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A Story Of River

Page 14

by Lana Axe

  Isandra's troops made short work of four wolfbeasts as they rode over them, crushing them beneath their horses. Still mounted, she swung her sword at an attacking spider and quickly realized it was armored. Her sword could not penetrate its tough flesh. She drew a small, pointed dagger and hopped down off her horse. Instantly, the spider grabbed her and flung her on her back. Its massive pincers snapped wildly as she grabbed them with her hands. Drawing her legs up, she kicked the spider solidly in the abdomen. It bowled over, and she sprang on it, stabbing deep into an eye. It hissed with pain as she proceeded to stab a second eye, this time leaning her full weight against the dagger. Finally, the spider stopped moving, and its legs curled inward.

  “Are you alright?” one of her troops called to her.

  “I'm fine,” she replied, “but I could use a longer dagger.”

  River had ridden further into the village where a group of children and elderly had sought refuge from the sorcerers' fireballs. They were huddled behind a group of huts that had not yet been touched by the flames. Spreading his arms out before him, he raised a shield wall of water to protect the frightened elves. The children were hypnotized by the shimmering blue water, and their fears were quelled.

  Upon seeing the shield wall, both sorcerers decided to take on the challenge. They focused their energy toward River and sent out blasts of lightning in his direction. The light hit the shield wall and was consumed by it. The shield glowed brighter, invigorated by the infusion of magic. Dismayed, the sorcerers unleashed a second energy blast at the shield. Again, the shield drank their magic and strengthened itself.

  A spider was commanded to attack the shield and scurried quickly toward River. As soon as it reached the wall, its black skin began to melt. Within seconds, it was only a small black puddle that was quickly lapped up by the shield wall.

  River stood steadfast with all of his concentration focused on the shield protecting the villagers. One of the sorcerers charged at the wall. He conjured a shield bubble of his own in an attempt to protect himself from the water. Drawing his staff, he pointed it at the wall and unleashed a magical blast. The force knocked him from his mount, and he struck the ground roughly. A volley of arrows from the trees finished him off before he could regain his footing.

  Aelryk fought alongside Morek and Mi'tal. With their backs together they were able to slash through the ranks of the savage beasts as they approached from all sides. The elves once again reformed the line and charged toward the monsters. The trio dodged expertly to the side, allowing the charge to hit its mark. Wolfbeasts lay bruised and broken on the ground. They had grown much tougher and more resilient since their last encounter with them. Many of them survived the charge but were badly wounded. With a nod of gratitude to his elven comrades, Aelryk began slicing off heads to ensure the wounded beasts would not recover.

  Mel had taken to the trees and was firing arrows at the eyes of the spiders. They were very small targets, and the spiders were in constant motion. Some of his clansmen had taken to the surrounding trees which made it possible to attack them from different angles. Together they brought down the majority of the spiders. Those whose eyes they could not hit were driven by volleys of arrows into River's shield wall. Before long, the spiders were no more.

  The monsters having been dealt with, River released the shield wall and threw it around the remaining sorcerer. He wanted to speak with him and find out who was behind the attack. His mount reared, throwing the sorcerer to the ground. In a panic, it began running in circles. The elves stayed their arrows as Mel descended from the trees and cautiously approached the animal. He extended a hand towards it, and the cat backed away slowly. A flash of green from Mel's eyes released the wildcat from its spell of bondage, and it bounded away into the forest. It looked back at him and lowered its head in gratitude.

  River, Aelryk, and Mel approached the trapped sorcerer where he still lay on the forest floor. “Who sent you here?” River asked.

  The Soulbinder only shook his head, refusing to speak to them.

  “Remove the shield and I'll beat it out of him,” Mel said.

  River reached his hands through the shield and placed them on each side of the sorcerer's head. The Soulbinder's eyes went wide, and his neck muscles tensed. Closing his eyes, River began to speak. “Master Ulda of Ral'nassa has taken over the kingdom of Al'marr and is using human souls to power his enchantments and create these beasts. They were here hoping to trap elven souls to power even stronger enchantments. Soon, Ulda plans to invade Na'zora and take it for himself. He also plans to attempt binding the essence of the water elemental that has allied itself with the Na'zoran king. That is all he knows.”

  River removed his hands from the sorcerer and dropped the shield wall. Without a word, Mel drew one of his knives and cut the Soulbinder's throat. Turning, he looked upon the destruction of his village. Many huts had been burned, and the bodies of elves lay dead on the soft grass.

  Willdor began gathering the wounded together to better assess who was in most urgent need of treatment. “Where is your village healer?” he asked one of the wounded elves.

  “He is dead,” the woman replied. “He was the first to fall.”

  Mel remembered the words of the cypress dryad. He closed his eyes and projected all of his energy to summoning the dryads of Viera. Though he had never seen them, he knew they were near. His focus began to wander, and he clutched the small pouch containing the heartwood in his right hand. His resolve strengthening, he reached deep within himself and called out with his heart.

  Gasps came from the stunned villagers as four silver-skinned dryads emerged from the forest. Each was carrying a wooden platter filled with medicinal herbs. They walked gracefully into the village and began to tend to the wounded elves. Willdor stood a moment enraptured by their beauty but finally managed to regain his composure. He offered his assistance to the ladies, who gladly accepted.

  Aelryk looked at River and said, “Do you know when he will invade my kingdom?”

  “The sorcerer only knew that it would be soon.”

  “And binding the elemental,” Aelryk began. “That means he's aiming for you next.”

  “I should prove a most difficult target,” River said. “Do not worry about me.”

  Mel's face was beginning to show the signs of his fatigue. “We have a lot of rebuilding to do here. Our overseer has been killed in the battle, and my clan is in need of strong leadership. I will not be coming with you to Na'zora. I'm needed here.”

  “I understand,” Aelryk said. “You have fulfilled your promise and more by leading us safely to the Vale. I am in your debt.”

  Mel replied, “You are all welcome to stay here as long as you need. We are all very grateful for your help. Many more would lay dead if you had not come with me.” He nodded at River and rejoined his clansmen at the center of the ruined village.

  Chapter 34

  The rest of the day was spent clearing out the ruined huts and rebuilding them to provide adequate shelter for the elves. Many of them would still have to spend the night in the trees, but their homes could be repaired in a matter of days. The structures were simple but sturdy.

  Mel personally attended to his fallen clansmen. He carried each body safely into the forest and placed it in the limbs of the surrounding trees. The birds would scatter them to all corners of the Wildlands, and they would again rejoin the forests who birthed them.

  It was a somber task which he did not enjoy. With so many others injured, and the rest busy rebuilding their homes, Mel felt it was his duty to tend the dead. They had been the village's first line of defense, fighting unarmed to slow the invasion of the monsters while the others retrieved their weapons.

  Once all of the fallen had been tended to, Mel went to check on the wounded. The dryads were still busying themselves treating them, and he wanted to offer his help. Even before he discovered his magic, he knew a lot about the herbs available in the Wildlands. He was no healer, but he knew which plants would help s
eal a wound and prevent infection.

  “Do you ladies need anything?” Mel asked one of the dryads.

  “We have enough of what we need for now,” she replied. “You look like you could use some rest.”

  Mel shook his head. “I just haven't had a moment to clear my head.”

  The dryad placed a warm hand on Mel's cheek. “Your people need you now more than ever. If you are to be strong for them, you must take care of yourself.”

  “I will,” he replied.

  She handed him a small bundle of leaves and said, “Eat this. It will make you feel better.”

  Mel obeyed. The leaves had a bitter taste, but he chewed them until they were nearly gone before he swallowed them. Despite the flavor, they provided a very soothing feeling in his stomach. Most of his tension drained away, and he was able to breathe more freely. Perhaps he would take a few moments for himself to meditate in the forest.

  He traveled only as far as the edge of the village and sat cross-legged with his back against a tall silver tree. Closing his eyes, he allowed his mind to wander. An image of Thinal came to him. She was sitting beside him beneath the green canopy of the forest. She smiled her usual happy smile. It would seem the devastation of their village had not dampened her spirits. Ever the optimist, she projected joy wherever she went. Death, it seemed, had not affected her happiness.

  Opening his eyes, he looked to his side and saw nothing. She had not really been there, of course, but he had sensed her presence very strongly. Staring up at the sky, he watched as birds darted back and forth through the trees. They too had been unhindered by the fighting below. They could overcome anything by flying to a new home if the old one became unsuitable. Mel did not have that option. His people would stay and rebuild their village. Their wounds would heal, and the forest would take care of them.

  * * * * *

  “Father,” Isandra said. “Will the village be safe if our troops head to Na'zora?”

  “Mel will be able to sense any further danger. The forest will warn him, and the warriors here are brave and strong. They will not be taken by surprise again.” River spoke with assurance. “This Master Ulda is going to be very angry when he sees what happened here, and he is too smart to risk attacking this village again. It is Na'zora that is going to need protection now.”

  “I'd like to leave first thing in the morning,” Aelryk said. “It's a day's ride to the border from here and another day back to the palace.”

  Both Isandra and River nodded their agreement.

  “We will ride through the village of Enald. I will have the townspeople send supplies to aid these elves.” Aelryk turned to have another look at the devastation. “Do you think they were able to bind any of the elves' spirits?”

  “No,” River replied. “The fallen were killed too quickly, and they did not make any attempt at it once we arrived.”

  Aelryk lowered his voice to nearly a whisper. “Can you be so sure?”

  “I examined the gems taken from the sorcerers' bodies. They were all empty.”

  “What do you think has become of my citizens who were taken? Do any of them survive?”

  “They are most likely dead,” River said solemnly. “I believe they have all been used in creating the hybrid monsters. He wanted the elven souls to power his enchantments. They would have lived indefinitely in torment with their spirits trapped inside those gems.”

  “I can't say which fate is worse,” Aelryk said, shaking his head. “I'm going to join the hunting party. Maybe we can find these people something good for dinner.”

  River and Isandra headed into the woods to find Mel. He had drifted off to sleep beneath the shade of a birch tree. As they approached, he awoke and looked up at them. “I guess I fell asleep,” he said.

  “It's been a long day,” River replied.

  Mel stood and stretched his neck to either side. “Has any progress been made in my absence?”

  “Yes,” Isandra said. “Four huts have been rebuilt, and they're working on a fifth.”

  “I guess I should get back to work, then,” he replied. “How long are you staying?”

  “We leave in the morning,” River replied.

  “Do you suppose I'll ever see you again?” Mel asked.

  “I doubt I shall travel this way again, but you are always welcome in the Vale.”

  “I'd like that,” Mel said, smiling. “That is, if I ever get another opportunity. Some of my clansmen are saying they want me to be overseer.”

  “You don't want the title?” Isandra asked.

  “I'm usually the guy who tells the overseer when he's being an idiot,” Mel replied. “I'm not used to being the person in charge.”

  “You're a shaman, Mel,” River began. “Who is better to lead your people? They need your guidance now more than ever. Your path in life is much changed.”

  “I guess it is.” He watched as his clansmen continued working on a hut. They were so distracted by their work that he wondered when the grief would set in. A period of mourning would need to be observed in respect for those who were lost.

  The hunters began returning bearing fruit and nuts. King Aelryk returned with an elk, and the elves gathered to prepare it for dinner. Their spirits were high as they cooked and ate, and Aelryk admired their resilience. This was no savage race of elves. In fact, he found them to be very much the same as his own citizens.

  “We give thanks to the forest for providing this feast before us,” Mel said. “We also give thanks for the lives that were spared and for the help of our friends from the Vale and Na'zora.”

  The villagers cheered in reply.

  “We also honor those who gave their lives to defend our homes,” he continued. “Once our village is restored, we will mourn for them properly.”

  Many of the elves nodded and spoke softly to each other. They had pushed the thought from their minds, but the sorrow had touched their hearts. Their clansmen would not be forgotten.

  Chapter 35

  Ulda marveled at the extraordinary work his Soulbinders had done. Not only had they strengthened Tu'vad's golden armor, they had increased his height and bulk. He was now even more intimidating. “He's magnificent!” Ulda cried. “You've done very well, my students. This exceeds my expectations.”

  His students bowed their heads before him. Compliments rarely came from Ulda's lips, so they tried their best to enjoy the moment.

  “One of you must take control of him,” he said. “Which one of you would like the privilege?”

  The students looked at each other with excitement. They were all most eager to please their master, and they all wanted this chance to prove their worth. All of their hands shot into the air as if they were impatient school children.

  Ulda laughed. “Only one of you can be given this honor. Who has done the most work in transforming him into this work of art?”

  A Soulbinder in a black robe stepped forward. He had a long crooked nose and close-set eyes. “Your majesty, I am responsible for his increase in size. I created the enchantment using the essence of a rather large prisoner. We all contributed to the enchantments, but that one was my idea.”

  “Well done,” Ulda said. He handed the gem containing Tu'vad's essence to his student. “He was a skilled fighter, but it will require all of your concentration to control him. He's just a giant lump of metal now, and he won't think for himself. I don't want to see him standing idly on the battlefield.”

  “Yes, my lord,” the Soulbinder replied.

  “The rest of you will be responsible for leading our hybrid army. General Fru will familiarize you with the battle formations and strategies he wishes to use. Listen to him. He is a decorated general, and he has served me very well.”

  “When are we leaving, your majesty?” One of his students asked.

  “We will begin loading the ships in three days time. Then it's up to the wind how quickly you arrive in Na'zora. I will not be traveling with you, but I will be monitoring your progress from here. My orb will sh
ow me everything.”

  The Soulbinders bowed as Ulda left the room. He headed for his throne room to speak with General Fru. “How are the preparations coming?” he asked as he crossed the room to take his seat.

  “Very well, your majesty,” Fru replied. “We have five ships ready to take us up the coast to Na'zora. Three ships will hold your human army, while one will carry your Soulbinders and their minions. At your request, one is being left behind for your personal use.”

  “Good,” Ulda said. “I'll need it to join you quickly once you've secured the kingdom. What preparations have you made in case they don't want to come out and fight?”

  “There is plenty of room for supplies in case of a long siege, your majesty. I don't think it will be an issue with the Soulbinders along. Their lightning and fireballs won't allow the king of Na'zora to hide for long. We'll have his walls down in no time.”

  “Has there been any news of the party that was sent to attack the elves? We need those souls brought to us quickly if we're to prepare them.”

  “There has been no word of them, sire,” the general replied. “If they were successful, they should be on their way back by now. If they don't arrive by tomorrow evening, we must assume they have failed.”

  “It's possible the elves were forewarned of the attack. Has there been any luck in locating sapphires?”

  “None of any significant size, my lord. My troops are still conducting searches.”

  “See that they are very thorough. This could be my only chance. If you manage to subdue the elemental, it must be brought to me immediately. Do not kill it under any circumstances. Use any means necessary to contain it, but it must remain alive if it's to be of any use to me.”

  “As you command, my lord.”

  “Do you find my army more eager to serve since their binding?”

  “I do, majesty. They are very quick to follow my orders, and I have no doubts they will serve you well in battle.”


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