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Happily Ever After

Page 8

by Tanya Anne Crosby


  Sophie lifted her chin. “What if I don’t want to call you Jack?”

  She knew she sounded petulant and childish but couldn’t help it. When he looked at her like that she couldn’t think at all. He came nearer, standing so close now that she could feel his body heat, and she held her breath as he spoke.

  “Then don’t. I am a great advocate of free will, Sophia.” Staring at her still, he reached out, lifting a strand of hair from her face, brushing it gently aside. The gesture was such an intimate one that Sophie swallowed any response she might have uttered. “Man must always follow his greatest impulse.”

  Sophie lifted a brow. “Man?” She tried to retain her coolness though her heart beat like native drums. “And what about woman, Mr. MacAuley?”

  “Of course, I’m an advocate of women, as well,” he answered softly, and Sophie quivered at the sultry timbre of his voice. He winked at her, but he hadn’t quite answered her question as yet, and she wasn’t so flustered she didn’t notice.

  He was standing too close, but she found she didn’t want to move.

  What was wrong with her that she didn’t just walk away? This was an entirely inappropriate position she was in, and yet...

  “That’s not precisely what I meant, Mr. MacAuley.”

  His voice was silky. “Tell me what you meant, Miss Vanderwahl.”

  He came closer, she thought, though it didn’t seem as though he’d moved at all, and his proximity dizzied her. His breath was warm against her face, teasing her. His scent drew her nearer... sunshine and sea... and something more.

  She tried to keep her train of thought. “Do you believe in free will for women too?”

  “Of course.”

  She tilted him a smart glance. “Even for your own?”

  He smiled slightly, bending closer, his eyes sparkling with mockery. “Personally I have never owned one,” he whispered, “but if I did, certainly.”

  “Owned one?”

  He grinned slowly, and Sophia realized he was toying with her. Her eyes narrowed.

  “What a bigoted thing to say!”

  She straightened indignantly, but the response merely brought her face nearer to his.

  “In defense I would argue that yours was a confrontational sort of question, Mizz Vanderwahl, including even its phrasing, and that I was merely answering as in kind.”

  Their lips were entirely too close now, their breaths intermingling as intimately as that of lovers, and his voice was seductively low. Sophie felt strangely exhilarated by his nearness. Harlan had never made her heart pound so fiercely. Nor had her skin felt so hungry for his touch. Jack’s simple gesture of removing her hair from her face had left her wanting somehow.

  Did he intend to kiss her now?

  Did he want to?

  Sophie held her breath, gazing up at him.

  “I wasn’t looking for an argument.” Her voice sounded strange even to her own ears.


  She lowered her eyes, lest he read her thoughts.


  “Then what were you looking for?”

  Sophie blinked at his question. Indeed, what was she looking for? And why was she still here?

  He reached out and touched her forehead with his thumb, a soft caress. “Definitely a bruise, but not too bad.”

  Her knees felt suddenly weak. She lifted her hand, brushing his in search of her bruised forehead. “It doesn’t hurt,” she said softly.

  He smiled, and the smile gleamed wickedly in his eyes. “Need someone to kiss it and make it better?”

  The very suggestion took her breath away.

  She took a step backward, and he followed. Did she appear as wide-eyed as she felt? Suddenly she couldn’t catch her breath.

  “Why did you book passage on this ship, Sophia?”

  “I... I wanted to see Harlan,” she stammered, but it seemed suddenly the most ridiculous notion.

  He leaned against the doorframe at her side. “Did he put you up to it?”

  Sophie swallowed, uncomfortable with the look in his eyes. She shook her head, and took another step backward. “He doesn’t know.”

  “What doesn’t he know?”

  “That I’m coming... to see him. I didn’t tell him.”

  His expression changed suddenly and something flickered in the depths of his eyes... concern perhaps. For her? Her heart squeezed just a little. Did everyone know about Harlan’s dalliances but her? Anger welled once more within her.

  She didn’t need Jack MacAuley’s pity.

  But he was looking at her suddenly as though she were some wretched little girl whose heart had been broken by her favorite beau. Well, her heart was not broken! Harlan was not the one calling the shots here!

  She was not a victim!

  Sophie didn’t know what came over her in that instant—anger perhaps, but not anger alone.

  By God, she was not to be pitied!

  She flung herself at Jack, wrapping her arms about his neck, and kissed him smartly. He was so startled by the embrace that he scarce had the good sense to hold her. Sophie pushed away as comprehension seemed to reach him, and spun on her heels, leaving him open-mouthed and staring after her.

  It was only as she fled the scene that she even realized what she’d done.

  “What the hell was that all about?”

  Jack was still fingering his lips and staring at the door when Kell poked his head inside.

  “Damned if I know,” he answered, dazed.

  “She ran straight into me on the way out. Don’t think she even noticed.”

  Jack, too, was having a tough time focusing.

  He’d fully intended to kiss the bloody wench, teach her a lesson, and what did she do? She kissed him first! And not tenderly at all. She’d done it in anger, and he hadn’t the first clue what had gotten her prickles up. One instant he’d had her under a spell, and the next she was angry and in a tizzy.

  Why the devil had she kissed him?

  It didn’t make sense.

  “Bit of a she-wolf, isn’t she?”

  Jack shook himself out of his stupor. “Aye… can’t quite figure her out.”

  Kell gave him an amused look and then sauntered in as though he knew something Jack didn’t. It infuriated Jack when he seemed to think he knew everything.

  “She’s up to something,” Jack disclosed. “I want to know what.”

  Kell smiled and turned to him. It was only then Jack noticed the papers in his hand.

  “I have something to show you that might shed some light.”

  Curiosity outweighed Jack’s annoyance.

  “Then again, it might not.”

  Jack nodded. “What are those?”

  Kell tossed the papers down on Jack’s desk and said, “See for yourself.”


  Sophie had kissed a complete stranger—worse, she had thrown herself into his arms!

  What in God’s name had come over her?

  There was no excuse for it, except that she’d been blinded by her pride. Inevitably, Jack would discover the reason for her journey, and when he did, she couldn’t bear it if he were to pity her. She didn’t want him to see her as a victim, didn’t want him to think her a fool.

  Even if she was one.

  Harlan had used her from the first. He’d never loved her, that much was evident, but she’d wanted so desperately to believe he did.

  The night air was cool at sea, and the sounds of the ocean waves comforted her. She stood at the bow of the ship, staring out over the midnight-blue horizon at the diminishing skyline that was Boston. All that remained now was a barely indiscernible glow that was, at best, poor competition for the bright half moon.

  If she dared forget everything but the place in which she stood, time seemed to suspend itself.

  In that instant, she understood exactly why Kell had looked forward to this experience. It was, indeed, nostalgic in a way nothing else had ever been. This wasn’t a luxuri
ous private yacht, nor was it some elegant ocean liner, laden with newfangled gadgets, but it held a simple charm all its own.

  The crewmen who remained on deck had drifted from their chores by now and lounged about the helm, trading quips with the helmsman. Sophie heard bits of their ribaldry and found herself smiling despite her mood.

  “Damn I’m hungry!” one man declared.

  Come to think of it, so was Sophie.

  She frowned, wondering why no one had bothered to call her to dinner. Surely Jack didn’t intend to starve her to death?

  “What the hell happened to Shorty?” she heard someone ask.

  “Who the hell knows,” she heard another reply. “Probably smothered himself between her tits. Did you see those gems?”

  Sophie’s brows lifted, and she put a hand to her mouth, stifling a horrified giggle. She wondered if they realized she was listening.

  “Who could miss them!” she heard the first man exclaim. “Though he’d better be dead as a doornail, else I’ll kill that horny bastard myself for leaving us high and dry!”

  Sophie sat down so as not to be seen, feeling terribly guilty for eavesdropping. Her cheeks burned fiercely, and she wondered over the wisdom in traveling alone with a ship full of men—not that it hadn’t crossed her thoughts before. She just hadn’t expected it to be quite so intimate a journey. In truth, it was as though they were all under the same roof, very little privacy to be had for anyone at all—except of course Jack.

  “Stubby little bastard!” someone grumbled.

  The others chortled.

  “Blimey! It’s gonna be a long two weeks if we have to eat bread and cheese the entire time!”

  Shorty must have been the cook, Sophie gathered, and from their conversation she surmised he’d been left behind ... or had abandoned them one? Either way, it seemed they’d been left to fend for themselves when it came to supping. Maybe she could offer her assistance somehow? Maybe that would earn a little good will.

  Of course, Sophie hadn’t the least knowledge about cooking, but it couldn’t possibly be so difficult to learn. Could it? All she would need was a little direction. She was sure she could do it. And anyway, if she was to be stuck on this ship for the next few weeks, she was bound to make the best of it.

  In the morning, she decided, she would surprise them all with breakfast, but this instant, she thought a trip to the kitchen would be fitting because she had never even used a stove. It would be in her best interest to acquaint herself with the tools of the trade. Certainly Jack should appreciate her effort, and she hoped it would serve as an olive branch between them. They’d gotten off to a terrible beginning, and Sophie needed allies just now, not enemies.

  Besides, Jack didn’t know it yet, but someone was going to have to bring her home, and she didn’t intend to wait about for Harlan to do it. And if Jack couldn’t do it straightaway ... well then ...

  She smiled to herself. She would simply have to hang around the dig site, now wouldn’t she? It wouldn’t be the most terrible fate. In fact, she rather hoped Jack would let her remain in his company as there was no better time to begin learning than the present. As far as her reputation was concerned, what did it matter? If she didn’t wish to marry, then what did she care what people thought of her? Life was far too short, and she intended to live it to the fullest. Her entire life she’d wanted to do this, and now the opportunity was there and she fully intended to seize it.

  But right now it was time to make herself indispensable. She didn’t want Jack to have any reason to regret her presence.

  The first telegram read simply: Find out his agenda And the second directed: Make certain he doesn’t arrive before the board reconvenes.

  Not one contained a name, or even much clarity of direction—merely simple instructions that would be apparent only to the recipient. Both had been delivered to an address that could have been anything—an office, a warehouse or a legal office. There was no way to check until they returned. What was clear was that there was foul play at hand.

  “You found these where?”

  Kell made himself comfortable on the desktop. “In the kitchen.”

  “All of them?”

  Kell nodded. “Stuffed in the stove, ready to be burned ... except that whoever put them there hasn’t had a chance to get rid of the evidence yet.”

  “I can’t believe that dirty s.o.b.!” Jack exploded, slamming his fist down on his desk.

  “You think it’s Penn?” Kell turned one of the telegrams so that he could reread it himself.

  “Who else would benefit from our absence from the Yucatan?”

  “And yet you aren’t really a threat to him, Jack. He has backers. You don’t. Why should Penn give a damn whether you show up on your own or not?”

  “Because he’s a lazy, cheating pretender, that’s why! I’d be willing to wager he hasn’t the first clue what he’s doing down there. Even Penn will need something to throw at the investors. If they believe he’s sitting there twiddling his fingers and diddling howler monkeys, he won’t see another dime.”

  “Is the expedition up for review?”

  Jack rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “That I’m not sure of. To tell you the truth, I thought he pretty much had free rein, with his father-in-law on the board.”

  “They aren’t married yet, Jack,” Kell reminded him, and Jack had the impression it was more of a suggestion than a mere statement of fact.

  He eyed his friend with annoyance. “Might as well be,”

  “So you think Penn put her up to spying?”

  Jack eyed the papers, thumping his fingers, considering them thoughtfully. “Who else? Why wouldn’t she spy for him? She loves him, right? She’s his fiancée.”

  Kell’s brows lifting suggestively. “She doesn’t look to me like any lass who’s missing her lover. And if she were so concerned about Penn’s affairs, I would think she’d simply ask her father.”

  Jack peered up at him through narrowed brows. “They aren’t lovers,” he corrected, disturbed by the very prospect—and more at himself for giving a damn.

  What the hell did it matter if they were lovers? They were engaged to be married. That was enough. Why should he give a damn whether Penn had bedded her or not?

  That annoying half smile of Kell’s returned. “Defending her, are we?”

  “Hell no!”

  Kell’s grin actually widened at his vehement response, and Jack nearly turned the desk over, dumping him on his ass. “You’re a bastard, you know that, Kell?”

  But he really didn’t mean it and Kell knew he didn’t as well. As proof, Kell merely laughed at his slander. “Keep it up, buddy, and I’ll let you sail this prehistoric tub all by yourself.”

  “You do that,” Jack warned him, his own smile returning, “and I’ll send you back to Boston on a deuced raft!”

  Kell shook his head and laughed again. “No the hell you won’t! Who the devil would you argue with? You’d die of sheer boredom, MacAuley!”

  Jack grinned, knowing it was probably true, but he jabbed back anyway. “I’d get a better debate out of a bag of bones!”

  Though his and Kell’s friendship had existed most of Jack’s lifetime, they’d never spoken a kind word to each others’ faces—behind each other’s backs for certain. Kell was probably the best friend a man could hope to have and Jack respected him as he did no other.

  “I can just see you now, stubborn bastard ... wandering aimlessly about the seas, babbling like an idiot to yourself ’cause no damned body will put up with you, Jack MacAuley, you know it good ’n’ well.”

  Jack was forced to laugh at the hellacious picture Kell painted. “You’re a heartless bastard,” Jack said without meaning.

  “Yah yah,” Kell agreed. “What can I say?”

  Indeed Kell was a bastard, but he knew Jack didn’t mean it that way, and he really didn’t seem to have any problems about it anyway. It was just a fact his friend lived with.

  Jack reached out and punched him lightly
on the thigh. “Not a damned thing to say. Just don’t go changing on me now. At least I know what to expect from you.”

  Unlike someone else he knew.

  He’d suspected her of spying when she’d first come to him, but he’d blown it off, thinking it too far-fetched. Well, he should have followed his gut—the papers scattered before him assured him that much. He certainly would from now on. He hadn’t achieved all that he had by ignoring his gut.

  “How do you intend to handle it?”

  Sucking in a weary breath, Jack considered the telegrams. No names mentioned... no proof... no real evidence—not really, because they didn’t even say clearly what they were about. All of it was purely circumstantial.

  “Nothing for now,” he said after a moment’s deliberation. “Personally, I think we should just sit back and let her hang herself. It’s not like she’s going anywhere.”

  Kell nodded in agreement.

  “But I’m not letting her out of my sight,” Jack added. “I don’t trust her.”

  Kell’s grin returned. “You mean you don’t trust us!”

  Jack smiled thinly. “That too.”

  “She’s a sweet one, for sure!”

  He knew damned well Kell wasn’t referring to her disposition.

  “Don’t worry, Jack, she’s had your name tattooed on her forehead from the instant you saw her. No one would dare touch her, you know that.” He jumped down off the desk before Jack could object, and continued, “Anyway, I’m sure watching her won’t be a hardship for you. It’s not as though you know a damned thing about sailing this dinosaur anyway. Suppose you have to keep busy somehow since you’re no use to me.” He winked at Jack. “Have fun, buddy!”

  “You never let up, do you?”

  Kell shook his head in answer. “Someone has to keep you in line,” he countered, and left with a chuckle. “I’m going to count some sheep before my shift. I’ll leave Mizz Vanderwahl to your capable hands.”

  Jack’s thoughts had already drifted to their unexpected guest. “All right,” he said absently.

  When Kell was gone, he gathered the evidence, then set it neatly within his desk... and went in search of his beautiful little spy.


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