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Ringo's Ride

Page 2

by Regina Carlysle

  Relief shook her and her body trembled. She knew full well she’d reached the end of her tether. She would kill for a hot bath right now. And a bed. And sleep.

  “We’re here. How are you holding up?”

  To her everlasting shame, her teeth started to chatter. She shook like a leaf. Ringo cursed and got out to come around the front of the truck and open the passenger door. When he pulled her up into his arms, she curled in on him, hanging on tightly as he ate up the distance between the truck and the front door.

  She was safe now. Safe from the beasts who took her. Only one problem remained. Was she safe from this man who held her so possessively in his arms?

  Chapter Two

  Overcome with the need to protect her, to take care of his mate, Ringo tightened his arms around her and headed toward the house, unmindful of the bits of gravel biting into his bare feet.

  “Hang on,” he whispered as he freed one arm to reach above the door to find the key that was always kept there. He pushed it into the lock and stepped into the dark house with her. The first order of business was to turn on a small lamp in the living room and though she protested that she could walk and he should put her down, he didn’t. Guess she didn’t realize what the loss of her would’ve done to him. If the rogue lycans hadn’t stopped when they had, he’d still be running across the desert in hot pursuit.

  When he reached the bathroom, he gently sat her on the toilet seat. “Let’s get you into a bath.”

  Ringo desperately tried to come up with something to say that would wipe that terrorized expression from her face. Unused to offering comfort and feeling a total failure at it, he twisted the faucet of the oversized tub and in a second or two, water was gushing. Finally, he turned and looked down at her.

  “I need to take your clothes off, honey.”

  When Rayne only blinked, he reached for the hem of what was left of her tee shirt and pulled it over her head. Her pretty breasts were plump enough to make his mouth water and were beautifully covered by a lacy little bra that was just sheer enough to give him a glimpse of her pink nipples. His cock twitched in response. Ruthlessly, he fought back the need that twisted deep in his belly.

  Rayne’s eyes widened as his gaze connected with hers. She would know what he was thinking and despite what many of the folks in Cloverfield thought of him, he wasn’t without manners. At least not completely. Slaking his lust on women who’d been traumatized wasn’t his thing. “Don’t look at me like I’m gonna jump your bones, darlin’.” He forced himself to smile when he wasn’t feeling at all light and happy. “Maybe another time.”

  Rayne shook her head. “No. No, I didn’t think—”

  “Forget it.” If she started talking, he knew he’d give in to temptation in a heartbeat and kiss her just to reassure himself that she was okay. Rayne was from an old lycan family. She was sheltered and protected. But as casually as if he stripped down the town’s princess every day, he reached around her and unhooked her bra.


  Ringo fought against licking his lips. Her breasts were more beautiful than he’d ever imagined.

  Before he could stop himself, he pressed his mouth over her breastbone. He felt her heart thump hard and it was a miracle to him that she was alive and relatively unharmed. It was the most non-sexual kiss he’d ever given to anyone but Rayne wouldn’t know that. The last thing he wanted was to scare her so he stood and drew her to her feet. Ringo unzipped her skirt, pushing it and her panties down her legs until they lay in a heap around her bare feet.

  The scent of her curled around him but he ignored it as he reached over and turned off the water. Steam rose from the surface. She would need it hot but her skin was so damn delicate.

  “Just a minute. Let me check it.”

  Ringo tested the water and stood to help her into the tub. When she sank into it with a little sigh, he fetched a fresh bar of soap, shampoo and set out a couple of towels. He felt Rayne’s stare and looked over at her. A tiny smile settled on her mouth.

  “You’re taking good care of me, Ringo.”

  “Did you think I wouldn’t?” The words slapped at her, sharp and ugly and he hated himself.

  Rayne blinked and he wished he could just rip his damn unruly tongue from his mouth. He didn’t possess an iota of class. A smart man, one who knew he had nothing good to offer a woman like her, would just keep his mouth shut and stay far away from temptation.

  Frustrated with his stinkin’ ineptitude, he shoved his fingers through his hair. “Fuck! I’m sorry. I’m an ass.”

  “No argument there.”

  When he looked at her again that wounded expression was gone, replaced by a look of wonder.

  “It’s weird,” she said as she settled back against the tub, crossing her arms over her chest as if he hadn’t already gotten an eyeful of her beautiful breasts.

  Quickly he looked away. “What’s weird?”

  “How it is with mates. I feel your confusion, Ringo. I feel that you want to fuck me but you are conflicted. I’m not some delicate flower.”

  Not delicate? Like hell she wasn’t delicate.

  He whipped his head back and tried like everything to look scary. “Just so you know, I don’t like having somebody in my head digging around. Sweet little girls like you have no idea what they’re messing with.”

  Rayne was in shock. She’d been kidnapped for cryin’ out loud and here she sat, rolling her eyes at him. Nope. He didn’t fool her. At least not anymore. Ringo shook his head. “I’ll be right back.”

  He stalked from the room, still bare-ass naked and went to the bedroom closet to fish out a pair of sweatpants from a built-in shelf. Nakedness among their kind wasn’t a particularly shocking thing but he was rock-hard. Yep. She’d notice something like that. Thinking it was best she not think of him like that, he pulled them on and grabbed a phone from the living room before heading back into the bath.

  While he’d been gone, she had shampooed her hair. Light bubbles set atop the water and her sunset-bright hair was darker now as it clung damply to her neck and shoulders. Already the strands were curling up tighter than a corkscrew.

  Trying to ignore the way she watched him, he sat on the toilet seat and pushed a button on the phone. A list of every lycan in Cloverfield had been programmed into it. It didn’t take him long to find Angus Poteet’s number and he punched the speed dial.

  “I’m calling your folks.”

  Rayne sat up, anxiety written on every delicate curve of her face. Water sloshed over the rim of the tub and he noticed her hand gripping the edge of the tub. Without thinking, he caught it and bent to press his lips to the back of it.

  The phone rang only once and then Angus’ heavy voice barked a greeting into the phone.

  “Ringo Ramone, Angus. I’ve got her. She’s safe.”

  A long silence fell and then he heard Angus speaking to Brenda, Rayne’s mother. He heard her quiet sound of joy and the sounds of crying. Angus returned his attention to the ongoing conversation. “Did they hurt her? Did they—”

  “No. No, Angus. She’s fine. Scared and scratched up and a little shocky.”

  “I’m coming to get her.”

  Ringo shook his head. “Not necessary. I know you want to see her but she’s my responsibility.” Damn. Had those words really just come out of his mouth? He wanted nothing to do with this mating business. Especially not with Rayne Poteet, despite how much the woman made him burn.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Ramone?”

  Rayne finally spoke up. “Let me talk to him, Ringo.”

  He handed her the phone. Her hands trembled as she gripped it and brought it to her ear. “Daddy?”

  Tears filled her eyes and fell down her cheeks. Ringo couldn’t bear it. He looked away before he did the unspeakable and yanked her into his arms.

  “No, no, Dad. I’m okay. They just scared me a little but Ringo saved me.”

  The way she’d whispered the words Ringo saved me had him looking at her ag
ain. Hero worship rang loudly in her voice despite the way she’d whispered it all. He wanted to tell her that he was no one’s idea of a hero, considering his father had been a traitor to them all. A mongrel dog couldn’t be more worthless.

  Ringo held his tongue as the pain of old memories tore him apart, bit by bit. He didn’t deserve Rayne’s adoration. Just the opposite. She deserved the world and he just wasn’t the man who could give her that. Best she learn it now.

  “I have to stay here, Dad,” she continued quietly. She sniffed and Ringo watched her wipe at the tears on her cheeks. “Ringo’s my mate. Yes. Please, Dad, just listen to me. I didn’t know until just before those guys took me. I need to stay here for a while so we can work this all out. The thing is, he’s mine and I’m his. We need to be together.”

  Wishing he could wipe the words she’d spoken from his mind, he watched her disconnect and lift her eyes to him. Careful to shield his vulnerability to the whole damn thing, he took the phone and called Joe, his alpha.

  Once he’d assured Joe that Rayne was safe with him and that he’d taken care of the rogue lycans, they talked for a few minutes more and then Ringo hung up and set the phone down near the sink. When Rayne shivered uncontrollably again, he made a decision that he would probably live to regret. Shrugging out of his sweats, he tossed them aside and stepped into the tub.


  He didn’t give her time to protest but settled himself behind her and wrapped his arms around her damp body. Stretching his legs along the length of hers on either side, he noted the fairness of her skin when contrasted to his darkness. “You’re shaking like a leaf so hush and let me take care of you.”

  He dipped his hands in the warm water and drew them tenderly over her arms. His cock was brick-hard, rising between their bodies, pressing hard against her spine and ass as she cautiously settled back against him. She tensed a little bit and then released a long, shuddering breath before going limp against him. Ringo buried his face in her hair and, wanting to comfort, moved to rest it against her cheek. He looked down the front of her body. Her nipples were the color of pink cotton candy he’d once had at the state fair when he’d been a kid. Back when both parents had been honorable and he’d loved them. Drops of water glistened like fragile crystal on the puckered tips of nipples that had grown tight as colder air touched on them.

  This was wrong, just plain wrong in so many ways but damn it, he wanted her so badly he ached. He wasn’t going to act on what he wanted to do to her. No way. Now he just had to convince his body that he wasn’t about to fuck her until she was screaming his name.

  From the time she’d been a little girl, Rayne had watched Ringo Ramone with a fascination she’d never had for another living soul. He was dark, edgy, compelling and, in her mind, the romantic epitome of a rough, tough, cowboy. Though she’d never once seen him behave cruelly to others, she sensed the raw fear of other lycans when they were around him. She’d never understood that.

  Tonight he’d been nothing but gentle and protective.

  Leaning back against Ringo’s firm, muscular body seemed almost as natural to her as breathing. The warm water soothed her but not as much as he did. His broad hands sent heated moisture over her arms and she sighed. When he settled his fingers tentatively against her ribs and lower, flutters set up in her belly, like a million butterflies batting their wings. Rayne knew that he wanted her. She could feel his emotions as if they were her own and mixed with his concern for her, there was a low burning lust that caused her heartbeat to rush toward a frantic pace. Reciprocating the emotions, the feelings of latent desire, she slowly released her breath and let her need for him sink into her very bones. Her pussy ached as the strongly pulsing flesh beat in tandem with her pulse.

  “I love the way you touch me, Ringo,” she whispered, turning her head to rest her cheek against his chest.

  “I shouldn’t be touching you and we both know it.”

  “Ah, stubborn man.”

  Ringo breathed out sharply as if he’d asked himself an internal question and promptly answered it. His fingers spread out over her belly and began to stroke her flesh. She sent her own hands on a discovery of strong forearms, honed from years of working a ranch. Finally being able to touch him the way she’d always dreamed was a miracle to her despite the circumstances that had brought it about.

  Memories of the night and all that had happened replayed in her mind like an old movie ratcheted up to warp speed and suddenly she gasped and turned in his arms. Going up to her knees, she gripped his shoulders.


  He went still. His eyes narrowed. “What is it?”

  Several young girls had been taken by the rogue lycans. How could she have forgotten?

  “The girls. What happened to the other girls? Gods! I feel so selfish!”

  Ringo instantly relaxed and reached to cup her face in his hands. “Shh. They’re fine. Your dad filled me in, Rayne. The others got them back and they are safe with their families. They were found a hell of a lot quicker than you were. I doubt they have a scratch on them.”

  Rayne closed her eyes in thankful relief. “They are only teenagers! When I think of how scared they must have been to be taken that way, I just want to—”

  “Stop it, honey!” He reached out and settled her against him. “It’s over now.”

  Relief mixed with the adrenaline that raced through her blood. Everything seemed more colorful, brighter and more intense. Now that she was fully facing Ringo, she absorbed the feel of her breasts pressed tightly to his chest. His hands, cruising the length of her back, sent sensation zipping straight through her belly where it settled in her pussy like a ball of twisting heat. Her butt was planted firmly on his rock-hard thigh and his thick cock pressed the side of her hip.

  Without thinking, without stopping to ask, she pressed her lips to the dent of his collarbone. She teased his skin with her tongue. Ringo groaned low and tightened his hold. It was all the invitation she needed. Her mouth got busy sipping drops of water from the mounds of his chest, his nipples. Flicking one with her tongue, she lightly sucked.

  “Christ! Rayne! Aw honey, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

  Her tongue flicked again then moved to the other nipple. “I know exactly what I’m doing, Ringo. I want you.”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying.” He caught her head and Rayne saw the stark emotion swirling in his dark eyes. His feelings hit her with the force of a sledgehammer. Torn. So torn. Fragile, in a strange way, for such a kickass man.

  “I’m not a child.”

  “No shit.”

  “Please, Ringo. You are my mate. This is right. I know you can feel it.”

  “Fuck feelings, Rayne. Sweetheart, you’ve been through too much tonight.”

  Anger whipped through her, hot and unexpected. She bolted back and stood on her knees in the bath as she glared at the dumb-assed man. “I’m not stupid. I know what I feel. Know what you feel too, big guy. Lucky me.”

  His hands reached out to pull her back but she managed to stand and step, dripping, from the tub. Reaching for a towel, she held it in front of herself and looked at him. The big beast was scowling at her. Well, let him scowl. If he was too hardheaded to accept how things were between them, then he could just go to hell.

  She didn’t need this rejection tonight on top of everything else she’d been through. Using the towel, fury feeding her actions, she glared at him as she wrapped the soft terry cloth around her body. “I might not be your idea of a perfect mate, Ringo. You’ve made your opinion perfectly clear, but damn it, you are stuck with me. Get over it.”

  When she spun away, heading through the bathroom door, she heard a splash, heard him curse. But by the time she’d shrugged out of the towel and climbed between the cold sheets of the bed, her anger had been replaced by hurt. Tears burned in her eyes and she snuggled in, listening to Ringo move around the darkened room.

  A few minutes later the bed shifted and she felt Ringo
invade her space. He adjusted the sheets to cocoon them both.

  “Come here,” he said, his voice low and raspy. He drew her into his arms until his naked, very aroused body was pressed close to hers. Rayne released the breath she’d been holding and gave up. Melting into him, feeling his warmth, his sudden acceptance of the situation, she closed her eyes and sank into sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Ringo was yanked from the haunting dream of his father locked in mortal combat with the pack’s former alpha. The nightmare always ended the same way, with Father lying dead and bleeding upon the dusty ground while he and his mother looked on in horror. Now the dream was different as the vision faded and on the perimeter of conscious thought something warm slithered over his body. Opening his eyes, surrounded by the utter stillness that always came just before dawn, he saw Rayne’s curls pool across his chest as her warm, sweet mouth teased across his chest and lower.

  “If this is a dream, I don’t think I wanna wake up,” he whispered as he filled his hands with her hair. So soft. She murmured something unintelligible against his belly and he felt the touch clear to his toes. Rayne lay between his thighs working him over with her lips and tongue. His cock was cradled between her pretty breasts. The pillowy softness felt so damn good, he arched against them, rubbing to relieve the pressure. Her body moved against him as she sucked at his belly then moved lower.

  “What are you doing to me, woman?”

  “I had to touch you. I felt your sadness. The sadness from your dreams. I’ve been watching you sleep for a while.” She dragged her tongue over the length of his erection and he sucked in a breath. Her breath drifted over him. “I didn’t realize your shields would be down while you slept, Ringo.”

  Huh? He’d think about that pesky little problem later. Right now he just wanted to know what good thing had he done lately that caused him to deserve this. Her mouth felt like sweet seduction as she tasted him, wrapping her hand at the base and squeezing with delicious precision. The other hand went between his thighs, straight to his tightly drawn balls. Her fingers lightly stroked him there, sending a shiver to dance over every inch of his body.


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