Book Read Free

The Stranger

Page 20

by Linda Maran

  “It’s one of those things men folk don’t understand. Ain’t so, Kristen?”

  “Sooo true. I hope we can get more of them. We only have five left.”

  “I hear that they sell them online now, so you can place an order that-a-way. This district allows the use of a computer for business orders and such,” Sadie said, as she held the wrapped bar to her nose for a whiff.

  “Are we finished with the soaps now?” John purposely crossed his arms and tilted his head in a show of impatience. Things had lightened up and a silly mood had come over him.

  “Jah. We’re finished. Mamm is waiting to go.” Sadie bid her farewell and walked toward her mother.

  Lucy caught John’s gaze and waved.

  He waved back, and then turned to Kristen.

  She looked at him with a playful smile.

  Maybe his silliness was contagious.

  “What are you smiling at?” John asked.

  “You. Me. Us. We make quite a pair.”

  “How so?”

  “The whole Sadie thing. I saw how worried you looked when you first came over here.”

  “Vell, I figured you might’ve taken it the wrong way. I mean, with Sadie and me stepping outside alone for longer than I’d intended.”

  “I had my moments.”

  “Why, Kristen? You needn’t doubt how I feel for you. Don’tcha know that yet?”

  Kristen fidgeted, and John wished he could give her a long deep kiss to prove his words and quell all of her misgivings. But of course, he couldn’t. The Amish didn’t kiss or hug in public. From the corner of his eye, he saw Mamm watching them.

  Then the door jangled and in walked Angela.

  “Hi, guys. I had to stop in on opening day to wish you luck. The place looks fabulous!”

  “Denki, Angela. There’s hot water for kaffee and tea, if you like. Mamm is over there by her preserves,” John pointed in that direction. “Ach, Anna is waving frantically behind you from her candy counter. I think it would be a gut idea to visit her first.”

  Angela turned and waved at Anna.

  “Oh, before you go. Are you free to drive me and Jacob Mast to the train station on Saturday morning around 8:00 AM?” Kristen asked.

  “I’m pretty sure my slot is open then. I have to drive Mrs. Stolfus to the doctor that day at one o’clock, but that gives us plenty of time.”

  “Thanks, Angela. You’d better get going. Anna is waving again to get your attention.”

  Angela laughed and walked toward the candy counter.

  John focused his attention back to Kristen.

  She rubbed her hands together and chewed her bottom lip. “You agreed that it was a good idea for me to show Jacob where I grew up, right?”

  “Very gut. Now I only wish you’d take my advice about not doubting me.”

  “John, I don’t doubt you. I doubt myself. My life. Who I am. What I can and cannot do. My faith, too.”

  “Kristen, look how much Gott has revealed to you already about your life. An Amish familye you never knew about. Jacob being your daed. And now the haus at the beach being yours as it was intended to be. Pray and let it all unfold.”

  “I hadn’t looked at it that way because everything happened so fast. I haven’t had much of a chance to think with a clear head, let alone pray. And maybe I’m still a little mad at God.”

  “Best to count our blessings than our misfortunes, jah?”

  “Jah, yourself! There’s that preacher talk again.” She gave John a playful punch in the arm.

  “Ach, nee. I’m just telling you what helps me in tough times. Seriously, Kristen. Make time to pray and to be grateful for all the blessings coming into your life.”

  Kristen nodded.

  John hoped she considered him one of her blessings. He thanked Gott every day for bringing her to Stone Arabia.

  “I got my candy and a couple of jars of strawberry preserves, too,” Angela said, walking toward them munching on a hunk of fudge. “Which reminds me, Kristen. Your Aunt Elizabeth asked if I’d drive you home to pick up the sandwiches she forgot this morning.”

  “OK. Sure. Should I bring a package of cheese for you, John?”

  John grinned, glad that Kristen was in a happy teasing mood. Her face radiated joy straight to his heart. “Nee. Just bring back that smile you’re wearing.”


  Kristen waited for Jacob before going inside the house. He stood before her with a generous smile.

  “Vell, it’s so long for now, dochter. I have to return the bishop’s horse and buggy and join him and his family for dinner. It was gut being here for the opening of the store.”

  “Yes. An exciting day. OK, then. See you on Saturday.”

  “Jah. Saturday.”

  That night Kristen and Mary helped Aunt Elizabeth put together a quick supper of cold meats, bread, pickles, and a slaw. It’d been a long day at the store and a simple meal was in order.

  She wasn’t sure if this was the right time to share her news with the family. They were tired and so was she. But she needed to tell them tonight about a decision she’d made as she’d helped set out the food.

  When the silent prayer was over, Kristen took a few slices of ham from the plate passed to her, reached for a piece of bread, and spooned some relish onto it to make an open sandwich. She couldn’t eat until she’d said what needed to be told. John was the only one she’d told, and she knew he wouldn’t share the news until she announced it.

  “I have two things I need to tell everyone tonight. I know we’re all exhausted, but I’ll make it as short as I can.”

  “Sure, Niece. Go ahead. Listening doesn’t take much work.” Uncle Jonas folded his hands in front of him and waited.

  The others now focused on her instead of the food before them.

  “OK. Um, the first thing is that I received a call from Riley Gallagher to let me know that Mattie Cook transferred the deed of Ross’s house to me. She said she didn’t feel right taking what she knew Ross wanted me to have.”

  “That’s gut news, Kristen,” Uncle Jonas said as Aunt Elizabeth nodded in agreement.

  “Does that mean you’re moving back there?” Anna put her sandwich down and became very serious.

  “No, Anna. But it does mean that I can’t take the job at the Farm Style Diner.” Kristen turned her gaze to Mary. “I’m sorry, Mary. I’ll tell Mrs. Kraus when we go tomorrow morning. But I haven’t left her high and dry. On the way back to getting the sandwiches for lunch this afternoon, I had Angela stop at Katie Mast’s house. She seems so lonely and all. I decided to ask her if she’d like to apply for the job. She loved the idea.”

  “Denki, Kristen. I’m sure it will be fine with Mrs. Kraus. But why won’t you be able to work there?”

  “I want to spend some time at the house to clean it out and decide what I want to keep, and what I can sell or donate. It might take two weeks or so to get it all done.”

  “I thought you were going there with Jacob for the weekend?” John got ahead of her.

  She should have told him this before they left the store earlier, but he was busy with Daniel in the back rearranging things.

  “Yes, I am. But I got to thinking…I’ll probably need time to go through everything. I won’t be able to do much with Jacob there, so I’m thinking a week, maybe two to get it all together. Jacob will take a train back here on Sunday afternoon, and Angela will drive him back to Katie’s. He can then go back to Lowville whenever he wants.”

  “Is it safe to stay there alone?” Aunt Elizabeth fiddled with her kapp strings. Uh-oh, she was nervous.

  “I’ve stayed there alone more often than not. I’ll call Angela every day so she can tell you what I’m up to.” Kristen smiled, hoping to disarm the worry that had etched onto everyone’s faces.

  John’s held more than worry. There was a distinct trace of sadness there too.

  “You’ll all be glad to be rid of me for a while,” Kristen teased.

  John pushed his plate away and
stood. “I’ll be eating later.”

  “John!” Onkle Jonas’s voice rang out clear and loud.

  John turned and waited for him on the porch.

  Aunt Elizabeth motioned for everyone to eat again by lifting the platter of ham out and waiting for someone to take it in the fog of tension that now hovered among them.


  “I don’t know what is going on between you and Kristen. But it would be best if you kept your head in the presence of others, jah?”

  “I’m sorry, Daed. It bothers me that Kristen doesn’t yet feel that we care about her. That comment about us being glad to be rid of her got to me.”

  “John, Kristen’s mamm was broken and I s’pect she did her best to raise her, but it doesn’t surprise me that Kristen turned out broken, too. It takes time to fix what’s broke, jah?” Daed gave John a pat on the shoulder and turned to go.

  “Daed, I’m trying to fix her.”

  “Jah, I can see that. But some things only the Lord can fix. You’ll need more patience. She’ll soon have time to sort things out. Meanwhile, we’ll keep her in our prayers.”

  Sort what out? Plain or Englisch. Kristen was caught in-between. Her half Plain, half Englisch clothes practically called out for a decision.

  John sighed as his daed went back to finish his supper. While he was frustrated with Kristen, he also felt sorry for her confused state of heart, mind, and soul. Please, Lord, let her find herself. And let me be a help and not a hindrance to her.

  “John. John.” Anna ran toward him.

  “You said to save you a piece of the maple walnut fudge. It’s waiting on your plate inside.” She was breathless from running.

  “Ach, Anna. Denki for remembering. I guess I better finish off my sandwich first.”

  “Jah. Mamm left it on the table. Said you’d be back soon enough.” Anna grabbed his hand. “Come.”

  “Is Kristen still at the table?”

  “Jah, but she’s done with supper. She’s waiting to help me make more fudge for tomorrow. It’s easy. Wanna watch?”

  “I’ll watch while I finish my supper.” It would be Kristen he’d be watching more than the making of fudge. But when they walked into the kitchen, Mary was at the counter getting the ingredients for fudge ready.

  “Where’d Kristen go, Mary?” Anna’s face immediately fell.

  “She went off to bed with a headache, Anna. Told me to tell you gut nacht. I’ll help with the fudge for a bit.”

  Anna frowned.

  John shared her sentiment as he took a seat to finish his sandwich. Daed and Mamm were probably in bed, too. It’d been a big day. He wished he hadn’t left the table during supper in such a huff and hoped he wasn’t the cause of Kristen’s headache.

  Mary put down the sugar and turned to John and Anna with her hands on her hips. “Vell, I don’t feel too appreciated right now.”

  “Sorry, Mary. I wanted to teach Kristen how to make the fudge. She said she had a lot to learn about making desserts.” Anna opened the ice box and got out some butter.

  “How about I stay and learn?” John asked.

  Anna giggled. “Menfolk don’t make fudge.”

  Mary turned to John with a mischievous smile. “Ach, I think you want to learn so you can teach Kristen. Ain’t so, Brudder?”

  His reaction earlier in front of his family revealed more than he’d intended. “I won’t be denying that, Sister.” He returned her smile and they got to work.


  The next morgen when John entered the kitchen with Daed and Daniel, Anna was filling a basket with wrapped fudge, while Mamm and Mary placed breakfast on the table. Where was Kristen?

  When they took their seats, he could stand it no longer. “Is Kristen still feeling grank?”

  “Nee. She asked us before bed last nacht if she could go to the haus a few days early. She wants to redd up the place before Jacob’s visit. Angela picked her up half an hour ago. Jacob will go as planned over the weekend.” Daed ended his words with a slow nod, his gesture of approval on the matter.

  So, that was why she went up to bed so quick. Probably called Angela on her cell phone to arrange for a ride, and then talked it over with Mamm and Daed. Couldn’t she have waited a little longer to say good-bye? Had he driven her off? Was she staying longer than two weeks?

  “What about Kristen going to talk with Mrs. Kraus at the diner this morgen about Katie?” Maybe he could get more details if he prodded with sensible questions.

  “Ach, Mrs. Kraus won’t mind once I tell her that Katie will be coming today to apply for the job. So long as she can get someone to work the morgen hours.” Mary seemed perfectly fine with it too.

  In fact, everyone seemed fine with Kristen’s earlier departure. Except him. He decided to prod a little further. “Did you get to say gut-bye to Kristen, Anna?”

  Daed let out an impatient sigh.

  “Jah. I gave her some fudge to bring to her beach haus. She said she’d bring me back salt water taffy.”

  “That sounds gut.” John’s insides finally unfurled.

  Kristen would be back. Of course she would.


  The first thing Kristen had to do when she arrived in Bradley Beach was to meet with Mattie Cook and Riley to finalize Mattie’s wishes for the house. She decided to have the taxi drop her at Riley’s office for their appointment before heading for the house. After all, it wasn’t hers…yet.

  Even though Kristin had met Mattie many times over the years she was still unsettled about seeing her. Maybe deep inside, she blamed her relationship with Ross for the ultimate demise of her mom.

  When Kristen entered Riley’s office, Mattie sat at his desk. Red curls framed her freckled tanned face and the ‘I Love Boating’ tee revealed well defined muscles. As always, her love of the outdoors emanated from her rugged yet simple demeanor.

  Kristen nodded and sat in the chair next to Mattie facing Riley behind his large, gleaming mahogany desk. While she was grateful for Mattie’s generous action of transferring the title to her name, it was awkward being in the same room with Alex’s mother. Of course, the logical part of her knew that it wasn’t Mattie’s fault that her son was unstable.

  Riley told them each where to sign.

  There was a tremor in Mattie’s hand.

  “Are you sure you want me to have the house? Ross left it to you, not to me. So you have nothing to feel guilty about.” Kristen’s words hung in the air before Mattie nodded and her pen touched down.

  She signed and dotted the ‘i’ in her name then slid the paper over to Kristen and handed her the pen. After Kristen had signed it, Mattie turned to her and held out her hand.

  “Many blessings, Kristen. And I’m so sorry.”


  “If it hadn’t been for my boy, your mom would be alive now. I feel I should apologize for him. He’s too crazed to have remorse, I think.”

  Kristen blinked back the sting of tears in her eyes. She’d lost her mom, and Mattie had lost Ross and her chance for a happy marriage to him. Now all she had was a very disturbed, angry son.

  “It wasn’t your fault, Ross’s, or Mom’s. It was Alex…” Kristen let her words trail off.

  “Yes, my Alex had his own ideas about us. He despised Ross just because he wasn’t his father. If only I’d known what he was capable of doing. I’m so sorry.” This time Mattie’s eyes filled with tears. But she quickly swiped them away and stood to go.

  All the while, Riley had sat there, quiet, listening to the sad account of the demise of his two good friends. He quickly got on with things. Professional as ever. “Thank you, ladies. All I have to do is file this with the county, and we’re all set. Kristen, once you’re of legal age you can live in the house again, if you like. Here are the keys.” Riley held them out to Kristen.

  Now it was her hand that held a tremor.

  “Hold on a sec. I forgot all about that letter you found for Kristen, Mattie.”

  “Oh, yes. It was under the kitch
en table when I’d gone to the house to…pray, as soon as I’d heard that Ross had left the place to me. I went over, sat in the living room chair I always sat in when invited to the house, and prayed for him and your mother. And for you. I came away with my decision right then and there. Anyway, on my way out the back door I spotted an envelope on the kitchen floor with your name on it. I gave it to Riley to safe keep for you.” Mattie cast Kristen a timid smile.

  Mattie prayed for them? In her time of shock and grief, she’d prayed? Was God trying to get a message through to her?

  “Thank you.” Kristen took the envelope from Riley and glanced at it. To: Kristen. From: Mom. A shiver ran through her.


  Friday was already here, and Kristen’s unoccupied chair across from John continued to match the emptiness in his heart. He ate his meals quicker than usual to make short of his pain and to avoid any conversation that might lead to the topic of Kristen at her beach haus.

  So far, whenever Angela stopped by to tell Mamm of Kristen’s latest news, he’d been at the store. While he wanted to know that she was all right, he feared any news that might hint of her former world claiming her for its own. The only word he wanted to hear was that Kristen was coming back. To stay. With him.

  John was about to go hitch the buggy to Old Faithful and begin another day at the store with Mary and Daed, when Aenti Miriam opened the screened door.

  “Goede Mariye, John. I came to help your mamm catch up on some bread and pie baking before we go to the store this afternoon.”

  “That’s gut. Hope there’s a cherry pie in the batch.” John smiled and turned to go.

  “Hold on a minute.” Aenti Miriam stepped inside and handed John a shopping bag. “Here, I made a cherry and a blueberry pie last nacht for the kaffee counter. Now you’ll have your cherry pie.”

  “Denki, Aenti. I’ll ask Mary to slice it as soon as we get there. She’s upstairs getting her bag.”

  “I visited with Katie yesterday. Jacob will be on the train to New Jersey first thing tomorrow morgen. He’s looking forward to learning about Kristen’s life and seeing her again. It’s such a blessing, ain’t so?”


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