Until I Sleep (Alora Chronicles Book 1)
Page 14
“Really?” Elma said surprised. “I was sure you were in love, it’s one of my gifts you know. I can sense the connections between people and yours is particularly strong. I’m almost never wrong. Don’t you feel it Jonik?”
“Ah, that’s really your area, not mine,” Jonik stammered.
“Perhaps you sense our strong friendship bond?” I answered quickly. Realising that Wyn must have his reasons for keeping Elma in the dark about who I was.
“Maybe that’s it. Perhaps your true feelings will develop when you’re ready for them,” Elma said.
“We should really get going,” Wyn replied changing the subject. “Thank you for your hospitality Elma. I hope we can return the favour sometime.”
“I hope you can remove those Dark Elves and return to the Castle where you belong. You have my support as the next King,” Elma replied.
“I appreciate your support Elma, but I think it might be safer for you if you don’t let it be widely known,” Wyn said.
“We’re not afraid to stand up for our beliefs,” Jonik said proudly, placing his arm lovingly around Elma.
“When the time comes, I will welcome your support. For now though, stay safe.”
We headed back outside. The sun was now quite low, its golden light shining through the trees. The horses were all still grazing in the clearing, Wyn used the spare saddle and bridle from the horse Jonik had been riding to put on Thunder. When three of the horses were ready, Wyn helped me back on the horse I’d ridden earlier. He tied the sullen looking Dark Elf onto the third horse. He left his hands tied and added a blindfold.
“Do you know where to find Finnan?” I whispered, not wanting the Dark Elf to have any more information.
“Yes. Hopefully we can reach them in a few hours.”
The thought of more hours in the saddle was not a particularly pleasant one. I was tired and sore. It seemed like this day was never-ending, I just hoped I could stay awake.
Staying awake, turned out not to be a problem. Being a novice horsewoman was more than enough to keep me awake. As we travelled through the quickly darkening forest, every sound seemed to make my horse nervous. He spooked at branches snapping and small animals running across our path. I had to stay alert just to avoid falling off. I didn’t say anything to Wyn. He had his hands full with his grumpy prisoner. Every time a stray branch brushed past him, he would yell obscenities. Or he would start describing in graphic terms exactly what he’d do to us when he got free. Wyn kept apologising to me for this behaviour, as if he was somehow responsible for the wrongdoings of all Elven kind.
Finally, just when I was sure I could take no more, I saw the light from a campfire through the trees. My horse put on a sudden burst of speed, probably eager to be fed and watered. I lost my balance and tumbled backwards off the horse. I landed hard, the air in my lugs whooshed out leaving me looking up at the stars struggling to get a breath. I finally managed to gasp some air into my lungs. My chest hurt, in fact I hurt all over, but I didn’t think anything was broken. Not quite the entrance into camp I was hoping for. I heard some movement through the trees and waited for Wyn to get all worried. I was feeling more embarrassed than hurt at this point and hoped he wouldn’t make too much of a fuss.
“Are you hurt Ashlee?” Callum said surprising me.
“Uh yeah, I’m fine. I think my pride is wounded more than anything else,” I admitted.
Callum did a quick assessment, checking my arms, legs and head for injuries.
“It looks like you only have a small cut on your arm. Nothing too serious.”
I hadn’t even felt the cut on my arm. I lifted it weakly and noticed it was dripping blood.
“Soon put it right,” Callum replied cheerfully, wiping something over the cut.
“Um, that’s not Poltin is it,” I asked wearily.
“Sure is. Don’t worry – you’ll be good as new in no time,” Callum smiled reassuringly.
“Uh Callum, I don’t react very well to Poltin,” I said, remembering he wasn’t there the first time it had been used on me.
“I’m sorry Ashlee. Will you be alright?”
“It’s fine Callum, just don’t listen to anything I say for the next few hours. Oh, and keep me away from Wyn,” I said starting to feel lightheaded and giggly already.
“As you wish,” Callum replied, scooping me up and carrying me into the clearing. As soon as we walked into the light, it became clear why Wyn hadn’t come to check on me. Finnan and Wyn were having a very heated discussion. They were trying to keep their voices low, so I could only catch a few words.
“Stupidity...totally unnecessary...foolish.”
Poor Wyn looked to be getting a thorough talking to from his friend and mentor.
“Poor Wyndie’s in big trouble now,” I giggled to Callum.
“He’ll be alright, but he should not have come,” Callum said looking at me oddly, as he gently lowered me to the ground in front of the fire.
“He’s a naughty boy, uh Elfie,” I laughed.
“Sorry about the Poltin, I’ll ah let you rest now,” Callum said awkwardly bypassing Wyn and Finnan to head over to where Argus was standing over the prisoner.
Part of me hoped Wyn wouldn’t come over, but the part of me under the influence of the Poltin really wanted to see him. Unfortunately they seemed to have finished their discussion and both headed over to me. Wyn crouched down resting on the balls of his feet.
“Are you alright Ash?” Wyn said softly. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to check on you, but I knew Callum would take care of you.”
“You’ve been a naughty Elfie,” I giggled slapping his arm.
“Didn’t you tell them not to give her Poltin?” Wyn said angrily, looking at Finnan.
“It may have slipped my mind. It does her no harm and will help speed the wound recovery,” Finnan answered.
“It’s hardly fair. She’ll be embarrassed when she returns to her senses.”
“Maybe it will help her sleep and you can both get back to where you should be!”
“Am I in tobble, um trouble with the big bad Elfie?”
“I expected at least one of you to have enough sense to stay away. Go to sleep now Ashlee. You’ll feel better in the morning,” Finnan got up and strode away.
I suddenly felt tears forming. Ugh, my emotions were so crazy right now. Tears were soon streaming down my face.
“Oh Ash,” Wyn said gently putting his arms around me. “I’m so sorry, I should never have brought you back here. I did know better. I do know better. I’ll take you home and keep you safe.”
“That’s okay Wyn,” I said snuggling into his chest. “I know you’ll look out for me. We’re connected, Elma said so.”
“Maybe I should move into my own house when we get back.”
“No, no, no. Bad, bad idea, I can’t be without my Wynnie,” I said giving a big hiccough.
“Shhh Ash, we’ll talk about it when you’re back to your normal self. Lie back against me and go to sleep now,” he whispered, gently running his free hand through my hair.
“Mmm nice,” I said relaxing instantly under Wyn’s gentle touch.
Wyn began to hum a sweet melody as he continued to run his hand though my hair.
“Goodnight sweet prince,” I mumbled.
“And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest,” Wyn replied.
Were we just quoting Shakespeare? I thought as I drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 17
My body ached all over. As I stretched I realised I was alone in the bed. I sat up, where was Wyn I thought, panicking. Memories came flooding back, the Poltin! Callum had given me Poltin! What embarrassingly stupid things had I said under its effects this time? I distinctly remembered crying. Had Wyn had enough of me and decided to stay in Alora? No that can’t be it I decided, Finnan had wanted him to come back here.
Something about Wyn moving out tugged at the corners of my mind. I jumped out of bed and raced downstairs in a panic. I could hear sounds com
ing from the kitchen. My footsteps slowed as I ran my hands through my hair. I didn’t want to look like the panicked mess I felt like inside. Dad and Wyn were standing side by side at the stove, making pancakes of all things.
“Morning sweetie,” Dad said looking up. “Had a good sleep in?”
“Uh sure, what time is it?”
“It’s 11am sleeping beauty,” Wyn joked.
“What! What about school?”
“Already taken care of,” Dad replied with a big smile. “I’ve already rung the school and organised for you both to have the day off.”
“Really,” I squealed. “How did I get such an awesome Dad?” I practically jumped on him giving him a big bear hug.
“I know it’s been a difficult year for you, it’s good to have a mental health day now and then,” Dad said seriously.
I felt my eyes start to prick with tears, if only Mum could be here now. Mostly I could wait until I was alone to cry and feel sad. In a way though, it was good to know I hadn’t fooled my dad. He could still see how sad I felt over the loss of my Mum.
“Pancakes are ready,” Wyn said, giving me a moment to pull myself back together. I knew I could cry in front of them, but I preferred to do my mourning in private.
We sat at the big dining table and gorged ourselves on the fluffy pancakes. Pancakes have to be right up there with some of my all-time favourite foods.
I wiped the last trace of syrup from my mouth. “What are you going to do today Dad?”
“I’m actually going to do some grocery shopping, unless you’re volunteering?”
“Uh pass, I’d rather go to school.”
“Alright then, you kids have fun,” Dad said, pushing back from the table.
“Bye Dad.”
“See you later Tom.”
“So what should we do today?” I asked Wyn, after Dad had left.
“We could go and explore some nearby walking tracks.”
“I’ll pass – I did enough action girl stuff last night.”
Wyn laughed. “What do you suggest then? I’m not letting you give me a manicure.”
“I could give you some green fingernails to match your eyes?” I teased.
“Maybe I should teach you some self-defence – you seem to get into plenty of trouble.”
“That’s more like it. But first, are you going to tell me what Finnan said to you last night?”
“Well, basically he told me that I was foolish for returning, that I should know better. And several variations on that theme.”
“What about when you suggested moving into your own place?”
“You remember that?”
“Yes, unfortunately I think I remember most of my deluded rambling,” I said flushing.
“I just said that in the heat of the moment. Finnan thinks it best if I remain here.”
“He’s not worried about us spending so much time together?” I said nervously, remembering the feeling of snuggling into Wyn’s chest last night.
“He trusts me to do the right thing.” Wyn was his controlled self once again. Honour and duty, blah blah blah. I knew I shouldn’t like it when his controlled facade slipped, but I did. I lived for those moments when he let his feelings show. Maybe I shouldn’t have let on that I remembered what happened after Callum applied the Poltin to my arm, (The cut on my arm was barely even visible this morning). I couldn’t help remembering Wyn holding me close, the feel of his hand running through my hair.
I gave myself a mental slap. “So does this mean we aren’t going back until you turn 18? Do you realise you haven’t even told me the exact date of your birthday yet?”
“It’s March the 9th.”
“What about your Mother?”
“What do you want me to do Ash?” Wyn said agitated, fists clenched at his sides. “Of course I want to go back and rescue her. I’m so torn! Finnan has forbidden me from returning, but I still have no news. I don’t know whether she’s suffering, or even if she’s still alive. I’m desperate to return, but I hate putting you in danger. I have never cared for anyone like I care for you Ashlee. I just want to do what’s right – but I don’t even know what that is anymore! I feel like I’m being pulled in all directions by those I care for the most. If you have any ideas of what’s right and honourable just let me know!” Wyn said, as he paced back and forth across the floor.
I’d never seen him so out of control before. I tried not to focus just on what Wyn had said about me, but on all that he was feeling. I was glad he’d confided in me.
“Maybe we should go for a run? That always helps me clear my head. I don’t think there is a simple answer here Wyn.”
After changing into my running shorts and a tank top, we headed down to the beach. Wyn looked different in shorts and a t-shirt. Great as usual, but I think he just looked more like himself in his Elf clothing. I hadn’t been for a run in a while and I’d missed it. Especially having the beach so close, it was much nicer to run on the pristine sand than the city streets. We did some quick stretching, the sun warming our backs.
“So how far do you want to run?” I asked Wyn.
“I’ll just follow your lead.”
“Catch me if you can then,” I laughed and sprinted off along the sand. All my tiredness had gone and I felt amazing sprinting along the beach. I ran for the joy of running, feeling the cool firm sand beneath my feet. I ran on and on, until I finally started to tire. I slowed to a walk and then stopped, putting my hands on my knees taking deep slow breaths. I was surprised Wyn hadn’t overtaken me. I looked up just as he slowed to a stop beside me.
“Hey slowpoke, what kept you?”
“I’m extremely impressed Ashlee, I didn’t know you could run like that.”
“What do you mean? I just ran like I normally do.”
“No – I don’t think you did. You were much faster than last time – I was really struggling to keep up.”
“You’re not just saying that to make me feel good?”
“Truly Ash it was amazing, you ran like an Elf.”
“Maybe some of your Elfishness is rubbing off,” I joked, not sure what to make of Wyn’s comments. I had to admit it’d felt really good to run. I’d just assumed I was having a good day. “Could my trips to Alora have had some effect on me?”
Wyn pushed his damp hair back off his face. “I really don’t know. We’ll have to ask when we return, if such a thing is possible.”
“Maybe you’re just tired still,” I replied not really convinced I could outrun Wyn.
“Maybe… let’s head back to the house. I have a strange feeling that we’re being observed.”
“What!” I looked all around the deserted beach. It was empty as usual, although I thought I felt a presence off in the scrub but it was probably just my imagination after Wyn’s comment. “Are you sure Wyn, who’d even know we’re here?”
“You’re right, I’m probably being overly cautious. I’ll feel better if we return to the house.”
We jogged slowly back down the beach. I could feel invisible eyes tracing my every move. I wished Wyn hadn’t said anything. Now my active imagination had gone into overdrive.
“Can you still sense something?” I asked.
“Don’t be alarmed sweet Ashlee, I’m just being cautious.”
“Who would be out here anyway?”
“I really don’t want to worry you unless I’m sure.”
“Okay, well I’m officially worried. I have a very overactive imagination. Perhaps if you tell me what you suspect, it’ll be less scary than the stuff my mind is currently concocting.”
“I should not have said anything.”
“Yeah, well too late now so ‘fess up.”
“I’ve had my suspicions for a while now, that someone has been following us. I’m not sure who, but I suspect it is one of Rothlyn’s minions.”
“Are we in danger?”
“I do not think so at this point, however I think it’s wise to be cautious.”
“Does that
mean no more beach runs?” I asked trying not to sound too disappointed.
“I think it would be wise if you didn’t go out on your own. I think it’s still safe if we go together.”
“I guess I can handle that. Where else have you felt we were being watched?”
“Mainly at school, this is the first time I have felt a presence here.”
We headed back up the beach path and into the house. I turned and locked the door behind me, something I didn’t usually bother with. I went into the kitchen and filled two large glasses with water.
“So what now that we’re stuck inside?” I asked.
“Do you want to learn how to defend yourself from an attack?”
“Definitely! We should probably use the gym.”
Dad had a small gym that he barely used off the garage. I hadn’t really been in it since I arrived. I preferred to run outside and weights held no appeal. We finished our water and went into the gym. There were a few large gym mats on the floor, so we moved the other equipment off to the side to create a decent practice area.
Wyn showed me how to defend myself with my hands and body if an attacker came at me. It was fun as well as being a good workout. I ended up hitting the deck a lot before I finally managed to throw Wyn down.
“Well done Ash. You’re a natural.” He smiled at me from his position on the floor.
“Thanks,” I replied pulling him up. “I never thought I’d enjoy it this much. I think we’d better stop soon though. My muscles are so sore. I don’t think I’ve ever worked this hard in my life,” I groaned theatrically.
“I forget you’re not used to this. How about we continue tomorrow after school.”
“How about I let you know tomorrow? I may not be able to move.”
I was sore the next day, but not as badly as I was expecting. No wonder Wyn had such an amazing physique, if he spent his days training like that. I was glad it was Friday, although I seemed to have a ton of work to get through. Lunch was spent talking about the upcoming ball. With only one week to go everyone seemed excited.