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Atlantis - Return of the Nation

Page 39

by Steven Cook

  M’Varak inhaled deeply. A strange metallic smell filled his sensitive nostrils. The fur on the back of his neck rose slightly, causing a chill to run down his spine.

  Taking a deep breath he stepped forward into the shadows. The Minoans behind him followed obediently, their eyes straining to see into the darkness.

  M’Varak took several steps in and drew his sword. Cautiously he advanced, the weapon held before him. It suddenly occurred to him that he was presenting a perfect target to anything hiding in the darkness.

  He was about to turn and call for torches to be brought forward when something burst out of the shadows. Before he could react he was grabbed around the waist and a massive cold hand clamped over his mouth, preventing him from uttering a sound. He attempted to break free, but whatever held him was too strong.

  Like a rag doll he was lifted from his feet and taken into the shadows. The attack was so sudden that the Minoans following didn’t realise it had happened and continued along the tunnel.

  M’Varak felt rather than saw that he was moving at some speed along the tunnel. Suddenly it opened out into the immense chamber containing the temple. The light from the tops of the columns blinded him momentarily as he was set on his feet.

  As his eyes adjusted he became aware of a figure standing before him.

  ‘Come with me.’ Coran hooked his hand behind M’Varak’s elbow and guided him towards a gap in the columns.

  M’Varak looked back over his shoulder to see what had grabbed him and was shocked to see a metal figure standing where he had been released.

  ‘What?’ He gasped.

  ‘Come on, Danny will explain.’

  ‘Danny is safe?’

  ‘You will not believe how safe he is.’ Coran tugged on M’Varak to speed him along.

  Coran released the Minoan as he passed through the barrier between the columns. M’Varak paused for a moment before following. The strange feeling as he passed through caused him to shudder violently.

  ‘It gets you does it not?’ Coran laughed.

  M’Varak nodded as he looked around. The strange blue light illuminated the altar. What caught his attention most were the figures of Danny and a stranger suspended in a dense shaft of white light that descended from some unseen source in the ceiling.

  ‘Hi M’Varak, sorry if I scared you.’ Danny waved at the Minoan from his position in mid air.

  ‘How?’ M’Varak started.

  ‘I’ll explain in a minute or two. I have something to do first.’

  M’Varak looked at Coran, who shrugged.

  ‘Watch this. It is very odd.’

  The two looked closely at Danny.

  ‘Activate.’ Danny spoke to the air around him.


  M’Varak jumped visibly as the deep voice resonated through the chamber. He looked around and noticed that the statue had changed its position. It was now standing in a different posture.

  Out of the corner of his eye M’Varak saw Danny move his arms and legs. In front of him the statue mirrored his actions, slipping the shield from its back over its left arm, and the spear into its right fist.

  Agesilaus was also making strange movements and another Talos strode out of the shadows to join its twin. He concentrated and focussed his thoughts.

  ‘There is no need to vocalise. Zeus hears your thoughts.’ The voice appeared directly in Danny’s mind.

  ‘I don’t get it.’ Danny spoke.

  ‘Concentrate your thoughts and direct them at me.’ Thought Agesilaus.

  Danny concentrated and attempted to throw some words at Agesilaus.

  ‘How’s this?’

  ‘There is no need to shout,’ chided Agesilaus. ‘Are you ready?’

  ‘Let’s do it.’ Danny controlled his thoughts, sending a calm message to the priest.

  Agesilaus and Danny blanked out their immediate vicinity and concentrated on the two Talos. In front of their eyes an image of the area in front of the Talos appeared, combining visible light with the Infrared and Ultra-Violet parts of the spectrum.

  Overlaid on the vision were indications of the direction and distance of every living being within the boundaries of the temple complex.

  The two suspended men began simulating walking. The energy field around them gave nerve stimulations to provide a sense of feedback so their motions were realistic instead of the flailing usually associated with somebody hanging in mid air.

  To Coran and M’Varak it looked like they were walking in mid air without moving. The twin Talos moved towards the dark tunnels and the Minoans. As they disappeared into the darkness their appearance began to blur.

  In the tunnel the Minoans were cautiously advancing. Several held torches high, throwing flickering light around them. Their normally poor night vision was completely ruined and they could barely see into the shadows.

  The first Minoan in the group stepped slowly past the two Talos where they stood in a slight alcove. The first to spot them was one of the torchbearers. As the light from the torch illuminated them he stepped closer to examine the closest statue.

  The Talos was standing to attention, shield held high against the chest and the stabbing spear held with the arm at a right angle. The features of the statue were remarkably lifelike but looked mutely back.

  ‘It is not scary enough to stop a calf from wandering in.’ The Minoan commented to the rest of the unit.

  He turned to continue along the tunnel. He took only one step before the broad blade of the spear erupted from his chest. He looked down numbly before dropping the torch.

  The two statues erupted into life. The Minoans panicked and began flailing out with their weapons. Using the enhanced vision Danny and Agesilaus were able to pick their targets easily, stabbing out with the spears and deflecting the wild slashes of swords and axes with the shields.

  The reactions of the Talos were almost instantaneous, and it seemed to the two controllers that time had slowed to everything else but the motions of the automatons. The strength of the Talos was phenomenal, and each attack easily breached the armour of the Minoan warriors.

  In response, the blows that did connect with the Talos inflicted little or no damage. Each Minoan that managed to strike a Talos quickly became a target and was struck down before they could recover from their swing.

  Within thirty seconds the Minoans were reduced to a groaning pile of bodies. The two statues resumed their places in the alcoves.

  At each end of the tunnel the sounds of combat echoed through. Minotaur listened to the sounds of his warriors being slaughtered. Around him some of his remaining warriors exchanged nervous glances.

  Minotaur turned his one eye towards the captives.

  ‘Walk through with your knives at their throats. If anything attacks slit them and get back out.’

  Reluctantly several Minoans were volunteered. They slung their swords and axes and drew their long knives. Slowly they approached the captives.

  Sophia looked up at the face of the Minoan approaching her. It was fingering the blade of the knife, and stinking drool was dripping from its mouth. She stepped back unconsciously, casting a quick glance over her shoulder. She was less than ten feet from the edge of the access ramp. She was faced with a drop of nearly one hundred feet.

  There was a flash of movement over the Minoans shoulder. Hoping it was what she thought it was she turned and ran for the edge. The Minoan leapt forward in an attempt to catch her but she was too quick.

  As she reached the edge she threw herself forward into a tumble. With the additional speed of the roll she catapulted herself out over the edge with as much height and distance as she could.

  The Minoan watched as she hurled herself into the open air. He started to turn to apologise to Minotaur, when Hernet flashed past.

  The sphinx took the oppo
rtunity to rake his claws across the Minoans face, before sweeping over the edge. His front legs grabbed around Sophia, holding her tight. With a strong downwards thrust of his wings he swept across the valley floor to loop up and back around to the cliff face.

  Sophia raised her arms to cover her face as it looked like they were about to fly straight into the cliff face. Instead, Hernet arrowed directly at an opening in the cliff wall. At the last moment he flared his wings to slow his speed drastically. As he stalled he reared back and lowered Sophia to a small landing.

  ‘Quickly, follow me.’ He quickly folded his wings and loped into the tunnel beyond the landing.

  Sophia scrambled to her feet and grabbed Hernet by the tail.

  ‘Slow down,’ she ordered.

  Hernet stopped with a snarl of pain. He turned to snap at her but had second thoughts as he saw her face.

  ‘We need to hurry,’ he apologised.

  ‘Lead on then.’ She loosened the grip on his tail.

  Hernet turned and walked into the tunnel at a brisk pace.

  At the main entrance to the temple complex Minotaur looked on helpless as Sophia was snatched away. He followed the sphinxes flight the turned to look at the captives. In a sudden move he stepped forward and grabbed Saraph by the front of his armour.

  ‘Where is your brother?’ He sprayed saliva over the warrior.

  ‘You mean one of noble birth?’ Laughed Saraph.

  With a snarl Minotaur threw Saraph backwards into the grip of a warrior.

  ‘They do not have an outcast.’

  ‘What would you class a sphinx as?’ laughed Carl.

  Minotaur pivoted and fixed Carl with a withering glare. Slowly the massive Minoan stalked up to the sailor. He reached out with his hand and gathered a handful of his overalls.

  With a jerk Carl was lifted off his feet. Holding the sailor dangling Minotaur walked to the edge of the cliff and held Carl over the drop.

  ‘I have two others of your kind. Why do I need you?’

  In desperation Carl grabbed hold of Minotaurs thick wrist. The Minoan leader relaxed his grip and shook his arm.

  With a scream Carl’s grip was broken and he dropped over the edge. The scream was cut off as he impacted with the valley floor.

  ‘Any more words of wisdom?’ Minotaur asked the others in a menacing voice.

  Without waiting for a reply he turned to his warriors.

  ‘Head into the temple.’

  Minotaur grasped his axe and strode towards the entrance.

  ‘I have your people. If you attack they will die immediately.’ He roared down towards the temple.

  Without waiting for a reply he plunged into the darkness.

  Along the tunnel the Talos picked up the warning and relayed it back to Danny and Agesilaus.

  ‘We have to carry out the ceremony now.’ Danny thought towards Agesilaus.

  ‘That is wise. The Talos have limited time in which they can defend the temple. They are designed to scare or kill small parties, not determined armies.’

  ‘OK.’ Danny redirected his thoughts. ‘Return to base.’

  Agesilaus echoed the command. The twin statues moved noiselessly from their alcoves and strode silently back to the temple. They passed straight through the barrier and resumed their positions to either side of the altar. Their features blurred back to the blank statuesque aspect.

  Danny and Agesilaus were gently lowered to the ground.

  ‘Danny!’ Sophia called out as she and Hernet burst out of one of the passageways.

  ‘Quickly, take one of the positions.’

  Danny moved to one of the domed pedestals and motioned for Coran and Sophia to take their places.

  ‘M’Varak, please take the one at the end,’ he asked.

  The Minoan looked at Danny.

  ‘I cannot do it. Dingo is not here to ask me to fulfil my debt.’

  ‘M’Varak. I’m not asking you to fulfil a debt. I’m asking you as a friend to help save millions of lives. What Minotaur and Hildar planned would be disastrous.’

  ‘What are your intentions to the Minoan race?’ he asked.

  ‘I have no intentions to harm the Minoan race.’ Danny replied with absolute honesty.

  He looked at Hernet.

  ‘Or any other race as a matter of fact.’

  ‘That is fortunate,’ said Agesilaus. ‘Zeus cannot change people. Let us begin.’

  M’Varak moved to the pedestal.


  Minotaur’s gravel filled voice thundered across the temple.

  Behind him Minoans began spreading out to fill the temple.

  Agesilaus reacted instantly. He stepped into one of the beams of light.

  ‘Zeus, protect your temple.’

  Instantly the barriers between the columns changed from a flickering blue light to a solid clear blue wall.

  ‘Get them,’ roared Minotaur.

  The nearest Minoan warriors charged the barrier. As the first reached it there was a blinding flash. A massive amount of energy was blasted into the unfortunate Minoan. The warrior was transformed into pure carbon instantaneously and thrown backwards.

  As the cremated body hit the ground it collapsed into a pile of ash and molten metal. The rest of the Minoans pulled up short.

  ‘We will see how long you can keep this up.’ Hissed Minotaur.

  He reached out and grabbed Craig by the arm. Effortlessly he dragged him towards the barrier.

  ‘Let down the guard or he dies,’ Minotaur threatened.

  Danny moved quickly away from the pedestal until he stood near the barrier. The lights descending form the ceiling that surrounded him showed the concern in his face.

  ‘Don’t do it,’ he begged.

  ‘Remove the guard.’

  ‘I can’t,’ said Danny.

  He looked directly at Craig.

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  With a frustrated roar Minotaur swept his arm around, propelling Craig directly at the barrier. Completely off balance Craig stumbled forwards, his arms stretched out in an attempt to grab one of the columns. They were too far from him and he fell into the barrier.


  Chapter Twenty One - Defence of the Realms

  Atlantis 27th May

  Atlas looked up as the messenger ran into the control tent. The young man was out of breath and flushed from the exertion.

  ‘The gate to the Seventh Realm has been breached and is under control of the Minoans. They have used Gigantes to tear the portcullis down,’ he gasped.

  ‘By Zeus,’ cursed Atlas. He turned and looked at the plan of the city.

  ‘If they consolidate in this area first our forces should be able to contain them. The bridge into the Second Ring should be easy to hold. The problem will be the gates to the Eighth Realm and those Minoans in the Sixth. Gravioran.’

  ‘Yes my Lord?’

  ‘Send word to the warriors within the Seventh Outer Realm. They are to hold as long as possible while we fortify the bridges and the gates.’

  Gravioran saluted and then turned and relayed the message to one of the waiting messengers. The messenger turned and ran quickly away.

  ‘What reports do we have of Minoans at the other gates?’ asked Atlas.

  ‘There are several thousand congregating along the eastern wall, but they do not seem to be attacking. The main incursion is at the Seventh Realm Gate as we already are aware.’

  ‘What about elsewhere within the city?’

  ‘The central island is secure. The Third, Fourth and Fifth Realms report they are clear. The Eighth is reporting attacks at its gates from the Seventh and Ninth. We know there are Minoans in the Sixth, Ninth and Tenth Realms. They are mostly in groups of two hundred or less.â€�

  Atlas tracked the positions on the map. He noted that the positions provided by Atkinson were accurate.

  ‘We must secure the eastern half of the city. Maintain security on the walls. If the Minoan army to the east makes a move I want to know about it before they have taken a step.

  ‘Task Ilissus with the job of flushing the Minoans out of the Sixth Realm. She is authorised to take immediate control of the Sixth armies.

  ‘The Third is to consolidate their borders with the Tenth. Reinforce the Eighth with reserves from the Fourth with instructions to hold their position. The Minoan forces in the Ninth and Tenth can be mopped up by their own forces.’

  The gathered generals made notes. Atlas continued.

  ‘Once we have the eastern half and the centre consolidated we can push the Minoans out of the Seventh to regain the city. I need the Eighth to hold while we stabilise the city.’

  ‘Gravioran, I want you to take personal control of the defence of the Eighth Realm. Take your heavy infantry with you.’

  Gravioran saluted and marched away, calling his captains to him as he did.

  ‘Form the heavies up. We march to save the city.’

  Soon the heavily armoured warriors were double timing down the main arterial road towards the Eighth Realm. Along the street there were signs of citizens attempting to secure their properties.

  Reserves were also appearing from within the homes, each settling his or her banded armour, short sword and javelin into a comfortable position. They gathered in units of twelve before jogging off to their rally points.

  As the First Heavy Infantry approached the bridge crossing the canal from the central island to the second ring a Captain from the Eighth army met them.

  ‘General, we have secured the inner section of the realm but have come under heavy attack at the main gate between the Seventh and Eighth. We have barricaded the gate but they have thrown their Gigantes at us.’

  ‘Lead on Captain.’ ordered the General.

  The infantry quickly passed through the city. As they passed through the plazas they could see columns of smoke rising through the still air over distant buildings. As they approached the front line of battle the sounds started carrying towards them.


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