The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 49

by A. R. Ammons

  tonic, subdominant, diminished: I can’t tell the

  significant significances from the insignificant

  significances: won’t you, I implored, thin out your

  745registration or, at least, give discernible direction

  to your componency: it would take a battery of tonometers

  just to find out about where you’re at: in the


  contextual sense: have something to say: say it:

  need you spray sense and be trusted only in the spray’s

  750shape: such enlargements of limitation often

  fail into disorientation at the center: boo boo pee

  doo: plot a course, Mr. Sulu: let’s split: poetic

  action mirrors human action: what preserves the

  absurdist through the enactment of absurdity, what but

  755the feathery need to touch ideal absurdity: the

  ideal’s an imperishable validity: the illumination


  identity takes thrust toward: it is the proposition

  how we are to live our lives: the ideal hero and the

  ideal anti-hero have ideality in common: heroes may

  760change ways, clothes, directions, moods, but all bear

  the pressure of ideality: James, the train robber,

  sublime: Appleseed, the life of service, yes:

  the vacuum cleaner salesman can, in our time, hardly

  give the imagination suction, gather dust into any

  765credible bag: rail splitter, spike driver, done, gone:


  the sum of everything’s nothing: very nice: that

  turns the world back in on itself: such as right

  when you possess everything, you’d give everything

  up for a sickle pear: I hope my philosophy will turn

  770out all right and turn out to be a philosophy so as

  to free people (any who are trapped, as I have been)

  from seeking any image in the absolute or seeking

  any absolute whatsoever except nothingness:

  nothingness, far from being failure’s puzzlement,


  775is really the point of lovely liberation, when

  gloriously every object in and on earth becomes just

  itself, total and marvelous in its exact scope,

  able to exist without compromise out to the precise

  skin-limit of itself: it allows freedom to fall

  780back from the thrust to the absolute into the world

  so manifold with things and beings: the hollyhock,

  what a marvel, complete in itself: the bee,

  how particular, how nothingness lets him buzz


  around: carless in Gaza, with a rocker arm on a valve

  785snapped, I to the gas station made it this morning,

  left car, and by taxi so-forthed with son and wife

  to University, son and wife going on beyond me to

  nursery school: lunch hour nearing, I decided to

  hitchhike home and did, first with a lady and baby

  790daughter all in a foreign small car, then with two

  toughlooking guys from Virginia, leaned front seat

  forward and let me in the back: we talked about


  the snow, local squalls filling the air even though

  the sun was shining: the driver said he had to get

  795back to Pennsylvania this afternoon: I asked if he had

  snowtires and he said, No, and said he’d heard he could

  get picked up if he got stuck without snowtires:

  whereupon, apprehensively bound to be cheerful and useful,

  I said when it’s so cold like today the roads

  800stay dry even with the snow because the cars blow the

  snow away as if it were feathers and that probably


  he wouldn’t have any trouble: just then a dog glanced

  out onto the road, the driver, pushing back in his

  seat, soaked on the brakes, and the car slid hardly at

  805all, verifying, as if by a universal complicity, my

  faith’s predictions: well, then, as we neared the

  Corners, things seemed with me a little brighter, so

  I said, that stop sign ahead would be perfect for me:

  he would have to stop anyway, and I would know

  810immediately, if the other guy didn’t open the door, that


  I was about to be robbed, killed, or bent out of my will

  which seemed about the worst thing: all went well,

  ruining the story: I got out, saying thankyous and

  wishingwells and walked about the mile down Hanshaw

  815home: just turning the curve in sight of home, I saw,

  as in a perfect vision, my wife and son pulling up into

  the driveway, driven back from nursery school in someone’s

  luminous stationwagon: I felt relieved: I said, ah, the

  broken and divergent lines of morning are coalescing:


  820Wilde in some ways contra naturam really was: he loved

  Art and set it against Nature, possibly because Art is

  overwhelmed by Nature and he identified with being

  overwhelmed: somewhat contra mundum, too: since

  social nature had a majority against him: well, he did

  825rather well, a sort of terrier of the mind: he barked,

  if mostly in the regions where opposites are clear, not

  reconciled: I admire that: why think nature good if it’s

  against you: if it’s against you, then it’s hard to


  approve even what produced you: not to approve what

  830produced you, though, bumfuzzles, since it’s a kind

  of suicidal vindication to hate nature in order to

  love the self: how twisty things are: nature ought to

  bear the blame, then, for fumbling, or society

  learn to approve nature even when it fumbles, as being

  835also nature: well, I don’t know what to hope in that

  way, since society is also contra naturam, a device, a

  convention: but if so how could Wilde come to love


  convention so, I mean, convention as artifice, not the

  conventional: Wilde, Art, Society, Convention—and then

  840convention damned him: that shuts off most of the roads

  and suggests not detours but deadends: when a lioness

  whelps a defective cub, she whomps it against the

  ground till it’s dead: well, I think we ought to put

  ourselves above the beasts and take care to be respectful

  845where persons move: provided all persons move with

  respect: we should exhaust all our virtues, first:


  though it’s gooseegg zero, morning sunlight hits the

  strip of woods broadside and a squirrel is sitting out

  pretty still on a limb taking in the direct radiation:

  850enormous jungle-like fronds of ice (and other configurations

  like species) have run across possessing the outer windows

  but, now, the sun up, thaw like a fungus is making dark

  melts in the foliage: the sun’s arc rises a little

  daily into the world, marking a slightly longer

  855journey along the ridge between rising and setting:


  yesterday afternoon, right after I had written about

  the adventures of the morning, the gas station called and

  said my car was ready: I had been thinking how many

  days, not how many hours, it would take: so John, that’s

  860his name up at Ned’s Corners Station, drove the car on

  down here to 606, less than a mile, and I made out a

  check for him ($19.3
9), dropped him back at the station,

  and took off for the University, free and mobilized again!

  the total parts came to $7.79, 1 push rod ($1.25), 1


  865rocker arm ($1.35), l rocker retainer ($0.50), l set 2

  gaskets @ $2.10 ($4.20), and 1 roll electrical tape ($0.49):

  the total labor was $10.50: r & r (remove and repair?)

  l. (left?) valve cover, r & r both valve covers, replace

  rocker arm, push rod, & retainer on #4 cyl intake valve:

  870all in all I thought I got off easy: one thing interesting

  is that Ned’s Corners Station is at 909 Hanshaw Road

  and I’m 606 Hanshaw Road: that’s configuration:

  today is, as I said, bright and cold: but 9 hrs 12 min.:


  everyday (somedays, twice) I remember who I am and I

  875metamorphose away through several distracting transformations

  till I get myself out in bidable shape on comfortable

  ground, and then the shows, the transactions, carry

  traces of such brilliant energy of invention that I am

  half willing to admire my new self, thrust into its

  880lofty double helices, so winding: well, that’s one way

  to get out of the dumps, but they say it’s wiser to

  find the brilliants right in the dumps themselves: but on


  the show side, there’s not only the show itself, bodiless

  if arresting, but the honest mechanisms that produced

  885the show: those mechanisms are earnest and work to

  conserve their energy through transformations with a

  greater efficiency than you can find anywhere in the

  dumps: I mean, the quantity of structured mass you have

  at the end is almost perfectly equal to that at the

  890beginning: on the dump, though, fire, efficient,

  will achieve nothing but ash, heat, and smoke: excellent


  change, but poor payload: or take rust, sluggish,

  but it operates okay, not that you can do much with

  ironic dust: the thing is to derive the jus commune

  895from the jus singulare: never must the jus commune

  breeze through eradicating the jus singulare: the jus

  commune must be merely a fall-out from happenstance:

  that way it can find some curvature (if any) with the

  actual: otherwise, the jus commune might become clear

  900to itself and propose imposition: never: never never:


  I don’t think I want to be buried here in these rocky

  hills: once underground, how could I ever get my arms

  free of the silk and steel, how could I ever with those

  feet travel through the earth to my sweet home country

  905where all the flesh that bore me, back through grandfathers

  and grandmothers, lies, and my little

  brothers and my little sister I never saw, born before

  me and dying small: and where will my living sisters

  be put down, not here, and their children who might


  910visit me sometime to weep: but, a running weed,

  I’ve come off up here and started a new offshoot

  nucleus of a family and that sort of act perhaps should

  be run into the ground: I mean, extended, preserved

  into the ground: but this is phantasmagoria: death’s

  915indifference will absorb living nostalgias and, anyway,

  earth’s a single mother and all who lie in her are brothers

  and sisters: jungle cats and mudcats, sleek and slick:

  the other night on Hee-Haw somebody said, “slick as


  a mudcat’s fin”: that’s slick: poetry to the people,

  920not that they will ever acknowledge it: well, it’s

  night now and still fair, the moon full: the temperature

  is dropping and the heater picking up: I put John’s

  tent together in the basement this afternoon: 8 rods

  of fiberglass, connected with flexible tubes into 4

  925lengths, those then run through the sleeves, aluminum

  sleeves adding support at the joints, and all brought

  together at the top: a zipper door: his little house:


  I looked up man in the dictionary and he was illustrated

  and, as it turned out, chiefly muscle, a red fabric, and

  930bone, the whiteness men share: this creature, I

  thought, has taken over, I know not whether because of

  the freedom of the fingerbones or of the wagging, detachable

  jaw, one about as gross and fine as the other: he

  depends, ultimately, I thought again, on grass but, my,

  935what a transfiguration from the grass: he sees, his

  vision air-clear: he tastes and feels: he thinks, ah:


  he devours: he falls into necessities, or madnesses, only

  his body can untangle: he carries in his lobed, zoned

  skull earth’s little supernova, the cerebral explosion,

  940somewhat in its stems and exfoliations like a mushroom

  cloud: in him is ticking the californium 254 he’s

  detected in bombs and stars, whether still in its

  first or some lesser half-life, unknown: but his little

  explosion is growing up to equal celestial models: for

  945example, the other night the paper said two nearby


  galaxies, hidden by our Milky Way, have been found, sight

  having made other kinds of sight hunting, eating, loving

  had no use for, some high conditions of burning: oh, yes,

  we’re in the explosions and we’re going to see them out

  950and no other course could be half as interesting: falling

  back can’t help us now, returning to nature’s lovely

  subtle mechanisms: forward to the finish, of course, the

  way it’s always been or to a knowledge how to avoid the

  finish: the possibility seen through to its perfect end:


  955the young are earnest, impatient: the older have learned

  the alternatives, to be wrecked or reconciled: oh,

  but it’s not that easy: combinations and degrees make

  life rough and rugged: yuck, yuck, the muck-sleet sings

  pone the midnight windowpane, and the shattery wind

  960the shutters shudders: the confessor yanks up a belch

  of privacy gone to seed: orangutans aren’t groupy

  as gorillas: cello alto solo pronto: if there is to be

  no principle of inclusion, then, at least, there ought


  to be a principle of exclusion, for to go with a maw at

  965the world as if to chew it up and spit

  it out again as one’s own is to trifle with terrible

  affairs: I think I will leave out China, the perturbations

  and continuities, transmutations and permutations of

  Chinese civilization because, since that is so much,

  970giving it up’s an immediate and cordial act of abasement,

  betokening readiness to leave the world alone as

  currently constituted (but, of course, how could words


  do otherwise!): but I’m willing also to leave out most,

  if not all, of the Amazon basin (all those trees, what

  975a whack), millions of islands I’ve never heard of and

  some big ones I have, all ocean bottoms, all very high

  places (whose spirituality blurs me), nearly all clouds

  (which come and go lots before they pass through here), and,

  if the population of the earth is
four billion people,

  980then nearly four billion people: am I safe yet: of

  course not: principles of exclusion become inclusive, etc.:


  hiatuses, non-sequiturs, and indiligences later (nine hours

  and forty-three minutes daylight) federal reorganizations

  and revenue-sharings, advancings on extremely heavy

  985volume, what is everything about or anything for:

  procedure’s the only procedure: if things don’t add

  up, they must interest at every moment: a

  difficulty: yesterday, severe, high-altitude winds

  took our lower atmospheres in tow, making highly-compressed

  990bottom stirs, thunder at noon, one flash and blam,


  and an even mixture of snow, rain, and sleet: zero

  visibility was visible as near waves and white streams:

  today is iron-fist windy and nudging zero: outside the

  pheasant have lost all fear: they hunker down by the

  995picket fence, inattentive as the enemyless, or knowing

  the enemy, too, must bear the cold: the ground is

  assuming the curvatures of wind, flat-open places skinned

  clean of snow, interruptions by fall-out being built up

  to, mounds with sharp precipices, sometimes a mound


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