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Still Sheisty: Part 2 (Triple Crown Publications Presents)

Page 13

by Baker, T. N.

  "Who, Epiphany? Nah, I don't think she got it back, if so don't you think she would of had the police all over Ness's ass for that shit. What? I think so. Come on man; the nigga tried to kill her. Yo, that's your boy. Nah I can't even fuck with him like that no more. Yeah, he be bugging the fuck out and I know that nigga is responsible for what happened to Righteous and his girl.

  Yo, you still asking about that bitch? Yo, man let it go. Nah Shana ain't gon' hook that shit up. She can't stand ya ass, besides Shana don't even fuck with her like that no more and what's up with you and my sister? Yeah you right, Trina is a crazy bitch. But yo, what's up with that money? Nah, I got mine ready nigga. I'm waiting on yours."

  From the sound of it, Shana assumed Ness was the one responsible for Epiphany's brush with death. 'That dude Ness rubbed me the wrong way just by looking at him. Damn he probably did Mali too and what the fuck is up with Smitty wanting to get with Epiphany? That ain't happening, he's not even in her league. when I met him the first time, he claimed he already fucked her and couldn't stand her, so what's really good? Today is defiantly just one of those days.' Shana directed her attention back to her stash in the closest. Pulling down the timberland shoe box she notice it felt extremely light. Shana opened the box and instantly she noticed the dent in her savings. What use to be 42g's was now only two-thousand dollars. Shana threw the shoe box on the floor, dug in the back of the closet and pulled out one of those metal baseball bats and stormed out into the living room.

  "Where that fuck is my money at, huh?" she screamed.

  "Whoa, whoa, yo nigga I'm a hit you back." K.C. quickly hung up the phone "Yo Sha, chill the fuck out!" He yelled making a move to grab the bat. Shana stepped back and swung with all her strength, ' whack,' hitting his arm.

  "Don't fuck with me K.C. Where the fuck is my money you dirty dick nigga?"

  "OUCH! Yo what the hell is wrong with you, Sha? Shana positioned herself to slug his ass again. "Yo, chill, don't hit me no more!" He ordered as if he was in any position to make demands.

  "K.C. I swear on everything I love, if you don't give me my money right now I'm gonna take this fucking bat and try to kill you with it."

  "Sha, listen I just need a couple of weeks. Let me make this move with Smitty and, I promise you, I'll give you back double.

  Come on Ma, put the bat down. Just grind with me please, so I can get this paper, a'ight? Come on Sha, you know I got you.

  Clyde can't shine without Bonnie." Shana did the math, double meant eighty grand. She weighed out her options 'Raina's bail or a forty-thousand dollar profit' Fuck Raina she thought lowering the bat.

  "See, that's why I love you girl." K.C. let out a hard sigh of relief. Shana turned up her lips and gave him a 'Whatever nigga'


  "Well if you love me like that then go get your dirty dick cured and stop fucking them nasty ass hoes." She walked back in the bedroom, slamming and locking the door behind her.

  Shana laid on the bed trying hard to understand how and why she loved K.C. grimey ass so much.


  Epiphany's mother was glad that she was home and still in one piece considering that she hadn't heard from her in days.

  Really, she wanted to talk to Epiphany about Keisha's recent behavior, thinking maybe she could talk some sense into her friend. Lord knows she tried, Keisha was like a daughter to her and she couldn't sit back and watch her live recklessly.

  "Epee, I need to talk to you," Mrs. Wright was obviously worried.

  "Ma, before you start, I'm sorry I didn't call, but I was fine." Epiphany answered defensively.

  "I can see that now, but you know what, I'm not gonna go there with you. I wanna talk about Keisha."

  "What about Keisha, is she here?"

  "Shhh, she's downstairs."

  "Okay well, what happened?"

  "Epee, I'm worried about her, she been running out of here with a different guy every night for the past four days, and you know that ain't like her."

  "Ma, she's just trying to get her mind off of Tucker that's all.

  It's not that big of a deal." Epiphany tried to justify Keisha's behavior.

  "Well, I tried talking to her and I'm telling you, she's not herself. She hasn't even mentioned her son."

  "Ma, I'm sure she's fine, but if you want I'll talk to her. Don't worry about lil' Tucker's. He's with her mom in Atlanta. I'm going downstairs now." Epiphany whined.

  "I'll tell you this, you girls need to except Christ in you life and stop running around here taking things for granted. Your father's trying to."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where's daddy at anyway?" Epiphany asked heading down the basement steps.

  "He went to see his brother. Your Uncle Ramel got arrested?

  Um hum, the Feds finally caught up with him."

  "Wow that's too bad." Epiphany said sarcastically.

  "What's up E? It's about time you came home girl" Keisha excitedly sat up on her futon bed anticipating the 411 on Epiphany's new friend.

  "Hey, I know. Believe me it wasn't by choice and it ain't for long. Wild's gonna take me up out of the hood." Epiphany said with a smiled.

  "Are you serious? So what happened? He must have a lot of money 'cause I ain't seen you smile like that since your father bought you that beamer."

  "Keish, he has everything I want in a man; a lot of money, a huge house, good dick, no kids and he's not cheap at all. He bought me this Marc Jacobs bag for $725. This fucking bag is a month's rent and I'm walking around with it on my arm. I ain't never had a purse that cost more then five hundred dollars. So girl, you know I made it my business to put it on his ass, right? 'Cause shit, a bitch is trying to get a one way ticket out of Southside, okaaay!"

  "That's good, I'm so happy for you." Keisha was a little envi-ous. She once had everything she wanted in a man, too, and she missed the feeling.

  "Anyway enough about me, how was your date with that guy?" Epiphany asked.

  "Which one?" Keisha answered.

  "Well damn Keish, go on brush your shoulders off. I'm scared of you," laughed Epiphany.

  "Don't be, because my pimp game sucks." Keisha sighed.

  "Well, what happen to the computer fix-it-guy?"

  "Oh my gosh, E, his apartment was a dump, his ding-a-ling was the size of my son's and now he has the audacity to avoid my calls."

  "The dick was trash and your still calling him, why?"

  "I don't know."

  "Well, did he at least take you out and spend some money?"

  "Out? Out for him was a movie in his junkie ass one-room apartment."

  "Keish I know you been out of the loop for a minute, but did you not learn anything from me? If your gonna give it up get something out of it, okay!"

  "I know, I had sex with three guys in the last four days and none of them made me cum. It's like I'm going from bad to worst." Keisha confessed.

  "Three guys, from where Keisha?"


  "Are you crazy, Keisha!"

  "No, I'm just lonely."

  "So, why don't you call to see how T's doing?"

  "For what? He hates me."

  "Keish, I'm talking about your son. When was the last time you called to check on him and when is he coming home?" Not waiting for Keisha's response Epiphany handed her the phone.

  "I don't know E, maybe in a couple of days or so, I just haven't been feeling like a mom ever since Tucker left me. It's almost like I had a baby for him and now that he's gone I don't want my son anymore. I guess I should at least call." Keisha hesitantly dialing her mom's number. Epiphany knew Keisha was hurting inside, but she couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth and chose not to comment.

  "Hello?" answered one of Keisha's sisters.

  "Hi, this is Keisha whose this?"

  "Hey gurl, this Kelly."

  "What up Kells, how's my son doing?"

  "He ain't here."

  "What, then where is he?"

  "I don't know. Didn't you sen
d Tucker here to get him?"

  "No, I didn't. Where is Loretta at?"

  "She ain't here. Tucker took the baby two days ago, he said you told him to come pick him up," said Kelly.

  "Well I didn't, I have to go-bye!" Keisha hung up and immediately started dialing Tucker's cellphone, then the house phone, but got no answer.

  "What happened Keish, is lil' T okay?" Epiphany asked.

  "I don't know, he's not there, he's with Tucker." she answered.

  "Tucker went to ATL and got him and you didn't know anything about it?"

  "No I didn't and I can't understand why Loretta would let Tucker just take him like that without consulting with me first.

  Now Tucker's not answering his phone." Keisha took a moment to think. "Epiphany, do you think he's trying to take my son from me?"

  "I don't know, but maybe you need to just go over there and see what's up. You could take my car unless you want me to go with you."

  "No you don't have to, but thanks." Keisha said as she took Epiphany car keys.

  When she arrived to what use to be her home, Tucker' s car along with a light blue Honda Accord was parked in the driveway. Keisha got out the car and walked up the steps, she could see the that lights were on through the front window and proceeded to repeatedly press the bell, causing it to sing an annoy-ing 'ding dong, ding dong' tune. Her heart pounded as she impatiently waited all of two minutes. 'If I have to start breaking windows around this muthafucka, I'll do it. My presence is gonna be felt,' she thought. She prepared herself to take it there if she had to. Just as Keisha step down off the steps in search of a nice size rock with some weight to it, Tucker answer the door in a sweat, looking like he was getting his work out on. He was wearing a pair of Calvin Klein drawstring pajama pants, with no shirt and scratches on his chest.

  "What do you want?" An annoyed Tucker watched her search the grass. Keisha looked up and saw him at the door.

  "I came to get my son!"

  "Keisha, I'm a take care of him from now on. You shipped him off and forgot about him, remember that? It took you two fucking days to find out I had him? Just continue to do you. My little man is straight, right here with me."

  "I don't care if took me five days, I came to get my son and I'm not leaving without him."

  "Keisha, just go a'ight!"

  "No, I'm not gonna just go. What the fuck were you doing anyway and whose car is that? I know your not stupid enough to have some bitch around my son."

  "Whatever Keish, goodbye." Tucker went back inside the house and slammed the door.

  "Tucker, you better give me my fucking son, or I swear you'll be sorry!" Keisha screamed, but Tucker didn't come back to the door. "Oh so you want me to take it there, huh?" Keisha walked across the front lawn, once again for a rock. She couldn't find a rock but spotted some bricks that were stacked next to the fence in the front lawn. Loosening three bricks from the soil she slammed one into the windshield of the Honda, then the passengers side window of Tucker's 745 and the third brick she threw crashed right through the center of the house's front window, setting off both car alarms and the ADT system. Keisha was turning into some crazed madwomen, screaming vulgar obscenities and threw a raging tantrum in the front of the house. She wanted her son, but what really set her off was the assumption that Tucker had a girl inside the house with him. Tucker was furious, his tolerance had just exceed its limited. Baby momma or no baby momma he was gonna beat that ass.

  Running out of the house, Tucker charge right at Keisha and tackled her. Releasing all the anger and pain he was holding in, he literally tried to strangle the life out of Keisha. The upper class neighborhood they lived in wasn't use to such disturbances, so instantly many of their neighbors peaked from their window to see what the commotion was about, some even called police.

  But not one of them came over and tried to get Tucker off of her.

  Leanne ran out the house and tried to pull him off of Keisha, but he was so worked up that he shoved her so hard she went flying across the grass. It was the sound of his son's cry that caused him to free Keisha from his choke hold. Breathing heavily, Tucker got off of her and rushed over to the door to calm and console his son. Keisha eyes were bloodshot and watery as she coughed and wheezed, trying to catch her breath. Once she gained control of her breathing, she heard a recognizable female's voice.

  "Baby are you okay?" Lea's face fit the voice and seeing her set Keisha off again. She jumped up from the ground and attacked her from behind. Grabbing Lea by her long frizzy half-black, half-white mixed hair, she tossed her to the ground and ferociously punched her face. It happen so fast that Tucker couldn't come to her rescue right away, he was holding his son.

  Running in the house, Tucker secured lil' T safely in his stroller and came back out to her rescue, but by the time he made it back out front the police had arrived and already controlled the situation. After questioning the three of them, all fingers pointed to Keisha as the villain. Tucker decided not to press charges but Lea did so Keisha was hauled off to jail and charged with aggravated assault, disruptive behavior and disturbing the peace.


  Shana stared at the ceiling half of the night, restless, she tossed and turned. Raina's threats, her STD results, K.C.'s infidelity and her money investment with him, was all way too much to grasp.

  Through it all, one thing troubled her the most--K.C.'s phone conversation earlier. Despite felling that Epiphany was a complete bitch, who worked every nerve in her body,(plus, she had enough problems of her own not to get involved in someone else's) she knew her conscience would only eat away at her if she kept quite about it. Not only did she feel Epiphany had every the right to know what really went down, she also felt, without a doubt, Ness should pay for his actions. Shana glanced at the clock on the nightstand and read 12:45am. She got out the bed, still fully dress from earlier. Without turning on the lights she felt around the bed for her car keys which were still at the foot of the bed were she had left them. She unlocked and slowly opened the bedroom door, peeking out she saw K.C. on the couch asleep with the tv watching him. 'Thank God,' she thought. The last thing she wanted to hear was his mouth. Shana left the house, went for a drive and ending up in front of Epiphany's house. She called her on her cell.

  "Hello?" Epiphany answered half asleep.

  "What's up E, I need to holla at you about something." Shana said.

  "Whose this?"

  "It's Shana, come outside."

  "Shana I'm sleeping."

  "E, C-God ain't do it."

  "What?" Epiphany's voice got louder.

  "C-god ain't the one that shot you, but since you sleeping fuck it."

  "No wait, I'm coming." Epiphany was awake now. She hung up, hopped out of bed, threw on some sweats, slippers and headed out the side door. Opening Shana's passenger side door, she got in eagerly anticipating what she had to say.

  "What's going on, Shana?"

  "Listen, I know who shot you. I don't know him like that but he be with K.C. and this guy name Smitty."

  "Well, who is he and how is he linked to me?"

  "His name is Ness, he use to run with C-God."

  "So, how do you know he's the one that shot me?" asked Epiphany.

  "Look, that's not important, I just know, okay?"

  "What about Malikai, is he the one that killed him too?"

  "More than likely, but listen his boy Smitty is feeling you hard so I was thinking maybe you should fuck with the nigga just to manipulate the situation, try to turn him against Ness. That way he could take care of him for you." Shana suggested.

  "I don't know, I think I should just put all this behind me. I mean what's done is done. Besides, I'm trying to get up out of here anyway."

  "What! Come on, I know you ain't trying to let that nigga get away with this bullshit, Epiphany. The muthafucka left you for dead and you wanna put that behind you?"

  "Shana, I almost died and that shit scares me. I ain't trying get caught up in some bullshit with the
same muthafucka that tried to kill me. And anyway, what's it to you? You act like your the one with the vendetta."

  "What, I'm trying to look out for you, but if you don't feel like your life is worth getting payback, fuck it then! Have a goodnight." Shana turned the tables on Epiphany. Of course she had her motives but she couldn't disclose that.

  "Yeah, whatever," Epiphany slammed the car door behind her and headed back to the house. Inside, she glanced over at Keisha empty bed and briefly wondered where she could be at that time of night. Sitting up on her bed, she thought about what Shana said and the dream she had at Keisha's house. There were two male voices present the night she was shot. Epiphany sat in the dark, deep in her thoughts, for more than twenty minutes when suddenly, the sounds of Prince's 'Do me baby,' Mali and her laughing and the moment she froze from shock when she saw the bullet pierce through his skull flashed in her mind. She could remember the splattered blood mixed with pieces of Mali's brain sprinkle all over her and the way her body trembled as she stood still in fear watching his body slump over to the side. C-God ordered the trigger man he called Ness to search her crib. She could feel the enormous amount of pain she experienced that night all over again as her tears began to fall.

  Epiphany rehashed everything that took place that night, from the verbal to the physical abuse she was subjected to and the reason it all took place. She remembered all the horrific details that lead her to squeeze the trigger of her nine with the intent to kill C-God. It was Ness that entered the room and blasted off his

  .38 in C's defense, successfully hitting her in the chest and sending her into a state of unconsciousness.


  Keisha cried the whole ride over to Central Booking. She couldn't believe Lea actually played her like that. 'How long has she known him?' Keisha wondered. Putting two and two together she realized how well Lea smoothly played everything off. She made it seem like she only liked Spanish guys and always claimed to have a man. She'd say anything to cover up the fact that she was a jealous, man-stealing, backstabbing bitch. Keisha felt like such an idiot for letting her guard down and befriending Lea. She told her personal things about her and Tucker's sex life; his dick size, how he was always away from home and even about her alter ego, BAPS, that she used in the dirty online chat rooms. She had to admit she set herself up for the kill, played right into Lea's hands. She agreed to her inviting strippers that night, when in her heart she was dead set against whole the idea.


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