The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 50

by A. R. Ammons


  1000breaking loose into strings of fast snow: I am unnerved

  by openness and pure prose: the blue spruce is like

  sprinkled with white crowsfeet, the inner intensive stems

  branching, holding snow the needles can’t: and into the

  huge, round yew bush starlings light and go two-thirds

  1005under: they peck the frit of snow the wind leaves

  and drink: I’m reading Xenophon’s Oeconomicus “with

  considerable pleasure and enlightenment” and with

  appreciation that saying so fills this stanza nicely.



  It was May before my

  attention came

  to spring and

  my word I said

  5to the southern slopes


  missed it, it

  came and went before

  I got right to see:

  10don’t worry, said the mountain,

  try the later northern slopes

  or if

  you can climb, climb

  into spring: but

  15said the mountain

  it’s not that way

  with all things, some

  that go are gone



  Particularly near sundown

  other worlds

  (dome on


  5suggest themselves to longing,

  tangerine airs,

  violets burnt out emeralds,

  time’s rush into wind sheet

  as the sun nears the ridge,

  10a skinny plane slipping

  at the last moment through

  the thinnest rift and


  where the sun locks

  15as with a melting opening

  the exact high center

  of another possibility—

  the self-justifying delusions

  of darkening,

  20this inscrutable by clarity

  & undifferentiation,

  this single-centered single


  spent in the mind’s-eye

  25gathering of peripheral sight.

  1971 (1972)

  The Arc Inside and Out

  for Harold Bloom

  If, whittler and dumper, gross carver

  into the shadiest curvings, I took branch

  and meat from the stalk of life, threw

  away the monies of the treasured,

  5treasurable mind, cleaved memory free

  of the instant, if I got right down

  shucking off periphery after periphery

  to the glassy vague gray parabolas

  and swoops of unnailable perception,

  10would I begin to improve the purity,

  would I essentialize out the distilled

  form, the glitter-stone that whether

  the world comes or goes clicks gleams

  and chinks of truth self-making, never

  15to be shuttered, the face-brilliant core

  stone: or if I, amasser, heap shoveler,

  depth pumper, took in all springs and

  oceans, paramoecia and moons, massive

  buttes and summit slants, rooted trunks

  20and leafages, anthologies of wise words,

  schemata, all grasses (including the

  tidal Spartinas, marginal, salty

  broadsweeps) would I finally come on a

  suasion, large, fully-informed, restful

  25scape, turning back in on itself, its

  periphery enclosing our system with

  its bright dot and allowing in nonparlant

  quantities at the edge void, void, and

  void, would I then feel plenitude

  30brought to center and extent, a sweet

  easing away of all edge, evil, and surprise:

  these two ways to dream! dreaming them’s

  the bumfuzzlement—the impoverished

  diamond, the heterogeneous abundance

  35starved into oneness: ultimately, either

  way, which is our peace, the little

  arc-line appears, inside which is nothing,

  outside which is nothing—however big,

  nothing beyond: however small, nothing

  40within: neither way to go’s to stay, stay

  here, the apple an apple with its own hue

  or streak, the drink of water, the drink,

  the falling into sleep, restfully ever the

  falling into sleep, dream, dream, and

  45every morning the sun comes, the sun.

  1971 (1971)


  For Harold Bloom

  I went to the summit and stood in the high nakedness:

  the wind tore about this

  way and that in confusion and its speech could not

  get through to me nor could I address it:

  5still I said as if to the alien in myself

  I do not speak to the wind now:

  for having been brought this far by nature I have been

  brought out of nature

  and nothing here shows me the image of myself:

  10for the word tree I have been shown a tree

  and for the word rock I have been shown a rock,

  for stream, for cloud, for star

  this place has provided firm implication and answering

  but where here is the image for longing:

  15so I touched the rocks, their interesting crusts:

  I flaked the bark of stunt-fir:

  I looked into space and into the sun

  and nothing answered my word longing:

  goodbye, I said, goodbye, nature so grand and

  20reticent, your tongues are healed up into their own


  and as you have shut up you have shut me out: I am

  as foreign here as if I had landed, a visitor:

  so I went back down and gathered mud

  25and with my hands made an image for longing:

  I took the image to the summit: first

  I set it here, on the top rock, but it completed

  nothing: then I set it there among the tiny firs

  but it would not fit:

  30so I returned to the city and built a house to set

  the image in

  and men came into my house and said

  that is an image for longing

  and nothing will ever be the same again

  Sphere: The Form of a Motion


  The sexual basis of all things rare is really apparent

  and fools crop up where angels are mere disguises:

  a penetrating eye (insight), a penetrating tongue (ah),

  a penetrating penis and withal a penetrating mind,

  5integration’s consummation: a com- or intermingling of parts,

  heterocosm joyous, opposite motions away and toward

  along a common line, the in-depth knowledge (a dilly),

  the concentration and projection (firmly energized) and

  the ecstasy, the pay off, the play out, the expended

  10nexus nodding, the flurry, cell spray, finish, the

  haploid hungering after the diploid condition: the reconciler

  of opposites, commencement, proliferation, ontogeny:


  often those who are not good for much else turn to thought

  and it’s just great, part of the grand possibility, that

  15thought is there to turn to: camouflagy thought flushed

  out of the bush, seen vaguely as potential form, and

  pursued, pursued and perceived, declared: the savored

  form, the known possession, knowledge carnal knowledge:

  the seizure, the satiation: the heavy jaguar takes the

  20burro down for a foreleg or so: then, the lighter,

  though still heavy, vu
ltures pull and gulp: then, the

  tight-bodied black crows peck and scratch: then ants

  come out and run around the structure, picking bits:

  finally, least bacteria boil the last grease mild:


  25so the lessening transformers arrive at the subtle condition

  fine, the spiritual burro braying free, overwhelming

  the hairy, and so must we all approach the fine, our

  skinny house perpetual, where in total diminishment we will

  last, elemental and irreducible, the matter of the universe:

  30slosh, slosh: vulnerability is merely intermediate: beyond

  the autopsy and the worm, the blood cell, protein, amino acid,

  the nervous atom spins and shines unsmirched: the total,

  necessary arrival, the final victory, utterly the total loss:

  we’re haplessly one way the wrong way on the runway:

  35conglomerates, tongues or eyes or heel strings that

  keep us, won’t keep: we want to change without changing


  out of change: actually, the imagination works pretty

  diagrammatically into paradigm so one can “see things”:

  and then talk fairly tirelessly without going astray or

  40asunder: for me, for example, the one-many problem figures

  out as an isoceles triangle (base:diversity and peak:unity)

  or, even, equilateral, some rigor of rising: and this is

  not to be distinguished from the center-periphery thing, in

  that if you cut out a piece of pie from the center-periphery

  45circle, you have a triangle, a little rocky, but if you

  cut off the arc, it sits up good, as (peak:center:unity)

  and (base:periphery:diversity): actually, one could go even

  so far as (peak:center:symbol:abstraction), etc., and the other:


  this works in the bedrock, too, or undifferentiated gas:

  50one feels up the two legs of the possibility and, ever

  tightening and steered, rises to the crux, to find

  there the whole mystery, the lush squeeze, the centering

  and prolongation: so much so that the final stone

  never locks the peak but inlet:outlet opens unfolding

  55into nothingness’s complete possibility, the strangling

  through into the darkness of futurity: it is hard at this

  point to avoid some feeling, however abstract the circumstance:

  if one can get far enough this way where imagination

  and flesh strive together in shocking splendors, one can

  60forget that sensibility is sometimes dissociated and come:


  I wouldn’t be surprised if the radiance we talk about isn’t

  that part of the structureless lust that rising from the

  depths gets by all the mechanisms of mediation and, left over,

  feels like religion, the heights visited; that is, the route

  65from energy to energy without frigging, an untainted source

  with an untainted end: when the professor rises to require

  structure in the compositions, he invokes a woman: he wants

  shapeliness intact, figure shown forth: dirty old

  man hawking order and clarity: but if he would not

  70be dark, what a brightness! though I am not enjoying the

  first day of spring very much, it is not with me as it is

  with my friend George, spending his first spring in the grave:


  windbaggery, snag-gaggling, yakety-yak, fuss: if you dig

  a well, steen it well: earth’s fluid: it moves: any

  75discontinuity imposed, opposing the normal intermingled sway,

  must be chocked full of resistance: and with a well, one

  can’t count on the mechanisms that stay by yielding to the

  sway: but if a well, steened well, can stay, it can be

  caused to bring together the truly fluid from the so-so:

  80precise imposition leading to separation, an unmuddling of

  clarity, a purification and cleansing invested with identity:

  from bunkum and hoarse gol-danging surgical nicety can remove

  a truth’s modest pleasantry: between the mixtures and

  distinctions, what is economy to prefer: a cheap bulk of


  85slush or a costly drop to drink: it is a choice imposition

  imposes: for myself I’m tempted to let the well

  cave in at times and the water stand to my thirst: I

  never did like anything too well done, a scary invitation

  to catastrophe: a bright challenge to the insuperable forces:

  90let it all mosey: there is no final resistance: nor any

  endless going along: if nothing in us, under us, or around us

  will redeem us, we’d better get used to the miseries: at least,

  unbuffaloed about the outcome: well, make the well well or

  don’t: (it has never occurred to me to face the terror but

  95as to how to hide from it, I’m a virtual booth of information):

  come to think of it I don’t have much smell in my works:


  though the surface is crisp with pattern still we know

  that there are generalized underlyings, planes of substratum

  lessening from differentiation: under all life, fly and

  100dandelion, protozoan, bushmaster, and ladybird, tendon

  and tendril (excluding protocellular organelles) is the same

  cell: and under the cell is water, a widely generalized

  condition, and under that energy and under that perhaps the

  spirit of the place: if we sink we go awash: so

  105thanks for the surface if also for the deeps: but if we

  pass through the discrete downward to the general, may we

  not also pass upward, to the high syntheses of overlyings

  and radiances, and may it not be so, extremes meeting, that


  the heights and depths somewhere join in a near-complete

  110fizzle of the discrete: on either side well-boundaried

  by the impassable, our selves float here, as

  safely as duration allows, time in its stew mixing as much as

  unmixing: I could not say, then, that the earthworm is not

  my radical cousin, and I could not say that my veins entering

  115along the cell walls disresemble the transportative leaf:

  I mean, if one speaks of mysticism, it makes good science,

  which is the best part of science, that it makes mysticism

  discussable without a flurry: and yet, too, the discrete

  annihilated, suddenly here it is, blandished and available:

  120things go away to return, brightened for the passage:


  desk chair, wheel-back side chair, armchair, country

  corner chair, bedside commode, side table, pad-foot

  side table, lowboy, credence table, console, drop-leaf

  table, writing table, armoire, refectory table, ladder

  125chair, washstand, pedestal table, tilt-top supper table,

  oak coffer, dining chair, settle, bedside table, bureau,

  serving table, chest, slant-front bureau, chest-desk,

  bureau desk, spindle-back dining chair, kettle table,

  corner table, bookcase, chiffonier: in the furniture

  130of the mind, diversity pushed into distinction is enabling,

  a pleasant calculation of possibility: the same can be

  said for footwear, glassware, software, and willowware:


  they say when egalitarianism is legislated into ultimate

  ramification, legislation and effect click

  135heels into totalitarianism: the smoothest sailing’s in
  a canal, the water as if abstracted out of itself, slack, mere,

  unresisting, aerial: while anything you tried to send

  down a ravine of boulders would be substantially altered,

  even something as compliant, accommodating, as water,

  140rushed, stirred, whitened, and sprayed, anything more

  got-up, say a watermelon, likely to be finished: anyone

  who knows sharp lakewater or blasted bay water or

  open sea water knows where he wants to sail, prizing the

  choppy, difficult, and swift: I do not smooth into groups:


  145the shapes nearest shapelessness awe us most, suggest

  the god: elemental air in a spin, counterclockwise

  for us, lets its needlepoint funnel down and gives us

  a rugged variety of the formless formed: and the great

  slow stir of the Sargasso cycles the weed in, a holding,

  150motion’s holding: snow from snow kicks up in a fume

  and sprinkles audibly the stripped lilac shrubs: the

  shape of air, deep as material, blunt off a cliff face: fire

  as it crowns out over forests and clings to

  itself exploding as if into a new fire: the gods near

  155their elemental or invisible selves turn or sweep or

  stand still and fill us with the terror of apprehending:


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