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Atlantis - Return of the Nation

Page 24

by Steven Cook

  Fitz realised he had a grenade in the launcher. He aimed into the centre of the charging group and pulled the secondary trigger. He and Danny sensed that the warriors feared the weapons they were facing.

  The grenade exploded, throwing bodies aside and causing another secondary explosion. The attack stalled.

  Danny fired a couple of shots into the group, knocking a few more warriors down. With their morale broken, one of the warriors took a step back. His companions followed his lead and like a turning tide they fled back the way they had come.

  The two sailors remained in place to watch their route. After watching them flee around the corner they climbed down from the barricade.

  After setting the safety on the Carbines they joined the others. The pair was pleased to accept the smiles and thanks of the rearguard, whose lives they had undoubtedly saved.

  As the defenders of the bridge and the pursuers of the delegations had fled the warriors of the Fifth, Fourth, Eighth and Second held the bridgehead. General Ilissus issued orders, sending runners to the barracks of the outlying Factions to alert them of the situation.

  She finally approached the gathered Outworlders.

  ‘I cannot thank you enough for what you have done today. You have prevented the destruction of three of the Realms leadership. I do not know what will happen to the Second.’ She looked down at the body of Warnett.

  ‘I am sorry for your loss. He was a warrior. We will honour him.’ She bowed her head.

  Fisher finally took the time to remove his helmet and face protection. His face was red with the heat of the coverings and the exertion he had undergone.

  ‘How do we prevent Atlas and Hildar from carrying out the threat?’

  ‘I do not think we can. They have the necessary three elements to petition Zeus. We only have two. Our only other option is to storm the Temple of Zeus and prevent them carrying out the ceremony. Otherwise Atlantis will take over the world.’

  Dingo rested his M4 back over his shoulder, safety securely on.

  ‘Could we petition Zeus to integrate the island into the world, or even set the boundary permanently?’ he asked.

  ‘We would need all the elements to do that.’ Ilissus stated.

  ‘I think we can get the third element. Somebody owes me a favour!’

  The others all looked at him.

  He released his big grin.

  ‘Trust me.’


  Chapter Thirteen - Leaving Atlantis

  White House Situation Room 24th May

  ‘What’s happening?’ The president asked as soon as the door had closed behind him.

  ‘We have had major successes with the Ceramic Weaponry. It tested OK on the beach and has subsequently been used against defensive positions on the river and against infantry within the city.’ General Norton turned to look at the President.

  ‘Phil, run the recording of the bridge,’ he instructed the aide.

  ‘Mr President, if you would like to watch the screen.’ Taylor tapped at the laptop keyboard before him to bring up the archive.

  The satellite view of the canal easily showed that it was a construction, rather than a natural waterway. It also showed the Guardian boat speeding up river. When the boat slowed the screen zoomed in to show the area between the two bridges.

  They watched in mild curiosity at the activities on the boat until the shot was fired.

  ‘Shit. Sorry Mr President.’ Admiral Kay looked embarrassed at the outburst.

  ‘You beat me to it Tom.’ The President waved the comment away. ‘What the hell was that?’

  General Norton looked at the sheet of paper in his hand.

  ‘That was a reaction between a ceramic .50 calibre bullet from a Barrett XM500 sniper rifle and a net of Orichalcum links. The energy release from the reaction is equivalent to direct hit from a five hundred pound bomb,’ he paused for effect.

  ‘We have also been informed that the rounds in the M4 Carbines dropped in with Lieutenant Fisher have a similar effect against personal armour worn by the Atlantian infantry. The explosion has proved quite handy when our boys have been firing at long range into packed formations as the explosion throws out secondary missiles.

  ‘Unfortunately it is dangerous at close range and has claimed the life of Lieutenant-Commander Warnett when he fired into a shield and caught the full blast.’

  Norton laid down the sheet of paper.

  ‘We also now know what the Minoans are.’ He motioned to Taylor.

  The frozen satellite feed on the screen was replaced by a photograph of the body of the Minoan shot dead on the beach. Its body was lying on a medical gurney, feet hanging some distance over the end. The extent of the wounds on it failed to completely disguise what it was.

  ‘Are you telling me that these Minoans are all like that?’ The President asked in disbelief.

  ‘If I didn’t know better I would have expected to see an ILM copyright in the corner of the photo. However, this creature was killed as it attacked the testing party. It took three men almost a full magazine each to stop it. The doctor on the George Bush has x-rayed it and there are thirty-seven slugs in it.’

  ‘How big is that thing?’ muttered Anthony Morris.

  ‘It has been weighed in at four hundred and thirty pounds and ninety two inches tall - seven feet eight inches. The horns are razor sharp and it was carrying a five foot long sword.’

  Norton answered the National Security Advisor then turned to look at the President.

  ‘There is an army of nearly twelve thousand of these creatures surrounding Atlantis.’

  ‘Shit,’ whispered the President.

  Nobody thought to admonish him.

  ‘Do our people in the boat and in the city know what they’re facing?’ he asked.

  ‘The boat is holding position about two miles south of the city. They are aware of the army. The group inside have teamed up with the smaller factions who are receptive to the changes that have taken place over the years since they disappeared. It looks like the other factions are manoeuvring to contain our people rather than attack.’

  ‘If this other faction is intent on only holding them then we have the time to transport a task force to turn the tables.’ Morris eased back from the table in satisfaction.

  ‘Unfortunately we don’t have the time. The opposing forces have done this so they can access Zeus without our people interfering.’ said Norton.

  Morris slumped visibly.

  ‘We need to get some further information on the whereabouts of Zeus. Can we talk to them?’ asked the President.

  Taylor answered for General Norton.

  ‘I can see if I can connect us through to them from here.’ He indicated the communication setup in the centre of the table.

  ‘Please set it up Phil.’ The President moved towards the refreshments set to one side. He considered the strong coffee, but based on the increasing nausea in his stomach he decided against it. He picked up a bottle of water and cracked the seal.

  He took a sip and turned to look at the live satellite feed. The city of Atlantis was centred on the screen. He could easily see the army surrounding the city setting up opposite various parts of the city walls.

  The configuration of the besieging forces reinforced the information that there were multiple factions within the city.

  ‘Mr President, it’s ready.’

  The President took another slug of water and moved back to the table.


  Fifth Quadrant 24th May

  The group tramped through the front door of General Ilissus’ residence and moved to one corner out of the way. The General called for her staff and directed them to take care of the delegates.

  ‘What a wonderful day,’ said Eraz to nobody in particular.

  Dingo smiled at t
he comment and turned to speak to Fisher. He opened his mouth but held the words. The lieutenant had his hand pressed to his ear, trying to block out the sounds around them.

  ‘Dingo, see if you can find us a quiet corner or room. Eraz, can you get the General to meet us?’ Fisher asked.

  Eraz and Dingo exchanged puzzled glances before moving in opposite directions.

  In short order Dingo had politely evicted several delegates from a room and collected the others. The room had a large circular table with heavy chairs around it. Ornate hangings covered the walls. A chandelier was suspended from the high ceiling; the crystals diffused the bright afternoon sunlight, throwing a rainbow of colours across the wall opposite the windows.

  Fisher had removed the shielded radio from the pocket of his combat vest and was looking at it, turning it over and examining the connection ports.

  ‘What do you need?’ asked Danny from where he leant against a window ledge, peeking past the hangings.

  ‘I’d like to be able to hold a conference call on it. Any chance you can jury rig it?’

  Danny walked over and took the unit from Fisher’s hands to examine it.

  ‘Can I borrow your knife?’ he held out his hand.

  Silently Fisher drew the weapon and handed it over. Danny took it and started working on the unit.

  General Ilissus entered the room and looked on with interest.

  ‘You requested my presence.’

  ‘Yes General…’

  There was a loud hiss from the unit in Danny’s hands. With a crackle the static cleared and a voice was projected into the room.

  ‘…sher, are you there Fisher?’

  Fisher looked at Danny.

  ‘Just talk.’ Danny instructed.

  Fisher looked slightly embarrassed.

  ‘This is Lieutenant Fisher.’

  ‘Who was the other voice?’ asked the voice at the other end.

  ‘I’m Danny Morehouse from the H.M.S. Daring.’ Danny answered.

  ‘Hello Danny, is there anybody else there?’ the voice asked again.

  ‘We have Shane Fitzpatrick from the USS Boise; Anthony Martin from the Rangers; General Ilissus of the Fifth Quadrant Army; Saraph, one of her First Captains; Coran, Eraz and Jarak who are warriors in Saraph’s Unit.’ Fisher checked to make sure he hadn’t missed anybody.

  ‘OK. Please hold,’ came the disembodied voice.

  The group looked at each other. Coran was looking closely at the radio.

  A new voice came over the radio.

  ‘This is General Norton of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I have with me the rest of the Joint Chiefs, Jack Henry the Chief of Staff and The President of the United States.’

  ‘Good afternoon General.’ Fisher responded.

  A voice that Fisher recognised from numerous television speeches came over the radio.

  ‘Lieutenant, this is John Sheen. We appreciate that you are in a tight situation. Unfortunately we both know that our time scales are tight. If our enemies get to Zeus and petition him it could be the end of the world as we know it. Obviously we can’t let that happen.

  ‘We cannot get anything in place to prevent them from our side. I’m afraid that means it’s up to you.

  ‘We’ve been trying to figure out how we can help you from this end. There is a Guardian Patrol Boat with a squad of Rangers a couple of miles south of the city. General Ciuffetelli advises me that they can be at the water gate in five minutes from receiving the call.’

  ‘Do you know where Zeus is?’ asked General Ciuffetelli.

  General Ilissus spoke tentatively.

  ‘Hello, this is General Ilissus. Can you hear me?’

  ‘Go ahead general, we can hear you clearly.’ General Ciuffetelli responded.

  ‘Amazing.’ commented the General. ‘We know that Zeus is situated somewhere in the mountains to the North of Atlantis. It is about six days travel by foot. It is not an easy path and the creatures in that region are not too friendly.’

  Back in the White House the joint chiefs looked at the satellite map of Arcanadia. General Norton stepped towards it and pointed at a river that ran from the mountains towards Atlantis.

  ‘General,’ he called back towards the audio equipment sat on the table, ‘there is a river that heads into the mountains. Is it navigable?’

  Ilissus thought for a moment then looked at Coran.

  ‘Do you know the river?’

  Coran nodded then spoke carefully.

  ‘The river is quite shallow, only five feet deep in places. There is a dam outside Atlantis that regulates the water and helps to maintain the depth of the canals within the city.’

  Fisher started smiling.

  ‘General, are you suggesting that we bring the boat through Atlantis, navigate through the canals, out the other side, over or through the dam then head up river?’

  ‘Lieutenant that is exactly what I’m suggesting.’

  ‘Surely your boat will not be able to navigate the shallow water.’ Coran was bemused.

  Dingo explained.

  ‘The boat they have draws just over three feet when it’s running. It will save us days of marching and will give us a head start on Hildar.’

  ‘There are gates at the walls to secure the canals from invasion. They are closed at all times except to allow access to our ships.’

  Dingo and Fisher exchanged looks.

  ‘Mr President, Generals, can you give us some time to come up with a few ideas and we’ll get back to you.’ Fisher said.

  ‘Is two hours enough?’

  ‘Yes General, Fisher out.’

  Danny leant over the table and switched the radio off to preserve the battery. He checked his watch and smiled to see that it was still working.

  Fisher started issuing orders.

  ‘Dingo, get in contact with the Guardian and see which squad is on it and what equipment they have. Danny can help you set up comms?’

  He turned to Ilissus.

  ‘General. Do you have a map of Atlantis showing the Canal gates and the boundaries of each of the Factions?’

  The General nodded and moved to the door, opened it and called for one of her aides to fetch the relevant maps.

  Several minutes later they were huddled over the table, looking at the maps and making notes. Servants silently slipped into the room to provide refreshments, but they were largely ignored. They left to spread the rumours of the outlanders bringing ghostly voices into the villa who talked about Guardians, Eeteeays and rondayvoos.

  Finally the group pushed back from the table.

  Fisher looked down at the notes before him.

  ‘It’s risky, but given the element of surprise and speed we should be able to achieve it. I just hope the reports that the Third Realm is staying neutral are true,’ he said.

  ‘The Fourth Realm has strong ties with them, and they have sided with us on this. Even if the Third do not fully agree with us they will not fight the Fourth.’ General Ilissus added.

  ‘I know, but they may not let them pass either.’

  ‘LT, we’ll have to see when the time comes. We can’t give any warning otherwise the other factions will realise we’re planning something. Besides, we have a backup plan.’

  Fisher took a deep breath.

  ‘OK. I think we’re just about there. Let’s update the President.’


  South Canal 24th & 25th May

  Dave Atkinson and his squad of Rangers had gathered on the foredeck for a final briefing before they undertook their part of the operation. Dean Wallace listened with one ear whilst carefully maintaining their position in the centre of the canal.

  On the east bank he could make out the fires of several warriors an
d Minoans who had been watching them for the past hour. They had attempted to tempt the boat into attacking them but Atkinson had ignored them.

  They had also attempted to hit the boat with thrown javelins but the range was too great. The pilot would only get worried if they brought up archers, but they seemed to lack them.

  ‘Alright, everybody remember that we hope to go through this as fast as we can. It’s essential that we don’t fire or hit the central wall, as we’re likely to blow the city up. Although, if things go badly it might not be a bad idea.’ Atkinson spoke quietly.

  He got a couple of evil chuckles from his squad.

  ‘Any last questions?’ he looked at each of the men.

  They all shook their heads.

  ‘OK, let’s get set up.’ The team moved to their positions.

  Atkinson checked that everybody was ready then nodded to the pilot.

  ‘Take us in.’

  Wallace pulled the strap on his helmet to make sure it was secure. He braced his feet to cope with the movement of the water then pushed forward on the throttle. Unable to resist the urge he waved to the warrior’s fires on the canal bank.

  Atkinson looked in the direction he had waved and smiled. It didn’t worry him that they were being observed. By the time anybody reached the city to tell anybody that he was on the way he intended to be on the far side of the city.

  The boat soon picked up speed and accelerated easily up to a steady twenty-five knots through the gathering darkness. The Rangers on the flanking machine-guns scanned the banks for threats, leaving the growing image of the city to Chick Holmes and his loader Infantryman Steve ‘Beatbox’ White on the front mounted gun.

  As they approached the outer city wall they could see that the gate that protected the internal waterways was closed. To either side of the gate there was a small turret accessed from within. Muted lighting escaped from the turrets and also from torches perched high on the walls. The turrets aim was to make direct assault on the gates difficult.

  ‘OK Dean, take us to about two hundred yards and put us sideways to the gate.’

  The pilot nodded and eased back a little on the throttle. On the deck in front of the control area Fire Support Specialist Harvey ‘Topper’ Goldberg prepared the ceramic-coated 66mm LAW rocket. The single use round was packaged in its watertight tube. He extended the sight and turned to face over the port gunwale.


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