The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1

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The Complete Poems of A R Ammons, Volume 1 Page 61

by A. R. Ammons

the mind orange, blue with

  85desolation’s mold, something

  thin & high

  cuts through whatever is

  and makes no difference of difference:

  my mouth, become eyes, weeps

  90words: words spill


  hyacinths: for my acquaintance

  with grief is

  intimate, lost voices my credentials:

  95singing’s been sung: the same

  body is crying:

  fatigues snagged by wire,

  bodies sag in their buttons, collars

  flutter, surf jogs, the wind

  100all outside and usual:

  blue dusk fills up under the gold smoke:

  the sky violates nothing to intercede:

  I held her

  by the rose and

  105intruded: the petals

  slickened, silken: I shaved

  my head &

  offered it there:

  O rose

  110the microflora along your hinder walls

  are fast bloomers: tunnel-scapes

  beady with stiff

  moss: who keeps the saltsea keeps

  its plankton, not reasonable?

  115microflora, reproducing, don’t mind

  the long glider that

  coming shoulders out the wind to

  fundamental suction: collapsible

  I live with

  120spherical walls:

  everyway I look leaning in, leaning in’s

  the style &

  passing over: I pick pockets of

  perse pansies, poesies, posepays,

  125powder palls & wary:

  I had a little pony:

  his name was Dapple Gray:

  and every time I had him,

  he tried to get away:

  130who will eat from such a garden

  let him have an oedipal situation

  and my rights and privileges:

  that the triadic Hegel could have been

  evidencing his

  135genitals is a notion of

  such cracking solemnity

  birds fail to fly:

  some are spring harvests: today,

  April Fools’, a squirrel in the leafless

  140elm gathered torn bark and inner tissue

  from dead branches, wadding them

  into her mouth then going limb by

  thinning limb to leap onto the heavy

  electric wire, then going upstreet to my

  145neighbor’s streetside spruce: I

  think that’s

  where the nest will be:

  waste assimilated into

  use: the result a neatness

  150unpremeditated, a re-ingestion of


  so arranged it is that my wasted

  life becomes words

  that through complexity and

  155unstructured swirl

  seek the fall-out of

  comparable enhancements:




  tensions sprung free

  into events

  happenstance & necessity

  prediction & surprise

  165moment & forever

  and the gloomy, oh the melancholy,


  falling back and away

  of time-sunk persons and places,

  170ragged knots

  of a grounded, celestial kite:

  yesterday robins

  on the dark edge of dusk sang like


  175I went out to listen

  and they were robins:

  and on the cold edge of spring

  though on a warm day

  we went out into the woods for

  180hepaticas up

  along Six Mile Creek: we

  found one spring-beauty and

  by sun-warmed logs

  a few clusters of hepatica,

  185hundreds of plants

  but few bloomers: the

  backfall of creekwater was

  interesting, countercaps, and

  compensating, the up-creek water

  190along eddying banks:


  the dance about the fire,

  utterance of tongues,

  parlance of feet:

  195griefs can’t be removed,

  only altered, caught up into the

  timed motions

  of bearable sway:

  fall in love with yourself

  200where it’s shallow:


  thwart shriveling up by

  suddenly drowning:

  if change is certain, as say so many,

  205certainty is where there isn’t any:

  pop gun

  soda pop

  pop art


  210mom & pop


  pop in



  215I can’t get that star carted I said:

  flooded carburetor, cracked voltage

  regulator: I didn’t realize at once

  it was apt: a Starchief: and

  one day a man said looking at

  220the dash word, it has

  your name in it: Starchief: he

  was a good abstractor:

  I had a little pony:

  his name was Dapple Gray:

  225and when I tried to trim him,

  he had a lot to bray:

  an inch of snow last night but

  mid morning is bright and melting:

  the shadows are white:

  230napalm isn’t falling here:

  so what is it:

  first, an explosion near the ground:

  then a tarry rain,

  soft and afire, falls, crumbles, & sticks:

  235sticks to trees, houses, children,

  things like that: if

  it hits it’s 94.3% effective:

  I see my death, my horror, the radical,

  real, senseless pain,

  240as a coming afloat,

  rocking in a mastery of oceans:

  what time caricatures should

  time keep:

  to those busy making themselves

  245great, with grave music and

  solemn looks, a thorough using up and

  setting forth of language’s materials,

  I send

  empty statements, slip-shoddiness,

  250incredible breeziness and such:

  the wind we go to

  understands everything:

  I sing, though, in a way, the best I can,

  for I may be understood

  255where I do not understand:

  around the aureola matters get touchy:

  confusion erodes the ice-glass

  steel office buildings of rationality:

  anti-rationality only makes another

  260kind of thrust: complexity

  blurs the sleek towers, wilts the

  phallus of mistaken direction:

  welcome to your unattended,

  coin-operated, do-it-yourself


  bring and use your favorite bleach,

  soap, and starch: if

  machine is

  defective, please use another machine:

  270to start washer put money in coin meter


  (1) if slide type meter—slowly push

  slide all the way in: then slowly

  pull slide all the way out:

  275(2) if rotary knob type meter—

  turn knob:


  will start filling not later than ½

  minute after operating coin slide:

  280 stopcock

  cock & bull

  ears cocked





; cockiness







  dryclean wash ’n wears, even cotton

  295items: use this

  handy clothing guide: follow

  these simple steps:

  brush away loose lint

  and other soiling matter: turn sweaters

  300inside out: turn down cuffs of

  trousers: insert the

  necessary coins:

  rubbers, after several drycleanings,

  tend to lose elasticity: plastic-coated

  305fabrics often become stiff:

  beware sequins, beads, and other fragile

  ornaments, can get you into trouble:

  remove wear wrinkles and sharpen creases

  and pleats: some spots refuse

  310to come out, rust, mildew, dried paint,

  indelible ink:

  little artery, couple inches long,

  branching into cardiac muscle: it pops

  and you give up philosophy and

  315ultimate concern, car payments, son and wife,

  you give up the majors & minors,

  the way you like your egg cooked, your

  class ring, lawn,

  sparrows nesting in the garage, the

  320four crocus bulbs (maybe more next

  year), toenails and fillings:

  I wouldn’t want to happen up on any

  critters of eternity, absolutes that

  end the world: fellow said one star

  325up there in our galaxy is mostly

  gadolinium, a rare earth;

  nobody knows how the concentration occurred:

  then there are other surpluses and


  330that uneven the tissue:

  I wouldn’t want anything

  to get known tight: ignorance is our

  boat giving us motion: or, capsized,

  knowledge is our ark which is more in

  335line with the tradition:

  the ocean would then

  be what it


  spirit, though

  340it encompasseth mightiness, etc., however,

  cannot, like a motor,

  raise and lower


  nothing matters, believe me, except

  345everything: to sift & sort, magnify

  & diminish, admit & renounce, impairs

  the event:

  what the mind can’t accept’s obscene:

  the rest shines with an

  350additional, redeeming


  the light in the head

  of language in motion:

  the wave coming in, running, gathers,

  355lofts, curls—the instant of

  motion’s maximum

  organization: then: then one is

  forty & hollow: the curl’s reach

  redeems the hollow, equals it, till

  360the curl touches over: what is the

  use: the crashing, the hollow coming

  topside into wide prevalence,

  the flat waters skinnying out and

  rushing back—is merely endurance

  365until the next wave lifts:

  as for what’s left,

  dip it and ship it: to have made

  it here is not to have it made:

  entering is lovely:

  370such delicacies, scents, the

  feminine source, perfumes: cookies

  in the oven, delights:

  mixmaster, maxmister,

  mast me a mix, ur,

  375mix me a mist, ur . . .

  the mixers and blenders chew up

  differences: chomp & whirl

  to knotless paste: the spurt for


  380to compensate for which somewhere root,

  bark, leaf must make a walnut, some

  skinny saint rail through the cosmos,

  shot from earth by penury and dread:

  what is more costly or

  385needed than a mind shot to space by

  shiny thrust, a renunciation of

  earth, a negative blast away:

  I have seen all the way in with

  a white bang that they

  390are spheres, round solids, sprinkled,

  lightly, in a medium, not

  empty, called space and that

  these round bodies go round

  different orders of center

  395that swoosh away burning

  their peripheries and sucking

  their centers through virgin space, neither

  up nor


  400terror that that is

  the way it is,

  that particular way, a

  pure flower of terror:

  ancient souls sitting on

  405the bright banks of forever


  raptures of old acquaintance: for every

  never again,

  an always again: and young souls

  410from their quick missing

  quick as branches and glittering:

  where the lost remains, immortal in

  the foreverness of the lost:

  say good morning, say buon giorno,

  415say hi

  to infant brother, to mother, father,

  sit down under the golden pines on

  the slopes of no further parting:

  the Buddhist nun burns for the peace

  420her ashes will achieve:

  the village woman coming home finds

  her shack afire, her

  son & husband shot: she bends down

  where she is:

  425she is given tokens of the dead but

  her left arm like a sickle reaps at the


  for the harvest

  already taken:

  430through the reeds somewhere, as by a

  paddy or ditch in her head,

  wind burrs

  a leaf: the woman flutters,

  her grief absolute and

  435not a mystery:

  how can I know I

  am not

  trying to know my way into feeling



  tries to feel its way into knowing:


  indifferent what I say: the motions

  by which

  445I move


  merely a deeper congruence

  where the structures are:

  run my poem through your life and

  450exist, decommissioned,

  like rubble,

  innocent, slouchy on the uptake:

  the scramblers, grabbers, builders—

  rubblerousers: sticking stone to

  455false stone in a unity of walls which

  wants to come apart: let

  weeds and grasses move in among a

  scattering, make a little shade, hide

  mice, give burrows to ground bees,

  460byway hideouts to the engines of spiders,

  stones the

  owl can come and sit in moonlight on:


  should all be in a shambles, shacked up,

  465peeping round the grasshoppers,

  preserving a respectful quiet:

  don’t snatch & grab: grab snatch:

  laboratory tests attest,

  when a system of two bodies

  470charges and discharges itself

  it’s peaceful as tulips:

  can a 41-year-old man living on dandelion leaves

  from the cool edges of junkyards


  475songlore enough

  in the holocausts, boggy garbage,

  fly swarms, lamb bones, and rust-floral


  of his weedy search

  480to sustain interest:

p; the continuum, one

  and visionless, within


  the breakdown of pure forms,

  485arising of skyscrapers, laws,

  the high crystal-clear arising

  of theory:

  the evening blue-purple, the trees


  490the birds can’t quit singing: damp

  heat built

  and rose through the golden towered afternoon,

  broke finally into motion, as of

  descent, rain beating

  495straight down

  between racks of thunder:

  can anything be erased: can this day’s

  praising hold to the day it praises

  down the slopes of total entropy:

  500pray without ceasing:

  we found hailstones in the grass

  and ate them to cool:

  spurred stones

  with interior milkwhite halos,

  505an arrested spangling:

  the high hard water


  aching our tongues.

  1967 (1973)


  for my country

  Words of Comfort

  Words of comfort,

  a railing before the fray,

  mumbling shock

  away from seizure, between mts

  5a drone, narrative, longer wind runs

  than mourning, going on over

  past the waters of

  every expense of care

  can modes, syntaxes, rhetorics,

  10folkways compete

  with equanil (I think not)

  to put you away) to sleep

  (contemporary verse excepted)

  (pick up this week’s

  15feelings at your local drugstore)

  today misty drizzling (around seventy)

  the pleasant pheasant



  20into the shrubs and few

  birds bother: crows emphatically find dead

  trees to sit in,

  skinned branches, line up

  into the wind,

  25a black countercurrent

  drippy but cool

  get a poem big enough

  ocean-sea rivers

  stream around it

  30by the time

  a poem is the world

  the author is

  out of town

  pushing fifty—

  35those years you waited to fill out, you


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