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Twisted Fates (Fates Reborn)

Page 14

by GM Scherbert

  “Well hello to you too, Mama. What has you all giddy this morning. I thought for sure you’d be hanging hard after having a night with Dominic.”

  “Oh, I am, well a little at least. Did you see that truck though? Dominic brought her out to pick me up and as soon as I get it that beauty something happens and I just float away. It’s kinda the same feeling I get when I get to ride on my bike. Don’t you have something like that in your life, Lil?”

  With the question, my answer is honest, “Only you Mama, only you.” The sincerity of my words strikes not only Raz, but Dominic and myself. Dominic and I have spoken of maybe trying to take this further, and neither of us think we would be able to make it. That doesn’t however mean that I wouldn’t want it, or that my heart hasn’t fallen hard for this girl.

  Hearing Alba in her seat in back, I shake the memories from my mind. Moving around to the back door, I make sure to unbuckle all those fucking straps, that took me long minutes to figure out.

  Heading into the diner, we make my way over to the table they are sitting at, and Alba is quick to hop up onto her momma’s lap, looking from her to Dominic in quick succession.

  “Alba, doodlebug, do you wanna have the chocolate chip pancakes?”

  “Yea, momma, I think I do. But, maybe daddy would like some too?” is the only question she gets out before hopping off of her momma’s lap and planting herself firmly on Dominic’s.

  The sparkle in not only that little girl’s eyes but her daddy’s as well is fucking contagious and I know that no matter what happens or what struggles we have in the days, months, or years to come nothing will be more important that these people right here. My family.

  Chapter 9

  ~10 years later


  Heading into the house, my hand instantly goes to my expanding belly as I head up the stairs with Alba, Alessandro, Sofia, Valentina, Francesco, and Antonio in following along like my own little band of ducks. Rubbing a hand over my stomach I know that Luca will be staying put for at least a few more weeks, at least she will be if she’s anything like her brothers and sisters. Patience is something that all of my children have had, their daddy and momma Lilly however, are quite the opposite, especially around the time for them to join us.

  Seeing the door open, my mind wonders to what might be happening inside our home. Dominic and Lil swore they would be here when I returned from the grocery store to help carry stuff in from the car. I see Lil’s car and Dominic’s bike parked in the drive near to where I pulled in, Marilynn is out back, I’m sure cause her breaks were on the fritz and Dominic needed to look at them before he would take her out again. Turing around I make sure all the littles are following along and my mind wanders to the first time I was walking into this house with Alba in tow.

  Ten years ago

  About a month after Dominic ran into me and Alba at the shop, we were pulling up to his parent’s house with our daughter in tow. He had spent almost every day with us during that time, getting to know his daughter and putting the pieces of our relationship together. It has gone better than I could’ve ever dreamed. Alba is so happy to not only have me as her mother, but Mama Lilly as she has been dubbed, and her papa around.

  Nervousness consumed me as I opened the door of my SUV and stepped out onto the driveway. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my nerves before moving to the back door. Opening the back door, I hold out my hand to help Alba hop outta the vehicle. Glancing over towards the passenger side of the vehicle, I see Dominic and Lilly both watching me. Nodding towards the house, after giving me a few moments to calm myself, Dominic just glances back at Lil before he slowly starts to walk around the vehicle. Looking up towards the front door, my eyes wander slowly up the stairs before I see the light peering through the open doors.

  The woman I see standing there is not the woman that I knew those years ago. Her hair is so short, and much grayer than it had been the last time I saw her. Dominic had let me know that she had lost much of it during her chemo treatment but it was still a shock. She is slimmer than the woman I knew as well, and I am guessing that also had to do with the cancer. Seeing her has me moving quickly up the stairs with Alba hand in hand with me, feeling Dominic and Lilly right behind us.

  The smile that comes to her face as my daughter comes into view is a scene that I will never forget. I’m not sure how Dominic told them or what discussions were had between them, but the look on her face right now lets me know that there are no hard feelings, only love. Her arms swing open, and Alba doesn’t waste a second moving towards them. She might never have met her grandparents before but, just like I tried to do with Dominic, I tried to give her as much information as I could.

  “My little Nipotina.” Is all that’s said before she is scoping her up in her arms, drawing her into her warmth.

  The feelings that consume me at the sight causes tears to start falling. Dominic has an arm around me squeezing me into his hard chest before too many can fall. “Hush, Doll, Momma is just so happy to finally meet this little girl. There should be no tears shed, only happiness at our family finally coming together.”

  Feeling Lil move around to the other side of me, I take in the moment, my family coming together as one. Setting Alba down on the ground Dominic’s mom lands her gaze on me, moving slowly I take the three steps to close the distance between us. Raising her hand, she pushes my chin up slowly until our eyes met, eyes so much like her son’s and granddaughter’s.

  “Rosaline, come here, let me get a good look at the woman who has had my son’s heart for such a long while and given me such a gorgeous little namesake.” With that she pulls me into a hug and squeezes me tight. The love I feel from her is something that my own mother never gave, and I, for one, could get used to it. Letting me go a short while later, she introduces herself to Lilly and draws her into a hug as well. Even though our family is not your typical one, she is so accepting and caring that not one word passes her lips of disapproval.

  “Bring them in for heaven’s sake, Alba, they don’t wanna be standing outside the house all night.” Is rumbled out from somewhere in the house from Dominic’s papa. And with those words, we are tugged into the house and share the first of many dinners together as a family.

  Returning to the here and now I smile with the memories that we have made in this home. This pregnancy, and the previous ones have all lead to restrictions from my doctors, seeing in my advanced age and all. Alba would usually help, but she needs to hurry and change before she heads into practice. I really hope they didn’t forget because me trying to lug all this shit in isn’t going to make for a happy wife.

  Pushing the door open a little wider, I let all the kids through before stepping into my home. We moved out to this house, a few weeks after Dominic’s parents moved to the senior living place in town, going on nine years ago, when I was pregnant with Alessandro. After his mom had another battle with cancer, we all wanted to have more support than what they could get out here in this big house on their own. At the time I wasn’t quite sure what we would need all this room for, but we have surely filled it up nicely in these ten years together. The three of us twisted together and fated together forever.


  Being close to our ten-year anniversary as well as Raz’s birthday we knew that we needed to do something big, seeing all that Raz does for us. Fuck, I can’t believe she is growing our seventh child, but each time she’s with child she’s more beautiful, spirited, vivacious, and joyful. The doctors have told us that this must be the last one seeing the amount of C-Sections that she has had to endure. The one thing our babies aren’t is small, Valentina being our smallest, weighing almost nine-and-a-half pounds.

  This family of ours is something that I could have never imagined working, but for us it truly does. After a few weeks of getting to know each other again and me getting to know my daughter, we quickly decided our future was together. We get looks all the time, but my mom and dad, as well as Lilly’s family are behind us one-hundr
ed percent. Lil and I decided to ask Raz to marry us, together, and god knows that was a night we will always remember.

  That night…

  Lil and I had been planning to propose for about as long as we had been back together. It’s fucking crazy thinking that I didn’t even know that I had a daughter four months ago, and tonight I was asking her momma to marry me, well us, me and Lil. I know in the eyes of the law, and most people what we share isn’t typical, but it is our family and no one will ever be able to tell us differently. The only fear I have is for our children, Alba now and any in the future if we are lucky enough to have them, and the bigoted thoughts of others.

  My parents decided to take Alba for an overnight, so we could truly celebrate the evening. It was the first time that we had gotten a sitter for Alba, so that was Raz’s first hint something was up. Even though Raz didn’t know exactly what was coming I’m sure she knew when I spent most of the morning getting Marilynn all ready to go. Picking her up at 5pm on the dot, Lil and I met outside her place and went up to the door together, everything we would do this night would be together.

  Swinging the door wide, my breath caught taking this woman, our woman in. Looking towards Lil I know that she is having the same thoughts as me in this moment, fuck dinner lets go eat our girl up. That’s how good she looks, good enough to eat. Those red locks of hair framing her face, that red polka-dot dress, with red heels, and that fucking smell that haunted my dreams, Dolce.

  The movement of me adjusting my cock has her eyes dropping from mine sliding over my body until they stop on my hand. “No, Doll, that’s not how our night will be starting, it for damn sure will be ending like that though with you looking so fucking edible.” Moving a step closer, I run my nose over her collar bone taking a deep breath before speaking softly into her ear. “I hope to fuck you left those lacey panties in the drawer at home like I asked, or you’ll be having to buy yourself some more.”

  The chuckle I hear next to me is light as Lilly speaks, “I threw them all away when I moved my stuff into our room a few days ago, big boy. Such a waste of money it was, but she knows she no longer needs them and I’m not sure why she didn’t clean them out when we asked her to? I thought we had made that clear to you, Mama,” pulling her closer she kisses her ear before going on. “She might’ve been being a brat, Dom. Were you hunting for a little punishment, Mama? Trying to top us from the bottom?” Swatting her ass as Lil pulls away, the yelp we hear from our girl is music to our fucking ears.

  Turning around we make our way towards Marilynn, we all know better than going into the house because there is a good chance we would never make it with the sexual tension flowing between us all. Opening the door for Raz I let her in, even letting Lil in before shutting the door and heading over to the driver’s side. Tonight, we made reservations at Mom and Pop’s restaurant, well I talked them into letting us have the smaller banquet room so that we wouldn’t be disrupted because we want this to be something to remember.

  As we are shown to our “table” a gasp comes from Raz with the realization that we aren’t doing our usual thing here at the restaurant. Moving away from us, I notice our girl slowly wandering around the room, taking in all the flowers, balloons, and candles that we have set up. Lil did a great job setting the scene for us today while I got Marilynn ready.

  I notice that Raz isn’t drinking or eating any of the food that has been brought out and I wonder if the flu that she has had the last few days has returned. “Doll, are you still feeling sick?” reaching for her face, I run a hand done her cheek after checking for a fever. “You don’t feel feverish, but we didn’t need to do this tonight if you weren’t feeling up to it.”

  The smile that ghosts her face, confuses me but not as much as the chuckle coming from her shortly after. Looking towards me, she grabs up one of my hands before turning her gaze on Lil and using her free hand to reach out to her as well. “Dom,” gazing towards me, “Lil,” turning her head a bit it’s like the slowest game of ping pong with her head being the ball.

  When she drops her gaze the words outta her mouth do nothing but bring us joy and drive us to our knees in turn.

  “I’m pregnant.” She’s says quickly, moving her eyes again from me to Lil and back again.

  We hit our knees in unison, each taking our free hands to her belly. Rubbing small circles, we look to each other and know that our planning and this, happened for a reason. Drawing our hands away, Raz’s face drops not knowing what’s going on and thinking the worst. It only lasts mere seconds, before we both have ring boxes in our hands, asking her to be our wife.

  The long look on her face instantly switches as she takes in what is happening and screams with excitement. “Yes, yes, oh my god. I can’t believe this is what the two of you had planned for tonight. I was scared because we hadn’t talked about having more babies yet, that you might be upset with me, that you might not be happy.”

  Lilly answers first, “We couldn’t be happier, Mama, all we have ever wanted was to make a family together, and see our family grow.”

  I mimic her with my words, “Yeah, Doll, I for one, can’t wait to see you growing fat with our baby in you. This will only be one of many, I hope.”

  With that we close the door of the room needing to share our love, excitement, and bliss in each other’s bodies. One kiss, one caress, one loving word or moan at a time.

  Shaking my head outta the memory I’m not sure how our girl is going to act about having so many of our friends and family at our home. She usually prefers to be more alone, especially this far along in her pregnancies. Lil and I wanted to celebrate our anniversary, but mainly her birthday which always causes her grief. Putting her in somewhat of an uncomfortable place needs to happen occasionally, or she’ll become bratty, and that’s something only she enjoys.

  Going towards the door, I see our family heading up the stairs and know that the party going on out back by the water is only waiting for its guest of honor to kick it off. Pushing the door wide, my eyes light up when she makes it all the way to the top of the staircase. The glow and love radiating off of her, is something that I will never tire of seeing. Our lives fated, to be twisted together forever.


  This party is something that we needed to do for our girl. She works so hard to make sure that our kids are provided for and want for nothing. She cut back on hours at the shop after Sofia, our 3rd, was born, and in turn with each babe after that. She ends up going into the shop for a couple hours maybe three days a week now. Choosing instead to be “that mom” who is carting kids from school, to music, to soccer or football or chess and everything in-between. Doing it with the same style and grace that both Dominic and I fell in love with.

  She still wears that pin-up look like nobody else, and neither Dominic nor I can keep our hands off her. Our nights haven’t gotten any less explicate, only quieter seeing all the kids around. I don’t know how we have time for much of anything but we find a night a month to rekindle the flame together, usually deciding to head to the BDSM club that Alexandra and Nick turned Raz onto those years ago. Thinking back to the first time that we went there together and the scene that we laid out is always a memory I’ll cherish.

  That night…

  Making our way through Chicago towards The Dungeon, I’m thinking of little less than the woman between us. Fuck, she is hot and that body of hers will look heavenly doing whatever Dominic and I can think up. Being newer to this scene than either of them, we’ve decided that he will take the lead tonight. His desires are always a bit darker than mine, always have been, but seeing her in ecstasy over the way he commands her gets me as high as doing it myself.

  Walking to the back door after parking, If I wouldn’t have known that Raz had been here before I would think we were going to the wrong place. Swinging the door wide, the man who greets us is older but the smile on his face is welcoming and directed at my little Mama.

  “Raz, so good to see you again, it’s been a long while and
I’m guessing that these two here might have something to do with that.” He says on a chuckle while moving out from behind the podium he’s at, only then do I notice the woman situated at his feet. He flicks a wrist towards her and she quickly stands waiting for her next command, which he voices quickly. “Go give Raz a hug, Peach, I can feel your giddiness to do so.” And with that the girl flings herself towards Raz, squeezing tightly around her neck. The words coming at a mile a minute as the two catch up.

  “Come on over here you two, I’m guessing Dominic and Lilly, correct?”

  I’m the first to answer, “Yes. How?”

  “Nick and Alexandra were in a few nights ago and might’ve mentioned that they thought you might be coming soon.” He says with a wide smile taking over his face.

  “This paperwork needs to be filled out, and if you’re only here to scene with Raz, then that would be all.”

  Dominic is quick to answer, “Yes, we can barely handle her the way it is, I couldn’t imagine ever wanting someone else.”

  The laughter that leaves this man is quickly joined by that of an older woman who comes walking down the hallway.

  “Raz,” is hummed out by the woman, who glances between us all before continuing on. “Dominic and Lilly, I presume. How nice of you to come, I hope?” is all she is able to say before our Raz cuts her off.

  “Ma’am!” is squealed out, and our girl’s embrace is switched to this woman.

  This must be the woman that she was taken under the wing by after first coming to the club. The stories I have heard from Raz about Pearl are something special, the bond that they formed while Raz was exploring this lifestyle is something that Dom and I can only hope to share with her. Unsure of how to act, how to respond, how to feel I let Dominic lead the way.

  His voice is harsh as he speaks, “Pearl, I’m guessing? You should know that we won’t share our woman with you or anyone else. She is ours and ours alone, so if you’re thinking that those memories you shared will be repeated, that won’t be fucking happening.”


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