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A Story Of River

Page 16

by Lana Axe

  Mi'tal fought his way through a crowd of wolfbeasts to make his way to the king. He swung his mighty hammer at the giant's legs, knocking it off balance. As it staggered, he swung again, this time hitting the back of its knee. It lurched forward and could not catch itself. It hit the ground, landing hard upon its knees.

  Mustering all of his strength, Aelryk drew back his runed sword and charged at the giant. River's eyes flashed blue as he concentrated his energy on the king's sword. In response, the runes etched into the blade radiated with blue light. Aelryk forced the tip deep into the giant's back. It fell backwards with a horrifying cry. As soon as it hit the ground, Aelryk dismounted his horse and thrust his sword deep into the back of the creature's neck. With a long metallic sigh, the giant let out its last breath.

  The battle continued to rage all around Aelryk. Turning his attention back to the ships, he could see that more of Ulda's army had begun to disembark. Arrows whizzed wildly overhead in hopes of eliminating the reinforcements. Some of them found their targets, but still the enemy advanced. Aelryk's men were outnumbered nearly two to one and would soon be overwhelmed.

  Chapter 38

  River looked to the ocean and saw that more troops were still departing the ships. As he looked around the battlefield, he could tell the Na'zorans were facing certain defeat. Everywhere he looked, the enemy continued to advance while the Na'zorans struggled to hold them back.

  He headed out amidst the battle to speak with the king. As he walked, he was confronted by a wolfbeast who slashed wildly at him. The blows rippled through his armor as if through water. River remained completely unharmed, and the beast looked bewildered at its inability to harm the elf. Giving up, it turned its attentions back to the Na'zoran army.

  Halfway to the king, a swordsman attacked River. Again, he was unharmed. Every swing of the sword splashed off of River's armor as if it had slapped the surface of a lake. The invading army's weapons were completely useless against him. He ignored the attacker and continued until he reached the king.

  “King Aelryk,” he called. “You must sound the retreat.”

  Aelryk looked at him sternly and said, “No, we must continue to fight, or all will be lost.”

  “Please,” River said. “You must pull them back, or you will all die here.” He stared at the king, his face serious.

  “We will die if we must,” the king replied.

  “I cannot save you if you are dead,” River said with an uncommon urgency to his voice.

  Aelryk looked into River's eyes, and he knew what he must do. “Sound the retreat!” he cried. The call echoed throughout the ranks, and the men began to pull away from the fighting and back towards the palace. The enemy pursued, but many of them were struck down by the archers. The rest remained on the battlefield, awaiting orders from their commanders.

  “Yourself as well,” River said, laying a hand on the king's shoulder.

  Aelryk nodded, trusting fully in the elf. He turned and joined the rest of his army in retreat.

  Isandra paused in her retreat to take a look back at her father. He stood calmly near the coastline and watched as Aelryk's army departed. Once they were safely back to the palace, he walked slowly toward the ocean, his arms outstretched. Closing his eyes, he began to speak softly to the sapphire blue waters of the sea. He called upon all of the spirits who dwelt there, issuing an urgent plea.

  Aelryk watched in awe as the ocean shrank away from the shore, capsizing the ships of his enemy. An enormous wall of blue water materialized before his eyes. Driven by a strong roaring wind, the massive tidal wave rushed forward. With a thunderous crash, it crushed Ulda's army beneath it. In less than a minute the entire force was gone, swallowed by the sea.

  As the water began to recede, Aelryk saw River still standing at the shoreline. All of a sudden, he fell to his knees and then landed face down in the sand. Aelryk rushed forward to aid his friend, followed closely by Isandra.

  “Father!” she cried as she dismounted her horse. She ran to him, rolled his body over, and placed her ear to his chest. “He's still alive,” she said.

  Aelryk helped Isandra lift River onto her horse. She rode quickly back to the palace to get her father inside. She did not know if he would survive, but she was determined to find all the help she could. Every healer in Na'zora would attend him, or they would answer to her. She would not let her father die.

  * * * * *

  River awoke on a soft feather bed in Aelryk's palace. Isandra, who had not left his side, grasped his hand as he sat up.

  “Father,” she said. “You're finally awake.”

  “How long was I asleep?” he asked.

  “Two days,” Aelryk replied. He had just entered the room hoping to check on his friend. “It's good to have you with us again.”

  “What happened out there?” Isandra asked.

  “I asked the spirits in the ocean to release those whose souls had been bound by evil. We combined our strength to form the wave, and it seems the wind itself lent its mighty hand. The sea did not differentiate between those who served Ulda willingly and those who were taken by force. They are all free now.”

  “Why did you collapse?” she asked.

  “Exhaustion,” he said. “This body has its limits, and they are many. If I live another thousand years, I will never have the strength to perform such a feat again.”

  “I'm just glad you're alive,” she replied, laying her head on her father's shoulder.

  “You have saved us all,” Aelryk said. “I am eternally indebted to you. Words cannot express my gratitude.”

  “You asked me to keep your people safe. I did the best that I could,” he replied. Getting up from the bed, he added, “I must pay tribute to the sea.”

  Isandra walked with him back to the coast where he waded into the calm blue waters. As of yet, none of the bodies of the invading army had washed ashore, and the beach showed no signs of a recent battle. She watched as he conversed with the unseen spirits and walked back and forth along the coastline. When he rejoined her, he said, “There is now a magical barrier of protection at Na'zora's coastline. Never again will they be attacked by sea.”

  A glint in the sand caught Isandra's eye. She moved toward the shiny object and began kicking away the sand with her boot. The golden suit that had once housed a giant lay bent and twisted on the beach. She pulled the gold out of the sand and carried it back inside to place before the king in his council chambers.

  “This gold will be used to aid those who have been most affected by this war,” the king said. “It cannot replace those who were lost, but it may help provide for their families.” Aelryk turned to his councilors and said, “We must also do what we can to assist the citizens of Al'marr in rebuilding their homeland. Much has been taken from them, and I would help them in any way possible. Councilor Loren, you will travel to Al'marr to assess the situation. Try to find any surviving member of their royal house, no matter how distant. They are going to need true leadership to repair their kingdom.”

  Chapter 39

  “No!” Ulda shouted as he gazed into his orb. “No! No! This cannot be happening!” He shook his head and slammed the orb to the floor in his anger. His entire army was obliterated. He had nothing left.

  The day his army had set sail for Na'zora, the miners of Al'marr had began an uprising. They had gathered and marched on his palace demanding that he step down and leave their kingdom for good. So far, he had ignored them. Without his army, however, he would have little chance to quell the uprising. Alone he could only hope to take out a few hundred of them before he was overwhelmed.

  Ulda hung his head in defeat. Sighing, he rose from his seat and began collecting the few items from his laboratory that he would be able to carry to his ship. His only choice was to flee. He could not hope to hold Al'marr with his army and allies dead. As long as the ship had not been taken by the rebels, he would be able to return to Ral'nassa.

  He scooped the fallen orb from the floor and placed it gently
inside his knapsack. He gathered a few more scrolls and as many gems as he could find. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out forcefully, he threw open the doors leading into the hallway. He marched towards the palace entrance, his footsteps echoing throughout the palace.

  As he reached the main entrance, he turned and gave a look behind. Everywhere he looked, he saw unfulfilled ambitions. His anger began to boil over, and he turned and kicked open the door to the front courtyard. The crowd of rebels stood stunned for a moment. They had not expected him to come outside. Within seconds, they began rushing towards him. Their faces were determined, their intentions clear. Ulda would die by their hands.

  He took one look at the crowd and laughed. “You are no match for me. You are no more than dirt beneath my feet.” He raised a hand to touch his necklace and let forth an enormous energy burst. The wave radiated among the crowd, knocking the majority of them off their feet. Ulda hurried down the slopes toward the shore before the stunned mob could follow. He was relieved to see that his ship was still there awaiting his arrival.

  As he boarded the ship, he was greeted by its captain. “Welcome aboard, your majesty,” he said. “Has the battle gone well? Shall we head for Na'zora?”

  “There's been a change in plans,” Ulda replied. “Take me to Ral'nassa.”

  He went below decks to his quarters and laid his few belongings on his dresser. The ship began to pull away from the shore, and he knew that he would be safe now. The cargo area was filled with the remaining gold that had been mined, and hundreds of gems had been packed inside as well. These precious items would give him the new start he desperately needed. He had nothing in Ral'nassa but enemies. Still, it was home. In Ral'nassa, he would begin again.

  Chapter 40

  In honor of their victory, Aelryk ordered every citizen of Na'zora to celebrate. Every worker was to be given the day off and allowed to spend the day in the manner of their choosing. A feast was laid out at the palace, and hundreds of people were in attendance. River, Mel, and General Morek were given places of honor among the attendees. Isandra and Mi'tal were also recognized for their bravery and skill in battle.

  Music filled the palace dining hall as the ceremonies began. Aelryk, dressed in his finest red tunic, proposed a toast. “To all of you who fought so bravely to destroy the evil that threatened us. To Mel for providing us with much-needed archers, and to Isandra, Councilor Mi'tal, and General Morek for their leadership and skill. May we never forget Lord River and the spirits of the sea. They are responsible for ridding us of this evil for good. We drink to you!”

  The crowd cheered and lifted their glasses high. The ale flowed freely, and the decadent foods were served. Many guests joined each other in dancing. With laughter and song, the celebration continued deep into the night. Most of the guests would spend the night in various locations around the palace. Many of them lay where their bodies had finally succumbed to exhaustion brought on by the merry-making.

  The following morning, Mel requested an audience with the king. He was ready to make a few requests on behalf of his people.

  “Good morning, Mel,” the king began. “I trust you slept well.”

  “I did, your majesty,” he replied.

  “You have done me a great service, young elf. What would you ask of this king as payment?”

  “I would ask, your highness, that the lands forcefully taken from the Silver Birch Clan be returned to them.”

  Aelryk leaned forward on his throne and clasped his hands together in front of him. “You do realize most of that has been converted to farmland. I doubt it would be of much use to hunters and gatherers.”

  “Some of my people may wish to learn about farming. If so, they should be given that opportunity. Otherwise, I will restore the forests with the help of the dryads.”

  “So be it,” the king replied. “Mi'tal will make the arrangements for our citizens to be moved. The Silver Birch Clan will be placed under the protection of Na'zora, and you are granted all the same privileges as free citizens of my kingdom. You will continue to govern yourselves, and you will pay no taxes to the realm.”

  “Thank you, my lord,” Mel said. “There is one more thing.”

  Aelryk raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

  “We object to being referred to as the Wild Elves. It implies we are uncivilized. From now on, we wish to be called the Woodland Elves.”

  “As you wish,” the king replied.

  Mel had no intention of bowing to anyone, so he nodded his head in respect instead. He rejoined his clansmen and proceeded home to the Forests of Viera. With their former lands returned to them, they no longer risked overhunting as their population grew. They would thrive within the forests of their ancestors.

  River and Isandra were making preparations to leave as well. King Aelryk, Lisalla, and Rykon joined them near the royal stables to bid them farewell.

  “I can never thank you enough, my friend,” the king said.

  They grasped each other's forearms, and River placed an oval-shaped sapphire in the king's hand. It was deep blue and suitably sized for a ring. “You may use this should you ever wish to contact me again.”

  Aelryk looked down at the sparkling gem in his hand. “I hope we shall meet again someday,” he said.

  “We shall,” River replied. He paused for a moment, his eyes looking off to the side at nothing in particular. “I do not know why I will make the journey. It will be years from now, and it will be winter here.”

  “Winter is when they bring up all of the fine chocolates from Enald,” the king said with a grin.

  “Then I shall look forward to it,” River said.

  The elves mounted their horses and gave a last wave to say goodbye to their friends. As they headed west, the air became crisper and cooler, and the scent of spring flowers drifted on the wind. The Vale was calling to them as it patiently waited to welcome them home.

  About the Author

  Lana Axe lives in the Missouri countryside surrounded by dogs, cats, birds and reptiles. She spends most of her free time daydreaming about elves, magic, and far-away lands.

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