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Beta’s Challenge

Page 5

by Mildred Trent

  “Well, where are they?” Toya asked as soon as she sat down.

  “They weren’t there when I arrived,” Tara said, giving her drink order to the server.

  “Okay, out with it,” Toya ordered, taking a sip from her glass.

  “Out with what?” Tara said with her most nonchalant voice.

  “Come on, bitch. I’ve known you too long. I know when something isn’t right,” Toya said, setting her glass back on the table.

  “Sorry, Tara, even I can see that,” Tia added

  “Neither of you know what you are talking about. The only thing wrong with me is my chest is burning from my encounter with the carpet and I am hungry as hell,” Tara said trying hard not to break down on the spot.

  She prayed they bought that since, technically, it was not a lie. She had forgotten to put some ointment on her burn and it was irritating her.

  “If you say so. Let’s eat. Afterwards, we can go to the club,” Tia said.

  “Hell, no. That is what got me in all this mess to begin with,” Tara said

  “Naw, bitch. Not knowing your limit is what got you in all this,” Tia said back.

  They ate in companionable silence, ribbing each other every now and then. Inside, Tara was dying slowly while Toya watched her like the hawk she was. Toya knew something was wrong but also knew Tara was stubborn as a jackass and wouldn’t say a word until she was ready.

  Once dinner was finished, Tara, Toya, and Tia got into their separate vehicles and headed to the club. Tara had to compose herself all the way to the club because she knew it wouldn’t take much more for her to lose it. Once they reached the club, the three of them forwent the normal barstools and headed for a booth in the back. After ordering their drinks, Tia decided she wanted to dance with a rather attractive man she spotted as she walked in the door.

  Once Tia left, Toya turned to Tara and said, “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong or are you going to continue to lie, hoping I let it go?”

  Tara sat back in the seat and nursed her drink for a few moments. She looked Toya straight in the eye and decided she couldn’t hold it in any longer. Setting her glass down on the table, she took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

  “Before I start, I am not crazy,” Tara said, staring straight at Toya. “Just wanted you to know. When I got to Gabriel’s,” she had to pause and recompose herself, “I didn’t get a change to ask them. I was walking up the driveway toward the front door but heard a noise. I walked over to the living room window and I…” That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Tara lost it. Tears streamed down her face. She was shaking. “I need to go. I can’t be here right now, Toya.” Tara grabbed her purse, got up from the booth, and started pushing her way toward the door.

  Toya grabbed her purse, and started running after Tara. She spotted Tia on the way to the door and shoved Tia her purse explaining Tara left hysterically and she was going after her. Toya didn’t give Tia a chance to respond as she dashed to the door, made it to her car, crank it up and pulled out headed to Tara’s house.

  Chapter Five

  Tara made it home by the grace of God. She didn’t even remember getting in the car, more less driving herself home. She walked into the house, forgetting to close the door. She made it to the couch, dropping purse and keys on the floor in the foyer. She was so far gone, she didn’t hear Toya pull up, or walk into the living room.

  “What it is sweetie? I have NEVER seen you like this. You have GOT to tell me what happened,” Toya said as she sat on the side of the couch rubbing soothingly on Tara’s back.

  Tara took a deep steadying breath then said, “Gabriel, Tomas, and Adrian are werewolves. I got to the house and saw some man running raw dick, about eleven inches of raw dick, in Gabriel’s ass and he just laid there taking it.

  Toya, not sure if she really heard what Tara had said, stopped rubbing Tara’s back and said, “Run that by me again!”

  “You heard me.” Tara said sitting up and looking at Toya.

  “Okay, no more alcohol for you, ever,” Toya said getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

  “You don’t believe me, do you? You think I’m crazy, don’t you Toya? I told you at the club. I am not crazy, Toya! You don’t have to treat me like a child having a temper tantrum,” Tara said suddenly, rage blinding her and causing her to lash out at Toya.

  “I’m not treating you like that Tara, you are just upset—” Toya began.

  “Don’t you DARE talk down to me, Toya. You can get the fuck out of my house if you came here to pity me,” Tara said now mad enough to spit nails.

  “Tara Marie Bennett, don’t you DARE take this shit out on me. I am only trying to be here for you. If you want to take this shit out on someone, take it out on the one that caused the fucking problem,” Toya said now letting her temper getting the better of her.

  They were about to go toe-to-toe when the doorbell rang. Tara looked at Toya then looked toward the door. She was in no mood for company and really didn’t want to be bothered. Toya, on the other hand, decided if it was who she thought it was, Tara really needed this confrontation and headed toward the door.

  “Don’t open that door, bitch. I am in NO mood to deal with anyone right now,” Tara said to Toya’s back. “Toya, I mean it,” Tara added.

  Toya ignored Tara and opened the door. She was right. Gabriel, Tomas and Adrian stood on the other side. Not saying a word, Toya stepped to the side and let them in. Closing and locking the door behind her, Toya returned to the living room. When she rounded the corner from the foyer, she saw Tara standing on one side of the coffee table in a defensive stance while Gabriel was on the other in a pleading one. Tomas and Adrian, at least she assumed it was them, were standing off to the side watching.

  “Tara, please. Let me explain,” Gabriel started hands held out by his sides, palms up.

  “Explain what. That you like taking dick as much as you like giving it? Is that what you want to explain, Gabriel? And from what I could see the dick you were taking is bigger than yours so your asshole must be on fire right about now,” Tara said now standing tall with her arms crossed over her breasts.

  That statement caught Gabriel off guard and he had to stop for a moment. He knew this was not the time for smiles but couldn’t stop the slight upward curve of his lips at the thought Tara had seen Mikal’s dick.

  “So what were you doing looking at Mikal’s dick?” Gabriel said.

  “That was Mikal,” Tara asked, all anger flowing out of her like a rapid running stream only to be replaced with a fear so profound her knees almost buckled. She ran around the coffee table right into Gabriel’s waiting arms.

  Sensing the immediate explosion had been avoided, Toya, always the voice of reason, motioned for everyone to take a seat. She retreated to the kitchen and retrieved the coffee, cups, cream and sugar, placed them on a serving tray and brought it back into the living room. Once everyone had poured their coffee, Tara looked at the three men and said, “So what is this about you three being werewolves?”

  Gabriel shot a scolding gaze in Tara’s direction.

  “What? I was out of my mind after having just seen the man I love being fucked by another man,” Tara said, with no remorse in her voice.

  “Telling that particular detail…Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say you love me?” Gabriel had to do a mental double take on Tara’s words.

  “Did I…? Oh, shit. I did say that, didn’t I?” Tara, also caught off guard by her words, admitted shyly.

  “Yes, you did,” Toya and Gabriel sang in unison.

  Every set of eyes in the room were on Tara. Gabriel scooted closer to Tara, wrapped his arms around her and held on for dear life. Tara’s mind was the center of a whirlwind with thoughts and emotions. She knew she had to be honest, and this was the time to do just that. Pulling back enough to look Gabriel in the eyes, Tara breathed deeply then said, “Gabriel, this all happened so fast. I am still confused. However, I must admit to myself
if no one else, you fill a void I didn’t realize I had. Thinking about it, if I’m to be truly honest with myself, I do love you. Crazy as it sounds, I do.”

  Gabriel grabbed her and his mouth came down on hers as if she were his lifeline. The kiss went on for what seemed like forever until a throat cleared, bringing them both back to the here and now.

  “Others are still in the room, and Tara, you have some more explaining to do,” Toya said, gaining their attention.

  “My apologies, Toya, you’re right. First, let me introduce you. This is Gabriel, Tomas, and Adrian.” Tara pointed to each man in turn.

  All attention turned to focus on Toya. Toya nodded and sat back in the chair, crossing her legs.

  Gabriel stood and walked to the end of the coffee table directly in front of Toya. He sat on the edge with his elbows on his knees. He looked straight at Toya and said, “I must ask a favor of you. Please do not repeat anything about our being werewolves to anyone. Our secret MUST be kept. Humans won’t be able to handle the fact that we exist and it could be very dangerous for our kind.”

  Toya, never moving a muscle, look to Gabriel then Tomas, then Adrian then back to Gabriel and simply stated, “That will be easy because I don’t believe it anyway.”

  Gabriel heard a low growl coming from behind him. He looked over his shoulder straight at Adrian. The look of pure lust on Adrian’s face told Gabriel that Toya was his Prima. Gabriel sat up slowly, rose from the coffee table and walked back to the couch to sit beside Tara. He then look to Adrian again and called his name to get his attention. It took a moment for Adrian to acknowledge Gabriel but when he did, Gabriel said, “Adrian, do you mind giving Toya a demonstration?”

  Shook from his lust-induced trance, Adrian gave a curt nod of his head and rose. He began removing his clothes.

  “Whoa, big fella. What the fuck are you doing?” Toya asked suddenly not so sure of this situation. Her back was ramrod straight and her crossed legs were now shoulder width apart, ready to make a move at any given second.

  “Don’t fear me, Toya. I mean you no harm, but I must be naked to show you what you need to see,” Adrian said as he came around the couch, unfastening his pants.

  Toya jumped up out of the chair and ran behind it. “You don’t have to show me anything. I believe you.”

  “I don’t think you do,” Adrian said shedding his pants and underwear.

  “Do all werewolves have big dicks?” Tara asked.

  “You, beautiful Tara, shouldn’t be looking at any cock other than mine,” Gabriel said, covering her eyes. Tara fought Gabriel’s hand in her face, trying see more of Adrian until Gabriel’s mouth found hers again. She lost all thought of Adrian, Tomas, and Toya. The kiss was deep and passionate until the scream from Toya let Tara know Adrian had shifted. Breaking the kiss to look up at her friend, Tara said, “Freaky shit, isn’t it?”

  Toya jumped over Tara and wedged herself between Gabriel and Tara on the couch. “He isn’t going to bite or attack is he?” Tara asked Gabriel, beginning to worry.

  Gabriel laughed at Toya’s antics and said, “Bite, no. Attack, maybe. Especially me if you don’t move away from me. Attack you also, maybe, but it won’t be the kind of attacking you think,” he replied, laughing.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Tara asked Gabriel sharply.

  “It means, Tara, I think Adrian has just found is Prima,” Gabriel replied.

  Sudden clarity of the situation came to Tara like a bolt of lightning. She looked at Gabriel then Toya. “Oooohhhh! Maybe we should leave them alone. I know they need to talk but I don’t think they’ll be comfortable talking here in front of everyone.”

  Gabriel and Tomas agreed and began to get up. Tara looked over to Tomas and said, “There’s a spare room if you want to go lie down and watch TV or something.”

  “No, thank you.” Tomas huffed. “All this pussy and I am not getting any; I think I’ll head home. See you guys tomorrow,” Tomas said as he headed to the door.

  Toya was outraged. “I KNOW you’re not going to leave me here with this rabid, growling, overgrown Scooby, are you?” she said to Tara’s back as Tara and Gabriel headed up the stairs.

  Tara looked over her shoulder at Toya and said “Afraid so, babe. You can handle it. Goodnight.”

  With that, Tara, Gabriel and Tomas left Toya with a slobbering wolf licking his chops as if her were about to have his first meal after a month of starvation.

  Toya couldn’t move as wolf Adrian padded toward her. He walked right up to her, shoved his shoulders between her petrified legs and shoved his nose in her crotch. She knew he could smell the arousal that leaked from her pussy at the sight of him naked but instead of being scared, now she was just pissed.

  She swatted his nose with the flat of her palm. “Back off, Fido,” Toya said no longer feeling the cold fingers of fear holding her immobile.

  Wolf Adrian shook his head to soothe the sting of being popped on the nose. With a low growl, he put his front paws on the couch on either side of Toya’s legs. Again, he moved his snout to her crotch, sniffing and growling, daring her to hit him again.

  Tara backed up. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” She tried to ease up the back of the couch enough to go for a vault over it, but Adrian sensed what she was doing and lay the top half of his body in her lap, effectively preventing her from moving another inch.

  Smelling the arousal underlying the anger had Adrian’s head swimming and his body humming. Realizing he would get a better reaction from Toya in human form, he began to change. His body shimmered and he was again in human form on his hands and knees with his face buried in Toya’s crotch.

  The smell of her pussy and arousal was more than wolf or man could bear any longer so, not giving her a chance to argue, he grabbed her legs and pulled her closer to him while at the same time, opening them wider. Adrian rubbed his face all over her cloth-covered pussy, trying to wipe her scent all over his face. He looked up at her. “If you don’t get out of these clothes right now, I will rip them to shreds.”

  Toya, still dumbfounded from watching him shift back into human form, absentmindedly removed her clothes until she was just as naked as he. She hadn’t realized what she’d done until she felt a wet tongue swipe her naked pussy.

  Adrian buried his face in Toya’s, now, unobstructed pussy. He lapped at it as if he were a cat that had gone a year without cream and was finally given a bowl full. When he pushed his tongue into her warmth, he groaned at the same time Toya did. He brought his knees under his body and rocked back on his haunches. He was going to be here for a while.

  Toya’s head was reeling. All the events of the night melded together. When Adrian pushed his tongue into her drenched pussy, all other thoughts flew out the window. She tried to close her legs at the onslaught of the overwhelming sensations Adrian’s tongue was causing, but his wide shoulders prevented that. She was trembling uncontrollably and looked for something, anything, to hold on to. The only thing she could grip was Adrian’s silky black hair. She curled her fingers in his hair, nails scratching Adrian’s scalp in the process. Suddenly, that seemed to be a wrong move on her part because Adrian went wild.

  Before she realized what had happened, Adrian had her flat on her back, on the floor, his dick inside of her balls deep.


  Adrian smiled down at Toya. “This is not how I wanted this to happen, but when you scratched my scalp that was the last of the control I had. Don’t you know that scratching a lupine’s ears is the ULTIMATE aphrodisiac?” Adrian taunted, beginning a slow, steady, deep stroke inside Toya’s body.

  Toya looked up at Adrian and said, “That’s a nice little tidbit of information but if you don’t fuck me right now, I will scratch something else and I guarantee it won’t have the same effect.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Adrian increased the speed and pressure of his strokes, setting a grueling pace. He fucked her like he was trying to come ou
t through her throat. Toya had no choice but to hold on for the ride.

  “I swear I can taste you, Adrian. What are you trying to do?” Toya said as Adrian fucked her into the couch.

  “I want to you feel how badly I want you,” Adrian said between thrusts. “I want you to know what I have to give and want you to want what I have to give. I will never hold anything back from you, Toya. I will always give you my all and expect you to do the same,” Adrian said in rhythm with his strokes.

  Toya was lost. His words, his actions touched something inside her she didn’t know was there. She had spent her whole life focusing on her career and not taking the time to find out what else she needed to make her life complete. What Adrian was offering her was EXACTLY what else she needed. Making up her mind that she was willing to trust and believe everything Adrian had just said, Toya pushed Adrian off the couch onto the floor on his back and straddled his hips, never breaking the contact their bodies had.

  “Don’t say you didn’t ask for this, Adrian. Get ready for the wildest ride of your life,” Toya said, adjusting herself to get the perfect angle.

  “Bring it on, little girl,” Adrian said with a snicker.

  “Little girl? Can a little girl do this?” Toya asked as she ground down as hard as she could while squeezed her pussy muscles, gripping Adrian to the point of pain.

  “OH SHIT!” Adrian yelled out.

  “Little, girl huh?” Toya said with a triumphant smile.

  “I’ll call you whatever you like if you do that again,” Adrian said gripping Toya’s hips, effectively holding her in place.

  Toya chuckled, then set out to drive Adrian crazy until they were both sated and unable to move. She rode Adrian for what seemed like hours. Every now and then, she would stop moving and just sit on him, working her inner muscles. That seemed to drive Adrian nuts.

  “Adrian, I am so close but I can’t get there in this position,” Toya said in exasperation.


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