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Twisted Fates (Fates Reborn)

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by GM Scherbert

  Twisted Fates

  Fates Reborn Series 2

  By: GM Scherbert


  Copyright © 2018 GM Scherbert

  All rights reserved. No part of this book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or used in any manner or form whatsoever or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the express written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This novel is intended for readers 18 and older as it contains adult themed sexual situations, FFM, some BDSM elements, and inappropriate language.

  Edited by: Wicked Babes

  Cover design by: Wicked by Design


  I would like to give thanks to all those people that have helped make this book possible.

  BIG THANKS to Whynter, Nicole, Melissa, Mandy, Michelle, Laura, Vicky and my Dirty Bitches.

  Thanks go out to all- from my pimpers, to my dirty girls who send me inspiration & motivation, my gagged up homies who spread the word as well as they spread other parts of their anatomies, my tits ahoy and Groupon wine girls, you know I love you all.

  Probably missing some and for that- I’m Sorry



  ¤♥¤Oº° Thanks for everything°ºO¤♥¤

  Twisted Pleasures- Fates Reborn Series 1.5- was first released as part of the Biker Chicks 3 Anthology.

  Chapter 1


  There is only one thing that I really like spreading my legs for, well two I guess if I’m being honest with you, my bike and a hot body. Each has their place and each can get me hot in their own way.

  The first time I rode, was a few weeks after I left the asshole that I had been with since high school. I finally got the strength to up and leave him when he put me in the hospital for the second time. I know I should have left after he hit me the first time, but I didn’t. I should have left after the next time, when I wound up in the hospital for three days and had twenty-some stiches. I did finally leave him after my jaw healed, which he shattered the third time he attacked me. That time I was in the hospital for going on two weeks and believe you me, I fucking had it. Three strikes and I was fucking outta there, long overdue, but I got there eventually.

  I moved three hundred miles away, to a little suburb of Chicago and have been here ever since. Twenty-five years old and starting over then and there, as far as I was concerned. Those first months were the hardest, but I finally found a little slice of heaven when I got on the back of a bike with a guy one night. The feeling of freedom took hold of me and I knew in that instant that being on a bike was something that I needed much, much more of in my life. After a quick fuck goodbye, the next morning, I went home and signed up for the first motorcycle class that I could find. Within a few weeks I had a license and was well on my way to owning the bike that I had picked up the day after my classes had started. Before that first summer ended I was able to pay off the Sportster, and my thighs spread for that baby as frequently as possible.

  The pinup thing that I have going on has really played well into the job that I have found myself doing. I know that being a bigger girl, the style of clothes I wear, the way I do my hair and makeup, the sleeves of tattoos I have, might not be for every job. The one I was lucky enough to find within the first few weeks being in Zion fit like a glove. My work at the front desk then as a piercer and eventually a tattoo artist at The Branding is a breeze and pays really fucking well, I fit in well with this scene. The guy I work with, Nick, is a real sweetheart, in the beginning though he seemed hung up on some chick, I tried not to pay no mind to it. Not that I would fuck someone I work with, learned that lesson the hard way, but he is something to look at. Nick is fucking hot, used to be in the military, is in shape with a rock-hard body, and did I mention- tattooed, and FUCK those tattoos that cover him.

  Five years later, turning thirty in a few weeks and much was the same for me, working at The Branding and doing what I could to keep my life interesting. Nick had married that woman, and together they have a beautiful little girl, Angelica. As the summer begins on my fifth year here in Zion my bright red hair matched the paint job I had on my bike, which I just so happened to be getting out of storage. I missed the looks that would come while I was on my bike. The long winters here in Zion not letting me have the sort of fun with my baby between my legs as I would like. But, with summer approaching, I am starting to get excited about riding again.

  Now, I am not the type of girl that gives a fuck about what’s between your legs, I care more about what’s in someone’s heart, but there is just something said for having someone put me in my place and make me feel every inch of the woman that I am. Having someone order me around in the bedroom has always gotten my motor running. I am independent as fuck, but anybody that can take control and command of my body is the right sort as far as I’m concerned. Man or woman doesn’t matter one bit to me. If you’re nice to me, I’ll return the favor and all that jazz.

  That bike between my thighs that summer, the fifth that I had worked at The Branding was only replaced by a few things, by the only other thing that could make me hot, and spread them so easily. A woman named Lilly who seemed more feminine and domineering each time I took her home and we sweated up the sheets together. And a man who I would need to lose my mind to forget, Dominic.

  I wasn’t looking for what I found that summer and each time I saw either of them, they made their way further into my heart. The thought that each of them, in turn, would take some of me with them when they left, it hurt, but I couldn’t stop the way I felt when I was with each of them.

  Chapter 2

  ~My Lilly~

  Lilly worked down the street from the shop at a bar that was more for business men than the rowdy crowds I was used to hanging around with. The pencil skirts that she wore were more suited for a secretary position, but hers were too short for that work. Maybe that is why the clientele in the bar were always so attentive to her, and those creamy white thighs.

  Lilly was taking a couple classes during the summer here in Chicago from a college in California, she was just shy of twenty-two and fuck did she act it. I can’t believe that the eight-year difference between us made such a difference in how we acted, but it really did. She was so carefree in everything that she did. Lilly was so pretty, tanned, and petite, the opposite of me, but she had a command in her when we were alone, especially in the bedroom.

  When we started seeing each other the dates that we would go on were not much more than booty calls. Her taste on my tongue was something that dreams were made of. The way she would call me Mama and swat my ass with no care who or what was around us. The late nights after she would get done working, she would come over to my place and I would eat her out until she was cumming on my face or fingers. Or I might go into her bar after finishing up some ink at the shop and close down with her before going back to my place, if we could make it that long.

  Each and every time that we were together, she would take control of not only my wants and needs, but every ounce of who I was. Lilly would make me beg and submit to her and all her dirty thoughts. I had realized at an early age that submission and domination, maybe not all that Fifty Shades shit, was something that I liked, a lot. For being as young as she was, Lilly really took charge, as far as
sex was concerned at least.

  One night, she and I got caught in the bar by her boss, an older man that would creep any single woman out. Stroking his cock, his eyes didn’t leave the display that was laid out before him. When he walked in on us, I was spread eagle on the pool table as she ate me out. Looking up to meet his eyes, I couldn’t help but sit up and try covering myself up. Lilly just shook her head at me and pushed me back down until she was finished with me, making me scream out her name as I came on her tongue. I never saw her boss in the same light again, thankfully, I didn’t see him much at all for those last few weeks of summer. I am glad I didn’t have to look at that fucking pool table for that matter.

  Another night, we went out on a real date, dinner and a movie. I spent most of the movie going down on Lilly though. She had brought it up and been insistent that we have sex in the theater. I had never done anything like that in public before, but it turned me on. Having other people hearing me pleasure her, forcing those little noises out of her as she was cumming, turned me the fuck on. I came as the movie was ending, on my knees at her feet, while I ate her up.

  The things that she was able to make my body do had me hoping that her loving wouldn’t end. But I knew that as the summer drew to a close our relationship had run its course. She had to go back to school and her life in California and I would have to continue this life here in Zion.

  Chapter 3

  ~My Dominic~

  Dominic was much the same as Lilly, he could command an orgasm from me from across the room with no more than a simple look, I think my body would splinter for him with nothing more than that. The gravel in his voice and the darkness in his eyes had me bending to his every whim, which I was glad to do, no matter what they were. The long nights that we would spend together exploring every inch of each other’s bodies, was only heightened the few times when he would spank my ass or tie me up.

  I met him in the shop a few days before Memorial Day. He was friends with Nick and actually came in to get some ink done. Seeing me behind the counter that day, he stopped dead in his tracks as he was talking with Nick. When our eyes met across the room, he quit paying attention to what Nick was saying and headed directly to me. Running a finger over the bodice of my dress, he growled as he looked towards my cleavage, before meeting my eyes again.

  “I’m Dominic, Doll. Please tell me that you are free for dinner tonight. There is nothing that I want more than to take you out before I fuck you and that gorgeous fucking body into next week.”

  I am silent as he stops with his hands on my hips, waiting for my response. Moving his thumbs around in small circles, I feel the shiver run up my spine and I find myself having a hard time breathing and my voice catches in my throat as I answer.

  “Ah,” looking towards Nick, the smile on his face lets me know that he would be surprised if his friend didn’t get his way. “Yeah, I guess I am free for dinner. It will have to be when I get done with work though.” Looking between him and Nick, I add, “The name is Raz.”

  “Raz, hmm?” Running a finger back over the bodice of my dress, his hand around my waist making me feel small underneath his grip. “Well, I got my bike tonight so you might not be comfortable in that hot ass fucking dress. Do you have a change of clothes?” Looking from me out towards his bike, his gaze returns when he asks, “Have you ever been on a bike Doll?”

  The laugh that spills from not only Nick’s, but my lips at the same time has Dominic questioning us. “What the fuck are you two laughing about?” Is all he gets out, looking between us before Nick is able to answer.

  “Dom, she owns that fucking Sportster out there that you wouldn’t shut up about. She wouldn’t ride bitch on your bike if you were the only man left on Earth. And she sure as fuck isn’t going to change to ride home, no matter how much I’ve asked her to over the years.” Shrugging my shoulders, I roll my eyes as he adds, “At least I got her to stop wearing the fucking heels while she was on the bike, two years ago.” Smiling at the remembrance of that conversation he goes on, “Small fucking victories with her.”

  Shaking my head, I have to agree with his assessment. “Yeah, that is right. On both accords.” Smiling at the thought of the boots that Nick bought for me to ride with, I add, “Thanks again for my boots Nick, I still love them as much today as the day you gave em’ to me.” Shaking his head, the smile that spreads across his face is genuine and makes me glad that we had become friends those years ago.

  “A beautiful girl that can handle something like that between her legs, my, my we are certainly going to have fun together aren’t we, Doll?”

  Finally releasing my hips, he turns on his heel and heads back to Nick’s station with him. I can’t stop myself from staring as he strips outta his button-down shirt and lays face down on the chair. The ink that snakes the way up his arms was hidden in the long-sleeved shirt he had on. Not being able to see his chest, I wonder if it is as inked up as his arms are.

  Wandering to where they are about an hour later, I see the humongous back piece that Nick is working on. My best guess is that he has been working on this piece for a few months, and that this is probably the third or fourth session. The outline is all done, and Nick is putting some color into the piece, which is a military scene as far as I can tell. Not wanting to disturb them, I turn quickly and head back towards the counter.

  As I finish cleaning up from the piercing that I just did, I notice that Nick is at the front counter settling up with Dominic. Glancing at the clock I see that it’s closing time and head towards the front door.

  “Doll, I thought we were going to dinner, you’re not trying to run out on me are you?”

  Turning around, Dominic bumps into me before he can stop himself.

  “No, I was just coming to cut the sign off. I don’t back out on anything that I have already given my word on, you don’t need to be scared of that.”

  Running a hand around my waist, he ushers me to the sign as I turn it off and keeps it at my waist as I move to the door and lock it. Turning back around I hear Nick as he makes his way towards the back. “You guys have a good night, I’m leaving. I’ll lock up the back door as I go.”

  Hearing him as the door shuts behind him, Dominic is on me like a dog in heat. We barely make it to the couch that is in the waiting room, before I am consumed by him. His hands are everywhere and his mouth is on mine devouring me. As I feel his hand go up and under my skirt, I hear him moan as he reaches the frilly thongs that I have on. After a few minutes of heavy petting and slipping a finger through my wet pussy, Dominic pulls back only a fraction of an inch. “God damn, Doll.” Bringing his fingers to his lips, he licks each before saying, “You fucking taste amazing, but I need to feed you before this goes any further. I’d hate to have you wear out on me come sunrise.”

  Standing up, he pulls me up before heading, with me in tow, towards my station. “Come on get your stuff together. I’ll let you ride your own bike tonight because I don’t feel like starting this thing off with a fight, but that shit might change when this thing,” pointing between us, “gets going.”

  Collecting my things, I pack up my bag and switch to my riding boots before heading through the door with Dominic. His eyes roam over my legs as I take off my red pumps and lace up the knee-high riding heels that Nick had gotten for me. Grabbing my bag, I head towards the front door with him close on my heels. Relocking the door behind us, Dominic lets me know where we are going and we head out together.

  Pulling up to the restaurant, I notice that the place seems a little too fancy for me to be at, but I go with it. As Dominic gets off of his bike, he grabs me around the waist and walks through the door like he owns the place. Being with a man that is so sure of himself and how he carries himself is something new for me. Seeing the last man I spent any amount of time with was that stupid fucker who had me in the hospital.

  As we walk through the door, we pass the hostess and head straight towards a table in the back. Looking around the place I notice that it is real
ly busy for a Saturday night. The only empty table in the place was the one that we are now sitting at. As Dominic pulls the chair out, I notice an older gentleman walking towards us.

  Sitting down in the chair next to me, Dominic greets the older man, “Hey Pops, how are you?”

  “Fine, fine, Dominic, it’s been a while since you have come around, your momma will be happy to see you. She didn’t know if you would stop by before you had to leave again in what three months.” Looking towards me the man addresses his son again. “Who do we have here?”

  “This is Raz, I promised her a meal before I took her out tonight so I brought her to the best restaurant that I could think of.”

  Extending a hand, the older man grabbed it in his, and pulled me to my feet quickly throwing his arms around me in a big bear hug.

  “Dad, come on. I just met the girl, leave her alone. Go get momma and leave us be for a little while, will you?”

  Letting me go, I feel a tug on my hand and am pulled down into Dominic’s lap.

  “Sorry, Doll. I didn’t know that they would be working tonight. They are usually long gone before now.”

  Shifting on his lap I shrug my shoulders before answering. “It’s no big deal. I haven’t been around my own parents in a long time, they gave me nothing but bad memories and a reason to get the fuck outta there. So, seeing you with yours is nice.”

  Trying to stand up and get back to my chair, I am held fast by the arms that have made their way around my waist. “You feel good here in my lap, Doll. Tell me why you don’t see your parents.”

  “Only after you tell me where you are going that worried your momma that she might not see you again.”

  “I’m on leave from the Marines, so momma didn’t know if I would see her again before I ship out at the end of summer.”


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