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Pumpkins, Peril and a Paella (A Charlotte Denver Cozy Mystery Book 4)

Page 15

by Bryan, Sherri

  She quickly freshened up her face and put in some eye drops. “Okay, I’m ready to get dressed.”

  Fifteen minutes later, they were all fighting back the tears again.

  “Oh my gosh ... what’s wrong with us?! Anyone would think we’d never been to a wedding before.” Charlotte was taking deep breaths and doing her best to stay in control.

  “It’s because we’ve never been to your wedding before. And because we’ve never seen you looking like this.” Jess gave her a hug.

  “Oh, love, you look like an angel. I thought the dress looked great in the shop but it looks a million times better today.” Laura grabbed another tissue to hold under her eyelid.

  The doorbell rang and, glad of a break from the high emotion, Laura and Jess both ran downstairs to answer it.

  Standing on the doorstep, resplendent in his silver grey morning suit was Garrett. Laura took one look at him and burst into tears again.

  “Hey, no tears. This is a happy day, remember?” Garrett kissed his wife and gave Jess a hug.

  “Charlotte, Garrett’s here.” Laura called up the stairs

  As Charlotte walked down the stairs, Garret felt the lump in his throat. By the time she put her foot on the bottom step, he too was a blubbering wreck.

  “Hey, no tears. This is a happy day. Remember?” Laura grinned as she handed her husband a tissue.

  The doorbell rang again and Jess looked through the curtain.

  “Right, come on Laura. Our car’s here. We’ll see you at the church later, you two.”

  They both shared an emotional hug with Charlotte before leaving and the squeals of excitement, the laughter and the tears that had filled the house for the last six and a half hours left with them.

  Rather than feeling sad, Charlotte felt strangely peaceful and calm.

  Garrett turned to her. “Your car will be here soon,” he said, “but before it arrives, there are a few things I need to say.”

  “Oh no, please Garrett, don’t start me off again!” Charlotte’s eyes welled up in anticipation of his speech. He was a tough, streetwise, hard as nails, no-nonsense fisherman but when it came to the people he loved, he was as soft as a kitten.

  “Charlotte.” He cleared his throat and took her hands in his. “From the very first day I saw you, I loved you. And when your mum and dad asked me to be your godfather, I vowed to protect you with my life. That vow still stands today - I hope you know that.” He sniffed and cleared his throat.

  “I’m so proud of you, Charlotte. I couldn’t be prouder if you were my own flesh and blood. You’ve given us, me and Laura, so much joy and we will always love and support you, no matter what.” He fumbled in his pocket.

  “This was your Dad’s. When he went to Spain I gave him my St. Christopher - you know - to keep him safe on his travels, and he gave me his crucifix to keep me safe at sea”. His voice broke as he handed it to Charlotte. “And now I want to give it to you.”

  Charlotte took the small cross on its thin chain and gulped back the tears.

  Now I’ve got Mum and Dad with me today.

  “I want to wear it.” She quickly removed her diamond necklace and replaced it with the crucifix. “Just knowing that Dad wore this makes me feel close to him. Thank you so much, Garrett.”

  He nodded as he blew his nose and was thankful that a knock on the door created a diversion from the high sentiments of the day.

  “Charlotte, there’s someone here to see you!”

  Charlotte went to the door to see an ivory, open-topped Volkswagen Beetle outside the house and a smiling Ryan Benson standing on the doorstep in a chauffeur’s uniform. “Morning madam, did someone order a wedding car?”

  Her mouth fell open and, although she did her best, she couldn’t quite manage to stop the tears from spilling over again.

  “Ryan! I can’t believe you’re here! Oh, I’m so happy to see you!”

  Ryan had claimed a special place in her heart ever since he’d saved her life a couple of years before.

  “Why are you driving my wedding car? And what are you doing away from college?” she asked as she clung to him.

  “Well, Nathan called me and asked if I’d be up for it as a surprise for you. Which, of course, I was. And you didn’t think the small matter of college was going to stop me from being here, did you?” he replied, grinning all over his face. “Charlotte, you’re like a sister to me and I will always be here for you. The only problem you’ll have is getting rid of me!”

  “Well, I’ll never have a problem, then, because I’ll never want to! And thanks to you and my darling godfather, I’m going to have to do my makeup yet again! Come in, Ryan, I won’t be long.”

  Five minutes later, she was ready. “Right. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Garrett took her arm. “Your mum and dad are here in spirit, you know. They wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

  “I know they are.” Charlotte took a deep breath as she smiled and squeezed his hand. “Come on, we’ve got a wedding to get to!”

  Chapter 15

  It seemed like the whole of St. Eves had turned out for Charlotte and Nathan’s special day.

  The wedding was at one o’clock and Nathan had arrived at the church at just after quarter-past twelve. He was as nervous as he’d ever been, his palms damp with perspiration as he attempted to fasten the sunflower buttonhole to his lapel.

  “Here, let me do it.” Hattie Costello quickly pinned the flower in place before licking her handkerchief and wiping away a smudge of pollen from his chin.

  “Mum! For goodness sake!” Nathan gave an embarrassed grin as his mother affectionately patted his cheek before taking her place on the front pew at the right of the church, to the laughter and applause of the wedding guests.

  He turned to his best man and rolled his eyes and George Costello grinned back at him. Nathan was thrilled that his dad had agreed to take on the role.

  At eight years of age Nathan had been to his first family wedding, after which he had very seriously told his dad that when he got married, he wanted him to be his best man. His dad had laughed but, at Nathan’s insistence, he’d made a promise that he would be.

  Now that his son’s wedding day had arrived, George Costello was overjoyed to be fulfilling that promise.

  “I must say, you’re looking very smart, Dad.”

  When Laura and Jess had accompanied Nathan and Garrett to get the men’s wedding outfits they’d advised them on colours, but nothing else. The choice of suit had been entirely up to them.

  George and Garrett were wearing silver grey morning suits with deep rose pink waistcoats to match some of the flowers in Charlotte’s bouquet and Nathan was wearing a charcoal grey morning suit with a bright yellow waistcoat, also to match some of the flowers in Charlotte’s bouquet.

  As Nathan waited for Charlotte to arrive, a contented growling reminded him that Pippin sat obediently under the pew in a bow tie, munching on a chicken jerky chew.

  Charlotte had asked Reverend Daly if Pippin would be allowed to attend and the Reverend, an avid animal lover, had agreed in a heartbeat. “As long as he doesn’t piddle up my leg, I’d love to have him along. The more, the merrier, I say.”

  “You okay, son?” George Costello squeezed Nathan’s arm.

  “Yeah, a little nervous, that’s all. I’ll be alright when ...”

  The first notes of Gabriel’s Oboe rang out, signalling Charlotte’s arrival at the church.

  Nathan looked over to the Reverend who gave him a reassuring wink.

  “She’s here, Nathan. You ready?”

  He nodded and suddenly he wanted to turn and run down the aisle and sweep Charlotte off her feet. He couldn’t wait to see her - every second was tortuous and when he eventually turned to see her at his side, he couldn’t say a word because she took his breath away.

  “You look so handsome. I love you.” Charlotte beamed through her tears.

  Nathan took her hands in his and brought them to his lips. “I’ve n
ever loved you more”, he whispered.

  When Charlotte looked down and saw Pippin, the tears fell onto her cheeks and she didn’t care that she was going to have to reapply her makeup again straight after the service.

  “Oh, Pip!” She laughed at his bow tie as she bent to pick the little dog up and his tail wagged as he licked her nose. When Reverend Daly cleared his throat, she quickly handed him to Garrett for the remainder of the ceremony.

  “Sorry, Reverend. That’s the first time I’ve seen him today,” she whispered.

  “We’ll begin with hymn number 232, I Vow to Thee, My Country.” The Reverend led the congregation in the singing, his booming bass voice as clear as a bell.

  The wedding of Charlotte Denver and Nathan Costello was underway.


  Forty minutes later, Mendelssohn’s Wedding March rang out as Charlotte and Nathan walked back down the aisle.

  On their way, Charlotte looked from one side of the church to the other, acknowledging well-wishers and remembering the advice of her mum to savour every minute because the day would be over before she knew it.

  Her heart was so full of joy, she felt like it might burst. As she saw the faces of the people she loved, her friends and Nathan’s family, she felt as though she was walking on air.

  “D’you know what? I can’t stop smiling - I must look ridiculous!” Looking up at Nathan, she expected to see her happiness reflected in his face but his expression was unreadable, almost apprehensive.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” She clutched his hand in alarm.

  In the middle of the aisle, he stopped walking and turned to face her. “Look Charlotte, there’s something I should have told you. I wanted it to be a surprise, but the more I think about it now, the more I think it was a stupid idea. I hope to God it doesn’t upset you, today of all days.”

  “What is it? You’re not married are you?” She tried to make light of Nathan’s strange behaviour to conceal her panic. “Nathan, tell me, what is it? You’re scaring me.”

  He ran his hand through his hair and shook his head. “You’ll find out for yourself soon enough.”

  Charlotte looked around the church.

  Behind them, Garrett, Laura and Jess were huddled together, watching her closely.

  What the ...

  “Nathan, will you please tell me what’s going on, right now. Nathan! Look at me!”

  But Nathan’s eyes were fixed on someone else.

  Charlotte followed his gaze, suddenly afraid of what she might see, but nothing could have prepared her.


  She gasped and her hands flew to her face.

  The woman standing just a few feet away from her at the back of the church looked so familiar it made her stomach lurch.

  It made her breathless.

  It made her head spin.

  She stumbled and felt Nathan’s strong hands catch and steady her.

  She walked towards the woman.

  So like her mother, but not. She couldn’t take her eyes off her.

  She tried to speak but her mouth was dry.

  She swallowed.

  “Aunty Lola?” Her voice was a whisper. She stopped in front of her and touched her cheek, barely daring to speak. “Aunty Lola?”

  Her aunt nodded and held out her arms. Charlotte fell into them and began to sob. Not dainty, wedding day tears but great, heaving sobs of raw emotion - a mixture of pain and love and joy.

  But most of all, of love.

  To have her aunt holding her in her arms was like a dream that she never, ever wanted to wake up from.

  To know that she still had a living bond to her mother was amazing.

  It felt incredible.

  She felt incredible.

  “Sshhh, sshhh, there, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Lola rocked her niece gently as they stood close together, Charlotte’s head on her shoulder.

  Watching from the aisle, Nathan, Garrett, Laura and Jess clung to each other and the happy tears flowed.


  Nathan’s speech was going down a storm.

  In speaking from the heart and recounting real-life humorous stories from the time that he and Charlotte had been together, he’d got the balance of sincerity and comedy exactly right and the wedding guests were loving it.

  “Anyway ... this is the part where I get serious.” He took a sip of champagne and cleared his throat. “You all know Charlotte so there’s not much I can tell you about her that will come as a surprise.

  “You already know how remarkable she is. How kind and generous and loving she is. How loyal and dependable she is. How funny and cute she is.

  “So, what can I tell you that you don't already know?

  “Well, I can tell you how she makes me feel. How I feel when I look at her. How every day when I see her, she makes me weak at the knees and feel like a kid again. How I feel that, when she’s at my side, there is nothing I can’t do. And how I thank God, every day, for bringing us together.

  “It never once enters her head that we, every one of us, can't achieve our dreams. She always looks for the positive in every situation and the best in everyone she meets.

  “She is, quite simply, a delight to be around and knowing that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with her is the best feeling in the world.

  “Will you please, raise your glasses and join me in a toast to the woman who makes loving her with all my heart the easiest thing I’ve ever done ... to my wife, Charlotte.


  The reception was in full swing.

  After Charlotte and Nathan had started off the dancing to Al Green’s Let’s Stay Together, everyone had piled onto the dance floor.

  Ava, Harriett and Betty, who had already led an enormous conga around the dance floor, were now busy demonstrating the steps for the Macarena to fellow guests.

  As the band played, Charlotte sat at a table with her Aunt Lola and her cousins, Remy and Jamie.

  After her walk back down the aisle had been brought to such an abrupt halt, the shock was only just starting to wear off.

  “I still can’t believe it.” Charlotte held onto Lola’s hand tightly. “And I can’t believe they all kept it a secret for so long. It must have been torture for them!”

  “I bet it wasn’t as bad for them as it was for me, waiting to see you again after all these years!” Lola laughed. “Honestly, Charlotte, I couldn’t have dreamed of a better early Christmas present.”

  “Y’know, it’s the next best thing to having Mum and Dad here, it really is.” Charlotte gave her aunt another hug. “And don’t think you’re getting away easily, either, because I’m never losing touch with you again!”

  “There’s no chance of that happening, love, but we can talk more tomorrow. I can’t wait - we’ve got so much to catch up on. And it’s so nice of Nathan to have arranged for us to stay at your house tonight. I can’t believe that Tom and Rosemary’s cottage is your home now - such a beautiful place.

  “Oh, and before I forget ... that garter you’re wearing - it was your Mum’s. She wore it at her wedding and she gave it to me to wear at mine. And now you’ve worn it at yours. I want you to keep it, Charlotte, and the bracelet, too. I want you to have them both.”

  Charlotte hugged her aunt tightly and grinned at her cousins over her shoulder.

  My family, my real family.


  “It’s nice to see Ava’s husband, isn’t it? We hardly ever see them together,” said Laura as the band took a break and the DJ faded out Frank Sinatra’s Come Fly with Me and faded in Lady Gaga’s Born this Way.

  “Yes, she often says that the reason she and Derek get on so well is because they only see each other twice a week,” said Jess. “She says it’s the secret of a happy marriage, but don’t tell Charlotte, for goodness sake!”

  “Why do they only see each other twice a week?”

  “Because he’s a ballroom dancing judge and he’s always at some c
ompetition or other. They’re very happy together, though.”

  At that moment, Ava and Derek whizzed past them in a faultless tango, leaving Betty and Harry in their wake at the side of the dance floor, treading on each other’s toes and giggling like a couple of school children.

  “Here, have you seen Harriett and Leo?” Laura nudged Jess as she stared at the couple who, despite the upbeat music, were slow dancing, her head on his shoulder, a faint smile playing on her lips. “Is that all out in the open now, then?”

  “Well it wasn’t, but it certainly looks that way now. I could always ask them, I suppose.” Jess grinned and danced over to the couple. “Hello, you two. Sorry to disturb. So, it’s all official now, is it?” she asked as the couple spun slowly round and round in circles

  Harriett raised her head from Leo’s shoulder to look him in the eye.

  “Is it official?” she asked, the faint smile turning broader.

  He returned her gaze and her smile. “Yes, I suppose it is,” he said, before pulling her close and kissing her gently on the lips.

  “About blooming time!” said Ava as she and Derek twirled past, her thumb in the air to show her delight.

  Over on the other side of the dance floor, Charlotte pulled Nathan to one side before flopping onto a chair. “I need a drink. Something to gulp, I’m so thirsty.”

  “Would you like me to get it for you, Mrs. Costello?”

  Charlotte laughed. “That sounds so weird ... nice weird, I mean.”

  “You know, I don’t mind if you want to keep Denver as part of your surname. I know how much the name means to you. You could be Charlotte Denver-Costello. Or Costello-Denver. It doesn’t matter to me - I just want you to be happy.”

  Charlotte leaned forward and put her arms around his neck. “Nathan, I am happy. It doesn’t matter what my name is - as long as we’re together, I’ll always be happy.”

  Nathan kissed her on the nose. “And there is nothing on this earth that could possibly make me happier than I am right now.”

  Charlotte leaned against him and closed her eyes.

  Oh Nathan, I hope you’re wrong about that.

  Chapter 16

  At last, everyone had left and it was just the two of them.


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