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Draconic Testament

Page 41

by Zac Atie

  “The woman. Did she ever love you back? What happened?” Zaxxarius asked, like a nosy teenage girl.

  “Aren’t you going to peer into the waters?” The Domini asked, changing the subject.

  “No.” Zaxxarius said, taking a quick step back.

  “Oh?” The domini asked. “I would have thought you’d jump at the chance. How shocking. Why not?”

  “I already know who would appear...” Zaxxarius said, hesitant and unsure. “And I’d much rather get to her in real life. Yes, I'm in a hurry, spending valuable time. I must be off.”

  “We’ll meet again.” The Domini said, as Zaxxarius ran off. Then, he entered the park, and head towards the waters. He stopped right next to the waters... then, he peered in. “Life is cruel, isn’t it?” He whispered. “That’s why I do this... You must understand...”

  Zaxxarius made it to the Tower of Xelphan, entering the doors of the reception hall. He made a left, nearly bumping into the two guards. “Let me past, please.” Zaxxarius said.

  “Ptooh. You jest, surely.” A guard said. “That’s not funny.”

  “I think this is-“ The other guard began.

  “I'm not joking. I'm Zaxxarius Elric, Overlord of Metholi. Let me past.” Zaxxarius said.

  “Knew it.” The other guard said.

  “Oh... I'm sorry.” The first guard said. “Your Paladin came by here earlier, to warn us you’d be descending... but Paragon Abaddon said-“

  “I know, trust me.” Zaxxarius said. “I mean no ill will. I’ll be back.” The guards smiled and nodded, and Zaxxarius was let past, into the basement. He descended the long stairs, and ended up face to face with a sphere, in the middle of a large room. He went up to it, and kneeled down to the sphere, running his finger along it. This was the source of the Mana in the Haven, the reason he felt so at peace there. He could feel it here, and it calmed him. “Off to be prince charming, saving princesses, then?” Vander asked. Zaxxarius knew he was there, in the corner, watching. “Yes. Thanks for the help.” Zaxxarius said, without turning around to look at him.“I think it’s a mistake...” Vander said. “An Overlord’s life is not just a lap of luxury, as I’m sure you’ve seen in the Monolith. You’d get over her when you experience far worse.”

  “Perhaps, but that would mean I’d be submitting myself to a life of selfishness.” Zaxxarius said.

  “What do you mean?” Vander asked.

  “It would be like living in a post-apocalyptic world.” Zaxxarius said. “Everyone is out to do what they want, and what they need to to survive. Your beloved is pleasure to them, your life is nothing, and your goods are forfeit. I don’t know how anyone could do that. Why would you hurt people so badly, and live in constant fear, nobody watching your back. No friends, no family.”

  “Some people find it fun.” Vander said. “Some people are sick.”

  “Yes...” Zaxxarius said. “That’s my point.” Vander paused a second.

  “You’re saying I'm sick?” Vander asked.

  “No, you just don’t understand how I feel.” Zaxxarius said. “If I simply wave her life away, how could I feel for anyone ever again?”

  “So that’s how it is.” Vander said. “You love her.” Zaxxarius paused.

  “It’s complicated.” Zaxxarius said.

  “Love always is.” Vander said. “Life wouldn’t be interesting if it was simple.”

  “Don't think I’m simply thinking about myself and her.” Zaxxarius said. “I know what I'm doing is arguably more selfish than chivalrous, but that’s only if I die. I don’t plan to.”

  “You sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Vander asked.

  “You’re already in enough trouble.” Zaxxarius said.

  “You know I don’t give a damn.” Vander said. “I was doomed when I was first made, anyway.”

  “What do you mean?” Zaxxarius said, confused at the turn of the conversation.

  “I... Don’t feel right.” Vander said. “My race is ‘supposed’ to be Cazrian, but I look human... I’m supposed to be another person, when that person is nothing like me. I was made for a purpose, like some android, and I failed at that purpose. I feel as if I’m an abomination.”

  “Vander...” Zaxxarius said.

  “Don’t. Don’t do that thing where you try to make others feel better.” Vander sighed. “I’m not Talia, or Veronica. It won’t work. The reason why I’ve been so attached to you other the years is because I’m somewhat like you. We’ve both been groomed into something without our permission and consent. I was so attached, that I forgot my duties, and things got complicated fast... I’ve been trying so hard not to betray you or my duties, but I’ve long forgotten the difference between right or wrong... So I’ll just go with your flow.” Zaxxarius didn’t know what to say.

  “Good. I’d like to keep your around. I need someone around to get on my nerves.” Zaxxarius chuckled. “And sway women away from my good looks.”

  “I suppose you do.” Vander laughed. Zaxxarius sat before the sphere, and Vander came up from behind him. “Will you need my magic opening it?” Vander asked.

  “No.” Zaxxarius said. “You’re free to go. Please tell the guards to let nobody back here, for whatever reason. Especially Abaddon.”

  “Alright.” Vander said. “He’ll likely catch onto what we’re up to soon enough, anyhow.”

  Zaxxarius stepped out onto the platform of his Haven, and turned to deconstruct the portal. Opening the portal was easy, but he expected that constructing one was a whole different story. He followed the basic steps that Veronica had when he took her to the Haven, and after that, it became rather easy for him. He just saw what step was next. He messed up a couple of times, but after retrying it a few times, the technique was clear, as if it were textbook material. Closing the portal was also easy. It was like pulling out a card from a tower of cards. He simply punctured a pattern that he had created, opening the portal, and a massive fault occurred in the portal, making it all slowly chip away. The portal disappeared, but it would be easy to pick up from where he left off and continue, though his progress grew less and less for each second he watched it. He turned around, and breathed in the earthen air. It was different. In Cazria, the air felt easy to breathe in, but here, the air was stuffy, like he was wearing tight clothing around his ribs, constricting his lungs. However, earthen air felt normal to breathe in, while the Cazrian air felt... artificial. Like an incomplete duplicate. He supposed that was the obvious feeling, as he had grown up in Earth. He closed his eyes, looking around in hollow sight. He could see Magi in some places in town, blending in with the humans, and more farther off. He could see Koreall from here, though there was no indication of them being underground, due to the Aura blockage implemented in the dirt. Then he realised. He could not see Veronica. Anywhere. That was something he didn’t think through, how he would find Veronica. He liked to plan things out, then execute them in a grand fashion, but he left out this one important thing. He sighed, angry at his stupidity. Then, he got to work, and set off. Uselessly, he walked around town, passing through the normal humans who lived their lives in Ignorance, though, that was not their fault. It reminded him of the saying “Ignorance is Bliss.” And while the existence of Magic and Cazria was not exactly a bad thing, he knew that knowledge of their existence would likely have dire ramifications on the populace of Earth. Not to mention, the ‘improvement’ Illuminos was talking about. Walking around, thinking of something to do, he lost track of where he was going. The whole notion of not being able to find Veronica after setting his heart on it made him ill. His head spun lightly of the realisation that he indeed would not be able to save her... To save the one he cared for. And then, on that thought, he ended up outside a very familiar house. It held many memories. He remembered being smuggled into this house after dark, and performing and receiving his first lusty acts in the room of his first and only girlfriend up till he went to Korreal.

  Talia Killjoy’s house. There was nothing left to do, so he decided
he’d pay a visit. He knocked on the door, hoping that Talia had not yet left, so he could say a proper goodbye before setting off to find Veronica. He never really wanted to part without actually saying anything. Nobody answered. He knocked again, yet, nobody answered. Again, same result. He looked through the curtained windows of the living room. That’s odd. He figured it looked like it was Afternoon, as the sky gave off an Afternoon feel to the day. Through the curtains, he saw a small square array of flashing lights. The TV was on. Why was the TV on in the living room, but nobody was coming to the door? “Perhaps you should avert your attention elsewhere.” A voice behind him said. He turned around. A figure in black robes appeared, but they were transparent. The voice was feminine, but it was hard to make out any features. He knew he had never heard this voice before. “I'm sick of people just sneaking up on me.” Zaxxarius said.

  “There are worse fates.” The transparent woman said. “I could have been the shadow of death, come to loom over your soul with my fangs bared, but, I'm not here to harm you, young one.”

  “Then what are you here to do?” Zaxxarius asked. He looked hard at what he could see of her chin. It was recognisably human skin. “You’re a Magi...”

  “Yes.” The transparent woman said. “I am a Magi, though I had never actually entered the ranks of either of the two factions. I dwelled on the Rhenium Council.”

  “More Council members.” He said.

  “You talk of your own council?” The woman asked. “Yes. I was in a council much like that, squabbling over petty plans for the Magi to push forward, trying to preserve a peace that was inevitable to fail. But it was not the Magi that concerned me at that point and time.”

  “What was it then?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “It was the will of my master.” She said. “The will of the Equilibrium.” Zaxxarius’ eyes widened.

  “You’re part of the Equilibrium?” Zaxxarius asked. “Who are you? I’ve nothing to say to you.”

  “No.” The transparent woman said. “But I have something to say to you. I once worked with the Equilibrium, but no longer, not after they took advantage of me and sold me off like cattle. Of course, I grew to think up of a counter-plan, which I'm working on now. Though, those are my own personal reasons, not ones of revenge... No, I’ve decided to be selfish, like you are now, and I am protecting me and my own from the grasp of the Equilibrium. However, I’ve come to you with a proposition.”

  “What is it?” Zaxxarius asked.

  “I want your help. I want you to head to Germany.” The transparent woman said.

  “Germany?” Zaxxarius asked, bewildered. “What for?”

  “I need you to enter the Sanctum base situated in Germany, and break down the portal that Sancterus raised in defence of your life. I want you to seal that portal, then flee back to Cazria, but only close your own. That way, Equilibrium’s plans will fail... for a time.” The woman said.

  “Why?” Zaxxarius asked. “Why do you want that?”

  “I’ve told you already.” The transparent woman said. “To protect myself, and those the equilibrium would seek out, and believe it or not... you and your friends. I'm sure you have people of your own to protect.” Zaxxarius nodded. In truth, he wanted to find Sanctum anyway, so the portal is something he’d come across in his travels anyway. It was the only logical thing to do to accept, otherwise, he’d have no idea where it was. “Alright.” Zaxxarius said. “Where’s the base?”

  “Go to Germany.” The transparent woman said. “I will contact you when you’re there. Remember, you can use Dragontongue on earth too. You’ll be able to understand German, and speak German using it.”

  “I know, thanks.” He said.

  “Watch over yourself, Elric.” The woman said, fading. “And your friends. Especially your friends.” When the woman had faded, he decided not to question anything she had said. He didn’t know who she was, or how she knew his name, but he figured that he should trust her. She just didn’t seem malevolent. Before departing, he looked upon the house one last time. There was nothing to be gained here, so he left.

  A plane to Germany. He was close to landing there, in a foreign land he had never been to before or knew practically nothing of use about. He read a lot of history about the place, but nothing on modern affairs. He was going to be considered a tourist in Germany, perhaps he should refer to himself as ‘Zaxxarius Von Elric’ as Vander called him. He had forged a passport in magic, and a whole bunch of cash also. He sat in luxury of the 1st class cabins, ordering all sorts of expensive things on his way there. They weren’t worth the money paid, but it killed the boredom immensely pretending to be royalty. They landed the plane in Hamburg, simply because he liked the name. The transparent woman had said nothing about where to specifically land, he had asked her where the base was, but she just repeated to go to Germany, so he did. He figured it didn’t matter how he got there, or where he got off, just as long as he got there. The plane landed, and he shuffled his way through the airport to get outside. His first time in an airport, since his mother was not all that much rich and had never gone on holidays, so he had no idea what to do there. He hated them, and hoped he didn’t have to ever look at an airport again after his ordeal of rushing from place to place, trying to figure out where he was, and where he was suppose to go, knowing that his flight would be leaving soon. He had made it, but he was angry. He also went white in fear as his bag passed through the metal detector, but sighed with relief when they didn’t detect the Arcana. He stepped out of the airport through the crowds, whose words translated as English with a rather stereotypical German accent, into the streets of Hamburg. He liked what he saw. It looked very industrial to him, with docks, trains etc. He walked through the streets, walking past looking at the docks, and ship building sites. He practically lost himself in the moment, walking by slowly, watching this, simply because he had nothing else to do. He tried hailing a taxi, but when it stopped two cars away from him, he stopped, and realised that he had only English money. He thought he could then turn the money into German money, but there were two problems. The first was that he had to do so while looking at the paper, and he was out in the broad daylight, and the second was... he didn’t even know what currency Germans used! He turned and ran, in embarrassment, leaving the Taxi driver in confusion. He felt lost, but he had magic, so he didn’t panic. If he didn’t have Magic, there was no way he’d throw himself into this embarrassing, and clueless situation. He wandered around, looking at the sights and watching for some sort of sign from the transparent woman. There was none he could see. He looked in Hollow sight. He saw the odd aura here and there, and one cluster, but he had no idea what state the Magi were in. They could all be Red Magi, Blue Magi, or something different. What would he tell them? That he’s an English Magi wanting to join them? He didn’t even want to join them, or find anything among them, but he figured he’d try to talk to them if nothing went his way later on. He was wary of random Magi Settlements, as he had to be careful that what happened to him at Split would not happen to him here. He was hiding his aura, as he always did automatically, a result of automatic self-defence from staying in an area rich with Mana. He wondered if that was a mistake, if the transparent woman may be losing his Aura from him trying to hide it. Again, he’d try to give it a bit of time. He hoped that Veronica also had time. After about 3 hours, Zaxxarius decided it was useless. He had enjoyed his time touring the unexpected, but welcome sights in Hamburg, but it had grown dark, and he hardly figured that he would spot a sign out on the once sparkling waters of the large river. So, with that, he went to the nearest hotel. He discovered that Germans used Euros, so, thinking himself stupid, he converted his cash into Euros. It was hard, and it wasn’t perfect, but it was passable. He checked into the hotel, and went to his room. He washed, looked at himself in the mirror, inspecting his skin and his teeth for the last time, then he went to bed, exhausted.

  He dreamt of Veronica, of that time in the forest, where he lay with his head on her lap, and
she kissed him lightly on the forehead. He had felt lips on his forehead before, from Talia and his mother, both out of reach, but Veronica’s lips felt different. He didn’t know why. His feelings were something that was hard to admit to himself, but they were there nonetheless. He couldn’t deny them. He didn’t have to hide anything from Veronica. She was like him, only far more damaged. He needed her, and she needed him. Then, Veronica got up to her feet, and Zaxxarius couldn’t move. He was stuck, lying on his back, staring up at Veronica. He spoke to her, asking her what was wrong, what she was doing. She didn’t answer, instead, she just turned, and began to walk away. Zaxxarius mustered strength to turn over, and watch as she walked away. He got up, and ran after her, calling out to her, but the forest stretched. He screamed so loud, but it came out as a quiet whisper, and eventually, the branches of the forest covered his sight of her, and she was gone. He began to tear his way through the branches of the forest, trying to get at Veronica, when he heard a window open and shut. That stopped him in his tracks, listening for what happened... then, he realised, and he was awake. Something had woke him up... He sits up, alone in his bed, looking around the dark room. He closes his eyes, and peers around in Hollow vision. He sees nothing, but he definitely heard it. Was a burglar in his room? He definitely heard a window open and close. He looked at his window in his room. It was far too small for anyone to fit through... so was it the en-suite bathroom? The bathroom’s door was ajar, and he could see nothing but the darkness within, pitch black. He was a little creeped out, but his power as a sorcerer quelled his fear. He got out of bed, then got out his Arcana, and approached the bathroom. He heard nothing as he approached. He stopped, to listen for any movement. Nothing. He opened the door, Arcana igniting, and illuminating the bathroom, and suddenly... nothing. “Stupid.” Zaxxarius sighed. Then he turns his Arcana off. As he does this, a furious blow hits his sword arm from behind, and he drops the Arcana. Then, he feels a gun at the back of his head, barrel pushing against his blonde swept back hair. A click, as the gun is readied. “Ready for death, Overlord?” A voice says. He freezes. A gun would most easily blow his brains out all over the wall, and be the end of him. It didn’t matter, it’s a machine that kills, and Overlords were not immune to a bullet being ejected right against his skin. He couldn’t erect a shield, he can only erect shields in front of him, and the gun was pressed against his head. Could he harden his skin? He hardened it, but all the same, it was still a rather big risk. “Bang.” He says, and as he says that, Zaxxarius’ heart leaps, and so does he, into action. He swings around, batting the gun away, and kicking his assailant backwards. Then, he conjures lightning to destroy his foe, but his medallion was off. The assailant rebalances himself, but Zaxxarius charges into him, slamming the large man against the wall and punching him hard in the gut. “Whoa Whoa!” The man said, but Zaxxarius attacked again, and tripped the man up. Then, he got on top of him and pummelled him, hitting his twice in the jaw. Then, he realised who it was. “Stark?” He asked, keeping stark grounded. He thought he knocked him out at first, but Stark was far tougher than that. “Yes, it’s bloody me!” He roared, spitting blood on Zaxxarius’ arm. It runs down, dripping onto his hand as Zaxxarius questions Stark. “The hell are you doing here?” Zaxxarius asked.


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