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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

Page 21

by Renee Lindemann

  Jax and Holiday stepped off the elevator moving towards the exit. The two held hands as they made their way out of the hotel. Jax appreciated the few stares they received. Holiday was completely oblivious to the attention she received. He loved this outfit on her. The Lycra fabric clung to her body accentuating every curve. If there was something Jax loved, it was Holiday’s multiple curves. She was perfection to him, long legs, a flawlessly rounded ass, and hips he could hold on to while taking her from behind. Apparently, a few others thought so as well. Men openly gawked at her physical form. Jax felt his jaw clench but his internal glee rose. Knowing that others found his fiancée attractive was a heady combination of jealousy and pride. While walking across the street, a young guy hollered out of a car window.

  “Damn baby,” he yelled. “Nice ass.”

  Holiday laughed and dismissed the action. Jax said nothing but internally smiled. Once they reached the fair they immersed themselves in the attractions. It was fun to enjoy the festival offering with his best friend. She didn’t take herself too seriously and posed with goofy faces for his camera phone. They tried different foods making it plainly obvious they were a new couple. Multiple episodes of affection, hand holding, and smooches kept most of the attention off them. Several times men or women openly gawked at the couple. Holiday was lost in the fun with her fiancé without the albatross of Colette or any other drama. Jax was lost in her wide genuine smile. It made him feel good when she ignored several flirtatious women vying for his attention.

  “Hi,” a young blond woman cooed in Jax’s direction. He gave a gentle nod of his head but redoubled his hold on Holiday. The young woman made a telephone sign with her fingers. Jax shook his head side to side before bringing Holiday’s left hand up to his lips. He was sure to kiss the engagement ring as Holiday tore her gaze from a street performer. Looking up she took in Jax as he kissed the ring finger.

  “I love you,” she stated. Jax’s shy smile conveyed his love and devotion.

  “Your absolute loss,” the young blond woman sneered as her friends concurred with head nods. Jax and Holiday continued their fun before returning to the hotel. When Holiday entered the hotel room, she found it filled with gorgeous flowers.

  “Jax this is beautiful,” she gasped as tears brimmed her eyes. He walked Holiday over to the large floor to ceiling windows of the living area. He held her in his arms as they gazed out onto the city scape. Jax looked down into her eyes bringing his hand up to wipe away a few stray tears.

  “I will do my best to give you the world Holiday,” he whispered. “You are everything that I love and need.”

  “I don’t need the world, just your heart,” she replied. Jax pressed his mouth firmly against her lips. They were lost in the kiss that sealed their future as man and wife. The next time they kissed with such passion and finality would be at the altar.


  Jax paced back and forth while Simone tried her best to keep her son-in-law calm.

  “It’s going to be okay Jax,” she soothed and rubbed his back. “They are getting her prepped and ready.”

  Jax tried to allow Simone’s words to have the intended effect. He twirled his wedding ring around his finger, worry causing him to stress. He kissed the metal band and prayed everything would work out in their favor.

  “Mr. Pierce,” a nurse said calmly. “You can come back now.”

  Jax gave Simone a quick hug, Lacy gave his passing hand a squeeze. He followed the nurse down the hallway and into Holiday’s room. His wife was sitting up in bed and patting quietly. The look of relief on her face made him smile. She reached for Jax as the other nurse in the room looked up from the beeping machine. The woman did a double take and tried to control the expression gracing her face. She hadn’t been expecting the handsome man to walk into the room. Jax paid no attention to the staff in the room, his wife was his primary focus. Her curly brown hair was braided and pulled into a ponytail. Her sweat soaked brow gave him an indication that had been working hard.

  “I am here my love,” Jax whispered. He placed tender kisses on her lips and face.

  “Jax,” she whimpered. “This hurts so much.”

  “The epidural will help the pain,” the nurse said calmly. Holiday lay back on the pillow her chest heaving as the contraction passed. The nurse was right as the next contraction didn’t hurt as much as the previous contractions. The sounds of a rapidly beating heart filled the room. Jax held Holiday’s hand then kissed the soft skin.

  “Can my family come back,” Holiday asked her voice small. Jax could see she was exhausted after nearly four hours of labor. It pained him to see her in so much pain. The nurse smiled and shook her head. Jax watched Holiday’s eyes slide shut as exhaustion claimed her. He was grateful she would get some sleep. For the first few contractions afterward, she whimpered but stayed sleep. Jax bent his head and placed kisses on her distended belly. After two years of marriage they were going to welcome their first child. It had been a struggle not to find out the sex of the baby. He watched her rhythmic breathing, closing his eyes in prayer. The woman before him was everything in this world. After losing his adopted mother a few years back, he finally felt he had processed that grief. Now he had a family with Holiday. They would love and care for this child with everything they could.

  Simone and Lacy joined them in the delivery room, while Henry remained in the waiting room with Tobias. The three of them occupied themselves with television and reading while the baby progressed. Holiday continued to sleep for a few hours.

  “We are going to check you Mrs. Pierce,” the nurse informed. Holiday came to, groggy and allowed the nurse to do what she needed.

  “It’s almost time to push,” she said with a smile. “I am going to page the doctor.”

  “Ow,” Holiday whined. “What did you do? It’s starting to hurt.”

  The nurse smiled, “I didn’t do anything, baby is right there.”

  Jax’s bright smile light up the room. The thought of meeting his child in a few moments was exhilarating. He knew Holiday was still tired but he figured when she held the baby, it would become a moot point.

  “We are about to meet our baby,” he cried out. Jax bent over kissing his wife’s face.

  “I love you,” he said as his emotions rushed to the surface. He wished Emma could have been here to celebrate this day. After many issues, namely his past relationships, they were finally in a good space about to welcome their baby.

  The staff began to frantically prepare the room for the birth. Medical personnel rushed into the room, equipment was brought in for the baby.

  “Ouch,” Holiday cried out. “I need to push please!”

  Simone was quick to her feet with Lacy close behind. They stood on one side of the bed giving the nurses and doctor the space to deliver the baby. Holiday sat up with pillows propped behind her back.

  “Okay with the next contraction, push,” Dr. Johnson informed. He was in protective gear including a face shield as Holiday began the process. Using everything she could, she began to bear down. The cry that tore from her lips let Jax know the epidural would not make the delivery easier. Holiday continued to push until the doctor instructed her to stop. His fingers move around her birth canal as the urge to push quickly returned. Holiday started to push as Jax countdown.

  “One, two, three,” he counted softly.

  “Please,” she screamed as her baby’s head crowned. The intense pain and burning sensations scrambled her brain. She was sure she would pass out from the pain.

  “I can see our baby,” Jax exclaimed excitedly. Holiday pushed once more and the baby’s head popped out. The doctor stopped her pushing to suction the baby’s mouth and nose.

  “Take it out,” she yelled. Holiday shouted as the rest of her baby was delivered.

  “It’s a boy,” Dr. Johnson exclaimed. Jax wrapped his arms around Holiday as he erupted into tears. The new little boy made his presence known. The sound of crying filled the room.

  “We have a
son,” he cried. “Thank you, wife, he is beautiful.”

  Holiday’s chest heaved as the pain receded and a wave of tiredness washed over her. The sound of her son’s cries helped to refocus sleepy eyes. The fair skinned boy was displeased with the immediate attention. The nurse placed a clean baby blanket across Holiday’s now deflated abdomen. The doctor placed the screaming little boy on his mother. Holiday instinctively held onto her son, while he wailed loudly. Through a bevy of tears, she took in the gorgeous little boy.

  “My son,” she cried out. Jax furiously wiped at his own tears to gaze into the face of his son.

  “Welcome Junior,” he whimpered. “Welcome to the world.”

  About The Author

  Renee Lindemann has been writing for over ten years, mostly for friends and family. Her husband finally convinced her that it was time to start the publishing process. Love and the beauty of adult relationships have always fascinated Renee. Her novels may not be perfect but they tell awesome love stories. She brings her brand of contemporary adult love stories to a very captive audience. When Renee is not writing sizzling stories she works as a hospice nurse. Renee lives with her husband, four daughters, an old beloved housecat named Punk has since passed away. However, we still have a Ball Python named Blake the Snake, a cute dog named Gizmo, a Beta fish named Glenn, and Guinea pigs: Doc & Dollz.

  For More on Renee Lindemann


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