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Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily

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by Sam Crescent

  Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily

  written by Sam Crescent

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  Cover Artist: Carl J. Franklin

  First Edition

  ©2012, Rebel Ink Press, LLC

  Chapter One

  Emily Sampson glanced around at the throng of people, many of which were drunk. Emily was quite content to sip from her bottle of water not bothering with the copious amounts of beer on display. She wasn’t one for alcohol. Emily smiled as friends passed but she didn’t mingle. She was out of sorts. She supposed it didn’t help that Lawrence Dodson was staring at her from across the garden. His best friend, Chase, the person having a party to celebrate his own twenty-fourth birthday, stood next to him. The only reason she believed she got the invite was because of the friendship she had with Chase’s sister, Sandra.

  She tried to look anywhere but at Lawrence.

  For the longest time Lawrence had been her ideal man. Good looking in a handsome, friendly kind of way, unlike a lot of men his age he was serious, taking life as it came and he listened to her, really listened to what she had to say. A complete gentleman, he opened doors and was gentle whenever he touched her. The extra plus, Lawrence was the complete opposite of his best friend and all time bad-boy Chase Spencer. They were like chalk and cheese. Apart they were a powerful but together they were a force to reckon with. Many girls had lost their innocence when faced with these two men. But the two seemed to fit together somehow.

  Yes, she’d heard all the nasty rumours of the two friends sharing their women. The ménage a trois. Even in a small close town like Clifford Arbor, rumours spread like wildfire. She turned to glance over. Emily could see a lot of young females dancing around them half naked. They were both sexy and women were drawn to them. Lawrence smiled at one of the other guys with him and Emily noted Chase was blatantly staring at her. His eyes never leaving her body even as he took a long gulp from his bottle of beer.

  She flushed, the blush spreading up through her body. She turned away from the hot tempting heat of his gaze and moved off to find something safer to do with her time. She was stuck at this insane fucking party until she could hitch a ride home. Her dad and mum were out of town and Uncle Tyler had disappeared along with them. For the rest of the weekend, she would be alone with her thoughts.

  Chase always made her nervous. He was rough and downright dirty but in a sexy kind of way. As if all he thought about was getting off and how long it would be until he could be between a woman’s thighs. He was rude and didn’t care about personal space or people’s feelings. An insensitive prick. The one thing which always drew her was his endless amount of tattoos and how he was built. Boy, was he built. He must work out or something. There was no way a man could have a set of muscles by doing nothing. His arms alone were bigger than her hands circled together not to mention his width and general physique. Emily took a gulp of water trying to squash the arousal rising in her body. Her pussy pulsed with excitement and she hated her reactions. In her mind, her heart belonged to Lawrence, the man she wanted to love and marry and give everything to. Chase represented recklessness and danger, two of the commodities she despised and shied away from. Taking a quick look back she could see Chase glance at the girls practically pushing their tits in his face and he sought her out in the crowd. She shivered when his eyes caught and held hers. She shivered but not from fear or the cold, but from lust.

  The dangerous, deadliest sin which if she wasn’t careful could consume her whole.

  Shaking her head she went in search of Sandra. She wanted to leave but it would be rude to leave without saying goodbye. Emily turned the corner, out of sight and out of temptation.


  Chase watched Emily disappear between the crowds of people. Her small ass covered by a very prim and proper knee length skirt. He knew she didn’t like him. She preferred his best friend but man, there was something tempting about a woman who didn’t want you. He looked at all the other women on display. He could have his pick of any women at his party but his eyes followed the vacant spot where Emily had been standing moments earlier.

  This simple girl a mystery to him and a challenge to his ego and libido. With his sister and Emily being the best of friends he’d had to cope with her coming around, sitting on the sofa a few feet away from his touch, and her sleeping over, her scent being all over the house whether she stayed the night or not.

  Emily Sampson was the craving he needed to sate. The woman who should remain untouched by the likes of him but as the years went by and she grew into a woman it had been harder to deny her potent pull on his body and heart.

  He glanced at Lawrence and saw him getting down and dirty with a slutty brunette. Looking at the pick of girls none of them appealed as much as the brown haired beauty who lit his flames unlike anyone else.

  Handing his beer to one of the girls he went in search of the woman calling to him. He tried to remember the warning sent by her father and uncle, god that was a laugh. In the small town of Clifford Arbor, having a father and an uncle in the same house clearly meant something more was going on. In fact, it had been brought to his attenti
on; Emily didn’t have the first fucking clue about what went on in her own home.

  As far as he was concerned keeping that secret was just a big fucking no-no.

  Being asked by the two men and her mother to keep their secret went below the belt. Everyone in Clifford Arbor knew about the sharing,. They accepted the unique bond the residents had and the town embraced it. Lawrence and Chase had shared a woman a time or two but never found the one woman who called to them, who screamed like hellfire within their blood. Cursing he found Emily talking to his sister. Sandra looked upset as she spoke to her and Chase didn’t like seeing his sister upset, he didn’t like anything that made his family upset.

  “Don’t go, Emily, stay. It’ll get better,” Sandra pleaded.

  “I’m sorry, I want to go home. I’ve got a headache and I’m tired.” Emily faked her excuses, there certainly hadn’t been any indication of these symptoms when she was drooling over Lawrence.

  “I’ll take her Sandy, don’t worry about it.” Emily gasped whirling round to see him, Chase simply smiled, kissed his sister and escorted Emily out of the party. They managed to clear the yard and make it to his truck before the questions started.

  “Shouldn’t you stay?” she asked.


  “This is your party though.”

  “No one will miss me.”

  “You’ve been drinking!”

  “One beer and not enough to stop me from driving you home.”

  They stopped at the truck, a red pickup truck, his pride and joy. “Get in Emily.” He adored her name, no clue why but he loved saying it.

  “No, I’m walking home.”

  “Don’t bother.” Chase opened the truck, grabbed her arm and tossed her into the front seat. Her fire coming through, he could already hear her cursing as he walked around the truck.

  “...Good for nothing asshole.” He’d missed most of the tirade. Shame, he liked seeing her with her talons out and the nasty words dripping from her mouth.

  “Get to it, babe. Time's a ticking, let’s get this show on the road.” Chase buckled up, started the car and charged out of there faster than anything. “So where are we going?”

  “Home, I want to go home.” Chase checked on her quickly. Her hands locked beneath her gorgeous tits pushing them up making them look temptingly overflowing in her short crop top. A small push and they would be toppling out of her top. He loved a woman with big tits. Emily was reaching the woman stage, not quite there but one day she’d be a real looker.

  “Would you stop staring?”

  “Not staring honey, granted the scenery is beautiful but I’m not staring.”

  They travelled in silence and Chase was fine with it. He didn’t need conversation to enjoy time with someone. Women these days all seemed intent on having conversation, talking about their ‘feelings’. Since when did a good fuck bring about ‘feelings’.

  Shit, all of it.

  Twenty minutes later they were pulling up outside her house. One light was on and nothing else. Chase stopped the car and opened his door. By the time he got around to the other side Emily already stood staring at the house.

  She was frowning.

  “What’s up?”

  “I didn’t leave a light on.” Before Chase could respond and stop her, she was in the house and all he could do was follow. Cursing, Emily would soon be the death of him, he was certain. Fucking death wish.

  “Emily, for fuck’s sake, wait.”

  She didn’t. Door open, he followed her and wished in his gut he’d talked her parents out of their plan to tell her when she was older. Emily was already in the living room. Chase stood in the doorway and heard it all.

  “What the fuck?” Emily said, stunned and broken.

  Daddy, mummy and uncle had conveniently come back without being aware Emily wasn’t staying the night at Sandra’s.

  “Baby, I thought you were at Sandra’s?” He heard her mother scrambling round and the men putting clothes back on.

  Not able to bear hearing the pain in her voice and the lies Chase moved to stand behind Emily and offer her the comfort she needed right now.

  “What the fuck is all this?” He put his hands on her shoulders to try and ease her pain but she brushed him off and turned on him instead. “Did you know about this?” she demanded.

  Shrugging he glanced at the people in the room. All three looked guilty and broken.

  “Take me away, take me away from this,” she begged.

  His heart breaking for her he sent a comforting sign to the people in the room and took her by the hand back out to the truck.

  Chase helped her into his truck, got in himself and started driving.

  “Don’t talk, please take me some place that is far away from here.” He didn’t need telling twice. Emily stared out of the window and didn’t bother to speak again. He took her to Clifford Arbor beach. It was late and dark but the beach still held the beauty of the place. The very essence of Clifford Arbor survived by this one piece of property, it’s what brought people back time and time again.

  Chase pulled into one of the free parking spaces and killed the engine. Taking off his seat belt. He sat and waited for her to talk.

  The stars shining brightly in the sky, the moon illuminated the sea, the sand a dark mound in the distance. They got out and took a short walk down a grassy hill to get to the sand and then more walking to get to the water’s edge.

  “Did you know about my par–family?” she asked. He understood her confusion. Her uncle had lived with them for as long as he could remember.

  “Yes.” There was no longer the need to lie to her.

  She let out a sob and Chase’s heart broke a little bit more. On instinct he reached across and pulled her into his embrace, holding her to give her comfort. Her first sob turned to heart wrenching cries of pain.

  He stroked her hair and rocked her. Holding her in his arms was so right. Never before had he been so whole.

  His shirt drenched in seconds from her tears but he didn’t mind. He could hold her in his arms forever.

  Being in Clifford Arbor was completely different. His own parents share a similar relationship to that of Emily’s parents. He’d known about it. Hell, he’d shared women with Lawrence for crying out loud.

  Chase held her through the heartache. Her soft little body pressed against his side. He shouldn’t be thinking these rude thoughts about a twenty-year old woman. Emily had passed the stage of being a girl a really long time ago.

  A pity Lawrence didn’t want to respond to her crush. The lucky bastard was content with her admiring him from far away.

  “Please, can we sit down?” she asked between her sobs.

  Chase found a spot away from the water and near the soft sand.

  “Does Lawrence know?” Emily played in the sand and didn’t bother to look up at him. Her distance was killing him. Why couldn’t he have protected her from this?

  Better still, her parents should have known better.

  “Yes. Lawrence and half the town know.”

  Her hands rubbed down her face.

  “I’m a complete laughing stock.”

  Chase reached out and grabbed her hand. He interlocked their fingers. “You’ve never been a laughing stock. Clifford Arbor is just a little different from everywhere else.”

  “Yeah. I get that. Two men fucking my mother and it suddenly becomes really clear.”

  “I know you’re angry,” he said.

  “I’m not angry. Being lied to my whole life what have I got to be angry about?” Her sarcasm hit him in the face.

  “I’ve never lied to you.” His thumb rubbed across the delicate column of her wrist. Her pulse jumped at his touch. He hid his smile by looking out at the sea.

  He’d known all about the sharing in Clifford Arbor. Especially having grown up with two dad’s and one mum. Everyday he’d seen the love shining brightly between all of his parents. When he’d walked into Emily’s home tonight he hadn’t been disgusted by
what he’d seen. If anything he’d seen the beauty of the love shining brightly between the three. Emily had never been told about the private life of the Clifford Arbor residents.

  Chase couldn’t recall when the sharing first started but the quiet town people respected other people’s business. They protected their own from outsiders. Lawrence and himself shared women. The joy of seeing a woman lose control and give herself over to extreme pleasure was one of the most satisfying feelings in the world.

  “Have you and Lawrence shared a woman?” she asked.

  Fuck. Being part of a threesome may have been one of the most amazing experiences of his life but when faced with that question by the woman he cared about. He wished he’d kept his dick in his pants.

  “Don’t ask me that,” he begged. Saying the words out loud would make it harder for her to understand.

  “I’ve already got my answer,” she said and got to her feet.

  Chase watched her storm off up the sand bank and head toward his truck.

  “Shit. Emily,” he called.

  She kept on walking and didn’t bother to look back. He stared out along the dark scenery and cursed his stupid words.

  A part of him had known he should’ve come clean straight away.

  “Emily,” he shouted but she continued walking.

  Chase caught up with her as she was about to pass his truck. He grabbed her round the waist and hauled her against his truck.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Planning on walking on home?” he snapped.

  “I don’t know. I can’t go home. How can I face them?” she demanded.

  Her hot little body pressed against his, tempting him in more ways than one. “Regardless of what you think. Your parents do care for you. They always have and always will.”

  “It’s alright for you. You’ve known about this alter ego of Clifford Arbor for years by the sounds of it. I’ve never known. Never even thought about it. How can I go home? Face two men and my mother?”


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