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Marks on My Skin (Love & Ink #1)

Page 15

by J. A. Howell

  I nodded and Kieran slid two fingers inside me, working them back and forth until they were thoroughly covered in my wetness. “Don’t nod. Tell me, Shayne. Tell me why. Tell me how ya’d have fecked me that night.”

  I came up short, unsure of what to say. The memory of that night rushed back, and a shiver ran through me. “Go on, tell me.” Kieran said. He withdrew his touch and traced a wet finger up to my ass, circling the tight opening. My muscles tensed, then relaxed as he slid one finger inside.

  “You were drunk, handsome, and feeling used.” I paused, biting my lip as he slid a second finger into my ass. “I wanted to take you into one of the bathrooms and let you use me. I wanted you to fuck my mouth, my pussy…my—”

  I gasped at the sudden cold as liquid dripped down, running over his fingers. The scent of blueberries wafted in the air and I hid the grin on my lips. He was using my favorite flavored lube.

  “Would ya have let me feck yer arse?” He asked in a deep, gravelly tone. A stray drop dripped down one cheek and he bent down, licking it off.

  I nodded and he withdrew his touch. “Answer me.”

  “Yes, I would have. I would have let you use me however you wanted to.” I panted, yearning for his touch. He pressed his cock against my ass, teasing, then slid it down, brushing against my opening.

  For a moment he stilled, then thrust his cock into me. I pushed back against him, wanting to feel his entire length inside me. But he pulled back, stopping me.

  “I wanted ta use ya too.” He paused, his own breath catching, his voice strained. “I wanted ta bury myself inside ya right then and there. And then that little sound ya made, Jayhsus Christ.”

  He thrust all the way inside me, stretching me, and I moaned into the comforter. He didn’t move. His nails dug into my skin and a strong pulse throbbed through his length, making me whimper.

  “Yeah, that sound.” Kieran laughed. My own muscles tensed as he said it. His nails threatened to break skin and after a moment he pulled back again. I waited, yearning to feel him, wanting his restraint to slip. The thought of him grabbing my hair, shoving my face down against the mattress, and taking me without mercy or discretion was nearly enough to send me over the edge as it was.

  Instead, he kept his thrusts slow and controlled. His fingers moved with a similarly slow and torturous rhythm. I squirmed, pushing back against him. Needing more. Kieran slapped my ass and let out another laugh that set my body tingling.

  “Be patient, Shayne. I’ll give ya more when I’m good and ready.”

  I gasped, turning my head so my gaze caught his darkened, heady one. His lips twitched into a crooked grin and his fingers slid out of my ass. Keeping his gaze on mine, he grabbed the chains connecting my cuffs and slammed into me without warning. I bit into the comforter, the fabric muffling the cry that forced its way up my throat. He grunted behind me, thrusting again. Harder. Faster. Over and over until my body trembled, ready to shatter into a million tiny pieces as the pressure built to a fever pitch. Then, abruptly, he pulled out and climbed off the bed, leaving me gasping.

  “Wha-what? Why?”

  Kieran sauntered around the bed so he was in front of me. He leaned down and gave me a lingering kiss, slowly pulling his lips away from mine so he was staring me in the eyes.

  “I didn’t say ya could come yet, did I?”

  I swallowed hard, trying to catch my breath. “No, Sir.”

  God, I’ve created a monster. A sexy, sexy monster.

  He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and stood, letting his fingertips trail over my body then disappear once more. Though I knew he was out of my line of sight I tried to peer back to see what he might be pulling out next. My knee hit something amidst my squirming and the bottle of lube rolled off the side of the bed and onto the floor toward Kieran. Shit.

  “Kier, I knocked the—”

  “What did I say about talking?” He stopped me, stepping toward the bed.

  “Kier, the lube!”

  “Shayne, I’m not gonna stick it in yer arse without lube. Ya don’t have ta—” His words cut off with a yelp as his foot went out from under him. A short, “Feck! Shite!” followed as he tried to catch himself, and spun, falling right outside of my line of sight with a heavy clunk that jarred the dresser.

  “Kier?” I strained my neck, but the only thing I could see was his toes, motionless as he lay crumpled in an unconscious heap on the floor. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me…Kieran?”

  Panic set in and I struggled against the leather cuffs but couldn’t reach the buckles. “Dammit, Kieran, please wake up! I’m stuck!”

  A new set of horrors struck at the sound of the front door opening, followed by Niall’s voice calling out, “Kier, I’m home. Shoot got canceled!”

  “Kieran, wake up you son of a bitch!”

  No answer. Shit shit shit!

  Footsteps grew louder as Niall came down the hall and stopped outside the door. “Kier? Ya in there? I thought I heard ya.”

  I glared at his stupid big toe and struggled in vain once more to get free before resigning myself to answering.

  “He’s in here…with me.”

  A rather unmanly giggle came from the other side of the door. “Oh really? And what might ya two be doin’ in there?”

  “I um…need your help actually.” I said through gritted teeth. Niall’s tone only grew more amused.

  “Oh, ya need a helping hand, do ya? I figured Kier couldn’t handle the likes of ya.”

  “No! I…just…come in— but don’t look on the bed!”

  “Why…What the feck’s on the bed?!”

  “Nothing! Just don’t look, okay?” I growled.

  “Fine, fine.” Niall sniffed, and a second later the door creaked open.

  “Well helllooooo, Shayne!”

  “Goddammit, Niall! I TOLD YOU NOT TO LOOK!”

  He snorted behind me then let out a gasp as he saw his brother laid out on the floor. “Jayshus! Did my brother knock himself out with a feckin’ dildo?”


  Sex & Blueberries

  I frowned at my brother, who was sitting next to me in the small curtained exam area of the ER. “Quit grinning at me like that, ya arsehole.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. Ya smell like sex and blueberries, ya dirty little freak.”

  I rolled my eyes at him, exasperated and already thoroughly embarrassed from the state he’d found me and Shayne in.

  “Like ya’ve never done any of that with a chick.”

  “Oh no, I have. I just managed not ta bash my head against something and give myself a concussion in the middle of it. That’s a whole new level of kink.”

  “Yer not going ta shut up about this, are ya?”

  My brother’s grin widened to proportions comparable to the Cheshire cat, with an equal amount of mischievousness behind it. “Probably not. So were those all Shayne’s toys?”

  “Jayhsus…shut up.” I shook my head and winced, immediately regretting it as the skin around the small gash on my forehead throbbed angrily. “Where is she anyway?”

  I wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d stormed out of the apartment the moment she was freed, given the equally embarrassing state she was in.

  “Ya don’t remember?”

  “No. Things were fuzzy there fer bit.”

  “Ah, well. She came with us. She was worried about ya but the blood made her a bit queasy, so she’s hanging out in the waiting room. Well that and she didn’t want ta have ta be there when I explained how ya injured yerself.”

  I glared at him. “I told them I fell. Ya didn’t need ta add the rest.”

  “No, but the nurse certainly seemed amused.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Yes, but where would you be without me, hmm? Oh I know. Passed out on yer floor with a dildo in yer hand.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Are you done?”

  “Not even close. Don’t worry I won’t say shit ta Liam though.”

  I gave him another wary sidelong glance before looking up at the clock. “I thought they were goin’ ta discharge me.”

  “Ya know how long doctors take. Ya want me ta go get Shayne?”

  “Nah, I’ll wait till I’m not sitting here in a damn gown.”

  “Oh, worried about maintaining yer dignity, are ya?”

  “Please just shut up.”

  Niall beamed next to me but didn’t say anything else. Twenty minutes later the nurse came back with discharge papers. I signed them hastily, ready to get the hell out of there and away from the amused looks I was getting from the nursing staff. After I put on my clothes we walked out to the waiting room.

  I noticed Shayne wasn’t in the outfit she’d been wearing earlier, but a pair of Niall’s slim fit jeans and a t-shirt. Perhaps considering the cause of my injury, she didn’t want to draw any further attention to herself. She saw me and came over, her forehead creased in concern.

  “What did they say?”

  Despite the embarrassment, I smiled at her worried tone.

  “Just a mild concussion.”

  She touched a finger to the side of my head, careful not to prod too close to the injury.

  “Well, if ya two are ready ta go, we still need ta stop and get some pain meds fer this clumsy arsehole.” Niall interrupted us and Shayne pulled her hand away, averting her eyes.

  “Actually, it was my fault the lube ended up on the floor.” She leaned toward me as we followed Niall out to his car. “I was trying to see what you were doing and I bumped it with my knee.”

  I shook my head at her, fighting the urge to laugh.

  “I should spank ya fer that, but I have a feelin’ I won’t be in any shape ta do that the rest of the night.”

  “Maybe I can take care of you, then?” I opened the passenger door and glanced at her. Shayne’s eyes held a sweet, hopeful look and my mind drifted to where we had left off.

  I nodded for her to get in and brushed my hand against her arm. “I think I’m up fer that.”

  I climbed in the front seat and Niall drove to the closest pharmacy. Shayne and I went inside to put in the prescription. The pharmacy tech informed us it would be a few minutes so we sat in the waiting area. Shayne scooted close to me and I leaned against her, enjoying the close contact. I grabbed her hand and ran my fingers between her smaller, delicate ones, admiring her luminescent purple nail polish.

  “Oh, I talked to Darren while I was waiting for you.”

  “What? Why?”

  Shayne ducked her head down with a guilty look. “He called and when he asked where I was he was worried so I told him it was because you hurt yourself. He pressed on and well…”

  “And ya told him?”

  “No! He guessed. I tried to deny it but, you know how well that went.” Her lips pulled into a thin line. I wanted to be upset, but I could just imagine her fumbling over a terribly fabricated lie.

  “How did he guess?”

  “I told him it was a probably just a concussion and he asked if you fell while we were playing. He didn’t guess the bit about the bottle of lube. I told him that, but it was my fault it got knocked down.”

  “Christ, Shayne.”

  “I’m sorry!” She looked horrified, nearly on the verge of tears, but I squeezed her hand and let out a laugh.

  “It’s fine. What did he have ta say about it?”

  “Not much. He wanted to have lunch with you tomorrow.”

  I tensed. “Why? Ta lecture me?”

  “No. He wouldn’t lecture you. He just said he felt it was time you two hung out.”

  “Hmmph. I don’t know about that.”

  Shayne leaned over and kissed my neck. “I think you should go. He really is a good guy.”

  I knew she was right. He’d done a lot for her. Still, this was Darren. Her Dom for the last several years. To say I felt intimidated around him was an understatement.

  The pharmacy tech held up a white paper bag and motioned us back to the counter. I got up, disentangling myself from Shayne and paid for the meds before we left.

  “Fine. I’ll go see him.” I told her once we were back in the car.

  Niall gave both of us a curious look, then drove back to his apartment. We went upstairs and Niall stretched in a rather dramatic manner, letting out a huge and not at all convincing yawn.

  “Woooo, I think I’m goin’ ta turn in. Had a long day. Ya two goin’ ta be alright?”

  I eyed him suspiciously but nodded. “I think we’ll manage.”

  “Alright then, ya two behave.” He winked at me, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by Shayne, then slinked down the hall to his room.

  “That wasn’t obvious at all.” Shayne shook her head and took the pharmacy bag from me. “Why don’t you go lie down and get comfy. I’ll get you a glass of water and bring you your meds.”

  I gave her arse a playful squeeze and went to the guest bedroom. The smell of blueberries hit me full force as soon as I opened the door. The whole bottle must have broken when I stepped on it. My cheeks grew warm at the thought, but I pushed the tinge of embarrassment aside and shed my shirt before laying back on the bed.

  “Hey, don’t be going to sleep just yet.” Shayne’s soft teasing tone awoke me. I hadn’t even realized I’d drifted off. She straddled me and held two pills to my lips. I took them and drank the glass of water she held out to me. The jeans she’d worn to the hospital were gone so she was just in the t-shirt. I rubbed my hands over her bare thighs and around to her backside, noting she wasn’t wearing knickers either. Despite the dull throb in my forehead, something else throbbed much lower.

  “You seem to be recovering nicely.” Shayne rolled her hips, teasing my growing erection and I took a deep breath.

  “If ya keep doing that I’ll be upright in no time. Well, part of me anyway.”

  “Har har.” She gave me a wry grin then leaned down and kissed me. Her tongue brushed over mine in much the same slow, teasing rhythm as her hips.

  “Mmmph, is this payback fer earlier?”

  She only grinned against my lips, and kissed me once more.

  “No, as mean as that was.” Her eyes took on a mischievous gleam as she spoke. “You didn’t get to finish either. I thought I’d help you out.”

  She ran a hand down my chest and unzipped my jeans with a quick hand. I lifted my hips, letting her pull my boxers and jeans off. I was already quite hard at the prospect of feeling her warmth around me once more. She’d been all I could think about today…all I could write about.

  Shayne grasped my cock in her hand and lifted her hips, positioning the head against her wet heat. I sat up, reaching for her, but she put her hand on my chest and urged me back down.

  “Lay back, relax. I said I was taking care of you.”

  Using the same, torturously slow motions I’d been teasing her with earlier, she lowered herself onto me. Her warmth sheathed me and my head fell back against the pillows with a deep moan, not taking any care that my brother was in the other room. For all I knew the little pervert was probably listening. Shayne leaned down, gave me a slow, lingering kiss, and brought her hips down again.

  “Jayhsus, Shayne. Ya feel so good.” I closed my eyes for a moment, focusing on the feel of her, the scent of her, the sound of her body colliding with mine. Instinctively, I reached for her and she obliged, her mouth molding to mine, hungry with unfulfilled need. I may have teased her and tortured her earlier, but she was intent on getting her satisfaction now.

  Shayne pulled her lips away and her hips slammed down against mine with increased urgency. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and emitted a long moan that told me she was getting close. So was I. I slid a hand down between us, circling my fingers over her clit and the moan lifted in pitch to a shuddering whimper.

  “What I told ya earlier, Shayne. Come fer me. I want ta hear it. I want ta see it.”

  Her muscles tightened at my words, squeezing my cock as it pulsed with it’s own readiness. I put more
pressure on the wet swollen nub and her eyes squeezed shut.

  “Come on, Shayne. Come fer me.” My words came out shaky as the pressure growing inside me neared its limit. I was lightheaded and the pain in my head was gone, but I thought it was only the rush of blood to my lower extremities causing that. Running my hands over her thighs and hips, I gripped her round arse and her body tensed, seized with an orgasm. Not caring, or not remembering that Niall was sleeping just a room away, she cried out, moaning my name.

  Despite her orders to lay back and relax, I took over then, thrusting up into her as my own orgasm came on. I pulled her down to me once more and bit her shoulder as my hips jerked up and my cock twitched with release, finding that moment of pure bliss deep inside her.

  “Christ, Shayne.” The words came out barely audible. My head fell back once more and I closed my eyes, exhaustion hitting me hard. I drifted off, the last thing I remembered was her head on my chest.

  I hadn’t even realized I’d fallen asleep until I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. My head now just a dull ache, but a small pang lingered in my chest at the sight of the rumpled empty spot next to me.

  No, it’s fine, I told myself. She probably had to get to work and wanted to go home and change first. Besides, I had my own errands to attend to. First a call to my lawyer, then lunch with Darren.


  The Proposal

  “So, Shayne told me about what happened.” Darren smirked as he settled into the seat across from me. We’d met up at a small cafe and found a shaded table just outside on the sidewalk.

  “Yeah…” I absently prodded at the cut on my head. The doctor had glued it together while trying not to laugh at Niall’s retelling of what he’d dubbed “The Lube Incident.” It was still quite tender despite the lessened headache.

  “Well, I can appreciate your enthusiasm, and Shayne seems to like you a lot. First guy I’ve seen her really take an interest in.”

  My ears perked. “Really?”

  “She told you about her mother and all the shit that happened before she met me, didn’t she?”


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