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His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction

Page 19

by Krista Lakes

  “It would please me.”

  Mr. Hayes sighed. “But you stay in the helicopter the whole time, understand?”

  Tracy nodded, her head feeling strangely light. She knew she hadn't lost enough blood to make her woozy, the medic had even said the bleeding was minimal.

  Tracy suspected it had something to do with dream visions.

  She followed Mr. Hayes and several uniformed soldiers onto the dark helicopter. She didn't know much about military weaponry, but from what she could see of the helicopter and its computer systems, it was a top of the line military tool. She didn't even want to know what Mr. Hayes paid to use it.

  The ground fell away as the chopper lifted into the air. Tracy pressed her fingers against the bridge of her nose, hoping that the change in altitude would help clear the pressure growing in her head. It felt like one of the dream connections, despite the fact that she hadn't had the blinding white light that usually preceded it.

  It had to do with John Tice. The visions hadn't bothered her until she connected with him. The dreams had only become chaotic after merging with his. He was the key. His connection with her was what was causing the pain. She didn't know why, but she knew she needed to connect with him again. Kind of like resetting a switch by overloading it, she needed to connect again.

  The more she thought about it, the more she knew the headaches and the lack of consistency in her dreams was due to John Tice. He had been the one dreaming of his evil henchman. He had been the one dreaming of Gordon. He had been the one dreaming of hurting her.

  The power of his dreams and the intensity of his hate were fueling the dreams. She hadn't been able to connect with anyone else because his connection with her was so strong. He hated her that much that he was forcing out all the other dreams, forcing her brain to defend itself constantly against the onslaught of hostility he kept sending her.

  No wonder she'd been having headaches.

  The helicopter flew across the treetops, the men inside silent as they prepared. Tracy was the last to spot the dark SUV traveling down the road. John had taken an exit and was no longer on the helicopter.

  It felt like a scene from a movie. Everything moved in slow motion with every detail magnified and yet somehow distorted at the same time. The helicopter hovered over the black SUV, following its every move as the driver tried to find a way to elude the floating machine.

  Four black SUVs with the Hayes' logo came out of nowhere, flanking John's car. Between the four vehicles and the helicopter, he had no where to go.

  He pulled over and was quickly put in handcuffs.

  Tracy's hair danced in the wind as the helicopter landed and let the two of them out. John was pressed up against the side of the car, his hands bound behind him and his gray suit crinkled. He didn't look nearly as confident as he had an hour ago.

  “You tried to have me killed,” Mr. Hayes said.

  “Fuck you.” The older man spat, but it came no where near Mr. Hayes or Tracy.

  “Why? Why did you do this?” Tracy asked, stepping forward. She made sure to stand directly in front of him so he would have to look at her.

  “I don't have to talk to you,” John hissed, refusing to meet her gaze.

  Something inside of Tracy snapped. The pain and confusion she'd felt these past few weeks. The betrayal from Gordon. The sleeplessness. The fact that she was shot. It was all his fault. She grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her.

  “Why?” Tracy repeated, tightening her grip on his chin to the point of pain. “I want to know why.”

  “My daughter.”

  “What about her?” Tracy squeezed harder, waiting for him to make eye contact with her.

  Pale blue eyes met Tracy's. Searing white hot light flowed through her brain like lightning, shocking every neuron and synapse it touched.

  The whirling, twisting colors of blue and red over white surrounded Tracy. She knew she wasn't dreaming, that both of them were still awake, but the connection was so strong she was able to transcend and enter his thoughts without being asleep.

  John's mind howled with the invasion. It beat at her with icy winds and blistering heat, but she didn't relent. There was no retreat from this.

  The form of Jenna filled her mind.

  Only it wasn't the Jenna Tracy knew.

  A scared little girl, no more than six years old, peered up at her. She wore a simple white dress with a dark blue bow in brown hair. Freckles dotted her cheeks and innocent eyes stared out at her.

  “Why did you let her do that to me, Daddy?” the little girl asked. “Why would you let this happen?”

  “I'm so sorry, baby,” John's voice whispered. “I promised to protect you.”

  “She is going to take him away from me. You promised me that Paul and I would live happily ever after. You promised,” the little girl pouted.

  Tracy knew that it wasn't really Jenna saying these things. It was what her father wanted. Her father had wanted his little girl to end up with the man he had mentored. The real Jenna may have desired Mr. Hayes, but she was also willing to kill. The little girl standing before her was an innocent child.

  “Why would you let this happen, Daddy?” the little girl cried. Bruises formed under her eyes and her skin grew pale. “You have to save me, Daddy.”

  “Of course, baby,” John whispered. The wind stopped howling in Tracy's mind and the dream became deathly silent. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Kill them,” the girl whispered. It made Tracy's stomach sick to hear such an evil thing come out of such an innocent looking child. “Make them pay.”

  “Of course, baby,” John whispered again.

  The whirling, twisting colors of blue and red began to swirl around the child's feet as she began to laugh. John started to laugh as well and the howling wind overtook them all.

  “Tracy! Tracy!” Mr. Hayes shouted frantically, bringing her back to reality.

  She didn't know what had happened, but she was on the ground. John Tice was out cold beside her, his eyes rolled up in the back of his head. She stared at him until she was sure she saw him take a breath.

  “What happened?” she stammered, putting a hand to her head. She expected it to hurt, but for the first time in weeks, it actually felt clear.

  “You were asking him why and then you both just fell to the ground,” Mr. Hayes replied. He had his arms around her, her head propped up on his shoulder. “You scared us all.”

  “I'm okay,” she said, actually meaning it this time. “I really am. I know why he did it.”

  “He told you?” Mr. Hayes asked, holding her tighter.

  “For Jenna. He did it for her. Or rather, what he thinks of as Jenna,” Tracy amended. “He thought that destroying the two of us would bring back the little girl he loves.”

  “Jenna's not a little girl anymore,” Mr. Hayes said softly.

  “No, she's not,” Tracy agreed. “But, he still see's her that way.”

  Mr. Hayes let out a long breath. “You sure you're okay? Seeing you both pass out like that...”

  “I'm fine,” Tracy promised. “And I promise to let the doctor look me over.”

  "What about him?" Mr Hayes asked. “Is he fine, too?”

  Tracy looked over at the still unconscious man.

  “I don't know,” she said honestly. “And I don't really care. He tried to have you killed.”

  Mr. Hayes kissed her head, and tightened his arms around her. She closed her eyes, breathing in his scent and letting her tired body relax against his.

  “He will never hurt either one of us again,” he promised. “I swear to you.”

  “I believe you,” Tracy said softly. She turned to face him. Worry creased his face, but love warmed his eyes.

  He raised his hand to cup her blood-flecked cheek. When he finally met her stare, Tracy could see the laid-bare emotions that he wanted to express, but for which words were inadequate. She waited for the blinding pain of the connection, but instead just felt a warm rush fill her mi
nd. The pain was gone. She knew her dreams would be of Mr. Hayes and no one else.

  "I love you, Tracy, and I will fight from here to hell and back to make sure that you know it." He pulled her in and kissed her lips with a new-found tenderness that was a first for both of them. When he pulled away, Tracy could see the tear-stained trails leading from his eyes as he asked, "This might not be the best time, but I've never been more sure than I am right now. Will you be my wife?"

  The question rocked Tracy more than any of the events leading up to it. It was obvious that neither one of them had planned to make that leap so soon. She could see it in his eyes: the pleading desperation that comes only from realizing that he'd found the one thing he couldn’t live without.

  "Yes," she responded simply and fell into his arms. It was the one place that where she knew she would always be safe.

  Mr. Hayes pulled her off her feet with one arm and carried her away from the car with a renewed urge to protect and provide for Tracy, no matter what the cost. As a second helicopter began to rise over a distant tree line to the east, it felt as if the dawn heralded not only the new day, but a new chapter in their lives.

  Tracy closed her eyes and let him carry her to an awaiting car.

  "Mrs. Tracy Hayes," she whispered to herself and smiled.

  It was the most beautiful thing that she had heard in a long, long time.

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  About the Author

  New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Krista Lakes is a thirtysomething who recently rediscovered her passion for writing. She is living happily ever after with her Prince Charming. Her first kid just started preschool and she is happy to welcome her second child into her life, continuing her “Happily Ever After“!

  Thank you for supporting an indie author. Anything you can do, whether it be writing a review, or even simply telling a fellow reader that you enjoyed this, helps me out immensely. Thanks!

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  Krista would love to hear from you! Please contact her at, like her, or friend her on Facebook!

  Further reading

  Kinds of Love

  A Forever Kind of Love

  A Wonderful Kind of Love

  An Endless Kind of Love (out October 3)

  A Hopeful Kind of Love (novella)

  Billionaires and Brides

  Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story

  Yours Truly: A Cinderella Love Story

  Yours Royally: A Cinderella Love Story

  The "Kisses" series

  Saltwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

  Kisses From Jack: The Other Side of Saltwater Kisses

  Rainwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

  Champagne Kisses: A Timeless Love Story

  Freshwater Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

  Sandcastle Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

  Hurricane Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

  Barefoot Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

  Sunrise Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

  Waterfall Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

  Island Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story

  Other Novels

  I Choose You: A Secret Billionaire Romance

  His Every Desire: A Billionaire Seduction

  Wolf Six's Salvation: A Shifter Love Story

  Burned: A New Adult Love Story

  Walking on Sunshine: A Sweet Summer Romance

  Hard and Deep: A Football Romance

  Check out my new Youtube channel for promotional videos, exclusive content, and my smiling face reading my books!

  Don't forget to join my mailing list as well for updates! (clickable link)




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