churned. Russ’ hands were busy, squeezing his ass and sliding along his spine, sweet noises filling his mouth.

  He reached between them, managing to open their jeans, push their briefs down. Russ wriggled and squeaked and made an adjustment. “Got hay up my ass.”

  He laughed, snorted against Russ’ neck. “Picky, picky, picky.”

  “Yeah, it was!” Russ was giggling now, though that didn't stop the sweet movement of the hips beneath him.

  Yeah, this was the good stuff—loving, laughing, needing, all together. Russ moaned, bringing his head up so they could kiss again, rubbing harder, faster against him. Things went from warm to hot, need flooding him, his fingers curled into the hay on either side of Russ’ head. Russ was panting, crying out softly and humping hard, hands on his ass, pulling him down again and again.

  “Soon. Soon. Fuck. Russ. Soon.” He arched, head falling back as he cried out.

  “Uh-huh.” Russ’ lips wrapped around the skin of his neck, pulling as heat shot between them. He shot hard, toes curling, hips snapping as the pleasure sent him flying. Russ held on to him, arms around his back, just holding. He relaxed down, snuggling into his lover, his partner. “I love you, Trey.”

  “Mmm ... Love you, Yankee. Through and through.” He reached back into his pocket, grabbing his handkerchief to clean them off.

  Russ was chuckling again. “Prepared for anything, aren't you?”

  “Sorta like a Boy Scout, but gay and country.” Russ’ laughter was sweet. “Come on, let me get the grill soaking. Then you can feed the beasts and I'll doctor the goats.” He stood up, tucking himself away, then held his hand out.

  Russ took his hand and hauled himself up, leaning in to give him a kiss before doing up his pants. “You're something else, Cowboy.”

  “You're just saying that because I bought chocolate ice cream.”

  “Caught me.” Russ pinched his butt and hightailed it out of there toward the back of the barn.

  He chuckled, tucking his shirt in and following. Feeding and dinner and ice cream and then he was going to take his lover to bed. Just like it oughta be.

  * * * *

  The breeding attempt had been successful and Pud was going to be a Momma horse.

  Russ didn't think Trey could be prouder, or more of a worrywart, if he'd been the father himself. It was cute, really. Well. Maybe not at four in the morning when Russ woke up by himself.

  He blinked at the clock. Yeah, 3:57 and no Trey. He slipped on a t-shirt and his jeans and confirmed that the little house was empty before grabbing the big blanket off the couch and slipping on his boots. He made his way to the barn.

  Trey was sound asleep in the hay, one of the barn cats curled beside him. Pud was standing there watching, dark head tilted, looking for all the world like she was trying to figure out what on earth Trey was doing. He got her a handful of sweet feed and rubbed her nose as she took it out of his palm. “He's just anxious about it all, isn't her girl? Not like you—you're like a duck in water with it. Gonna be a great Momma aren't you?”

  She snorted and nodded, head bobbing as she nickered. It was cute, but a year of this worrying? Was so going to get old. He hunkered down next to Trey and poked him lightly. He was willing to sleep in the barn, but if Trey was anywhere near awake, there was no reason they couldn't go back to their bed.

  Trey's dark eyes blinked open, staring a little wildly before settling. “Oh, morning. You okay?”

  He shook his head, stroking Trey's cheek. “It's hardly even four am. I'm fine. Are you?”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Thought I heard everybody rustling out here and came to check. Just sat down for a second, honest.”

  “You're going to worry yourself to death with this, Trey. She's fine. Doc was out to see her two days ago.” He took one of Trey's hands in his. “You're cold.”

  “Mmm ... you're warm.” Trey's fingers twined with his. “I'm sorry, Yankee. Pud's my baby and I don't want anything to happen to her, is all.”

  “This is going to be a lot harder to do in the winter. Not to mention you're burning the candle at both ends not getting enough sleep like this. I'm just worried about you.”

  “I'm young.” Trey stood up, brushed his jeans off. “Come on, let's catch another hour or two before the sun comes up. I could handle a nap.”

  “A nap?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows as he helped Trey brush off those nicely packed jeans.

  “Mm-hmm. And maybe a snuggle.” Trey stroked Pud's nose, sashaying out of the stall. Oh, the tease. He followed Trey ea
gerly, grinning happily. Trey made it to the house and down the hall, ass wiggling all the way. He tackled his favorite cowboy onto the bed, laughing as Trey oomphed. “You wanting something, Yankee?”

  “Who me? Nah, I just thought I'd make sure you stayed in bed this time.” He nearly managed to keep a straight face while he said it. Nearly.

  “Oooh. Kinky.” Trey chuckled, wiggling out of his t-shirt.

  He laughed. Kinky? His cowboy? Not in this lifetime. “I thought you were the kinky one—what with the sleeping in the barn with your horse and all.”

  “Hey, that's not kink, that's normal. I'm a cowboy, remember?” Trey was barely holding back the laughter.

  “Oh, you mean doing it here in bed is actually the kinky thing? Wow, I never knew.”

  “Learn ... learn something new every day.” Trey was laughing, body shaking beneath him.

  “You're crazy, you know that, cowboy?” His laughter joined Trey's.

  “Yep.” Trey nodded, cuddling back against him. “Plumb loony.”

  He kissed Trey's neck and then rolled off his lover, hands moving to help Trey get naked. Trey turned and returned the favor, hands working at his shirt. “Oh, man, I love you, Trey.”

  He got a warm grin, Trey scooting close. “Yeah? I love you, Yankee.”

  “Oh that works out well, doesn't it?” He chuckled and pulled off their pants, rolling Trey under him and bringing their mouths together. Trey's hands cupped his ass, rubbing them against each other. “Man you're sexy, Cowboy.”

  He undulated against Trey, sliding their cocks together.

  “Mmm ... love this. So fucking hot, Russ.”

  “Yeah. You, too.” He bent and brought their mouths together, kissing Trey, breathing in the taste and the faint smell of the barn lingering on Trey's skin from sleeping in the hay. Trey opened wide, fingers sliding along his crease. He split his legs, pushing back into the touch and moaning into their kiss.

  “Mmm...” Those fingers teased again, brushing over his hole.

  He gasped and pushed back harder. “Oh, Trey ... yeah.”

  “Mmm ... you wanting something?” That finger slid into him, just barely.

  “Oh, don't tease.” He nipped at Trey's lips. “I want you.”

  “You have me.” Trey pushed his hips up, rubbing. “I'm yours.”

  “Good. Me, too.” He moaned, undulating harder, nuzzling against Trey's neck.

  “Get the lube, Yankee. We'll play ride ‘em cowboy.”

  “Oh, my favorite game!” He laughed, reaching over to the side table, skin sliding along Trey's and oh man, it felt so good. Trey's hand slid over his hip, around to slide down his cock and cups his balls, rolling them gently. “Mmm ... feels good, Trey.”

  He took his time moving back, reveling in the touches. Trey nodded, fingers holding and rubbing. “You rack yourself, Yankee? You got a goose egg in there.”

  He laughed. “I hope I've still got two, Cowboy.”

  “Oh, yeah. One's just all swelled like you whacked it, is all.” Trey grinned. “If it's not hurting, you must be okay. Get the damned lube.”

  “I'm fine. I didn't whack anything. Quit stalling and fuck me.” He handed the lube to Trey, grinning and shaking his head. All swelled—Trey was a card sometimes—the only thing that was swollen was his cock. Trey coated his prick, then his fingers, getting the digits all slick and then sliding them back to circle Russ’ hole. He pushed back against Trey's fingers, moaning. “Yeah, that's what I want, Trey.”

  “Mmm ... that's what I'll give you.” Two fingers pressed deep, stretching him wide.

  “Oh man, yeah. Trey...” Whimpering, he started riding Trey's fingers.

  “So sexy...” Trey was shifting beneath him, body moving along with his.

  “You make me feel ... yeah, sexy. Oh God, Trey.” He kept moving, pleasure making him shudder. “Now, Cowboy. Please.”

  “Yeah. Ride me. Need you.” Trey's hands scooted him back, that hard cock pressing against his hole.

  “Oh ... Oh, Trey.” He sank slowly down, eyes rolling with the pleasure as he was stretched.

  “Uh-huh.” Trey's hands slid up his belly, his ribs, thumbs rubbing his nipples. He rolled between cock and fingers, pleasure shooting between his nipples and his ass. “So hot.” Trey's eyes were sparkling, lips open and parted.

  “Yeah.” Oh, God, yeah. He rocked, riding Trey, riding his cowboy. They started moving faster, thrusts coming harder, bodies slamming together. It was magnificent. It was all he knew as they came together again and again, the pleasure overwhelming.

  “Love you. Damn. Yankee.” Trey's fingers wrapped around his cock, tugging firmly.

  “Trey!” He screamed his lover's name, coming down hard a couple more times before shooting all over Trey's chest. Trey bucked up beneath him, eyes rolling, hips jerking wildly. It only took another squeeze before heat filled him, Trey crying out long and low.

  He murmured happily, body rippling around Trey's cock as aftershocks shook his spine. He slowly rubbed his come into Trey's chest, the muscles twitching beneath the warm skin.

  “Mmm...” Trey stretched underneath him, eyelids drooping. “So good.”

  “Oh man, yeah.” He groaned as he pulled off Trey, settling in beside his lover. “Nap now. Until the alarm goes off.”

  Trey nodded, arm and leg draping over him. “Set it an hour late, yeah? They can wait a little.”

  He chuckled and reached over to reset the alarm. “Whatever you say boss.” Trey just snorted, face snuggling right into him, soft snores sounding before he'd settled back down. He grinned. Now this was more like it. Trey right where he belonged, in bed. In his arms.

  He dropped a kiss on Trey's head and closed his eyes, letting sleep take him.

  * * * *

  They were laying on the sofa, listening to a blue norther blow in, covered in a quilt and watching cartoons. There critters were fed and safe, the stew was in the crockpot, the door was locked. Life? Was good.

  Trey stroked his hand along Russ’ chest, petting, tweaking a nipple every now and again, just to hear Russ squeak, feel the wiggles. The last time he did it, Russ retaliated, pinching his ass and chuckling as he squeaked himself.

  “Hey! That's cheating! I'm...” He grinned down, plucking one hard nipple again. “Exploring.”

  Russ squeaked and wiggled again, legs spreading to cradle him. “Well don't let me stop you from ... exploring.” He ass was pinched again.

  Trey chuckled. God, he was a sucker for this man, every day it just got better, warmer, easier. “I don't reckon to stop, Yankee.”

  “You don't reckon, do ya?” Russ’ accent wasn't half bad when he put some thought into it. “Well I don't reckon I want you to.”

  “Then we're pulling the same direction.” He leaned down for a kiss, smiling into Russ’ eyes. Russ’ arms wrapped around his back, holding him as his Yankee's mouth opened wide beneath his own. “Mmm...” He let the kiss do as it wanted, going from deep to light, then deep again. Russ’ hands slid over his back, exploring lightly. He leaned back against the sofa, hand resting on Russ’ waist. “Mmm ... you're a fine man, Yankee.”

  “Yeah? I guess it takes one to know one.” Russ’ eyes were warm, fingers sliding over his belly. He hummed again, shifting under the touch, warm all through. “I do love you, Trey. Love being here with you, working the land with you, sharing a life with you.” Russ’ color was a touch high.

  “Good. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you now.” He rubbed their cheeks together.

  Russ wrapped him in a fierce hug. “I'm not going anywhere, Trey. I swear.”

  “Cool.” He hugged back, then took the opportunity to goose Russ again, grinning wide. No reason to get all het up.

  Russ squeaked and then whapped him on the arm. “Shit! Careful of the boys, Trey.”

  Trey frowned, fingers sliding down to cup Russ’ nuts. “You sore?”

  Russ winced. “A little, yeah. Not so you'd notice ‘til you goosed me.”

  He strok
ed, frown deepening. That one was still swollen, different. Maybe Russ had gotten one twisted or hurt, especially if they were still sore. “It's still a swelled up.”

  Russ was frowning now, too. “I thought you were teasing the other day. And it's uncomfortable now when you touch it.” Russ gave him a sharp look. “This isn't some weird ailment cowboys get like tennis elbow, is it? You know—riders ball?”

  Trey shook his head. “Not that I know of, nope. Maybe it twisted on you, I've heard of that. Lemme see?”

  “Well you can get a better view of it than I can, so go for it. Just ... be careful.”

  He nodded and scooted down, bringing the blanket down with him. He drew Russ’ loose sweats down, carefully lifting the soft sac in his hands. Yep. The right one was swelled, the skin a little tight.

  “How's it look?” Russ asked, watching him.

  “Swelled. It's not running fever or red, though. You reckon you should call Doc Ellers?”

  “I don't know—I can't remember anything hitting my crotch since those evil nanny goats got me—but that was back when I first started. It's been a couple of days...” Russ bit his bottom lip, chewing on it. “I suppose it wouldn't hurt to call him. My savings are almost built back up to pre-studding rate so I can afford a simple doctor's visit.”

  “Might as well let him have a look-see.” He brushed the softest kiss on the soft sac. “It's prob'ly nothing, this way you'll know.”

  “Yeah.” Russ’ hand slid over his head. “I'm sure it's nothing—you probably whacked it with your prick last time you were fucking me.”

  “Listen to you! Do you kiss your momma with that mouth?” He grinned and went to give Russ’ prick a lick and a nuzzle.

  Russ’ giggles turned into moans. “I only ... oh man, that's nice, Trey. You with it.”

  “Mmm...” He liked those soft noises, licking the shaft with long slides of his tongue.

  “Oh. Oh, Trey.” Russ shifted, legs spreading, ass settling into the couch. Trey took his own sweet time, careful not to jostle the sensitive sacs, just tasting and loving Russ slow and easy. Moans and sighs and warm sounds of pleasure drifted down over his head, Russ’ fingers playing over his hair, tracing the lines of his face. “Your mouth feels fine, Cowboy. Finer than any frog hair.”


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