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Shattered (Broken Trilogy Book 2)

Page 12

by Drake, J. L.

  A little old man, a staff member, gives me a small nod and points to where I’m supposed to go. I wonder if he knows I'm being held here against my will. I'm sure he does.

  I step into a massive dining area and find myself stared down by five very scary girls who look like they're out for blood. I have no doubt that I just stepped into a new rendition of The Hunger Games. I take the open seat next to a blonde girl who snickers when I settle in.

  The redhead with the bad dye job across from me makes a show of looking me over. Her drawn-on eyebrows are raised as she shoots daggers at me. Not knowing what to do with myself, I reach for my napkin and place it on my lap.

  “Esta gringa thinks she has manners,” Eyebrows snickers, making the rest of the girls laugh except the blonde girl next to me.

  “Her name is Savannah,” The American—Denton—says, his voice sucking every ounce of strength I have left out of me. “You can learn something from her, Tracy.” He leans in and runs the back of his fingers down my cheek. I freeze, paralyzed in fear.

  Tracy, a.k.a. Eyebrows, points her fork at me. “Shit, Denton, she doesn’t even want you.” She looks over at him, flashing a toothy smile. “You want me to show you how much I want you?” She opens her mouth and flicks her tongue. Yuck.

  “Enough, Tracy, or I’ll send you upstairs again.” Tracy’s face drops at The American’s words.

  Dinner is served, and they all start to eat. I stare at the plate, feeling like I want to vomit.

  “Every girl has to eat, Savannah.” The American rests his hand on mine. I quickly pull it out from under his, not wanting any kind of contact with him. “Are you going to fight me every step of the way, my love?”

  “I’m not your love.”

  “In time you will be,” he says, sounding very matter of fact.

  “You can’t love a monster,” I hiss under my breath, hearing the girls gasp.

  The American closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “You will treat me with respect, Savannah.”

  “Like you have with me?” I counter, fearing my not-so-silver tongue is going to get the best of me here soon.

  “Leave us,” he commands the rest of the girls. They quickly grab their plates and scurry out of the room. Eyebrows mutters something about the attic as she leaves, making the hair on my neck stand at attention.

  I notice Tim giving me a tiny shake of the head. I don’t care; I won’t be here for much longer. One way or another I will be leaving this house.

  A serving guy snatches my plate from in front of me as someone else removes my fork and knife.

  Denton chucks his napkin on his empty plate with a deep sigh. “I don’t tolerate name calling. I demand respect from you.” My god, this man has some nerve. “So what do you have to say to me?”

  Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it!

  “You’re insane if you think you’ll get me to break like the rest of your puppets.” I get to my feet, making the chair scrape along the floor. My voice is oddly steady. “You’re forgetting, Denton, I was held captive for seven months. They didn’t break me, they only made me stronger.” That’s a lie, but he doesn’t need to know that. I tap my head and lean toward him. “Mentally and physically. So what I have to say to you, Denton the monster, is fuck you.” I say the last two words slowly and accurately.

  He runs his tongue slowly along his teeth, and I can see him vibrating. Oh, I hit a nerve. But then a smile appears, and I know I won’t like what’s coming next.

  “I think it might be time to show you that your life isn’t what you think it is.” He nods to Tim, who quickly exits, returning with a laptop and a file.


  Denton opens the laptop, clicks a few buttons, and then turns it to face me.

  I lean forward then freeze, seeing it’s the TMZ article the woman in the elevator mentioned. My eyes trickle down to the two people kissing and I almost lose it.

  Chapter Ten

  My father’s arm is wrapped around Lynn’s waist, and his tongue is stuck down her throat. He clicks a few images, showing me different angles. No matter how many times I look away and look back, I feel betrayed. He was like a father to her! She was his other daughter! How many times have I heard him say that? I wonder if Luka knew.

  “Luka was involved too,” he says as if I had asked out loud. “It is said they took turns sometimes, or perhaps at the same time. Lynn was their entertainment, but it is she who is the true mastermind of this whole situation.” The American swings the computer to face him and starts typing away. “You see, Savannah, your own family wanted nothing to do with you. This threesome has been going on for years. Lynn was barely of legal age when your father approached her. Lynn has ambition; she is determined to make something of herself, so she went along.”

  This is insane…I sink back into my chair.

  “How-how could you know all of this?”

  “I’ll get to that right after…this.” He turns the laptop around again, and I feel my feistiness fade away, leaving raw, gritty pain. “Yes, Savannah, the Colonel has been a busy man since you’ve been gone.”

  “It’s…” I take a moment gathering myself, “just a picture.” Another one to add to the pile. Deep down I know there has to be an explanation, but he hits the arrow button, showing me another one, and the knife twists a little deeper.

  “I know you and the Colonel have a relationship. I saw his face when Luka mentioned your name. We tortured him for hours and got nothing, but,” he raises a finger, “when Luka mentioned you sexually, he reacted. It was a telltale sign that we found his weak spot.” He shrugs. “But now you’re gone, and men have needs.” He hits another button, showing me more. The pictures are all with the same girl. They look to be in Texas. She a beautiful blonde, with long legs, huge boobs, and she is sporting the skimpiest outfits. In every picture he’s touching her in some way. The one that hurts the most is where he’s tucking her hair behind her ear, gazing at her the same way he looks at me.

  “How did you get these? These could be from years ago, before I met him.”

  The American points to a digital sign that’s off in the background. Shit, two days ago.


  The American closes the computer and leans back in his chair. “Remember, Savannah, everyone has a price. Anyone can be bought.” His eyes flicker with amusement at his little comment. “It’s all about finding what they want. I’m a wealthy man, Savannah. I can make things happen.” I shake my head. My brain is spinning, desperately looking for answers. “I got to one of the Colonel’s men. He was willing to do anything for me once I knew he had three kids in University. When I handed him a wad of cash, he practically wept.”

  “Who?” The word was like acid on my tongue. Everyone’s face from the house flickered in front of me. “York?”

  “Oh, please, don’t be insulting, Savannah. York was an asshole pervert who couldn’t even finish the job I ordered him to do.”

  “He almost killed me!” I slam my hand down on the table.

  The American waves a hand at me. “But he didn’t, just like he didn’t get the results of your blood tests online like he was supposed to. He could have done it. He was fine with hurting you, and he was fine with handing you over to me, but he was never going to give up the location of their base. So I moved on, found someone younger, someone I can trust to do some digging. I sent the word out that York was done, and he offed himself before I could get to him. One less worry to deal with.”

  “So who is it?”

  “Who do you think?” His eyes challenge me to answer, but I’m smart enough to keep my mouth shut.

  “You’re bluffing.”

  “Am I?” He opens a file and tosses a stack of pictures at me. They slide around the table, some falling to the floor. They’re all of Cole and the blonde woman. However, some are at different times of the day and she's in different outfits. Clearly she and Cole had been spending time together and recently. “Nice to know when you are in trouble you can
count on him, hey?” He pats my arm. “Well, the Colonel is clearly getting his own needs taken care of.” He pauses for a moment. “Your life has been a lie. Nothing is what it seems, but this, my love,” he leans forward and gives me a hungry gaze, “this can be something real.”

  My head drops. I feel so tired I just want it all to end. Everything hurts. I wish I could slip away somewhere, anywhere, even if it means I have to create a false happiness. At least I can blissfully pretend life is good.

  “Now, let me take you to bed. I can make you feel so much better.”

  That does it. I come abruptly out of my stupor and glare at him. “You touch me and I’ll cut your dick off when you’re sleeping. I will never sleep with you, so you wasted your money buying me. You can take your sick little twisted fantasy and shove it up your ass!”

  “Oh, such a mouth. This is not like you, Savannah. You need to calm down. You have no one but me now to love you. The proof is in your past. The proof is in those pictures. Are you sure you want to threaten the person who saved you from all that? The one person who’s asking you to give him a chance? I want you to be mine.”

  I stand. I’m done. This man is mad.

  “I can never love a monster. How can you expect me to love you? You may think you can buy my body, but you can't buy my soul.”

  I see a flash of anger in his eyes, then he grabs my arm and drags me up the stairs to a small room in the attic, tossing me to the floor. Tim follows us and picks me up, muttering something about never speaking to The American like that. He apologizes for having to handcuff me to the wall, saying he hopes I'll only be left here for a few hours then leaves me alone with my thoughts. I can hear his footsteps as he heavily descends the steps. I lose all self-control, tucking myself into a ball, and pour my pain out through my tears.

  I. Am. Done.



  Cole shimmies himself to the edge of the roof, raising the binoculars and trying to get a visual on his target. The Red Door market is busy, so it’s perfect for his men to blend in with the rest of the locals. Frank’s Eagle Eye team of four is on the ground, while Blackstone is established on the rooftops. John and Paul have the entrance. Keith and Daniel have the exit, and Cole and Mark have the center.

  He slides a fresh piece of cinnamon gum in his mouth as he scans the crowds. It isn't easy looking for someone they’ve never met before. Mike worked his magic with his contacts, and they finally came up with a name, Tim Powers. His father is heavily involved with the Cartel. Of course. There was even some talk that Tim killed his own wife after his son was born. Nice…not exactly the boy next door type. Cole glances down at the picture, studying Tim’s tattoos. Most of them represent prison gangs. He has an angel on his neck and three sixes along his collarbone.

  “Blackbird One to Raven One,” his father’s voice cracks over the radio.

  “Go ahead, Blackbird.” Cole raises his binoculars and scans the crowd.

  “I have a visual on our subject entering from the west gate and heading toward you. Cream shirt, black hat, black pants.”

  “Copy that, Blackbird.”

  “Eagle Eye Two to Raven One. I also confirm visual on our subject. He’s heading my way,” one of Frank’s team members adds to the radio waves.

  Cole clicks his radio. “Copy that, stay in position. We follow him from here.” After everyone confirms their visual on the target, they hold tight and watch his every movement, studying his mannerisms and surveying the crowd to see if he’s alone.

  They soon discover Tim travels in a group of four. They each carry two weapons in plain sight in the waist of their pants. Definitely not professionals, all smoking like chimneys, and one even polished off several beers and is now showing signs of being tired. Two of the four men look to be brothers and are more interested in playing on their phones than anything else. After three long hours of watching them, something finally seems to be happening. Tim Powers’ back is to Cole, and he seems to be angry.

  “Raven Two, are you getting this?” Cole asks Mark.

  “Affirmative, the drunk is angry, saying the girl set them up and it’s a waste having her handcuffed to a wall when she should be spread out…” Mark’s voice trails off for a moment, making Cole blink back the idea of popping a bullet into the fucker’s skull. Where the hell was she handcuffed? “Subject is yelling back, saying go get the car.”

  “Be ready to move. Fox One and Two, let’s go.” He orders Paul and John down to the SUV so they can be ready when the time comes.

  Rushing to get to the car before the men get there, Daniel signals at Cole to cover him as he drops to the ground and slips a tiny tracking device to the 1993 Honda Civic that Tim arrived in. Moments later they’re following the low-riding car down a busy street. Mark is in the back seat, tracking the car to make sure they have a good signal in case they lose them.

  They settle into what becomes a long drive. An older couple who seems to be on a Sunday drive, as well as two other cars, are between them and the Honda, so it's an easy job to tail them without being obvious. Finally, after about two hours, the Honda pulls into a small driveway of a rundown home.

  “Mijo!” An elderly lady comes hurrying out, kissing one of the brothers on the cheek and slapping the other upside his head.

  John parks far enough away so they won’t be detected, and they quickly set up their equipment in order to hear exactly what's being said.

  “Tim, what’s Denton’s new girlfriend like?” a younger woman asks from inside the kitchen. Cole hands his father a pair of earphones as he shifts his into a better position.

  “Why you want to know, Gigi?” Tim laughs. “He’s not interested in you.”

  “Screw off,” she hisses. “I just want know if she’s a gringa like you.”

  The young girl shouts as someone smacks her.

  “Sí, she’s a gringa. Pretty little thing. Denton fought hard to get this one, but she’s already in the attic. She has a mouth on her.” He laughs again. “She called him a monster and said to go fuck himself.” They all laugh.

  The old lady makes a tisking sound as she clanks some dishes. Cole and his men flinch at how loud it is over the earphones.

  “Ha! You can laugh, but I know I can give Denton what he wants. Why would he want a gringa? I can see myself in that grand house, just like the one from Skeleton Key. I would be wearing pretty clothes and...”

  The men cut her off, laughing and teasing the woman, saying she should go there and kill the girl so Denton could see that she is the one he should be with.

  Cole looks at Mark, who is the movie buff, waiting to see if he knows what the girl meant by the house from Skeleton Key. Mark clicks away on the laptop then turns it around to show him.

  A Louisiana style home? Here in TJ? That’s different and should be easy to find. Mark nods and gets to work, and Cole mentally kicks himself as he remembers Savannah mentioning it looked like that.

  In the house a chair scrapes the floor as the girl asks, “So did the GI Joe crew show up?”

  Someone snickers something Cole can’t make out, then a cough. “No one showed. I think the girl was fucking with me, seeing if she could trust me. Too bad for her.” He snorted. “She'll get hers. Denton will take his time breaking her and will enjoy himself the whole time. Denton is a sick fucker.”

  Mark makes a face at Cole, knowing he isn't the only one itching to get a moment alone with this guy.

  As night rolls around, Cole and Mark take the first shift, and the rest pass out in a matter of minutes. One thing about being in the Army, you can fall asleep anywhere, and when you’re told to sleep, you don’t think twice. You find a spot and you're out. Mark trades places with John later in case Tim decides to leave in the middle of the night.

  They’re silent for a few hours, Cole’s mind spinning with thoughts of Savi. Wondering if she’s hurt, if she’s wondering where he is, wondering what she ever did to deserve this life.

  “I didn’t think we’d be back he
re with Savi again,” Mark whispers as he takes a bite of his power bar. “She’ll forgive you, Cole.” He turns to look at him. “Once you explain that photo with Rodrigo, she’ll understand and forgive you.” Cole shakes his head, knowing how bad that picture looks, but it had to be done. “She loves you,” Mark shrugs, “so don’t worry.”

  Cole rests his head back against his seat, staring up at the sky full of stars. He hopes to hell Tim isn’t one for sleeping in, because come seven a.m. they are raiding the motherfucking house.



  I move my head side to side, tuning in and out of someone speaking.

  “Do you think it was wise to mention Roth to her?” Tim’s voice seems far away.

  A ticking sound makes my stomach turn. I know he’s here; his damn boots give him away.

  “Are you questioning my motives?” His voice makes my blood freeze in place. “She needs to know that her life is over, that she can be reborn again with me. I never gave his name, never said how close he’s getting to—” I can’t hold on. I feel myself slipping back into a place that makes me feel no pain, only love.

  Three hours later I am in agony. I cry out as the American slaps me and then punches me in the stomach for the second time. My mouth is getting me in trouble again. I know it would be better for me if I kept quiet, but I’d rather make him angry and be hit than be forced to sleep with this man.

  “You will bend to my ways, Savannah,” he barks down at me as his stupid cobra boots tap along the wooden floor. For the last hour he has been questioning me, trying to gain some information on where Tim went. He had heard from one of the girls that Tim had spent some time in my room when I arrived. I wasn’t about to out the one person who may be helping me. “Did you sleep with him, Savannah? I should have known you were a little slut. You probably spread your legs for the whole damn Army.” I smirk at him, thinking that if he suspects I slept with his muscle that maybe he won’t touch me. “You think this is funny?”


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