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Cruise Control (Watchers Crew)

Page 6

by Johnson, Ines

  I hoped that sounded light-hearted and not as real as I wished it to be. We were just fucking. That was all. That was enough. This wasn’t a relationship. I didn’t need a boyfriend and all that status entailed; all the anxieties about where he was and who he was with.

  Owl’s phone sat on my dresser next to the vibrator he’d given me. I looked away from the phone though my fingers itched to crack his code and hack into his social profiles. I turned my face into his chest, into that space that seemed to cradle the shape of my head perfectly. Owl was giving me exactly what I needed right now. I didn’t need to screw this up with my special brand of crazy.

  “I want them,” he said.

  “You want what?”

  “Your orgasms.”

  I rose from my comfortable spot and peered down at him. His dark eyes were intense as they peered back at me. “You just gave me what will likely be the biggest orgasm of my entire life. Probably the biggest orgasm of a lot of women’s lives.”

  Owl stared back at me. There was something in his gaze that should have unsettled me, something dark and indefinable. Instead, of backing away with caution, I poked it with a stick.

  “Explain what you mean,” I said.

  “You come for no one but me. Do you understand, Shakira?”

  I tried to make sense of his words. I already didn’t come for anyone but him. He was my tour guide into the Land of Orgasm and I didn’t see anyone else around for miles. “You mean you want to be the only guy in my bed?”

  “You can fuck other guys if you want,” he clarified. “But you will not come for them. You will not have an orgasm while they are inside of you or while they’re touching you. Only with me.”

  Yeah, I really didn’t understand how that was different from the status quo? “Do you get to fuck other women and come for them?”

  Owl thought on that for a second. “I won’t come for anyone but you.”

  The concession shocked me. But it wasn’t enough. “If I agree to this, to only come for you, I don’t want you to make anyone else come either.”

  He frowned as though it were an absurd condition. But instead of saying no outright, he pursed his lips and thought it over.

  My heartbeat so hard in my chest I thought it was trying to punch me from the inside out for ruining the good thing my vagina had going on. I was ready to concede, to agree to let him fuck other women so long as he kept coming back and making me come every night.

  But then he said, “Deal.” He gave me a peck on the cheek and then stood and straightened his clothes. He tucked in his shirt and zipped up his pants.

  “What do you mean deal?” I said.

  “I won’t make any other woman come but you. I won’t come for anyone but you. In exchange, your orgasms belong to me. You don’t come for anyone else, and that includes by your own hand.”

  I felt more rattled at this change of events than when he stuck his tongue up my ass.

  “Now, you’re my girl,” he winked at me with a smile.

  My heart leaped at the words. My heart grew hands and grabbed the statement with everything in it. “I told you, when you say things like that, it messes with my head.”

  Owl shrugged. “They’re just words; my girl, my man. You can have them if you want them.”

  “What are you saying, Owl? You need to be real clear with me right now.”

  He shrugged again, not quite meeting my eyes. “I have what I want from you; your orgasms. You can have those words if they’re that important to you. You can call me your boyfriend.”

  He picked up the vibrator from my nightstand. “Remember to use this on yourself tonight. Set it to medium this time, seven minutes now. You are not allowed to come while you use it. If you come, I’ll know.”

  Owl set the vibe back on the dresser. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. Then he bent down and kissed my lips. “I’ll be back tomorrow night. Don’t forget to work out my pussy. I want it throbbing by the time I come back to visit it.”

  He was out the door before my mind could form a coherent thought. What the hell had I agreed to?

  Chapter Ten

  “Ellie, wait up.”

  After looking down at my watch, I realized that there was no way I’d make the bus across town. I’d spent a little extra time with the vibe exercises Owl had prescribed for me this evening.

  For the past few days the vibe was the first thing I reached for when I woke up. In a way, it was like reaching for Owl, who never stayed over. He’d let me rest on his chest in that space between his pecs that seemed as though it was made for the shape of my head. But as soon as I dozed off, he’d be up and out of the door.

  Tonight, I was meeting him for one of his street races. I'd hoped that afterwards we’d go to his place and I might weasel my way between his sheets until morning. But I was late for the bus after spending an extra minute with the vibe.

  I’d come so close to coming on my own, which I knew I wasn’t supposed to do. It didn’t matter anyway because I couldn’t get myself over that cliff that led to oblivion. Not without him. I’d lain in my bed, frustrated for thirty minutes as the throbbing in my clit subsided.

  I was coming to regret the deal I’d made with him that I’d only come with him. I hadn’t believed that my body would only respond to him, and not to me. But I was wrong.

  So, now I was running across the school parking lot in a tiny mini skirt and fuck me heels watching the city bus’s exhaust in the distance. “Ellie, do you think you could you give me a ride, sis?”

  Ellie, who stood in her knee length skirt and flat shoes, hesitated as she looked me over. I understood her hesitancy. She’d only known me for a few weeks. And right now I looked anything but the over-achieving, Dean’s List scholar that I was.

  Watching the war rage on Ellie’s face between what she knew about me and what she’d likely been raised to believe about girls that dressed like me, I assumed there was also a touch of racial prejudice going on. She probably assumed I was headed to the hood because I was black.

  “Sure,” she said sounding anything but certain of her decision.

  We made our way over to her car. Her patent leather shoes tapped the ground quietly as though to not disturb the asphalt below it. My stilettoed boots struck the pavement with an attitude that would’ve woke up the worms burrowed in the warm earth.

  “Wow,” I said as Ellie unlocked the doors of her car with a key fob. “This is your ride, sis?”

  She nodded, her chest rising with pride inside her cardigan.

  “I guess it fits your personality. I mean, I get it, sis.” I strapped on the set belt. “You’re studying to be an entomologist and you have a lady bug car.”

  I gave her directions, and we headed away from the trendy market district where most of the college students did their shopping and entertainment. We drove past the docks where many of the underclass, who didn’t work, coalesced. We pulled up into a seedy part of town.

  “It’s just over here.” I pointed to a one-way street with no houses. Lined up in the parking lot of an abandoned factory were rows upon rows of sleek cars.

  “Where’s your house?” Ellie said.

  “Girl, I don’t live in this jacked neighborhood. I’m just meeting this guy here.”

  “Is he your boyfriend?”

  Even though Owl said I could call him my boyfriend, I didn’t. Not until he called me his girlfriend. I’d learned that lesson with Sergio. “He’s not boyfriend material, sis. Just someone I’m hooking up with.”

  Wow, I sounded convincing to myself. Ellie nodded as though she understood, but I caught the wince in her eye. She was obviously a virgin. I doubted she believed in sex before marriage. My guess was that she was one of those girls who wouldn’t even kiss a guy until he’d met her parents and gave her a promise ring. And when she got married, they’d likely have sex once a week with the lights off. It’d be quick, painless, and joyless. Poor thing.

  I did a quick application of lip-gloss and rearranged the girls in
my top for an additional advantage. “Thanks for the ride, sis.”

  “So, is this someone’s birthday party?” Ellie asked.

  “It’s a street race.”

  Owl had explained he and his friends did street races every weekend. They moved the races each week to avoid the cops, but they had no trouble. A good number of the cops looked the other way while placing bets on his crew.

  “I’ll see you on Monday, sis.”

  I left Ellie behind and made my way into the melee. It wasn’t hard to spot Owl and his friends. They were the ones surrounded by all the women. I recognized them from my first night with Owl in the club’s parking lot after dumping Sergio and having my first real fuck.

  There was the white guy that looked like he’d been carved by Michelangelo. He was blonde with a jaw that had to have been sculpted from stone. He had his hand up a woman’s shirt while he was talking to the black guy with the baldhead and dark eyes that were so intense I felt their burn from feet away. The brutha’s attention was on the Michelangelo while a girl rode his hip.

  Both men looked up at my approach. Each man broke out licentious grins as they scanned my body. My steps faltered under their gazes. I stopped walking all together when I saw Owl.

  Owl leaned against a black Charger while a girl arched her breasts into him. His eyes were on her breasts, but his hands were tucked under his armpits.

  I hesitated. I had to remind myself that he wasn’t my boyfriend, not for real. Not until he said the words. He wasn’t cheating. He was sticking to his word. He said he was only fucking me. He was only looking at her. That was allowed. He was clearly keeping his hands off her. I should be thrilled.

  But then the girl reached out her hand to his chest. He stared down at her hand and then back at her. The look in his eyes said back off, but in a playful way. His eyes were not forceful. I got the feeling that if she’d kept it there he would’ve let her. He wasn’t breaking the rules, she was.

  Owl looked up and saw me. “There’s my girl.” He came forward, brushing off the girl’s touch without a second glance. “Come meet my boys, Kira.”

  He took my hand in his own. It took my feet an extra second to uproot from the spot I’d been standing and staring in. I let go of the stake I’d had on that spot and allowed Owl to lay claim to my entire body when he wrapped an arm around my waist.

  “This is Eagle and Crow.” Owl pointed to the black and blonde one.

  The two hadn’t broken their gazes off my body the whole time. The black one winked. The blonde one tugged on his upper lip as he stared openly at my breasts.

  “And this is Hawk.”

  If I’d thought the other guys were big, Hawk nearly blocked out the moon. He stood far over six feet with an upper body the size of a truck. There was an air of authority surrounding him. He was the only one who didn’t leer at me.

  “Hi,” I said.

  Hawk spared me a brief glance. “Who’s your friend?”

  I followed the direction of his gaze. Ellie still sat in her parked Beetle under a streetlight. “She’s just my ride here.”

  Hawk’s lips spread in a predator’s smile. His eyes narrowed on his prey. “Invite her over.”

  I knew Ellie was smart enough to stay away from a man like this. No way could she handle him if I could barely handle my little tryst with Owl. I wasn’t about to invite a lamb into the lion’s den. “She said she was meeting her boyfriend after dropping me off.”

  Hawk turned his gaze back to me. I knew those dark eyes saw straight through my lie.

  “Hey Owl,” a girl in short shorts sauntered up and insinuated herself between us. “I came to give you your good luck kiss.” The girl turned her face southward and ran her hands over the crotch of Owl’s jeans.

  “Thank you Pepper, but I’m good.” Owl moved out of her reach and slung his arm around me.

  Pepper raised an eyebrow at me, then shrugged and went on to Eagle. “Hey E, I brought these for you.” She handed Eagle a thong. He put them in his back pocket. “Crow, you wanna suck ‘em for good luck?” She lifted her shirt and put one of her pink nipples into Crow’s mouth.

  Hawk tore his gaze away from Ellie’s still parked car and put his hand in Pepper’s shorts as Crow sucked her tits. I tried not to gape. I’d seen scenes like this in pornos. But I couldn’t help it.

  Pepper gave herself over to the men completely, closing her eyes and letting lose a deep sigh. The three guys descended on her like vultures. They surrounded her, taking parts of her body into their own. It was like they were eating her alive, but it looked like a good death. A really, really good death.

  Owl stepped in front of the scene, blocking my view.

  “So, when you said you were watching two girls fucking the other day, I’m guessing your boys were around.”

  “Yeah,” he said. He took my hand and tucked it into the crook of his elbow, leading me away.

  “So you guys…”

  “Like to share pussy and watch?” Owl finished for me. “Yeah.”

  “That’s a healthy lifestyle.”

  “Says the woman who insisted on fucking one lame as man at a time.”

  Owl’s tone held no sting. Since I’d met him, I’d never once heard him raise his voice or lash out in anger.

  “Maybe you should try things my way.” He leaned down and licked the tip of my ear. “It’s been working out for you so far.”

  A shiver went down my spine at the light contact. I looked back at Pepper who had a huge grin on her face as the men steadied her on her feet and sent her away.

  Owl deposited me on the sidelines. “See you at the finished line.” He turned to walk towards his car.

  “Hey,” I called after him.

  He turned back.

  “You don’t need me to kiss it for good luck?”

  Owl grinned. “I don’t need luck, baby. Just keep my pussy warm. I’ll give it a kiss when I get back.” Owl headed back into the melee and got into his car.

  Though Owl and his crew won the race, they took awhile to make their way back to the party at the end of the finished line. They all seemed really jacked when they pulled up. Owl hopped out, grabbed me and pushed me up against the back of his car. He pressed his hips into mine and clamped his mouth on my neck. I almost went with it until I heard the roar of the crowd.

  “Owl,” I shoved at him.

  “What?” He looked up at me.

  “We have an audience.”

  He frowned as though I made no sense. And then he sighed and let me go. I nearly reneged at the sight of his annoyance, but public sex performer was not the girl that I was. The backseat of a car was one thing, but on display on the trunk was another.

  As though he read my mind, Owl opened the door to his car. “Yo, I’ll see ya’ll back at the house. I’m gonna take Kira home.”

  My heart sank. He wasn’t taking me back to his place. He was dismissing me. It was over. A hollowness settled between my thighs, in my chest.

  Owl got into the driver’s seat. He shut the door and turned in his seat to stare at me, eyes expectant. “Seat belt,” he said.

  I reached for the strap and pulled it on. He reached down and tightened the strap over my torso. His hands brushed my breasts. I inhaled, my body betraying me. He leaned into my lips. His tongue swept my lower lip, and I opened for him. He pulled away before I could capture his lip.

  He reached in the dashboard and pulled out a vibe that was the same make and model as the one he’d given me. “In you,” he said.


  With his right hand he spread my thighs. The perspiration between my legs gave him easy access. He pushed my panties to one side and inserted the vibe. I was already trembling from that much contact.

  “I’m turning it up to high.”

  My eyes flew open. I’d been practicing on medium all week. I could barely handle that much sensation.

  He turned the dial up. I grabbed the edges of the seat. My hips tilted up. My heels rose off the ground and I pre
ssed my toes into the floor. Owl chuckled and floored the gas.

  I couldn’t lurch forward, I couldn’t move at all. The seat belt held me fast. I was certain the restraints coupled with the double vibrations would send me over in no time.

  Owl got onto the highway, already breaking the speed limit on the on ramp. The vibe in my pussy and the vibrations of the car were too much. My body needed to release, but instead of going over I teetered on the edge.

  Owl pushed the car even faster. The needle on the speedometer shook as it ticked higher and higher on the dial. My body wanted to lurch over the edge, out the door, through the windshield. Anything to break through this last barrier to the relief I craved.

  Finally, Owl pulled over onto the side of the highway. Cars whizzed past us. We parked underneath a street lamp.

  Owl undid his seat belt. He leaned over into my seat. He pulled my tight seatbelt until it was even tighter across my torso. I couldn’t move. He pushed my panties further to the side, until they were in the crease of my thighs, and thrust his fingers inside me. It moved the vibe deeper into me. He curled his fingers into my G-spot and rubbed my clit with his thumb.

  “Owl, please.” I panted. Tears pooled in my eyes.

  He studied my face. “You know, Kira, when you’re ready to come your eyes crinkle. It’s like your going to cry, but you don’t. Your mouth makes the perfect shape of a heart. It’s beautiful.” He kissed the edges of my lips as he stroked me with his fingers.

  “I want to come, Owl. I want it so bad, but I can’t. I can’t.”

  “Tell me who it belongs to, Kira.”

  “It’s yours, Owl.”

  “What’s mine?”

  “My pussy. My orgasms. Please…”

  “Give it to me, baby. Give me what’s mine. Come for me, Kira.”

  And just like that, I came. I would’ve doubled over with the force of the orgasm if the seatbelt wasn’t restraining me.

  “Don’t stop, Kira.”

  He pulled the vibe out and put it on my clit. I kept contracting. My legs shook, bouncing up and down on my toes.

  “Don’t stop, baby.”


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