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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

Page 47

by A. R. Ammons

  it’s world enough to take my time, stretch my reason, hinder

  and free me: do a section on the garage roof snow and you

  will find several strata: I haven’t looked but I know


  235because I was here when they happened: fluff snow, grit

  snow, plain sleet, fluff snow, wet snow, more grit, and

  snow (regular): similar sedimentary phenomena might be

  expected elsewhere: and I have sat here by the window today

  and seen a direct relation between the sunny intervals and

  240the rate of eave-melt off the garage: that close a

  pull between the sun and my garage snow stuns me,

  though I would be the last to insist it do a thing for you:

  I really do not want to convince anyone of anything except


  that conviction is cut loose, adrift and aswim, upon the

  245cool (sometimes sweltering) tides of roiling energy:

  that’s not to despise conviction, definition, or other

  structure but to put them in their place: I hope

  you are in the middle income bracket (at least): I

  desire to be in the very high upper high outgo bracket:

  250to furnish forth energy out of nothing, except reflection,

  a few hard years, several procedures of terror and

  astonishment, New Hope Elementary School, assorted


  mothers and fathers (with the one and the one), fifty

  acres of ground, half swamp, half hill, Whiteville High

  255School, the Pacific Ocean, a small sweep through the arc

  of the galaxy, one arm of the spiral in particular,

  etc.: I know I can’t give all that back but so what I

  haven’t quit trying yet and anyway it’s just giving

  nothing to nothing: I’m somewhat shocked by clouds

  260of organic compounds in deep space but anticipate

  no flagrant reaction: I think it’s going to rain:


  our young don’t believe in time as future and, so,

  suffer every instant’s death: they don’t believe

  in the thread, plot, the leading of one thing into

  265another, consequence, developed change: without retrospect

  or prospect, they seek the quality of experience

  a moment’s dimension allows: thrill replaces

  goal: threat lessens and fractures time, shortening

  the distance to the abyss, immediate, a step away:

  270without calm, they can’t see tomorrow unfolding: the mind,


  too, can’t move beyond the surface event into the

  assimilations of higher, restful suasions where arc-like

  staying has beginning and end and smooth curvature

  reliable: hell is the meaninglessness of stringing out

  275events in unrelated, undirected sequences: remove danger

  (holocaust, suffocation, poisoning) from the young and

  their anxieties will unwind into long reaches of easeful

  seeking: not that anyone is, has been, or ever will be

  more than a hair away from disaster, and the statistics


  280on anyone’s living forever are unpromising: still,

  we have now a Myth of Disaster, and that’s harder than

  some other kinds of myth: with another snow coming, we

  drove out past Route 13 on North Hanshaw this afternoon

  to the tree farm for a scotch pine: there was half an

  285acre of perfectly spaced trees tied up to permanent

  stakes: that was enough, some of the stakes deserted:

  nevertheless, I bought a full, short, four-dollar tree

  which I’ve just put twinkle lights on: now, with


  the snow still steady, John and Robbie (his little

  290friend) are doing their part, hanging balls and

  icicles: Christmas is still five days away, but no

  matter—anticipation starts to burst out of little boys

  early, and a present to raising the tree must be opened:

  vent, vent: we need every trigger and valve we can

  295invent to achieve restless deflations: invent vents:

  my enormous, airy self sputters like a balloon at its

  inadequate outlet and shoots off spinning enlarging circles


  into the galaxy—or at least over the fence and treetops or

  halfway over the lake: when it gets too dry around here

  300in the summer sometimes, the little creeks nearly creak

  with drought, a dribble of a drop dropping off the

  dry ledges: well, I could use a little of that spareness

  of form and volume: imagine the luxurious lassitude of

  taking five minutes to swell into a drop and then let

  305go with a lengthy reluctance: the last drop bulbing

  from the spent member: but little boys have small


  emotional bladders and the pressure’s terrific: they’d

  rather have a string of little wows every day

  than build up to one big blast: I see the gully-wash,

  310lineated at the bottom with every stone the flash

  could reach and roll into marcation: the honeybee sings

  by the hard cactus, wings, spines, works his way up to

  the barrel-tip blossom wet, resilient with the roothair

  aperture of giving: somewhere in a dry trunk, the grog-rich

  315honey cushioning the beeswax: I see the industry of water


  variously dense and laden, the distributions, the little

  pools, saved lockets: the bead in the ant belly,

  the thread in a cactus vein, the reservoirs of birds’

  eyes: the droplet concentrations: I keep thinking

  320I’m saved, a shock of mild hilarity! I keep thinking

  I’m a pot eternity is dropping coins in! think,

  if you will, of that: or I keep thinking these words

  translate me into another body less affected by

  the weather and time’s clicking subtractions:


  325public, I have nothing to say to you, nothing: except,

  look at the caterpillar under this clump of grass: it

  is fuzzy: look at the sunset: it is colorful: listen:

  it’s hard to compete here in winter: snow makes the

  broadest impression, an ineradicable eradication: slows

  330and muffles: you can hear the snow fall, a fizz: if

  I cannot look at you, I can look with you: since there

  is something between us, let it be a thing we share:

  if there is nothing between us, I’m coming up with this:


  by the time I got the world cut down small enough that

  335I could be the center of it, it wasn’t worth having:

  but when I gave up center, I found I was peripherally

  no bigger than a bit: now, I have decided the former

  was the better: I must re-mount the center and force

  the world to subside about me: not easy and not

  340promising, but neither is surrender: still, St. Francis

  said if you give up everything it’s all yours: giving

  up is not easy at all: why is everything so perplexing:


  I feel in the company of the soul, however, nervous:

  I grow arch and curt: I talk nasty: I wink and grunt or

  345switch to salacity: I mouth reprovables: I don’t

  belong here, I try to announce: I am not worthy: I say

  to the soul, you know this is no place for me: I am,

  besides impolite, flawed: but the soul absorbs my defense

  and turns my pain into a pure form of itself, investi

  350my embarrassment with grace: I go out to the hedge bush-vine,

  but there is the soul, tangled with curvature: I look at


  the gaunt maple, but a nest is hung in it: I look

  at the points of the picket fence, but there, too, the

  snowflakes hold: in between, thinner than sight,

  355returns and compliances give and take: can I take this

  in, I ask, stand with it, assume it: can I talk of it just

  as it stalls against the garage, bends upward and outward

  around the eaves, picks up a drift and walks it to the edge:

  is there an accepting it so complete it vanishes, my wills

  360and motions tidings in a tide: ah, soul, I say,


  awkwardness is being conscious of you: I will move and

  do directly as I like and that way correspond to your

  liking: the point is just to get this page full so I can

  take it out of the typewriter and write some letters: sour

  365cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, chip dip: lizard,

  lick-flicking: rancher, ranching: fly, buzzing: tiger,

  hassling: cicada, burr-grinding: squirrel, leaping:

  chicken, walking: fur, flying: day, breaking: dove,

  alighting: fish, gulping: sight, seeing: nose, running:


  370a poem variable as a dying man, willing to try anything,

  or a living man, with the consistency of either direction:

  just what the mind offers to itself, bread or stone:

  in the swim and genesis of the underlying reality things

  assume metes and bounds, survive through the wear

  375of free-being against flux, then break down to swim and

  genesis again: that’s the main motion but several

  interturns have been concocted to confuse it: for example,

  the human self risks chaos by breaking down to a flash of


  single cells in order to plant the full human code early

  380in the beginning: and many other continuities of pattern,

  as slowed flux, work through the flux durably: adagio

  in furioso: a slow bass line to a treble revel: tell

  him he is lost, he will turn in there and show you what

  lost is, a positive sight: tell him his iciness is perfect,

  385he will lower the cold till perfection drifts like sleep

  to aimless absoluteness: tell him he is thin, he will

  become so thin the spiritual will take charge: he will


  turn into any failure abruptly as into a detour and find

  his way to a highway: tell him he knows beauty,

  390he will, going and trying, disclose ugliness: virtue is

  waiting anywhere to be by concision of dealing established:

  chiefly in the virtueless: huntsman, huntsman, how many

  hounds arunning: a lead-hound and a following:

  breaking, moving, and filling: people who dress up like

  395artists, their art form is dressing up like artists:

  the sun came up this morning without clouds before it:


  what is it, then, that the poem is trying to give us

  an image of: the ideal image of the ideal man: invariably:

  the realist wants to know ideally the ideal realist: the

  400ragged man and the ragged poem aspire to ideal raggedness:

  the loose or fragmented or scopy: the mind can’t conceive

  any way except into the desired image, the ideal, that’s

  the only way it works right: let there be, he said

  prayerfully though he was only talking, more mass and less

  405direction, so that the propaganda cannot get off the pad


  and the concision cannot gather to incision and the

  over-simplification cannot settle real clear, accumulative

  diversity a dreadnought bristling stifled guns: let

  there be, he continued, orb-gathered complication, fuzzy,

  410bewildering, so that right carries a heavy bilge of wrong

  and wrong looks as if it could sump out right: let—

  he moved to the rostrum—certainty wallow iceberg-deep in

  confusion: let nobody know very much precisely about

  anything in—here, puzzled, he dozed: take that lady:


  415her mind is always lying down pleasing the legions: it is

  a bow leant in a corner, gaunt with decommission:

  how long did that last last last: it’s snowing now with

  the sun shining: squalls with clearings: today is Tues-

  day: yesterday there were 9 hrs and 2 minutes of

  420daylight, sunup to sundown: that means light is

  broadening: right here at the edge of winter-beginning’s

  winter-ending: today will probably be 9 hrs and 3 minutes:

  tomorrow will be different, maybe 9 hrs and 4 minutes:


  what is the prevailing tone: are there minutes of the

  425last meeting: should articles be padded with dummy

  footnotes: are there any concepts to circulate: can

  anyone form a motion: if we stall, will we sink:

  if we run, will thinness split underfoot: the mind’s

  one: it pre-existed, I think: even before it was

  430mind it was mind plausible: it was the earth: when

  it is fully born, it will be another earth, just like

  the earth, but visionary, earth luminous with sight:


  it will be nearly half dark: contemplation dwells on

  one thing at a time: it will have lows and highs,

  435basins and high countries, peaks and abysses, naked

  seabottoms and naked summits: it will have interior

  circulations, crusts in slow flotation: the wind

  will blow through it and rock will confront it: it

  will be oriented to polar transactions: nothing will

  440be left out, nothing, not a thing, and yet it will be

  whole: there will be islands, island chains, bays,


  peninsulas, bottom spreads, inland seas, and mind will

  have below its active surface several layers of

  sedimentary history, though below that will be the

  445melts in high heat and heavy pressure, the mobility

  underlying encrustation and phenomenological flux:

  there is one mind and one earth: it was all there

  before it was first discovered and nothing will have

  been added when it is fully elaborated: and yet it is

  450completely unknown until made out: then the cosmos:


  why does he write poems: it’s the only way he can mean

  what he says: you mean, say what he means: yes,

  but it’s harder for him to mean something than say

  something: his sayings are facile, light-headed, and

  455discontinuous: he keeps saying in order to hope he will

  say something he means: poems help him mean what he says:

  poems connect the threads between the tuft of his head

  and the true water: that’s important to him, like roots

  to a turf: without it, the separation would be awful:


  460poems deepen his attention till what he is thinking

  catches the energy of a deep rhythm: then he becomes

  essentially one: one in thought and motion: then, he

  means: the recent forward brain is working with the

  medulla oblongata: by the time I get to the end of this

  465all, I’ll have to have found something to say to the

  people: this scratching around in the private self has

  to yield something beyond a p
rivate waste of time: I

  have to say, here is my drop of glue, now, somebody,


  hold the world together, or just yourself: I have to say,

  470here is a saying, binding: I must not when I get up on

  the soapbox wash out: here, I will say, is my offering

  to the people, these few words right at the center of my

  experience of me and you: the complicated, elaborate weaving

  of interconnection: I want to do well: I want people to say,

  475did you hear that, that sounded good: perhaps I will say,

  the cosmos, as I understand it, wants you to have fun:

  or I will say, your deepest error may be divine:


  much have I studied, trashcanology, cheesespreadology,

  laboratorydoorology, and become much enlightened and

  480dismayed: have, sad to some, come to care as much for

  a fluted trashcan as a fluted Roman column: flutes are

  flutes and the matter is a mere substance design takes

  its shape in: take any subject, everything gathers up

  around it: friend of mine is studying barbedwireology

  485and he finds you can marshal up much world and history

  around the discipline: barbedwire limitations and


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