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Lover's Wrath: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (An Angel and Her Demons Book 3)

Page 5

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  But it didn’t work.

  Oh, shit. Of course there’s a shield in place.

  He leaned closer and nipped at her throat. “There are wards here. Once you get in, the only way out is to walk, and they’ll never let us leave.”

  Her throat clenched. “You know who I am?”

  “Yes, and I know who I am. But this place? It’s my prison. A prison of sins and delights.”

  There has to be a way. “How can we get you free?”

  He bit her lower earlobe, making her skin crawl. “You can’t.”

  His hand moved to grab her ass.

  She pushed it away. “I’m not here for that.”

  His hand fixed more tightly onto her lower back. “And I can’t stop. What was once pleasure is now torture. I’m driven by a need for sex. I can’t stop. I can barely leave this bed. I've been here for what seems like lifetimes.”

  “We only need you to stop for a minute… just long enough to climb those stairs and run for the exit.”

  He groaned and the woman on top of him started rocking harder and harder. “Do you think I’d still be here if I could take those steps? No, the women they send in here take me over and over again in this bed, until they’re spent, and then new ones come to replace the old.”

  “Pick one of them up,” she suggested. “Take her with us.”

  “They’re bound to the bed,” he groaned and began to thrust. “And I can never stop. Never. No matter how much I want to.”

  He has to keep having sex. All the time. We have to get him out of this room, to the next one, where we can teleport free. Just a few dozen steps, and I’ve rescued this Immortal, without any bloodshed.

  She counted the angels in the room. There were eight of them, too many for her to handle. Too many.

  So, how could she get him free?

  And then, it hit her. I can’t.

  But do I have a choice?

  She swallowed down the bile rising in the back of her throat. “I can help you leave.”

  “How?” His voice was filled with desperation.

  “What if we left… while having sex?”

  Her words were met with silence. “I’ve always needed more than one woman in this place. My incubus needs would drain a single human woman.”

  “But what about an angel?” she said.

  His entire body shuddered behind her. “And do you often give into the pleasures of the body?”

  “Only with the men I love.”

  “So pure,” he murmured into her ear.

  She wanted to scream, to leap from the bed. Hadn’t they given enough to this cause? Would she really have to give this too?

  You already betrayed your demons’ trust. She pushed the thought aside. Frink had to be lying. She would never let Caine pick her brain. She would never betray her demons. But I know I did.

  Anger rose inside of her. Now she did have a choice. Leave and come back with her demons. See more blood-shed. Put their lives, and the other Immortal’s lives, at risk too.

  Or let a incubus have sex with her.

  Let someone other than her demons touch her.

  Could they ever forgive me for this? She pushed the thought aside. If it kept them safe, she would do this. She would do anything for them.

  “Would it work?” she pressed.

  The incubus slowly turned her around, and then she was staring into his face. He had dark eyes and dark hair. He was handsome in a bad-boy kind of way. His face looked like it was constantly stuck in a state of mockery. His body was finely tuned, and his flesh was pale, like he hadn’t seen sunlight for a long time.

  All of it gave the look of an ancient being, capable of powerful things.

  “Do you want me inside of you, angel?”

  She met his gaze. “No. But we are gathering all the Immortals together for a stand against Caine. We need you. Or we’ll fail.”

  Something troubled flashed in his eyes. “How many of the others do you have?”

  “By now?” she nibbled her lip. “We should have all of them.”

  His brows rose. “I’ve never touched a woman who didn’t want me. But this must be done.”

  Her stomach churned.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said, his voice soft and seductive.

  She felt his incubus powers wash over her. But still, her hands trembled as she pulled off her shirt. He unbuttoned her pants, and within moments, she was lying beside him naked.

  Tears filled her eyes.

  He pushed the other women away. They didn’t seem to notice. They simply carried on without him.

  His lips slanted over Surcy’s, and she felt his power like something all-consuming. Her thoughts swam. His kiss was like a drug that sent her head spinning.

  She felt him pull her on top of him, straddling his waist.

  And tears slid down her cheeks.

  He grabbed her ass, moved his hands to her thighs, and lifted her from the bed.

  She felt him, hard and aroused beneath her. More tears ran down her cheeks. She thought of her demons, of Mark’s sweet face, of Tristan, of Daniel. They would never forgive her for this.

  His kiss deepened, his tongue sweeping inside her mouth. His power seemed to pull from her, and with each second that passed, she felt more relaxed. Her thoughts swam as every inch of his naked flesh touched hers.

  He carried them from the room. She felt them moving up the stairs.

  His muscles were tense beneath her hands. She waited for him to plunge inside of her. To use her to get free of his prison.

  But as she sagged against him, she realized she might not even notice. His touch drained her so powerfully.

  “Teleport us,” he whispered into her ear.

  She fought to make sense of his words.

  “Now! Get us out of here!”

  She heard shouts. Feet running.

  Closing her eyes, and gritting her teeth, she willed them to teleport away.

  And then, everything went black.


  Surcy startled awake. Tears were running down her face. She’d been caught in a nightmare. One in which an Immortal was fucking her over and over again, draining her of her strength.

  And now? She was naked. In a hotel room. A white sheet over her body.

  The God of Sin looked up from a table spread with more food than she’d ever imagined. The massive flat screen TV played a show she didn’t recognize.

  He grinned, showing his dimples. “You’re awake.”

  Her entire body felt tense. “We had sex. Oh god. Oh shit.”

  To her surprise, his smile fell away. “We didn’t. It was hard as fuck, but I’ve never had sex with a woman who didn’t want me, and I never plan to.”

  “Then, how did we escape?”

  “I kissed you. I forced a lot of your energy out of you, in a way that wasn’t pleasant for either of us, not nearly as pleasant as just fucking. But,” he shrugged, “you were crying. You clearly love the men you have.”

  She pressed her knuckles to her forehead and felt tears rolling down her cheeks. Nothing had happened between them. Not really. She hadn’t betrayed her demons, and she’d saved the Immortal.

  It was almost too much to believe.

  “You barely managed to teleport us onto the street before you passed out, but it was enough. I ran us down the street, naked as hell, to the nicest hotel I could find. I seduced a human, got us this room, and showered. Oh man, you can’t imagine how good that felt.” Then, he held up a steak. Literally, an entire steak speared by his fork and took a huge bite. “And real food? Fucking hell, it’s amazing. Not the shit they fed me in that sex dungeon.”

  It was strange. This Immortal was cocky, inhumanely handsome, and a incubus. She knew she should dislike a creature like him, she really should, but she just couldn’t.

  He’d been a slave to Caine just like all the others. Just like me.

  She wiped her cheeks and drew her knees to her chest. “How long was I asleep?”

  He stare
d. “All night… about eight hours, give or take.”

  “Damn it.”

  He raised a brow, studying her.

  “We have to go. My demons need me. The Immortals need me. We have to find them all, make sure they’re safe, and get to the sanctuary.”

  He frowned and took another massive bite of his steak. “So,” he said while chewing. “When we find them, then we start a war?”

  She nodded.

  He chewed for a long minute, then swallowed. “Okay then. I ordered us some clothes. How about we enjoy this food until they get here?”

  For a minute she almost said no. Her demons needed her. They must have thought she’d completely abandoned them. Which I kind of did. What if they were in trouble? What if they needed her?

  But then, her stomach growled so loudly that the incubus raised a brow.

  She sighed, wrapped the sheet around her body, and sat down on the other chair at the table. I won’t be any use to anyone starving... and naked.

  “Dig in,” he said with a smile. “I’m watching this weird human show where I think the woman chooses between the men she wants. I’m assuming the losers are killed?”

  Surcy laughed at his assumption. “No, human games aren’t nearly as bloody now.”

  He looked disappointed. “Oh well, at least the clothes are skimpier.”

  She ate across from him, watching his excitement at the show, even at the commercials. Caine never ceased to amaze her with his evil. How could he even think to create a room in which the God of Sin, a incubus, could never stop having sex? It was like creating his own personal hell.

  The Immortal finished his steak and reached for the lobster with his bare hands. “You never told me your name.”

  “Surcy,” she answered, watching him pull out the lobster meat with enthusiasm.

  “Surcy,” he repeated. “Surcy the fallen angel.”

  “I’m not fallen,” she told him.

  He smiled. “Not when the Immortals come back into power. No, then you’ll just be an angel again. Restored to your former glory.” His gaze moved to her shoulders. “And you’ll get those back too.”

  The scars on her shoulder blades prickled. Is that really what would happen? She’d never thought about her own place in the world if they won this war, just how it’d change everything for the better.

  “I know who you are, but I don't know your name either."

  He smiled again, butter smeared on his lips. “Zagan.”

  “Zagan?” Her gaze ran over the muscled man.

  “It’s a family name,” he said, with a grin.

  She watched him for a while longer while eating the most delicious mashed potatoes, a chocolate cake, and bacon bruschetta. When her stomach finally said enough, she leaned back in her chair and stretched.

  His gaze snapped back to her, and the hunger in his eyes shocked her.

  “I imagine after all you’ve been through, you never want to have sex again.” Her words came out nervous and rushed.

  His eyes darkened. “I’m the God of Sin and a incubus. Without sex, I’d wither away to nothing. But next time, it’ll be by my choice. Maybe even with a woman who sees me as more than just a big dick. Maybe one who sees me the way you see your demons.”

  She was shocked by the anger and passion in his eyes. This Immortal might act cool and casual, but he was simmering with rage under his calm exterior.

  A knock sounded at the door.

  Zagan rose, and for the first time, she saw that he was naked. His massive cock hard and erect as he went to open the hotel room door. A minute later, a woman giggled.

  A pretty blonde and the god entered the room a second later, her carrying two garment bags. He immediately took them from her and slung them on his chair.

  His gaze moved to Surcy. “I think this pretty little lady might suck me off. Want to join us? Or would you prefer a shower?”

  Swallowing hard, she rose from her seat, clinging to the sheet. “I think I’ll take a shower.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed, and the woman immediately knelt before him. Her smaller hands curled around his shaft, and then she took him deep. For a second, Surcy couldn’t look away. She watched them, him digging his hand into the back of her hair, her moaning around him.

  I miss my demons.

  The realization hit her like a brick. She scuttled away and took a long, cold shower. When she got back home, she’d find time to make love to her men again. She’d steal a tiny moment of pleasure before the war truly began.


  Surcy stood beside the God of Sin, staring at the remains of the Immortal’s house. It was burnt to the ground, leaving even the earth blackened. But mixed into it all was a shimmering blue substance she’d never seen before.

  Walking forward, crunching on the burnt wood and ash, she reached down and touched it, pulling her fingers back to stare at the shimmering substance. Something wasn’t adding up in her mind. What had happened here?

  Are my demons okay? Her heart raced. She’d thought saving this Immortal would be easier than the God of Sin. Mark’s description had made it sound so anyway. So why is this home destroyed?

  “Fuck, I didn’t know Caine had made any archangels. I thought he’d simply destroyed the ones loyal to us.”

  Surcy whirled on him. “What’s an archangel?”

  “Something you don’t want to meet.”

  Zagan walked around the charred remains of the house and stopped near the back. Lifting his hand, palm down, he closed his eyes. Something inside of her warmed, like she was standing too close to a crackling fire. But for some reason, she just drew closer to the Immortal, like a moth to a flame.

  His eyes opened, and for one moment his irises were red.

  She stiffened, and the color faded away.

  He blinked several times, and his jaw tensed. “Surcy, I need you to stay calm.”


  “Yes, calm. An archangel was here. The most powerful creature an Immortal can make. They have far more freewill than normal angels. White-winged angels are like trusted soldiers. Dark-winged angels are like warriors who haven’t quite proved themselves. But archangels? They have powers beyond your imagination.” He took a deep breath and moved closer to her. “You know the blue flames on your sword are angel-fire, something specifically created to defeat demons. It’s hotter and more destructive than normal fire, even though angels are immune to it.”

  Her heart was racing. “What are you trying to tell me?”

  “Archangels have the power to control this fire at will. And this place—it was burnt down by angel magic.”

  “We need to hurry,” she rushed out. “Daniel and Tristan must have faced this being. We need to find them and help them, before it can hurt them.”

  He grimaced. “I’m afraid we’re too late.”


  He looked down at the charred remains of the house. “Two souls were lost in this house. A gargoyle, and a fire-mage, two beings that I feel were strongly connected to you.”

  Her head spun, and she crumpled to her knees.

  His hands were gripping her arms in an instant. “I’m sorry, Surcy. I am. But the Immortals didn’t die here. I can sense where they’ve gone. We need to find them, before the archangel can.”

  “They’re dead,” she whispered.

  A second later, she was swept up into his strong arms. “I’m going to start walking. We’re going to find the others of my kind. You have a short time to process this, and then you need to pull it together. Your lover’s souls will be before Caine soon. If you have any chance of saving them, you have to push away the pain and keep going.”

  She looked up at the evening sky. In this part of the world, night would be falling soon. The clouds here were heavy, dashed with the slightest bit of grey. It was just another place in the world that meant nothing to her, not without her demons.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she imagined Mark, Tristan, and Daniel. They’d all died. They died for this caus
e. She had to fight past the gnawing feeling in her belly that told her everything she cared about was gone. She had to push back the thoughts that were screaming that this was her fault. It’d been a risk to go after an Immortal alone and leave them to handle this one, but she’d thought she was the only one taking a risk.

  Now she knew she’d been wrong.

  “If you’d have been there, you’d have died too,” the incubus said, as if reading her thoughts.

  “I—“ the word came, choked out. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  “Everything happens for a reason, Surcy. We’re all just pawns in Fate’s games.”

  Her hand clenched in the front of his silk shirt. “So, you’re saying we have no choice?”

  He shook his head, hurrying quickly down the sidewalk. “The Fates see the future. Even they try to stop it sometimes. There are things we can do, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that your demons would have died today… in any future that might lead to the Immortals reuniting.”

  A tear ran down her cheek, clinging to her chin. “I never wanted this for them.”

  His dark eyes locked onto hers. “And we never wanted this for you, but you and your demons were always meant to suffer in this war, to pay a hefty price.”

  “How do you—?”

  “Quiet,” he hissed, sliding into an alley.

  She felt his heart racing under her hand. “What is it?”

  “Angels… everywhere.”

  He leaned slightly forward, and they both stared. Sure enough, angels walked among the humans, an angel for every two humans. There were so many that Surcy could only stare. She had no idea there were even this many in the army.

  “This is bad,” she whispered.

  He shook his head and grinned. “No, this is good. It means they haven’t found the Immortals yet.”

  That’s true. “Any idea where they would have gone?”

  He glanced down at her. “I think you can answer that question better than I can.”

  “No—“ she froze. “Maybe.”

  In an instant, she teleported them.


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