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The Blood Witch (The Blood Reign Chronicles Book 1)

Page 15

by Nielsen, D. S.

  Allysix had nearly been killed several times. Well, that was a bit of an exaggeration. If she had been anyone but herself, she might have been killed wandering about in the dangerous warrens and alleys. She had no fear of any of these thugs, but she was also trying to be discrete. It would be no good if she tore one of them limb for limb with witnesses to see. But being a beautiful young woman attracted the wrong kind of attention in this part of the city. This Brigette, who she now inhabited, was a particularly beautiful young woman. So Allysix took to disguising herself when she would go out to keep from drawing the wrong type of attention in the shadier parts of the city.

  Allysix posed as an avid follower of the dark ways who just wanted to serve in any way possible, in order to finally get the meeting with this Maggas. As chance would have it, the black mage was a half-mad fanatic who was severely misinformed, and far too full of himself. He was thoroughly devoted to the Blood Witch, as he saw things. But many of his doctrines and beliefs were distorted and incorrect. However, Allysix had to admit that he was powerful in the black arts, and seemed at least to have a fair number of followers. So that much, at least was promising.

  Allysix had made the mistake at her first meeting with Maggas, of correcting him on a few points of doctrine concerning herself. He was not the kind of man that took kindly to being told he was wrong, and definitely not by a mere disciple, as he believed her to be. The man became infuriated at her suggestions that he might not be entirely correct.

  After Maggas had Allysix thrown out bodily for being insolent and sacrilegious, she almost went back and killed them all right there on the spot. How dare they treat her in this manner, having the gall to actually manhandle her? She was the Blood Witch, as her followers had so aptly named her so many years ago. But she needed Maggas now; he would be of no use to her dead. She could kill him later, after she was done with him. At the moment, she needed to find another way to bring Maggas around and make him see the light…or the dark as it were.

  It had been more than difficult to establish a second meeting with Maggas after the fiasco of her first meeting. She was actually going to have to apologize for her behavior in order for him to meet with her again. She decided that she would indeed kill him, slowly, just not yet. But she would teach him a lesson he would not soon forget.

  Allysix was on her way now to meet the sycophants at the appointed place and time, in order to be escorted to Maggas. If she did not hurry, she would be late and they would leave her. It infuriated her to no end that she had to subjugate herself to these…mortals in this manner. Nevertheless, she would do what needed to be done for now.

  When she arrived at the meeting place, two men were already impatiently waiting for her. A fat disheveled looking, smelly man, whose shirt looked as if it would burst if not for the wide black belt cutting into his flabby stomach. The other was a scrawny little greasy man with a crooked hat, and knee high boots that looked as if they had never seen polish. His face was pocked, and what teeth he had left were yellow and stained.

  They were irritated at being made to wait, and made no effort to hide it. After placing a blindfold over her eyes, they shoved her ahead roughly. She decided these two would be the first ones to die. No one was going to handle her in this disrespectful manner and live for long.

  The two men leading Allysix wound their way up and down many streets and alleys. She supposed it was a ploy to try and confuse her as to where they were taking her. Little did they know, she didn’t need their help to find the way. She already knew where they were taking her, but she followed their lead obediently, even though she had long since discovered Maggas’ secrete hiding place.

  Eventually, they stood in front of a plain door at the back of a building that had fallen into disrepair, at least on the outside. She supposed that too was to keep what was on the inside of the building a secret. If the building looked unimportant, then no one would question what was going on inside it.

  Once Allysix was shoved through the door and it was securely closed behind her, the men removed the blindfold. The stocky, unshaven man who was in desperate need of a bath, turned, and exited through a door that led further into the building, leaving her to wait with the other man.

  The scrawny fellow with a pocked greasy face began to leer at Allysix in a way that disgusted her. After a time, the idiot even tried to grope her! When Allysix nearly wrenched the man’s arm from his socket, he finally stopped his lurid behavior. After that, he remained standing to one side, sulkily massaging his tender arm.

  The stocky man returned without saying a word and took up guard at the door. Moments later another man entered through the inner door and beckoned Allysix to follow him. As she passed, Allysix cast a withering glare at the scrawny man that had tried to assault her, which made him cowered away in fear, and he took a step backwards.

  It was about time, who did these people think they were, making her wait like a common wench? Allysix’s patience was all but gone, and she had endured about as much of this charade as she could take. She followed the man through several narrow hallways and doors until finally they entered a large room where the escort presented her to Maggas.

  Allysix supposed that this room was approximately in the center of the building. The room was large and circular, with walls made from rough stone bricks. The floor was made from large grey stone tiles that had been worn somewhat smooth over time. The ceiling was dome shaped, and rose to a height several times the height of a man. The chamber was unadorned, and there were no wall hangings or carpet, just bare stone and tile. The only distinguishable feature was the dais at the far end of the room, where Maggas sat self-importantly. This was not the room Allysix had met Maggas in the first time. This had a more ominous, official look to it, but it would serve well for what she had planned.

  Maggas was a pompous man sitting atop the makeshift dais across the room from where Allysix had entered. His hair was pitch-black and he had fierce dark, deep-set eyes. His features were angular and harsh, with deep ridged frown lines. He was a rather large man, but lean and hard-looking. There was a rather impressive commanding aura about the man that pleased Allysix.

  As Allysix peered at Maggas, she wondered why the dais was not placed in the center of the large room. That would make more sense than off to one side, since everything was circular. In any case, there was no one else in the room, and the man who had presented her was showing himself out and closing the door behind him.

  Evidently, Maggas wasn’t quite as egotistical as Allysix had thought. Apparently, she was to make her apology to him in private, which was a surprise. She had expected that Maggas would want the atonement to be a public one, in front of as many witnesses as possible, to feed his ego.

  Or quite possibly, he had other more sinister plans for her than just an apology. But this was working out much better than Allysix hoped. She would be able to accelerate her plan beyond what she had originally anticipated.

  Whatever it was that Maggas had planned, mattered not at all since it was about to be thwarted. The privacy provided by this private meeting was exactly what Allysix needed, and more than she had hoped for. She purposely strode across the intervening distance of the bare stone floor slowly, towards the dais.

  “You will not look upon me directly,” Maggas barked roughly. “You have come here in supplication, and will show the proper respect. Get down on the floor and kneel before me, and do not look upon me again without permission.”

  Was this man serious? Did he actually believe she would approach him with downcast eyes, kneeling and kissing his feet? Well, Allysix supposed he did think that, since he didn’t really know who she was….yet. But Maggas was about to get a rude awakening.

  Allysix continued forward without lowering her eyes, instead glaring intently straight at the pompous man. Maggas nearly leapt from his seat on the dais and stepped forward with fury and madness in his eyes.

  “Who do you think you are? You will show proper respect, girl, or I will teach it to you,”
he bellowed, with his face red and his finger shaking furiously at her.

  At that moment, Allysix sensed him attempting to wield his black magic against her. Against her? She giggled inside at the thought of it. Little did he know that, she was black magic. She didn’t wield it as he did, exactly…she was it. The whole thing made her feel a little giddy. The dark power emanating from Maggas flowed around Allysix, pouring into her, and was consumed.

  Maggas’ eyes bulged, and his whole body shook with rage, mixed with confusion when he realized what had just happened. The spectacle was immensely satisfying to Allysix, and she stepped forward to grasp his head between her hands, drawing him close.

  His struggling against her grip was fierce, since he was a rather large man, but his resistance was wholly in vain. Allysix bent her head close, so that her lips were almost touching Maggas’ ear.

  “Do you know who I am?” she said seductively in a whisper.

  Maggas flailed, trying to break free from her grasp, and at the same time attempted his magic once more. This time it was much stronger and more frantic, lashing out at her with many attacks and unseen dark forces.

  Allysix knew that Maggas was trying to kill her now. Even with the increased ferocity of his onslaught, the result was the same as before and his assault just washed over her and was consumed by her, like water falling into a bottomless pit.

  Allysix allowed Maggas to continue for several long moments, until he realized for himself the futility of his efforts. The black mage eventually ceased his attack and stared wild-eyed.

  “I am Allysix,” she said in an even more seductive tone, letting the name sink in to his brain, “I am the Blood Witch.”

  She felt him tense at her name, and could almost feel his shock, before he finally, slowly released his tension as the possibility took hold.

  Deliberately she pulled back to look directly into his eyes. There was a mix of confusion and approbation on the man’s face. Maggas grappled with the possibility that this might actually be the woman whom he worshipped standing before him in the flesh. After all what other explanation could there be as to why she was able to withstand his all-out assault?

  Allysix knew it was almost done as she exuded her will more forcefully on the black mage. His mind became like pliable clay, yielding and malleable to the Blood Witch and her desires. Now, he only needed a little……encouragement.

  “Maggas my pet, you have dedicated your life to me, have you not?” She did not wait for an answer.

  “I require your services as a loyal subject. I seek to regain what was taken from me so long ago, and I need your help to do so. Hence, I have chosen you for this great honor, to aid me in this endeavor to take back what is mine. You are now my chosen one, and will obey me and only me…..completely, and without question.”

  The corners of his mouth began to slowly climb upwards, his eyes softened, and all doubt fled from his countenance, immediately being replaced by adoration and worship, as the Blood Witch’s will became one with the black mage.

  Maggas now reminded Allysix of a puppy, so eager to please his master. She was his master now in truth.

  “Good,” she said as she released her hold on the black mage’s head, “For your sake, I’m exceedingly glad that you understand.”

  “Y-Yes g-great mistress,” Maggas stammered, quickly lowering his lips to the floor in front of her, “I live to serve only you.”

  Now that was the proper way to show respect, Allysix thought to herself. “Good pet, now go fetch those two toddies that you sent to bring me here. I have unfinished business with them,” Allysix commanded, as she took up Maggas’ seat on the dais.

  The black mage leapt to his feet and hastily started for the door.

  “On second thought,” Allysix said casually, “bring everyone here, all the followers that are in the building that is,” she amended. If there were more men not within the walls, they would know about the events here soon enough. Besides, Allysix did not want to wait while the man ran about the city trying to find everyone, which he most surely would have, since she had said, everyone.

  “Bring them before me, I would like them all to witness what I have in store for those who faithfully follow me…..and also those who displease me,” Allysix intoned, with a wicked smile that almost looked seductive coming from her young beautiful face.

  “As you command Great Mistress,” Maggas said as he bowed deeply before rushing out the door.

  Surprisingly little time passed before Maggas returned. The black mage must have ran through the halls and rooms of the large building to get them all here in the short amount of time that had passed since he left.

  Maggas stepped through the door, followed by twenty-five other men. They were a rag-tag bunch, but Allysix supposed they were better than nothing, since they were more than she had a few moments ago.

  Most wore puzzled expressions on their faces and looked to Maggas for direction. It was evident that he had told them nothing of why they were being summoned. Clearly they were wondering why Allysix was on the dais instead of Maggas.

  Their puzzled looks turned to bewilderment when Maggas stepped forward and prostrated himself in front of her to say, “I have done as you asked great mistress. These are all the disciples that are in the building at the moment.”

  Allysix left Maggas lying there on the floor without giving him leave to rise. Better that these disciples learn quickly who was in charge now, what better way than seeing their leader subjugating himself in such a way to her. Allysix liked visual lessons more than spoken words. Words, often times, could be ignored or misunderstood, but here before them was the man they looked up to as their leader with his face to the floor in obeisance to her. This spectacle would be difficult for any of them to ignore.

  Walking deliberately past Maggas on the floor, Allysix immediately picked out the two men who had brought her to this place, and had shown such insolence and disrespect to her. There was no excuse for their abhorrent behavior; no matter that they did not know who she was.

  Allysix motioned for the two to step forward and stand in front of Maggas. They hesitated at first, but at least now had the good sense to follow their leader’s example by kneeling with their heads to the floor. The skinny man was on her right, with the bigger greasy man to her left.

  The skinny man however, kept eying her sideways with suspicion in his beady eyes. She decided she would kill him last, so he could see the other man die and know what his certain fate was also to be. This was going to be most enjoyable.

  In an effort to prolong the two men’s suffering, Allysix walked past the skinny man and began to make a circuit around the semicircle of men, speaking as she walked. “Some of you may be wondering why you were summoned here. You are all faithful followers of the Blood Witch, are you not?”

  No one answered or uttered a word, but Allysix studied their reactions to gauge if any were skittish about being accused of such a thing, since it was in fact a crime. None seemed to falter, and several even wore proud expressions, which was a good thing.

  “I am Allysix. I am the one you call the Blood Witch.”

  As it turned out, there were many places these days that it was a crime even to speak her name, one punishable by death. The sharp intake of breath and scandalized looks from the assembled men told her, that was the case here in Yilavo City.

  No doubt, they thought her an imposter and were ready to kill her for blaspheme. Their glances alternated from her, to Maggas prostrated on the floor, then to each other. They were like lost little sheep not knowing what to do.

  However, Allysix simply uttering her own name, along with Maggas on the floor, was enough for many of them to drop to the floor in subjugation. The few that remained standing, not wanting to be singled out, gave in and followed the lead of the majority. After a brief moment, all in the room were on their knees before her, as they should be.

  Lap dogs and bootlickers was what her army would be made from. Most of them were mindless fanatics una
ble to think for themselves. But then again, sometimes fanatics had their own uses as well.

  Allysix continued around the semicircle of kneeling men, when one in particular stood out. This man had been the last one to kneel, and was still casting sideways glances at her when he thought she wasn’t looking. Halting directly in front of the man, Allysix studied him carefully.

  He was a good-sized man, not overly big, but not gangly either. A short-cropped beard covered his chin and upper lip but the rest of his face was smooth. Jet-black hair fell to his shoulders in waves.

  Allysix placed her hand under the man’s chin and raised his face to peer into his pale blue eyes, which glowed with pride. She thought he was rather….. pretty. Allysix smiled to herself at the thought. The man wore a sword at his hip and carried himself as if he knew how to use it. Allysix was fairly certain that the man did indeed know how to use it.

  “What is your name?” Allysix demanded.

  “Baalnar,” he answered confidently. There was no hint of insolence or defiance in his tone or expression, just alertness and ferocity. Allysix was very pleased with the way the man held himself.

  “Baalnar, stand before me,” Allysix commanded, as she lowered her hand and took a step backwards.

  The man stood deliberately, not with too much eagerness, but not with hesitation, as if he was deliberately trying to defy her. This man would do nicely, she thought, as she looked him up and down for several moments. Allysix then turned her back to the man and walked away, leaving Baalnar alone, standing while everyone else was kneeling.

  She continued walking calculatingly around the circle back to the dais, to stop next to the fat man. Placing her hand on his head, she spoke again, not to the fat man but to the assembled men.

  “As you can plainly see, I am once again free. You all have the honor of being chosen to aid me in reclaiming my rightful place of power. You have been chosen for power and glory beyond your imagination. For those of you who serve me faithfully, that is……” Her voice took on an ominous tone.


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