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Pemberley Tales

Page 10

by Aurora Fairfax

  Wrapping her arms more tightly around Darcy’s broad shoulders, Elizabeth pulled him closer into her embrace. She sought out his lips, demanding a kiss. He returned her fervor with his own need, growling into her mouth while he pushed deeper into her, slow at first but quickly moving faster and stronger.

  “Yes,” Elizabeth cried. “Yes. More. Harder. Please! Oh, Darcy!”

  Darcy seemed to have decided to stop teasing her and gave her everything she craved. He moved with purpose and strength, every thrust pushing her higher.

  Elizabeth whined when Darcy suddenly pulled out and lowered her to the floor. Confused, she stared at him. His smile was smoldering and wicked, his dark eyes dancing. This was a side of her husband that only she—and maybe Georgiana—ever got to see. And that only rarely. It was one of her goals to bring it out more often.

  Elizabeth gasped when he suddenly pulled her around so that she was facing the tree. He guided her slightly until Elizabeth was able to brace herself against the tree trunk with her behind sticking out. Her whole body was still quivering with lust and unfulfilled need but now confusion warred with desire. What Darcy did next, took Elizabeth completely by surprised. He pulled up her skirts and pushed them over her derriere, leaving her completely exposed. Her face flushed with mortification while she tried to imagine what she looked like. Her buttocks fully exposed with her husband behind her, ready to claim her again. For a brief moment the thought of protesting crossed her mind but then she subsided, curiosity winning out over her mortification.

  Elizabeth jumped and bit her lower lip when Darcy knelt behind her and pressed his lips against her left buttock and then her right. He continued peppering her derriere with kisses until she able to relax and her skin tingled while her sex throbbed with heat and need.

  Bewildered, she glanced over her shoulder when she felt Darcy stand up. His eyes were dark with lust while he smoothed his hands over the soft skin of her bottom. The look of desire and need on his face robbed her of breath.

  She inhaled deeply when he slid his fingers once more between her legs and played with her sex, rubbing his thumb over her pearl. Elizabeth spread her legs and rocked back into him while ecstasy once more sparked through her. Without being touched, her nipples were aching and her breasts felt heavy.

  Elizabeth whimpered when Darcy pressed back into her. He grasped her hips and thrust into her. Despite his own urgency, he was still careful enough to ensure that she didn’t hit the tree. He took her forcefully, claiming her with steady and hard thrusts. Elizabeth loved every second of it. She’d almost forgotten that they were in public, all of her attention focused on the thick shaft plowing into her, on her husband surrounding her, and on the lust that felt like liquid fire, heating her blood and robbing her of air.

  She cried out when Darcy’s finger once again touched that sensitive spot at the top of her sex. She changed her stance slightly and pushed back into him, meeting his every thrust with one of her own until it all became too much. Faster. Harder. And then she was there. The world filled with fireworks that faded like stars during the dawn and then everything went black.

  When she managed to blink her eyes open, Elizabeth had her face pressed against the rough bark of the tree while her whole body still shook and spasmed. She was gasping for air and barely able to stay on her feet. A bed definitely had its advantages, Elizabeth thought dizzily.

  Darcy surrounded her. He was leaning heavily against her back while his panting breath brushed over her heated skin. All of his movements had ceased. His hand rested low on her stomach. He was still buried deep inside her but Elizabeth knew that he’d found his release together with her. She regretted that she hadn’t been able to see it. Watching his face transformed by pleasure was always a special treat for her.

  “My sweet Elizabeth,” he murmured, his voice full of awe and love. “My wonderful wife. How much I love you.”

  Every word, every syllable filled her with joyful warmth. She was his. Just like he was her.

  “Darcy,” she murmured in return, reaching for his hand and pulling it up between her breasts. “My wonderful Darcy. I love you as well.”


  “Fitzwilliam! Elizabeth!”

  Darcy stiffened and next to him Elizabeth flinched as well. They both turned to watch while Lady Catherine approached them. Darcy pulled Elizabeth closer to his side.

  Her discerning eyes ran over Elizabeth’s form and, with a mild huff, she reached out to plug a leaf from her hair then another one. Darcy’s eyes widened and he carefully avoided meeting Elizabeth’s gaze. His lips twitched when he heard a quickly suppressed giggle and felt her tremble slightly.

  His aunt held the leaves out to Darcy and he dutifully accepted them. She raised one eyebrow while she studied first him and then Elizabeth.

  “I see you found your wife, Fitzwilliam. How was your walk?” she asked.

  Darcy swallowed hard and pulled back his shoulders. “Very pleasant, aunt Catherine.”

  “Indeed?” She sniffed. “Well, it is a husband’s duty to attend to his wife’s needs at all times,” she explained archly. “But he is also required to ensure that she is presentable afterward. Or to shield her from prying eyes.”

  “Of course, aunt Catherine,” he said, frowning slightly while he stared down at the leaves. She couldn’t know what they’d been up to, could she? Next to him, Elizabeth stifled another giggle and he turned his frown on her. She gave him another leave and his frown deepened.

  Lady Catherine studied him for a long moment then huffed.

  “Men!” she proclaimed. She waved to Elizabeth. “Come along, dear.”

  Darcy ignored Elizabeth’s imploring look. Instead, he just nodded and waved when Lady Catherine grabbed Elizabeth’s arm and led her in the direction of the stairwell, clearly intending to head upstairs, maybe to the privacy of her or Elizabeth’s parlor. Better her than him although that might be cruel.

  “I was once young as well,” she explained, her voice clearly audible. “And my Lewis could be quite adventurous when he felt like it.”

  Suddenly she giggled and Darcy stared after her. His strict aunt was giggling like a young girl? He shook himself slightly, deciding that he didn’t want to know what she and uncle Lewis had gotten up to.

  “Ah, the stories I could tell you, my dear Elizabeth. It is important for women to learn these things. I somehow doubt very much that your mother prepared you properly. There are just some things you will need to know, especially now with your position as the new Mrs. Darcy,” Lady Catherine exclaimed.

  She patted Elizabeth’s hand while she steered her down the corridor. Elizabeth followed her meekly, but not without sending Darcy another admonishing glace that begged for help. He just spread his hands indicating his own helplessness. Her eyes narrowed and the glare she then sent him promised dire consequences. He was fully prepared to face them though as long as it allowed him to escape Lady Catherine’s attention. It might be cowardly but he was convinced that Elizabeth was fully equipped to handle their aunt.

  “As for the Darcy men. My dear, departed sister Anne had her own share of stories. Darcy men, as your are aware, can be rather adventurous as well. Anne sometimes talked about a clearing in the woods that was the perfect place for a tryst. Maybe Fitzwilliam can show it to you one of these days?”

  Darcy felt his cheeks heat at that statement and could see his surprise mirrored in Elizabeth. Her cheeks also took on a fetching shade of pink. It might be better not to let aunt Catherine know that he’d already showed her the clearing. Or what they’d been doing there just a short while ago.

  Darcy studiously avoided looking at his wife. He still couldn’t explain to himself what had come over him. Yet he didn’t regret their encounter. It had been thrilling and exhilarating. He was still astonished that Elizabeth had gone alone with it, but that was probably due to her playful and curious nature.

  Luckily, Lady Catherine seemed too focused on her own agenda, as she didn’t notice Darcy’s or Eliz
abeth’s mortification.

  “Based on what I know of you mother, it seems that it falls to me to properly educate you on the duties of a husband. There are certain things a lady should know when it comes to her husband’s duty,” Lady Catherine announced clearly while she steered Elizabeth down the corridor.

  Aghast, Darcy stared after his wife and his aunt.

  Duties of a husband? He didn’t even want to contemplate what they might talk about. That was maybe something now man should be privy to. Deciding that retreat was be his best option, he went to the library and, with a relieved sigh, closed the door behind himself.

  Seating himself in his favorite chair he smiled. Of course, he probably would have to make up for his escape later tonight while he attended to his duties once more. This time without being caught by his aunt.

  Tempting Mr. Darcy

  Pandemonium reigned in Pemberley’s once quiet and solemn halls. People bustled back and forth, carrying furniture from one place to another and back again, while maids seemed intent on cleaning even the most neglected corners of the rooms and hallways.

  Fitzwilliam Darcy watched the flurry of activity with an amused eye. He took a step back when several footmen carrying chairs rushed down the corridor, the stringent admonishments of Mrs. Reynolds, Pemberley’s competent housekeeper, trailing after them.

  He wondered where his wife had disappeared to. Over the last few days, she’d turned into a veritable whirlwind, trying to be everywhere and do everything at once. It had left her exhausted yet also fretting with nerves. Pemberley was having its first ball, and she was understandably nervous as well as busy with the preparations.

  Darcy could understand why she wanted everything to be perfect and did his utmost best to support her. It was the first ball she was responsible for as Mistress of Pemberley. And that responsible weighed heavily on her although Darcy had the utmost trust in her and her skills. While her mother might have neglected parts of her training, Elizabeth was highly intelligent and had a good working relationship with Mrs. Reynolds. It was also good practice for Georgiana and Kitty who were assisting Elizabeth and running errands for her.

  Elizabeth had also already endeared herself to the servants and tenants of Pemberley and most of them were happy to help out. Their neighbors were just as delighted by Pemberley’s new mistress. He knew that all the ladies and gentlemen of their acquaintances were eagerly awaiting Pemberley’s first ball.

  Unfortunately, Bingley and his wife Jane, Elizabeth beloved older sister, were unable to come as Jane was expecting her first child and was already too far along to travel comfortably from Netherfield to Pemberley. While everyone was looking forward to the newest Bingley, their presence would be sorely missed. Elisabeth probably really would have appreciated the support of her older and calmer sister.

  While his own sister Georgiana and Elizabeth’s younger sister, Katherine, were staying at Pemberley, they wouldn’t be able to offer the same kind of support and gentle guidance that Jane would have offered.

  With a sigh, Darcy stepped out of the path of two maids and looked around again. Elizabeth had to be around here somewhere. She hadn’t been in her downstairs office or upstairs in her private boudoir.

  “Looking for something?” an amused voice suddenly asked behind him.

  Darcy turned around and smiled at the man who’d snuck up on him. His cousin, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam, had arrived just a few days ago. Darcy had been glad to see him and grateful for the additional male presence in his household. Between his wife, sister, and sister-in-law, he sometimes felt rather outnumbered.

  Fitzwilliam had spent the last few months in France and only recently returned. He still looked wan and exhausted but now there was a familiar sparkle in his eyes while he looked at Darcy. A few days of rest and gentle company had already done wonders and he looked much better than when he’d arrived.

  “Yes, my wife. You have not, perchance, seen Lizzy?” Darcy asked, glancing around again. She had to be somewhere, didn’t she?

  “Eliza?” Fitzwilliam frowned thoughtfully. “I think I saw her earlier heading to the kitchens with several lists in her hand.”

  Darcy was unable to hide his shudders. He’d already encountered Elizabeth’s lists and knew what they meant. Fitzwilliam made a questioning noise. Darcy shook his head.

  “Come, let’s head to my office. If she has lists, it might be prudent to avoid Lizzy for the time being. Unless you want to get roped into her plans as well.”

  Fitzwilliam followed him silently.

  Darcy closed the door behind them and indicated the chairs in one corner. He poured whiskey into two glasses and offered one to his cousin before he settled into his own chair. With a sigh, he stretched his legs and took a sip from his drink.

  “No longer the master in your own house?” Fitzwilliam asked with a low chuckle.

  Darcy offered him a narrow-eyed glare and demonstrably took another sip from his drink.

  “I can’t wait for the ball to be behind us,” he grumbled.

  Fitzwilliam just laughed. “I think Eliza might agree with you. She looked slightly frazzled when I saw her.”

  Darcy nodded. “Yes. She wants everything to be prefect and worries about the smallest detail. I barely see her these days.”

  “Missing your wife?” This time Fitzwilliam’s voice held a teasing and lascivious note.

  Darcy just snorted. He knew his cousin only too well and the admiration he held for Elizabeth. If Fitzwilliam hadn’t been the second son and was searching for a rich bride, he might have courted Elizabeth himself. He’d clearly been enchanted by her when he’d met her at Rosings. Luckily, he hadn’t been in a position to try for her.

  “No,” he ground out. It was only partially true, though. She still spent every night in his arms, except right now she was too exhausted for the joys of the marital bed and simply curled against before falling asleep.

  With a sigh, Darcy closed his eyes. Two days until the ball. Hopefully after that, things would go back to normal.


  Elizabeth studied her list thoughtfully and nodded. Everything was taken care of and prepared. Now, only the ball had to proceed without a hitch. She put her lists to the side and poured herself a cup of tea.

  Glancing around the table, she studied her family. Georgiana and Kitty were talking quietly, their excitement for the upcoming ball barely contained. They, of course, were already looking forward to the ball and the chance to dance. Several interesting gentlemen were expected, and especially Kitty had her eyes and hopes on one specific gentleman.

  They’d also been a great help during the preparations, especially Georgiana who’d shared some the things she’d learned at her private seminar in London. Even Mrs. Annesley, Georgiana’s companion, had help out and offered advice on a few things.

  Darcy on the other hand looked less excited. Elizabeth eyed her husband skeptically. She was only too aware of his aversion of balls and dancing. He was an excellent dancer but was too reticent to really enjoy the hustle and bustle of a ball, especially when he was asked to dance with ladies he was barely acquainted with. While most of the expected young ladies where from the neighborhood and their families known to the Darcys, Elizabeth still worried that he would prefer to watch from the sideline or retreat to the card room. Utterly unacceptable of course. As host he had a duty to ensure that all the young ladies were well-presented and that they would have someone to dance with, no matter how much he disliked the idea.

  Aware of her scrutiny, he paused, his coffee cup half-way to his mouth and questioningly eyed her in return.


  “You!” she exclaimed. “No hiding in any corners and only dancing with ladies you know. You will dance. I will personally introduce you to several, suitable young ladies.” She hummed thoughtfully, considering all the ladies who would be present and whose company Darcy, at least marginally, might enjoy. “We’ll start with Emma Cross. She’s rather shy but an excellent dancer and very charm
ing once she gets over her nerves. She just needs a little push and to be eased into things. Then, Justine Darnley. She just reached her sixteenth year and she’s just out.”

  She smiled at her husband’s pained look but in this instance would not bend. Elizabeth knew how important it was for the young ladies to be seen and she would not allow any gentleman to stand around while there were ladies in need of a partner. She knew how vexing it could be to be forced to sit one set out while there were enough gentlemen available, especially if one was eager to dance. She’d already ensured that enough young gentlemen were invited.

  Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at her husband, remembering when he had stood around while she had been forced to sit a set out. It had been the foundation of her dislike of him.

  “It seems you have everything well in hand, my love,” Darcy uttered softly, studying his coffee before he smiled at her. She had no trouble reading his expression and the fact that he would do as she asked.

  Elizabeth nodded, although she wasn’t so certain herself. She had gone over everything with Darcy and Mrs. Reynolds. She’d also exchanged several letters with her sister Jane to discuss ideas and things she needed to keep an eye on. Still, she worried that she’d forgotten something or that something would go wrong. This ball had made her highly aware of the importance of her position as Mistress of Pemberley. Every family looked to them for leadership. The ball at Pemberley ball was already considered the most important of the winter. It had to be perfect. She owed it to Darcy, but also to Georgiana and Kitty, especially Kitty.

  Georgiana would get her season in London where she would be presented at court and meet all the aristocratic friends, but Kitty would have to make do with the men she encountered at Meryton and Pemberley. Elizabeth wanted to see her younger sister just as happily married as she and Jane were. Away from Lydia’s influence, Kitty had already started to calm down and become more settled, the sweeter side of her nature showing.


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