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Two Wolves and a Builder's Daughter [Werewolf Castle 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Cara Adams

  Her skin was pale, as if she always kept her legs covered by clothing. But there was clear muscle definition in her calves and thighs, so he guessed she must run, or go to the gym regularly, or do some other activity even though she didn’t exposure her skin to sunlight. Since her hair was fair, it was possible she sunburned easily, he supposed, or it might be that she preferred to keep her body hidden. In his opinion it was well worth seeing. Her waist was narrow, her belly almost flat, her ribs defined, and her arms, like her legs, slender but with muscles under the skin. Nowhere was she fat, but her bones weren’t sticking out on angles like he saw in fashion magazines. He’d always thought some of those women would break if a man hugged them.

  His final task was to slide her panties down over her hips, and then she was naked.

  Leonie leaned back against Roman and wiggled her ass. Brody saw Roman narrow his eyes and hiss, and guessed she’d rubbed that delicious-looking ass over Roman’s cock. Then she startled him by saying, “Well, when are you both going to undress? This isn’t going to be much of a success as a party if you both stay covered by all those clothes.”

  He snorted and tried to cover it with a cough, but the truly wicked look she gave him from between lowered lashes broke him up and she laughed out loud. “Can do.”

  He stepped back from her and took off his new clothes as fast as he could without ripping the fabric. He was pretty sure the Alpha wouldn’t provide money for a second lot of shopping just because he’d ripped all the buttons off this shirt in his haste to get undressed. But he didn’t want to take so long to get ready she had time to change her mind either.

  He didn’t bother to fold his clothes, merely piling them against the wall where they wouldn’t be in the way. Then he leaned over to pull the quilt off the bed. Luckily the bed looked plenty big enough for the three of them, unlike their beds in the student house. Even pushing his and Roman’s beds together, they wouldn’t be as wide as this one.

  Leonie was watching them and he thought it was just to see if everything was ready, until she nodded when Roman put some condoms on the nightstand. Ah, she must have been hoping they’d thought of protection. It was just as well Roman had made that stop at the little apothecary store in the town square then.

  “Come,” ordered Roman for the second time that evening, holding out his hand to Leonie and gesturing toward the bed. She nodded decisively and climbed up, settling herself neatly in the center with her head on a pillow.

  Brody sprawled beside her on his side of the bed and Roman matched him on her other side.

  “Now we’re going to kiss you until you come,” said Roman.

  “I don’t think that plan will work. It takes more than that to set me off,” she replied.

  “Ah, but you haven’t experienced our kisses before,” teased Brody.

  Once again he began with her foot, this time sucking each toe into his mouth in turn, before lifting her leg into the air and painting a wet trail up to the back of her knee. When he reached the sensitive hidden flesh at the back of her knee he sucked and nibbled, using his nose and fingers as well as his mouth to arouse her. Only when she was wiggling in his hands did he move higher to where her leg joined her body.

  Now he licked the line of the join, burying his face in her cunt and flicking his tongue along her slit and over her clit, before he returned to his side of her body and licked patterns on her thigh, huffing warm air over them, then trailing kisses up and down her leg.

  “If I hold your wrists like this, over your head, clasped tightly in my hands, how does that make you feel?” asked Roman.

  “But I want to touch you, too,” she replied.

  “Exactly. And being stopped from touching either of us, does that make what we do more exciting? Knowing you can’t tease us in return?”

  Brody paused in his licking to watch her face as she answered Roman. He liked the way her breasts were forced up because of how Roman held her hands. He also noted how pointed her nipples were. She was definitely enjoying what they were doing.

  “Actually, yes. It is more exciting.”

  “Good. Turn your head to the side.”

  When she’d done was he asked, Roman placed a pillow over her head. Brody understood. It wasn’t as thorough as a blindfold, but it would prevent her from seeing a lot of what was happening, especially if he was careful not to move into the tiny strip of vision she would have. That little space caused from the position of her head was needed to give her clean fresh air to breathe.

  “How do you feel now that you can’t see who is touching you?” asked Roman.

  “It’s a little bit frightening, but I can still breathe okay. It’ll be a challenge to work out which of you is which though.”

  Roman buried his face between her breasts, so Brody returned to her belly, this time playing with her belly button, and licking lines from hip to hip, before he moved lower. He tried very hard to go slowly to drive her crazy with need and desire. He wasn’t sure how successful he’d been, but this time when he licked along her slit it was moist with her cream. Cream that tasted fresh and sweet, just like the woman herself.

  Roman nudged Brody and he looked up and gestured with his tongue. Brody pointed to her cunt and Roman nodded. Okay he was supposed to tongue fuck her. Lucky him. She tasted so wonderful it would be a pleasure indeed. He spread her legs wide then settled his body between them holding her nether lips apart as he nibbled along the edges, placing tiny little bites here and there. Nips he hoped would arouse not hurt more than in a pleasurable way.

  She smelled delightful. Fresh and sweet like she tasted, but as if she was ripe fruit in a garden. The innermost courtyard at Werewolf Castle was planted with fruit and vegetables and she reminded him of that place. He breathed her smell in again, filling his lungs with her scent, before laving her slit one more time, then settling down to tongue fuck her deep and deliberately.

  As soon as he got a rhythm going Roman started to talk.

  “Has anyone ever spanked you, Leonie? How would you feel if I gave your pretty little ass a hard spank with the flat of my hand?”

  “No one has done that. I’ve heard it can be very sexy though.”

  “What about if I bit that tasty ass. Right on the cheek. Or I could nip your breasts. They’re more than a mouthful. How about I bite you just a fraction right here.”

  Brody was concentrating on his own task, but her entire body shivered and he was sure it was joy, not pain. He redoubled his efforts to arouse her, licking a circle around her clit, then sucking hard on it, noticing how it had grown and how hot it was. Then he thrust his tongue in her pussy again, licking up a fresh outpouring of her cream.

  Aha. She liked what they were doing. He couldn’t concentrate on Roman’s words anymore, but his friend was making BDSM suggestions to her and from her body’s responses she was more than ready to accept them.

  Once again Roman nudged him and gestured with his head to the condoms. Brody sat up and took one and sheathed himself then leaned over Leonie to hold her wrists while Roman rolled on latex as well.

  Roman picked her up and turned her onto all fours. “Brody’s going to fuck you from behind now. You’ll like that won’t you, Leonie?”

  She nodded, and the moment he thrust his engorged, aching dick into her cunt, she orgasmed around him. Brody had to stop moving, her pussy clenched and released him, clenched and released him again so hard, he was worried he’d disgrace himself and come on his very first stroke. He held his breath and concentrated on the woman whose hips he was holding. She had a lovely back, pale and straight. He took his hands off her hips and petted her spine, and her sides. Damn she was beautiful.

  He pressed kisses at the base of her spine and gradually he withdrew, then pushed into her again until he was completely surrounded by her hot wet welcome. Now he took hold of her hips again and started fucking her properly.

  Roman had tipped himself upside down underneath her and was sucking her breasts, but Leonie took the initiative again and
leaned down on her forearms and used one hand to guide Roman’s cock into her mouth.

  Brody smiled. He liked that she was independent and free-thinking. She wouldn’t be able to give Roman much of a blow job from that position, especially with him half underneath her, but it did give her a more active role in their fucking. Brody was sure she’d always be an active participant. She was smart as well as beautiful and used to being involved and taking the initiative. He liked that.

  Then he couldn’t think any more. She was gripping his cock and then releasing it in a rhythmic way that was destroying any hope he had of lasting much longer. Brody slid a hand over her hip and among her blonde pussy curls. He found her clit and began stretching it, flicking it, and finally pinching it. Leonie shattered once again and this time he gladly allowed his dick to have its wish and spurt his seed into the condom.

  Brody kissed her shoulder and neck, stroking and petting her clit until she stopped shaking in his arms.

  Roman crawled out from underneath her, and nodded at Brody so he went into the bathroom to get rid of the condom. He wasn’t quite sure what Roman had in mind, so he turned the water on in the shower anyway.

  As it happened he’d guessed right as Roman arrived with Leonie in his arms. They held her between them and washed her.

  She surprised Brody by kneeling in the shower and sucking Roman’s still large dick into her mouth. “I hadn’t finished my job.” She grinned around his cock.

  Brody crouched behind her and teased her nipples, cupping her breasts and stroking the sensitive undersides as she worked Roman’s cock. Soon Roman was holding her hair and directing her mouth where he needed it and Brody concentrated on keeping her nipples taut and her tension high.

  Roman groaned and came, then it was Leonie whimpering as Roman hauled her up to her feet and thrust his fingers into her cunt moving his hand this way and that as she shook between them.

  Leonie sagged back onto Brody. “Three climaxes. I’ve never come three times in such quick succession before. I’ll be lucky if I can walk tomorrow.”

  “Come out with us tomorrow night as well. We’ll spend the night together and see if we can make you come four times. I see that as a challenge,” said Roman.

  Brody knew he was serious and apparently Leonie did too.

  “And will you want to spank me?”

  “Would you like that?”

  “I think I would.”

  “Well in that case I’ll definitely spank you. And Brody and I’ll think up a few other little games to make you come screaming with delight.”

  Brody sure as hell liked the sound of that. His woman screaming in passion suited him perfectly.

  * * * *

  Roman and Brody followed her back to the small private hotel where she was living, then returned to their own room. Roman spent most of the last leg of their journey trying to decide where to take Leonie. He wanted to plan at least some kind of BDSM scene for her, but a regular hotel wouldn’t tolerate guests screaming, and nor would the hotel where she was living. No one would care in the student house where they lived, but it wasn’t the kind of atmosphere he wanted to take his woman, his mate, to. Which really only left him the option of finding a BDSM club and hiring a dungeon. At least the advantage there was he would have the use of their equipment and since his own toy box was back at Werewolf Castle, that was helpful. Assuming he could find a trustworthy BDSM club. One firmly following the “safe, sane, consensual” rule.

  He spent an hour surfing the Web sites and bookmarked a few places to check in his lunch break tomorrow before going to bed. Brody was already sound asleep. He was very lucky in the choice of his best friend. Since two males had to share a woman, if they hadn’t been able to cooperate and get along together as well as they did, it could have been a recipe for disaster. But they seemed to complement each other, having strengths in different areas, managing to work around each other’s needs, and they seldom argued.

  The next morning as he sat at his computer terminal entering data, he struggled to keep his mind on his task and not on the delectable Leonie at the other end of the room. Fortunately one of the files he’d been given contained some very interesting information about the Alpha of Turkey who was another contender for the position of Supreme Alpha of Europe, although not the man his own Alpha preferred, which was the Alpha of Denmark.

  Still, the Alpha of Turkey’s actions would be of great interest to both his own Alpha and the Alpha of Vienna. Instead of waiting until the end of day to send in his report, he read carefully through the file he’d been processing, then checked the data he’d entered was all accurate and complete, and emailed the report to both men.

  The struggle for power could become a total clusterfuck very easily. If packs started actually fighting, or even simply trying to sabotage each other’s aspirations, the situation could go to hell in seconds. He’d heard talk that the Alphas of France and Germany were also interested in the position and the Alpha of Vojvodina was already very actively canvassing for supporters and information. It all made him wish he was safe at home behind the castle walls, protected by distance and the mountains and the comparative anonymity of their pack, which was not aligned with anyone in the association. No one was supposed to know exactly where they lived, although anyone checking the area carefully would find them. That was the price of having to earn a living in this modern society. But then again, looking for a pack of werewolves in a tourist venture was extremely unlikely. Most packs stuck very close to their agrarian roots, or else conducted business online in a sphere where no personal contract was required. He’d even heard of a couple of packs running call centers and IT help desks.

  Roman gave himself a little shake and picked up the next file off the trolley. It would soon be lunchtime and he had to check out the BDSM clubs and book a dungeon for tonight.

  The first club he’d bookmarked had everything he wanted and needed. Roman felt torn between the idea that he should accept it, because it fulfilled his requirements, and the idea that he hadn’t made a sensible choice without looking at the other two. Finally he decided he could look at them for the next time—and there definitely would be a next time—and booked a dungeon with its equipment and a bedroom upstairs for afterward.

  He even had enough time leftover to grab a burger and munch it as he sat on his motorbike in the parking lot before returning to his desk.

  The files he entered that afternoon were all old ones, some dating back to several years before but he supposed they all needed to be on the system as one day the information in them might be useful. But he was still a little bit surprised because he’d assumed these were the files the other people were entering, whereas the ones he and Brody had been doing were current information about the other packs.

  At the end of the day he sent off a copy of his reports to the Vienna Alpha as usual and waited until the other people left. Brody was still working so he leaned back in his chair as if he was waiting for his friend. But as soon as everyone had left Brody leaned over and whispered, “I got back from lunch ten minutes early and Gustav was going through our folders. He said he’d brought us some more and I thanked him. But it looked to me as if he was hunting for something specific.”

  Gustav, they’d learned since they’d been working here, had been relegated from his old position as second in command of the pack to a general managerial position by the new Alpha.

  Roman guessed it was the one he’d sent straight to the two Alphas. Fortunately he’d shoved it right down the bottom of the stack of files. He’d started doing that so he didn’t keep reaching for ones he’d already finished, but it’d worked out excellently for him today as a secrecy strategy as well. Apart from the student working in Russian, the other people had separate trolleys for unentered files and to put the completed files on. But he and Brody shared a single trolley. He took from the top shelf and Brody from the bottom shelf. He supposed Brody had worked out a system of his own for differentiating between which files he’d entered a
nd those he hadn’t.

  “Tell the Alpha that in a cover email when you send your report tonight. I think it’s important.”

  “Yes, I’d planned to.” Brody went back to typing and Roman sat and thought. What the fuck was Gustav doing? He’d gotten the idea the man was opposed to change, but he hadn’t thought he’d deliberately try to conceal important information. Was it all about knowledge being power and a bargaining tool? Or had he decided to work for the Alpha of Turkey? Or someone else?

  It was very worrying, so he spoke quietly to Brody again. “Tell our Alpha as well.”

  Brody, nodded, still typing. After they’d packed up for the day, leaving the unentered folders on their desks and the completed ones on the trolley, Roman picked up the special folder and walked up to Leonie. “Who chooses the folders for us to enter?”

  “Andre, who works in archives, fills the trolleys first thing each morning and replaces all the entered folders. He’s just working systematically through the storage units.”

  “Sorry. I meant who chooses the folders Brody and I enter?”

  “Josie, the Alpha’s female mate, told me that those are ones that have been specially selected as of potential interest to the Alpha and the pack. Various people provide information and usually she locates them herself. Why all these questions?”

  “I think you should give her this one back personally. Brody saw Gustav looking through our trolley and we think he probably wanted this folder. The data in it has been sent to your Alpha. Also the ones I entered this afternoon were all very old folders. Not like ones I’ve been doing. It’s possible the ones I should have done have gone missing.”


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