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Riding the River (The Westerners, Book One)

Page 35

by Jeanne Harrell

  * * *

  The next few weeks were eventful… wonderful. Sarah worked with Dale at mealtimes and with Matt at other times over at their ranch. He’d settled with the real estate agent and the sale was in escrow – A few more weeks and the ranch would be theirs. He was in the process of buying some horses.

  They painted walls, had new carpet installed throughout the house, and cleaned and scrubbed, then cleaned and scrubbed some more. John came over occasionally to help out with some of the painting and volunteered to lend some furniture, until they had their own. The landscaping in the front and backyards was beginning to take shape.

  Exhausted, Sarah fell sound asleep in Matt’s arms, night after night. He knew this life with Sarah was definitely the life he wanted. In the early mornings and late evenings, they made love… Creating more to what they had already.

  But it was too good to last and it didn’t…

  One day, Matt and Sarah were working in the kitchen of their ranch when John drove up. He parked in the driveway and walked in the front door.

  “Hey… Anyone home?”

  “… In the kitchen,” Matt called out.

  John walked back to the kitchen and whistled.

  “Damn, it looks good. You guys have done a great job with this place. It’s beautiful!” He looked around as he spoke, his eyes twinkling. Then he turned to Sarah and the twinkling stopped.

  “I’ve got something to tell you, darlin’,” he began.

  Sarah looked up surprised as Matt came down off the ladder he was on.

  “What is it, John?”

  “I just got a call from Seth Walker. There’s a man who’s arrived at the guest ranch asking for you. He said his name’s Ben Foster.”

  Sarah blinked in surprise and then shook her head. “I don’t believe it. He came here?”

  Matt’s face was clouding up fast.

  “There’s more, sweetie,” John had taken off his cowboy hat and was holding it in front of him. This was serious.

  “… Apparently, your grandfather’s had a heart attack and this Ben fellow has come to take you home. He told Seth they couldn’t reach you, so your father sent Ben out here.”

  “Oh, my God – not Grandfather.” She looked aghast, but in the next minute, she frowned. “But he didn’t need to send Ben, for Pete’s sake.”

  “It’s understandable, Sarah. We’re still working on getting cell service out here – You know it’s a remote area right now.”

  “He could have sent a telegram.”

  John shrugged his shoulders and looked at Matt whose mind had kicked into overdrive with worry. Ben would be taking Sarah away. A lump was forming in his throat and he found it hard to speak.

  She looked from John to Matt.

  “Will you take me over there? I told you I’d have to face this sooner or later. I guess it’s to be sooner…” He nodded, reached over to pick up his hat.

  Sarah picked up a nearby towel and wiped off her hands. Then she smoothed back her hair.

  “I’ll take off now,” said John. “Let me know if I can help.” He gave Matt a questioning look and left.

  Sarah and Matt looked at each other with pain written on both their faces. Matt knew that Sarah would have most of the responsibility here and it bothered him – a lot. It wasn’t his place to deal with Ben.

  She made it easier for him but going into his arms and hugging him tightly to her.

  “It’ll be fine…”

  “Will it, Sarah? I’m not so sure.” He tilted up her chin to look into her eyes. “You’re going to have to leave with him, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, probably, if Grandfather’s in bad shape. I’ll have to see him.”

  “I don’t want you to go…”

  “And I don’t want to go, but, for now, let’s drive over there. I have to talk to him.”

  “All right.”

  But he couldn’t let her go. Matt was thinking he may not have her in his arms again and he couldn’t handle that idea very well. So he hung on to her.

  Sarah reached up to touch his face and his eyes got misty. She leaned up to kiss his lips and he kissed her back. They stood in the doorway with their lips sealed tightly together. But eventually, Sarah broke off their kiss.

  “… Matt, honey. It’ll be all right. Breathe, please.” She could tell he couldn’t breathe very well and it was making him light-headed. “Sit down.”

  “…Sorry. I’m such an idiot.”

  “No,” she smiled. “You’re a man in love.”

  And that brought out the tears. “Yes, you’re right.” Then he kissed her again.

  “Come back to me, Sarah,” he whispered against her lips.

  “If I’m there too long, come get me.”

  “How long is too long?”

  “An hour?” She smiled weakly at him. Matt couldn’t smile at all. “Take me over there, please. He’s waiting.”

  Matt finally got his legs working, although his knees threatened to go out on him, and he helped Sarah in the truck. When he closed her door and walked to his side, he felt like it was going to be the worst day of his life. He was close.

  At the Walker guest ranch, Ben was shown politely into the dining room to wait for Sarah and someone had given him some iced tea. He stood out as a stranger with his three-piece suit in a land of jeans and Western shirts. Ben was tall with sandy hair -- A few people gawked at him. Dale saw him, knew immediately who he was and wondered how Sarah was going to handle this. He thought he’d hang around, just in case she needed him.

  Dan, the driver who had brought Ben in from Reno, was thinking the same as Dale. He too stood back, waiting to see what was going to happen and to help, if he could.

  Ben was fully aware that he was being sized up from all corners of the building. It was a strange thought and made him uneasy. Where was she and why would she possibly want to stay here? Ben sat and looked at his iced tea. He hated iced tea.

  By the time Matt and Sarah pulled up at the guest ranch, everyone on the place knew what was happening and were trying to watch, in some inconspicuous way. Richie rode up and Frank informed him out by the corral. Richie decided to walk around to the front to see if he could help Matt. He knew Matt wouldn’t be in very good shape if Sarah left. Theirs was a small community and you always helped your neighbor – It would come back when you needed help.

  Matt got out of the truck and walked around to open Sarah’s door for her. When she got out, she kissed his cheek, smiled and went in. Matt closed the door and leaned against it frowning. He pulled his hat low over his forehead. Richie came up and they leaned against the truck together in total silence.

  When Sarah walked into the dining room, Ben smiled at first to see her and then frowned. What in the world was she wearing? The Sarah he knew wore designer dresses and heels. This Sarah was wearing tight jeans, a Western shirt and cowboy boots. Who was she and what had she done with Sarah Hughes?

  She glanced at the kitchen and saw Dale peeking out. When she frowned at him, he quickly went back inside. Ben stood up and Sarah walked up to him.

  “Sarah. It’s good to see you. You look… good.” He didn’t try to hug her, which was good, because she didn’t want to hug him. Besides, she knew with all the spies around right now, it would get back to Matt, which would kill him. So she kept her distance. They sat down together at the table.

  She laughed. “Nice try, Ben. I probably look strange to you, right?”

  He relaxed and laughed too. “Yes, sorry. I’m not used to seeing you in anything but dresses and slacks. I’ve never seen you in jeans before.”

  “Well, anyway. Let’s hear your news. Why are you here?”

  “I’ve come to take you home, Sarah. Your grandfather has had a heart attack and has been in the hospital for a week now. Your father couldn’t reach you, so he sent me to bring you home.”

  “Pardon me for being cynical, but has Grandfather really had a heart attack? I just called Dad to tell him I wa
s staying here, which he objected to and then you show up.”

  Ben looked blankly at her. “No, your grandfather is really sick. This isn’t a subterfuge or anything. It’s a legitimate request by your father that you come home. You know how much your grandfather loves you.”

  “Okay, Ben. If you promise this is on the level.” She got up and so did he. “I’ll need to pack a bag.”

  “Do you need some help?”

  “No, thanks. I won’t need everything since I’ll be coming back.”

  Ben’s mouth dropped open. “You’re coming back here. Why?”

  She sighed. “We’ll have a lot of time to talk about it in the car and on the plane, Ben. Suffice to say that I’m supremely happy here. Okay?”

  “Okay,” he mumbled, sincerely doubting her sanity at this moment.

  “I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes.”

  Sarah went into the kitchen quickly to talk to Dale. He was waiting for her with questioning eyes, curly hair sticking out everywhere.

  “Dale, promise me you’ll look after Matt. He’s going to be upset.”

  “…You think so? I think he’ll lose his mind if you leave.”

  “I’m not leaving him, Dale. I have to go see about my grandfather. It probably won’t hurt to have a face-to-face with my father about everything too.”

  “Okay, that sounds good.”

  “So will you check in on him, please?”

  Dale smiled. “For you, sweetie, anything.”

  “If I’m gone longer than a week, work on him to fly out. I want him to meet my father anyway.” She looked at him sincerely. “I knew this was going to happen.” She shook her head walking out of the kitchen.

  When Sarah walked out of the guest ranch, Richie and Matt were standing by the truck together, not speaking. They both watched her with serious eyes as she walked up to them.

  “No one’s died, okay you two?”

  Richie shrugged and walked away.

  Matt opened the passenger door for her and she got in. He didn’t look at her as he walked around and got in on the driver’s side. When he shut the door, Matt finally turned to her.


  “You know what’s happening here. I have to go… Please take me back to John’s so I can pack a few things.”

  “You’re not taking everything?”

  She scooted closer to him and held his face in her hands. She could see her reflection in his sad eyes.

  “No, I don’t need everything. I’ll be back. My grandfather really is very sick and I need to see him.”

  He let out the breath he’d been holding. “Okay.” He started up the truck and drove back to his grandfather’s ranch. A few miles before they arrived, she asked him to stop. When he pulled over and turned off the ignition, she was in his arms.

  He swallowed. “Honey, I’m not losing you, am I?”

  She pulled back and started kissing all over his face – his eyes, nose, cheeks, along his jaw. When she came back to his mouth, he had a smile for her. Sarah planted a juicy one on his lips that became sexual, full of promises.

  “No,” she whispered. He hugged her tightly to him, their cheeks together. Matt kissed her cheek and then smiled at her.

  “Okay, but I’ll feel better once we’re married.”

  “Really?” It was Sarah’s turn to be surprised. “What brought that attitude change?”

  “If we’re married, you’ll have to come back to me.”

  Sarah laughed. “If that makes you feel better, then great.”

  He started the truck back up and drove the last miles to his grandfather’s ranch. She packed a light bag and went to talk to John. It was almost as hard to say goodbye to him, as it was to Matt. She dearly loved John too, as he did her. They hugged and said their See you soons…

  Matt drove her back to the guest ranch, stopped the truck and started to get out. Sarah put a hand on his arm.

  “Don’t. Let’s say goodbye here.”

  He looked at her again like his heart was breaking. “…Um.”

  “Come with me, Matt.”

  “… To Baltimore?”

  “Yes. Why not?”

  “Sarah, I can’t live in Baltimore.”

  “I’m not asking you to live there, just come with me now.”

  Matt ran a hand through his hair and his eyes were uncertain. “I don’t know.”

  She shrugged, “Okay, but when you do know, you know how to reach me.” She dug a business card out of her purse and handed it to him. “My cell phone number is on there.”

  Sarah gazed at him and reluctantly opened her door. “I won’t sleep well tonight without you.”

  Matt gazed back at her. With a hitch in his voice, he answered, “I won’t sleep at all.” Her heart hurt more than she ever knew it could.

  She leaned back to kiss him one last time and got out of the truck with her small case. Sarah walked up the steps to the front door and looked back one last time. Matt was staring at the card she’d given him. He looked out at her, she waved and then went in – She heard his truck start up and leave. It took all her strength not to go running after him as he drove away. Instead, she squared her shoulders and set her mind for the long task ahead: Getting back to Baltimore and dealing with her family.

  * * *



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